Bite Me Harder (a paranormal shifter novel) (Guardians of the Deep Book 2)

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Bite Me Harder (a paranormal shifter novel) (Guardians of the Deep Book 2) Page 23

by Chris Genovese

  Let Evelyn come at me!

  “Whoa, slow down, Rambo,” Coby said.

  Dammit. I need to learn to control this thing now. I don’t want him to hear EVERY thought.

  “Then you will definitely need to learn to control it. Here’s a tip. Think in your throat. Push your thoughts down when you don’t want to send them out to me and every shark in the vicinity. Scream them in your mouth when you do.”

  Sylvia wasn’t sure what he meant, but she focused on her throat when she thought the following.

  I’m so going to ravage you when we get back to the beach.

  He didn’t reply.

  “You heard me, didn’t you?” she screamed into her mouth.

  “Heard what?” he asked.

  She didn’t know if he was bluffing, but it didn’t matter, she was going to ride the shit out of him when they got back to the beach. Being a shark turned her on in ways she’d never experienced. Cold water slid past where her tits would be in human form and even though they weren’t there, she could imagine they were. She could practically feel the coolness between her legs, sliding through her pussy lips, and she wanted him so bad.

  She turned away from him and headed toward the nearest beach, not caring which one it was. Hundreds of islands dotted the waters off the Australian coast, and she was sure there’d be one somewhere in this direction.

  “Where are you going?” Coby asked.

  She didn’t reply. She knew he would follow.

  When she finally found land, she had no idea where she was, but a house sat far off in the distance, too far for its occupants to see what was about to go down. The location was perfect. Coby was quicker to get out of the water as he didn’t have the wobbly legs she did when trying to get used to the transformation. As she stumbled through the water, Coby ran to her and tried to help her up.

  “What are you doing?” he asked. “I thought you wanted to learn to fight.”

  “I do,” she said, “but first…”

  His limp cock dangled in front of her. She grabbed his balls in one hand, gripped his cock in the other, and dropped to her knees so she could wrap her lips around his girth.

  “Whoa,” he said and then moaned through the pleasure as she rolled his balls in one hand and frantically worked his cock with her mouth.

  She was starving for him, ravenous. Her hormones were out of control.

  “Is this normal?” she asked as she pulled her mouth away.

  “I don’t know,” he said, “but I like it.”

  She growled hungrily and forced him to fall back onto his ass where she planted her mouth around him again and sucked, taking him as deep into her throat as possible. Sylvia lifted her ass and enjoyed the feel of the ocean water slapping against her pussy with each roll of the tide. It licked at her folds and teased her clit. If she were a tiger shark shifter, she would have immediately transformed with the water touching her body, but as a great white, she was able to control it. She could savor the excitement of attacking his naked body in shallow water.

  “I’m so fucking horny,” she said.

  “That is normal,” he said. “It’s a great white thing. I thought I was going to lose my mind the first time I shifted…and I was a teenager so imagine it…”

  “Shut up!” she ordered.

  As much as Sylvia had always wanted to hear him speak, right now she wished he were the mute he pretended to be in the beginning. No words would satiate the burning inside her. Only one thing could.

  She crawled over his body, animal like on all fours, and slammed her palms against his biceps. He complained for a second, but then she pushed harder against his muscles and grinned at him, baring her teeth. She might have been a shark in the water, but she was a panther right now. She wanted to eat him alive, to fuck him until he could no longer walk, swim, or even speak.

  “Fuck me!” she yelled.

  When he started to speak, she closed her hands together, interlaced her fingers, and slammed them down against his chest like a sledgehammer. She could wait for him no longer. She lifted her ass, reached for his cock, and plunged it into her wet pussy. This time she didn’t slowly slide down and she didn’t cry or complain. She devoured his cock, driving her pussy down around him and hugging him so tight from the inside. She screamed. But this time it wasn’t in pain. It was in wanting more. She lifted and fell, feeling his cock so deep inside her she thought it might drive through her stomach. She didn’t care. She needed it there and deeper. She wanted to feel him in every part of her body.

  “Fuck me,” she cried through gritted teeth, practically foaming at the mouth. “Fuck me. Hurt me. Kill me if you have to, but don’t fucking stop!”

  Her head fell to his chest and she slid back against him, grinding her clit against his pelvis, forcing him into her again and again.

  “You want deeper,” he said, finally getting into it the way she was. “You want me to hurt you?”

  “Yes,” she begged.

  He flipped her over so hard her face bounced off the sand. Dirty spit flew from her mouth as she cursed him, begging him to hurt her more. She turned herself over again, sat up, and bit his chest, ripping at his flesh. Blood oozed out and she licked it up, biting him again and again, marking her man the way he’d marked her. He wrestled with her, trying to get the upper hand, but she was on him, gnawing at his flesh. Blood flowed from his torso and smeared against her naked tits and stomach. Finally, he won the match and flipped her over. He pushed her face against the sand, pulled her hands behind her back, and held them there. His large fingers wrapped around her tiny wrists and clenched around them like handcuffs.

  “You’re my woman, Sylvia,” he said. “Let me show you what my bite does.”

  Switching to a grip that allowed him to cuff her with only one of his hands, he mashed the palm of his other hand against one of the bite marks near her shoulder. At the same time, he drove his cock into her from behind. A burst of solar energy blasted throughout her entire body. Her arms and legs shook so wildly she couldn’t control them. The orgasm was immediate, and ravaged her body, rolling through every limb and coming out of her mouth with a high-pitched wail. Her ass trembled, and her pussy quivered around his cock. She was useless in his arms, practically lifeless against the sand as she came in a supernatural way that seemed to make the earth shake and the ocean explode all around her. Her eyeballs twitched, and her tongue shook inside her mouth. Coby continued to fuck her as her insides coated his cock, drenched her ass, and spilled down to his balls. She felt warm liquid heaven as his balls bounced against her clit, and she lost a part of her soul to him there on that beach.

  Later, when she would have been spent in her old human form, she listened to his lectures and copied his battle movements with electricity coursing through her veins. She felt so alive and so full of energy. She could have gone three more rounds with him, fucking her way into pure bliss, but the time for that would come later. Now, she needed to learn from him. Sylvia respected Coby. She admired him. Most importantly, she was falling in love with him.

  Chapter 23 – Rafe

  “The Party for Life Festival,” Thane said as the others sat around the campfire.

  Rafe leaned against a log with Kalina between his legs, her back to his chest. He loved the smell of her saltwater hair. Every time he breathed, he felt himself inhaling a part of her and falling even more in love with her. He wanted to tell her how he felt but it seemed too soon. He would sound like a buffoon. What man falls in love with a woman in a week? He leaned down and enjoyed the way her hair was flipped to one side, giving him access to her smooth neck. He planted kisses on her, imagining what it would be like if he were a shark. He would bite her there and mark her for life. That was their way, at least from what he understood. If she made love to him again, and bit him in the process, their orgasms would collide, and he would become one with her. He would be practically owned by her. That didn’t matter to him. He would gladly accept it if it meant he no longer had to pretend to be like
all the other people on mainland. He wasn’t like them. He never had been. He was like Kalina. He enjoyed life and wanted to spend it in the ocean where the real power was. Most humans didn’t understand the raw beauty below the water’s surface.

  “It’s the only thing that makes sense,” Kalina said. “Evelyn warned that war was on its way. Last time she attacked the barge. Sylvia was there.”

  “I was,” Sylvia said.

  The change in Penny’s friend was evident. She’d seemed so naïve when Rafe first met her. So quiet and cool. So sincere. Kind of like the seagull he’d found on the beach. Like Petey, she’d seemed almost fragile. That had changed. From the bite marks on her neck and arm and leg, Rafe could tell she’d been turned.

  “I was there when her monsters attacked all those innocent kids,” Sylvia added. “I won’t let that happen again.”

  “Well someone’s gone and gotten totally badass,” Penny said.

  Sylvia smiled.

  “Where’s Cobalt?” Penny asked.

  “Coby doesn’t do well with team meetings,” Sylvia replied. “I’ll fill him in.”

  At first, Rafe had been intrigued by Sylvia’s radical change, but then it bothered him. Why had Cobalt so easily agreed to change Sylvia, but Kalina refused to give him her gift? He needed to know why. And he’d no longer take no for an answer.

  “Yes,” Thane agreed. “I think you’re right. Evelyn is looking for something bigger than a barge. She proved she could fuck with me on a cruise ship…the day she nearly killed Penny.”

  He reached down and touched Penny’s face as he spoke. She smiled up at him. Rafe envied the two. They were the perfect power couple. Thane was a fucking rock star. The guy could do no wrong. He was the leader of these people, of these sharks, and as soon as he stood in front of them, that was clear. He commanded respect and he gave as much as he took.

  “Then she went bigger with that barge business,” Thane continued. “We fucked up that day. We weren’t prepared. None of those kids should have died. Poet shouldn’t have died.”

  At Thane’s words, Sylvia put her head down. Rafe knew Poet was Cobalt’s brother and hearing the man’s name obviously bothered her. She was connected to Cobalt now and could probably sense his feelings.

  Or is that vampires who have that connection? It would be nice if I knew for sure.

  “We should have known better,” Rickshaw called out, bowing his head after.

  “She outsmarted us,” Paisley said.

  “The bitch needs to die,” Faith said as she stood and walked closer to Thane.

  If Rafe had to guess who the queen B of the island was, Faith would be it. Not only was she ridiculously sexy in her tattooed human skin, the tales Kalina had told about her in shark form were awesome. Faith wasn’t one to be fucked with.

  “The barge was on the water,” Faith said. “That’s our home. We can’t let this bitch come to our home and kick shit around. It’s like we’re letting her walk through our front door and ransack our cabins. She pisses in our water each time she spills human blood. If we don’t stop her, we’re going to have to move. Kane is already on to our asses. He knows what we are. He’s tasked us with safeguarding the sea, and if we can’t stop Evelyn, we’re not doing our fucking job.”

  Thane put a hand on Faith’s shoulder.

  “Calm down, babe,” he said. “I know how much this bothers you, but you need to calm down.”

  Faith nodded her head and took a few deep breaths.

  “Evelyn has been creating a small army,” Thane said. “Hammerheads mostly, but we know she still has a few tiger sharks in her gang too. Who the hell knows what she has up her sleeve?”

  “I’ve seen them,” Rafe spoke up.

  Kalina looked over her shoulder, surprised that he was speaking out.

  “They’re a rough bunch,” he added, “but Kane kicked a few of their asses in human form. You were right. Evelyn has a lot of them in her gang and they seem pretty fearless.”

  “Fearless is good,” Thane said. “That means they don’t know what they’re facing.”

  “And they make mistakes,” Faith added.

  “Maybe,” Rafe said. “But they definitely outnumber you. Even with Cobalt on your team."

  “And me!” Sylvia shouted.

  “And Sylvia too, of course,” Rafe added. “Even with everyone you have here, you’re outnumbered.”

  “We’ve beaten worse odds,” Faith said.

  “My point is,” Rafe said, “you need more sharks.”

  “We could call for backup,” Thane said. “Maybe reach out to some of the Maori over in New Zealand, but I’d have to go there and recruit, and the festival starts the day after tomorrow.”

  “You don’t have time for that,” Rafe said. “But you do have time to make me one of you.”

  “No,” Kalina said, sitting up. “No, Rafe. Not under these circumstances. Maybe after…”

  “After what?” Rafe said sternly. “After the war is over and you may get killed? Fuck that. Turn me. And I have a few friends like me, wanderers, surfers who love the ocean more than life itself. I know they’d do this in a heartbeat.”

  “This kid’s nuts,” Thane said.

  “I’m not a kid,” Rafe said, standing up and backing a few steps away from Kalina.

  “Do you even know how we turn humans?” Thane asked. “Do you know the process? I mean it makes sense for you, maybe, with Kalina, but what about your buddies? Are we supposed to lend you our women?”

  “How many guys are we talking about?” Faith asked.

  “Three,” Rafe said.

  “I don’t see how that would be a problem,” she said.

  All the women laughed and a few of the guys chortled. Penny had to cover her mouth to stifle her laughter. Sylvia stood and gave Faith a high five.

  “I’m just sayin’!” Faith announced.

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” Thane said. “We’re not creating a litter of tiger shark puppies before a major brawl.”

  “Coby taught me to fight in one day,” Sylvia said. “If Faith is down, I don’t see why not. I could show them what I was taught and I’m sure some of the others wouldn’t mind lending a hand.”

  “Could be cool to have a few new brothers to chill with,” Kino said. “And our numbers have kind of dwindled if you know what I mean.”

  “With Rafe, his three friends, Sylvia and Cobalt, and potentially Kane on our side, we could kick some serious ass,” Ruby said. “I’m not going to say it’s the perfect plan or that I even like it, but it’s not like the old days when nobody knew we existed. Sure, we’re elite, but right now we can’t afford to be preserving our numbers. They’re right, Thane. We need an army. Rafe and his friends would make what…?”

  “Four new sharks,” Rafe answered.

  “No,” Kalina said again softy into her lap, already defeated, but making everyone aware that she was opposed to the plan.

  The meeting ended without a final agreement or disagreement. Thane had let the idea linger as if allowing his people to make the decision on their own. Faith was all about it. Rafe told her where she could find his friends and she dove into the ocean as if headed to an all you can eat buffet. He didn’t really expect that she’d go through with it, but the idea made him laugh. He could practically see Beanie’s face when this sexy as hell goddess stepped out of the ocean and told them their buddy Rafe had mentioned that they might want to fuck her so they could become shark shifters. If they were high at the time, they might freak the fuck out thinking they’d been sold some funky weed. If they were sober, they wouldn’t know what to think. Would they turn her down? Of course not. It wouldn’t be the first time they’d shared a woman.

  Chapter 24 – Kalina

  “Are you out of your mind?” Kalina asked as she grabbed Rafe’s face and kissed him hard. “This isn’t a game. I would turn you into one of my kind in a heartbeat, Rafe. For the love of God, I want to be with you every second, but not like this. I don’t want you to learn to
swim and fight and go into a battle in two days.”

  “First of all,” he said as he lifted his hands to her cheeks much more softly than she had with his, “the festival starts in two days, but that thing goes on for over a week. We don’t know when she will attack. Or if she even will attack. We’re all speculating. We need to think about other possibilities so we don’t get caught with our pants down like you guys did with the barge.”

  She knew he was right. It would be just like Evelyn to have them all assuming the festival was the setting of this huge plot she had planned, but what if they all rushed there, and she attacked someplace else? Rafe was smart. He was right. He would make a good member of their team. Of their family. But she was so afraid she would do this for him and it would ultimately lead to his death. It was too dangerous. Hammerheads were relentless, tiger sharks were ruthless, and for all they knew, Evelyn could have great whites or other sharks on her team.

  Team. As if we’re playing baseball instead of fighting to the death.

  That was the problem with all this. Her people were so used to fighting that they weren’t thinking of this as a dangerous mission. Sharks weren’t afraid of anything. Rafe wasn’t a shark though. He could think differently than they could because he would be afraid. He could think without the rage and callousness of a pissed off shark seeking redemption. Thane was mad, of course he was. Evelyn had made him look like a fool last time.

  “Come with me,” Kalina told Rafe as she took his hand.

  She led him down the beach and into the woods.

  “I want to take you to one of my favorite places here,” she said. “It’s on the other side of the island. It’s where I went to school.”

  “I suppose it’s where Penny’s baby will go to school?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she said. “Unless Penny wants him or her to study at a regular school on mainland. That’s difficult though. Juan Diego would have to take the child every day to school. Thane didn’t want to do that with me.”


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