Triple Sext: A Reverse Harem Bully Romance (Accidental Stepbrother Book 4)

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Triple Sext: A Reverse Harem Bully Romance (Accidental Stepbrother Book 4) Page 10

by Stephanie Brother

  I felt bad for him, orphaned at such a young age, but he’d managed alright. At least he hadn’t ended up in the foster system I thought as I walked down the street to his house.

  It was cold, and I had on a gray knit cap, black wool pea coat, a gray scarf, over my jeans and a dark gray sweater. I stuck my hands in my pocket as I walked on, lost in my thoughts. His life could have been so different if his parents hadn’t been rich. I’d gone to school with foster kids, heard their horror stories, and knew they could have just as easily been him.

  Even my own upbringing would have been different if my parents had been rich when my dad passed away. We wouldn’t have had to scrabble so much, and Mom wouldn’t have had to work so hard. She could have spent more time at home, with me, if things had been different.

  It wasn’t that I resented my parents for the poverty we’d endured, I just thought it would have been nice if Mom had been able to have an easier time of it. She’d worked so hard to raise me, and now to keep me in this really awesome school. I had let my head run away from me a bit lately, but I knew I had to get back to it. Mom and my family were counting on me to do well.

  If I wanted to get into the neuroscience program when it was time to do my master’s, I’d have to stay on the ball too. I had just reached the steps to his house when a car sped down the road, and then something was launched at me. “Stop lying about Rachel, you skank!”

  I felt something cold and hard hit me in several places, and then something oozy rolled down my face. The car sped away before I could really notice anything about it other than the fact that it was red. My face stung from the impact of whatever it was, and I screamed when I pulled my fingers away from my face. They were covered in something that looked a lot like blood.

  “What the fuck?” Keith called out as he came out of the house and looked at me. “Celia? What’s happened?”

  He pulled me to the steps and settled me on the bottom as he looked me over. His fingers moved tentatively along my cheekbone and pushed away whatever was lobbed onto my face. “I don’t know. I don’t know what happened. I heard the car, felt something hit me and somebody screamed something at me about Rachel. I don’t know what’s happening, Keith.”

  “I’m taking you to the hospital, come on.” He pulled me up and he led me to the car I’d seen so many times but never really paid a lot of attention to. This was one of those neighborhoods with car brands and names I’d never heard of before. His car was some kind of Italian car, with plush leather and expensive gadgets, but I didn’t pay any of that any mind. I was trying my best to wipe the stuff off me with my scarf, so it wouldn’t get on the seats of the interior.

  “Don’t worry about the car, darling, just try to get that stuff off you, even if you have to sling it in the floor.”

  I saw my hands were stained with whatever it was. Also, I thought the smell was familiar, but couldn’t quite place it. Keith drove quickly and walked me into the hospital when we arrived. I was called back after a short time, considering how many people were in the waiting room. A nurse took my vitals, someone else took my insurance information. A short while later, a doctor came in.

  “Let’s have a look at you.” He examined me, felt some of the goop that was still in my scarf, and looked at my hair. I grew concerned when he kept pulling at strands that had started to dry. “I think I know what this is.”

  “What?” I asked, my brain still on autopilot but coming awake again. “What is it?”

  “I think it’s hair dye. My wife uses it, but don’t tell her I told you.” The man said, his bald head and reassuring face somehow calmed her, even as she thought about having hair dye all over my body. “I think your hair might look weird for a bit, and it might take some scrubbing to get it off your skin, but I think that’s all it is. If you haven’t reacted by now, you shouldn’t have an allergic reaction. Let me send some down to the lab, and we’ll check, but I’m fairly certain that’s what this is.”

  Great, I thought as the doctor left the room, now I’m going to have speckles of red in my hair. And because it was so light, I expected the red would either be intense or an odd shade of pink. I wasn’t really sure how it worked, because I’d never used it.

  My aunt did though, and that’s when I remembered where I’d smelled it before. When she sat near me as she waited for the dye to work, I could smell ammonia and perfumes. That’s what it was. Some asshole had doused me in the stuff!

  “Why don’t you try to rinse it off your hair in the bathroom, before it gets any worse, Celia. I’ll be back in a bit.” Keith kissed a bare spot of skin on my forehead and walked out of the small room I was in.

  I looked at myself in the mirror once I was in the bathroom and wanted to cry. I had streaks of red down my face, on my forehead, and all over my hair. It wasn’t going to be pretty. And I barely had any hair left to cut off now! I let the tears mix with the water from the tap as I ducked my head down to the sink.

  Why did this keep happening to me?

  Rachel cut my hair and I would have thought that she would have been proud about that, but it was as if she wanted to hurt me even more. She was doing an excellent job of it. I needed to be strong since letting her know that her stunts had gotten to me, wasn’t going to make things better.

  No, just make them worse.

  That I didn’t know how to deal with this situation was my problem but I was sure that Becky would help me out. Especially, if I told her how bad things are getting. She was my only friend on campus. Even if I had treated her badly that one time.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  “Yeah, she’s going to be fine,” I said to my brothers through a Facebook group call, outside the hospital. “They’ve just fucked her hair up. Fucking again.”

  I heard both of my brothers swear and knew we had to do something. But we didn’t want to do too much, not until Celia knew about all of us. Not just Keith. We had a lot of explaining to do, I knew, which was why I hadn’t really wanted to play this game. Celia had changed my reluctance to eagerness, however, and now I didn’t want to let her go any more than Grant or Keith did.

  “Listen, we’ll figure something out later, okay? Right now, I need to get her back home and cleaned up. You two stay out of sight, alright? What?” I paused as Grant made a noise of protest.

  “It’s my turn, you dick!” he said and swore again. “But I know we can’t just switch up in the middle of this. Just get her home and we’ll stay out of the way.”

  “Good. I’ll have her there as soon as she gets her release papers. I’ll have her in the shower for a while, I’m sure. She’s got that shit all over her. Those fuckwits. We can’t let this go, but now isn’t the time.”

  “I’ll figure something out right after I jerk off, shall I?” Grant said petulantly but then changed tack. “Don’t let her cry too much, it makes her head hurt.”

  “I know,” I said annoyed at the reminder. She was my girl too and yeah it might be weird, but she was ours and we shared information about her amongst ourselves.

  “And tell her you’ll pick up the tab for anything she needs to have taken care of. She shouldn’t have to worry about money right now.” That came from Keith.

  “I already have, dickhead.” He knew he’d annoyed me when I called him that, but I didn’t care right now. I just wanted to get back in there to Celia.

  “Fine,” Keith shot back, “don’t keep her waiting now. Get off the damn phone.”

  I hung up on the call and put my phone back in my pocket. I was supposed to be studying for an exam tomorrow, but I’d heard Celia scream and I’d been the first one out of the door. The other two had been too slow, now it was me that had her for the night. It had been Grant’s turn but I’d let him handle her tomorrow. Tonight was mine and I wasn’t going to give up an extra night with her.

  “Let me get you home. Do you want some take out before we head back?” I asked as we left the hospital a little while later. Her hair had dried and it was an awful m
ess. Grant was already booking her into the salon in the morning and she wouldn’t have to live with this long. Not if we could help it.

  “I guess a burger would be good. Or tacos. I don’t know.” She put her seat belt on and stared out of the windshield. “Maybe I should just go back home and go to the state school.”

  “Why the hell do you think that?” I asked as I pulled the powerful car out of the parking lot and onto the road. “You have me, girl, we’ll get you through this. I know that car you saw and probably who was driving it too. They won’t get away with this.”

  “You don’t happen to have a security camera, do you?” She asked, her sad blue eyes round and lost.

  “I do, actually.” I’d forgotten about it, but I’d have one of the brothers go through it later.

  “Good. That will be helpful. The hospital said I could file a police report, but hair dye isn’t necessarily toxic. It’s still an assault though. Or battery. Whichever one it is. I can never remember.”

  “It’s okay, I know someone on the police force, I’ll have a chat with him when I can catch up with him.”

  “That would be good,” she all but whispered, before she leaned her head against the window on her side and closed her eyes.

  I drove through one of her favorite food places and got some food to go and then drove her home. I parked right in front of the house and held her hand as we walked inside. Her bag was still on the ground, a miracle in itself, and we carried that in with us.

  “Listen, tomorrow, you’re going to get up and go to the salon where this will all be fixed,” I said as we dropped everything on the table in the kitchen. I took her into my arms and held her tight. “You’re beautiful no matter what, Celia. Please don’t let them get you down.”

  “I’m not down,” she sniffled from somewhere under my head. Her nose was in my neck and her mouth was hot against my collarbone, but it wasn’t the time for sex or even fantasies about sex. It was time to comfort her. “I’m pissed, but also a little defeated. I really don’t get what her problem is? It’s like I knew that she wanted me out of the room. She has that. So, what now? What could I possibly have that she wants so damn badly?”

  She pulled away, grabbed a handful of napkins from the table to dry her face off, and sat down in the chair. She pulled off her coat and put it on the back of the chair. She’d cleaned it off as well as she could, but she’d had to toss the hat and the scarf. Her clothes hadn’t been touched, and she sat down now, normal except for the odd, deep pink color of her hair around her face and in splotches around the side and back.

  She looked cute to me, almost elfin, and I smiled as I shed my coat and sat down with her to eat. She pulled the food out of the bags and we talked while we ate.

  “It’s you…” she muttered as she realized what Rachel could want.

  I nodded, thinking that until now Celia hadn’t even asked how we got her number or how?

  That was one thing that surprised me, the fact that she never wondered how we got it.

  She didn’t wait for me to say anything as she blurted out, “I’m going to go to the campus police tomorrow.”

  Her tacos were gone and she’d finished off the cup of iced tea she’d had. “I can’t let her get away with this again. Or them? She put them up to it, somehow. I just know it.”

  I still wanted to be deep inside of her and when she smiled that incredible smile of hers, it was hard not to pull across her the table so that I could kiss her. Today was different, she’d been assaulted. Again. Tonight, I’d have to be easy with her, and make sure she felt safe. I wanted to let her know that I was there for her, not make her think I only wanted her to fuck her. I’d hold on to her tight, kiss her tears away and make her know that she was mine. Ours.

  I took her into the bathroom and I scrubbed away as much of the dye from her skin as I could. She hadn’t been able to get it all off in the bathroom at the hospital, but now I took my time and made sure it was all gone. I dried her off after that and took her to her bedroom. I could see the exhaustion on her face, so I put some of her favorite music on her television and we curled up together in her bed. We never brought her to our rooms, we only came to hers, it kept life a little less complicated.

  We’d been with her for two weeks now, and we’d almost been caught out a few times. One of us would come home early, or she would, and we’d have to scramble to get out of sight. It had also been hectic with our class schedule, not to be seen by her when she didn’t expect us. Luckily, most of my classes were on a different campus and Grant and Keith had become masters of disguise. It was still tiring, keeping track of who was where at all times, and when I slipped into the covers to cradle her close, my brain was just as tired. I wanted to beat somebody’s face in for what they’d done to her again but I wasn’t the type to hit girls. Never had been. I closed my eyes when she turned on her side away from me and let the world slip away.


  The sun wasn’t entirely up yet. What had woken me up, I wondered. I closed my eyes, needing a little bit more sleep. Celia was beside me, I realized. She had her hand on my dick, even though she was asleep. Little minx, I thought with a smile and rolled over, the need to sleep forgotten.

  “You awake?” I whispered in her ear as I rolled over to her, careful not to dislodge her hand. Rather than answer, she gripped me tighter and moved against me. That’s when I realized she was naked and I started to think she hadn’t been asleep at all.

  “You most definitely are,” she replied and brought her head up to look at me. “You want me, Keith?”

  She had to be fucking joking. My cock was hard in her hand and I couldn’t help the way I nudged into it when she stopped moving her tight grip over me.

  Of course, I wanted her. I couldn’t get enough of her or the lusciousness of her body.

  I slowly pumped my hips into the sweet, firmness of her grip and imagined it was the silky wet heat between her legs. I’d roll her onto her back and fuck her properly in a minute, but the feel of her hand on me was something I didn’t want to give up yet.

  This Celia wasn’t broken. Not anymore.

  Every time she touched me; it fixed her a little bit more. And when she breathed against my neck and told me how she wanted to make me come in her hand, I knew she had some of her power back. I was the more dominant brother with her and usually, I was always the one in control but every now and then she took her power back, took the power I gave her, and made herself stronger with it, as she did now.

  I let her have that power, I let her take what she wanted because I knew it would ensure she didn’t cry in the night. It would take away her loneliness, her insecurities, and make her the woman she was meant to be.

  She pumped me faster with her grip a little tighter, as she leaned over to lick a nipple. I didn’t know how good that felt until she did it to me. Now, I didn’t even try to stop her as her teeth nibbled at the tiny bud and my dick surged.

  The harder my dick grew in her hand, the louder she moaned and the more I wanted to come on her, in her hand, like she’d demanded I do.

  “That feels so good, Celia.”

  “Then come for me, Keith,” she whispered. “Come for me, and show me how much you want me...”

  I started to lick at her neck, but then I turned her face to me. I wanted her kiss. She sighed into my mouth as her hand worked me and I forgot that I wanted to kiss her, that I wanted her to bite my nipples. I gave her what she wanted and let my body take over for my brain. My hips surged against her as I started to climax. My hands clutched her to me as I felt each hot shot leave my dick, and she watched every single surge with excitement.

  “I guess I need to get ready for that appointment now, don’t I?” she asked with a smirk only seconds after the last shot left me. I couldn’t breathe. I was going to die, but I didn’t care. She’d taken everything out of me.

  “Okay,” I said and waved my hand in the air. “Have fun.”

  She laughed as she threw a robe on and leaned over t
o kiss me. “Don’t stay in bed too long. You’re going with me.”

  “Oh!” Fuck, Grant was the one going with her. “Just, uh, let me run downstairs and get a shower while you get ready.”

  I’d wanted to lie there and sleep until my class alarm went off, but I had to get out of her room. She pranced off to the bathroom, her pink hair a cloud around her face and I raced down the stairs. I went into Grant’s room, woke him, up, and then raced to my own room. I heard him go in the shower as I slid into my covers. It was his turn now. He’d better not fuck it up, either, I thought just before I sank into sleep again. I really think I might be falling in love. Something that I didn’t even think was possible was turning into a reality.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  “I kind of like the pink,” I told her when I saw her a few minutes after I got out of the shower. “It’s like you have a cotton candy halo around your head.”

  “Oh stop!” She patted at her hair, but it just wouldn’t lay flat. “I think that dye damaged it because it was on there so long. It made it kind of frizzy.”

  “I’m sure there will be something at the salon that can fix it,” I reassured her as we walked in the direction of the hairdressers’. I stopped and picked up two coffees and then we were on our way.

  The walk took fifteen minutes, but we were still early. Natalie let us in anyway, her eyes wide as she looked at Celia. “Girl, I have to teach you how to throw a hay-maker, don’t I?”

  She tutted and fussed until she had Celia in a chair with a cover snapped around her neck to protect her clothes. She examined Celia’s hair carefully and asked questions before she finally offered any advice. “Right now, I’d tell you to leave it alone. The hair was really damaged by the dye they threw on you. And if it was on there for two hours, it’s really, really damaged your hair. I have some treatments I can put on that will help a little, but you’re back to square one and growing it out.”


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