Extra Credit: A College Reverse Harem Romance

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Extra Credit: A College Reverse Harem Romance Page 14

by Cassie Cole

  “Nah. Don’t feel like sitting in the car for three hours.”

  “Dude, it’s only two without traffic.”

  “Thanks, but I’m good,” Finn said. “Gonna stay on campus and chill.”

  “You’ll invite him home, but not me?” I asked, pretending to be offended.

  “My mom’s always asking when I’ll bring a girl home, but I don’t think she’d be happy if I brought home my history professor,” Zack said.

  Realizing the opportunity this presented, I asked, “When are you coming back?”

  “Late Sunday. My parents always want me to stay for Sunday dinner before I drive back.”

  Perfect, I thought.

  “That’s a shame,” I said. “The guy I’m dating said he wants to try group sex this weekend.”

  Zack muted the TV and sat up on the couch. “Seriously?”

  Finn laughed uproariously. “Now I’m definitely staying here for Thanksgiving!”

  “You told him about us?” Zack asked.

  I nodded. “He’s cool with it since neither of you are in any of his classes.”

  It was only partially the truth, but I didn’t mind since my primary goal was to avoid hurting Zack’s feelings.

  “Tell him to wait until the weekend after,” Zack insisted. “Then all four of us can get together for some fun.”

  “Fuck that, I’m game for this weekend,” Finn said. “You snooze, you lose.”

  “You would be into that?” I asked. “Adding another guy to the mix?”

  “Hell fucking yes,” Finn replied without hesitation. “The more the merrier.”

  Zack looked conflicted. I leaned up and kissed him. “If you don’t want us having fun without you, I can call it off.”

  He shook away whatever he had been thinking. “No. I want to be there, but I don’t want to get in the way of you guys having fun. You can have fun without me.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah,” he sighed. “Would this guy be willing to do it again when I get back?”


  Zack kissed me on the forehead and got up from the couch. “Then the three of you had better have a great time, so he wants to do it again.” He went down the hall to use the bathroom.

  I turned to Finn. “You think he’s jealous?”

  “Nah. He’s just sad he’s missing out. He’ll get over it after the break.”

  “What about you? Will it be weird with another guy instead of Zack?”

  Finn shrugged and caressed my leg with his tattooed arm. “It’s only weird if we make it weird. If we all accept it and have fun then I don’t see any problems.” He glanced up at me. “Does he have a weird dick or something?”

  I laughed at the absurd question. “No. His dick is quite lovely.”

  “Cool. Then it’s all good.”

  “Why do you care what the other guy’s dick looks like? You should be focusing on me.”

  “If it’s weird or something it might be distracting,” Finn said defensively. “When it’s a nice dick I can ignore it.”

  Zack emerged from the bathroom and I turned to him. “Finn says you have a nice dick.”

  Finn scrambled to sit up on the couch. “I did not!”

  Zack took it in stride and pointed at his roommate. “You’re swinging some nice pipe yourself.”

  I giggled as Finn glared at me.



  I couldn’t wait to tell Dominic the good news in person. Rather than wait for him to get out of class, I paid a visit to the large lecture hall in the history building. It had stadium seating around a lecture stage, and the doors were in the back of the room. I peered through the window: the room was nearly full and Dominic was writing on the chalkboard. I slipped inside unnoticed and grabbed a seat in the back.

  “Of course the second world war gets all the attention,” Dominic said. “Rightfully so considering the death counts and the atrocities committed in Europe and China. But the first world war was terrible in its own unique way. Who can tell me why?”

  One student raised his hand. “New technologies?”

  “Such as?”

  “Airplanes,” the student replied.

  Dominic wrote the answer on the board. “Very good. Aviation increased the death rate tremendously compared with prior wars. What else?”

  Another student raised her hand. “Chemical weapons.”

  Dominic nodded while writing that down. “Chlorine gas, mustard gas, phosgene gas. Of course. What else?”

  The students listed more answers. Machine guns. Barbed wire. Tanks. Submarines. Dominic wrote them all down and then tapped the board with his stub of chalk.

  “These explain the how,” he said. “But it doesn’t really strike at the why. Why was the Great War so terrible?”

  The class was silent.

  Dominic pulled on a string to reveal a map of Europe. “Think about the two wars geographically.” He rolled his hand in the air in the hopes of getting his students thinking. “The second world war. How much ground did the Eastern Front cover? Now compare that…”

  One of the students raised her hand. “The first world war was terrible because it was stationary?”

  Dominic clapped his hands together excitedly. “That is exactly right! Say what you will about World War Two, but the soldiers got to move around. The majority of the Great War was fought in this thin stretch of land in north-east France. Hundreds of thousands of men would die in an afternoon just to advance the front line fifty feet.”

  “Professor Karlson, why is that a bad thing?” one student asked. “Sitting around sounds easier than marching halfway across the Soviet Union.”

  Dominic walked to the end of the stage and then sat down on the edge, with his feet dangling over the side. He looked out at his students with solemn passion.

  “Imagine you’re a grunt in the French army. You’ve been sitting in the same trench outside Verdun for three months. Wearing the same uniform. The same boots, the same socks. Your only bath in months was the rain that poured yesterday, but it flooded part of your trench. Now your options are to stand in two feet of water and get trench foot, or climb out and get shot by the Kaiser’s boys. The air is full of flies, because between you and the Germans is a hundred feet of dead bodies. Thousands of them rotting in the sun. Some of those bodies are your friends, but you can’t clear them away or else you’ll get shot. You can’t sleep because a rolling artillery barrage pounds your stretch of the line every twenty minutes. The constant explosions eventually rewires your central nervous system to the point that even if you make it out of this war alive, you’ll never sleep through the night again.”

  Dominic was barely speaking above a whisper by the end, but everyone could hear him clearly. They hung on his every word.

  “That’s why staying in one place is so terrible,” he said to the student who had asked the question. “Because every day you become more certain that the little patch of mud you’re in will be your grave. That’s where we find ourselves in nineteen sixteen: locked in stalemate on the western front. Your assignment for Thanksgiving break is to finish reading chapter twenty-one. I’m not going to make you complete the end-of-chapter questions while you’re stuffing your faces full of turkey, but there might be a pop quiz about it on Monday.”

  “Is it a pop quiz if you warn us ahead of time?” one guy asked. A smattering of laughter drifted through the class.

  Dominic winked at him and said, “I won’t tell if you don’t. Have a great break everyone.”

  The students gathered their things and left. I remained seated while Dominic cleaned the chalkboard and packed his bag. Three students—all women—approached Dominic after class to ask him questions about the material. Based on how they played with their hair and stood very close to him, it was clear they had other things on their mind than the Great War. Dominic was patient with them and answered their questions without engaging with any flirting.

  He has the willpower of a saint
, I thought. That brunette’s tits are popping out the top of her shirt. It made me like Dominic even more.

  Eventually the girls departed and Dominic glanced up in my direction. A huge smile split his face.

  “I’m sorry, miss, but I don’t allow students to audit my class.”

  “Oh, I’m not auditing your class, Professor Karlson,” I said in a ditsy voice. “I’m here to see you.”

  “Me?” He walked up the lecture hall and sat in the seat next to me. His broad shoulders brushed against mine. “The Great War is far more interesting than I am.”

  “Not according to those three girls who spoke to you after class.”

  He rumbled with laughter and stroked his chin. “They weren’t subtle. That’s for sure.”

  After seeing him deal with their flirting with poise and professionalism, I was feeling defensive about my own relationship with Zack.

  “Don’t tell me you’ve never thought about it.” I knew I was projecting my own behavior onto him, but I couldn’t help but wonder.

  Dominic snorted. “Of course I have. I’m only human. But my willpower is strong enough that I would never act on it. Don’t worry.”

  I leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. “As a reward for your good behavior, you get to have a threesome.”

  He whipped his head around to make sure the room was indeed empty. “You found someone?”

  “I did. Assuming you’re free this weekend.”

  “Of course I’m free this weekend. Even if I wasn’t, I would clear my calendar.”

  “Saturday night, then,” I said. “His name is Finn. He’s actually a male stripper. And no, he’s not in either of our classes.”

  “Finn? Like, Huck Finn?”

  “I think it’s short for Finnick.”

  Dominic grinned. “A stripper. How do you know him?”

  “Met him at a bachelorette party earlier this year.”

  “And you two have…?” Dominic trailed off.

  “We have slept together,” I said simply. “He’s excited to join us.”

  Dominic hugged me tightly. “I’m excited too! Are you sure you want to do this? I don’t want you agreeing to anything you may be uncomfortable with just because it’s a fantasy of mine…”

  “I’m very sure,” I said. “Heck, I’m the one who gets to have all the fun!”

  “I will have plenty of fun,” Dominic insisted. “Trust me.”



  The last time I saw Zack before Thanksgiving break was in class on Wednesday morning. After class he gave me a secret smile before leaving the lecture hall. I wished I could have given him a more private farewell, but at least he wouldn’t be gone long. I would see him again in four days.

  That night he texted me while I was eating dinner.

  Zack: This is going to sound cheesy but I don’t care. I really miss you.

  Me: I miss you too!

  Zack: You just miss my dick. Admit it.

  He punctuated it by sending three eggplant emojis.

  Me: That’s not true! There’s more to you than your thick cock.

  Me: There’s also your cute little butt

  Me: And your tongue that does WONDERFUL things to my pussy

  Me: And the lips that wrap around my nipples

  Me: And your six-pack abs…

  Zack: You’re not helping your case.

  Me: Okay, okay. I miss more than just your body. I wish we were cuddling together watching TV.

  Zack: If I was there we wouldn’t be cuddling ;-)

  Me: Is that so?

  Zack: I would do terrible, filthy things to your body.

  Me: Incomplete answer. Partial credit.

  Zack: It’s good to know I can tease you more than you can tease me!

  Me: Oh, I can definitely tease you more.

  Zack: I’m alone in my room and my family is asleep. Do your worst, professor.

  Me: Challenge accepted.

  I tried to think of what naughty things I could do to tease him. Nude photos were obvious, but too easy. I could pull out my toys and show him what I wished his cock was doing. Better yet, I could take a video. Or stream it to him on a FaceTime call.

  That idea was what led me to think of an even better idea.

  Me: You awake?

  Finn: Was about to go to bed.

  Finn: Unless you got a reason for me to stay up?

  I pulled a bottle of lube out of my special drawer and left my apartment. I only had on my pajamas and a t-shirt. I wasn’t even wearing shoes but I didn’t care. I hurried to the elevator and pressed the button.

  The door opened, revealing a big family crowded in the elevator. There were two adults and seven kids between the ages of five and eighteen. There were four suitcases.

  “Going up?” the dad asked.

  I hastily hid the bottle of lube behind my back. “I’ll wait for the next one.”

  “Nonsense! We can make room. Come on everyone, don’t be shy…”

  The family squeezed together to make room for me. Too embarrassed to decline, I awkwardly entered the elevator while holding the bottle of lube at my side protectively. I wished I had a better place to hide it besides shoving it in my pants. Why didn’t women’s clothes have pockets? Curse the fashion industry!

  I pressed the button for Finn’s floor and waited for the doors to close. The little boy to my right tugged on my shirt. “Do you know Bethany?”


  The mom laughed and said, “Tim, it’s a big campus. I’m sure this nice young woman doesn’t know your sister.”

  Nice young woman. They thought I was a student. That was a nice boost to my morale.

  “Sorry, I don’t know any Bethany,” I said.

  The little boy looked skeptical. “You’re not wearing any shoes.” He pointed to the bottle in my hand. “What’s that?”

  I must have turned five shades of red as he examined my bottle of lube.

  “It’s hair gel,” I said. “I’m taking it to my friend on the tenth floor.”

  “That’s why she’s not wearing shoes,” the mom said. “Okay, here’s our floor. Bethany is apartment eight-oh-seven.”

  I sighed with relief as they filed out of the elevator.

  “Why’s your face red?” Finn asked when he opened the door for me.

  “Because I just had a little boy ask about my sex lube,” I replied.

  Finn grinned a boyish grin. “That’s why I always take the stairs when I’m smuggling sex toys around.”

  I kissed him hard on the lips. “Meet me in the bedroom.”

  On the way there I made a FaceTime call to Zack. He picked up instantly. He was sitting in bed, shirtless.

  “I’m ready for the teasing,” he whispered. “What’ve you got for me? Some fun with toys?”

  “Better than toys.” I turned the camera toward Finn, who was removing his shirt while following me into his bedroom. “I’ve got the real thing.”

  “Sup buddy,” Finn said with a wave.

  Zack groaned. “Okay, you win. You’re a much better tease.”

  “Well, if you want me to turn off the camera…”

  “No!” he quickly said. “Don’t turn it off. I want to watch.”

  I propped the phone up on Finn’s nightstand and aimed it at the bed. I blew him a kiss and then turned to face the tattooed brunette who was bearing down on me. He cupped my face with both hands and we fell to the sheets, kissing passionately.

  We made out for a few minutes, grinding into each other like teenagers who were afraid to take the next step. I glanced at the phone to see Zack watching with hungry eyes. Finn removed my pajama bottoms and then grunted.

  “No panties. Nice.”

  “They just get in the way.”

  I turned to the camera. “You think I should suck Finn’s cock?”

  Zack let out a long sigh. “I think so.”

  I pulled Finn’s shorts off and began blowing him while on my hands and knees, making sure my ass
was facing the camera. Knowing Zack was watching increased the fun substantially, even though he couldn’t actively join in. His arm moved on the phone screen. He was touching himself.

  “I have a surprise for Finn,” I told Zack.

  “What is it?” he replied.

  “Yeah, what is it?” Finn asked. “Does it have to do with the special bottle you brought?”

  “Bottle?” Zack said.

  I opened the bottle of lube and covered my fingers with the cool material. Then, while still sucking on Finn’s thick cock, I reached behind me and rubbed the outside of my asshole. Coating my skin with the lube.

  “Oh man,” Zack said.

  I inserted one finger, then two. They slid inside with ease.

  “You’re killing me.”

  Finn sighed as my tongue swirled around his cock. “I told you dude, you snooze you lose. And it looks like you’re about to lose badly.”

  “You can turn it off at any time,” I said. “You’re a willing observer.”

  “I want to do more than observe.”

  Even though Finn’s cock glistened with my saliva, I coated him with enough lube to do the trick. Then I twisted my ass around so that Finn could have easy access while still remaining in view of the phone.

  “I wish you were here too,” I whispered to Zack. “Then both of you could fuck me in the ass.”

  “You sure you’re ready?” Finn asked.

  “Mmm hmm. Go slow.”

  I relaxed as Finn’s cock pressed against my asshole. The tip slid inside easily, as did the first two inches. Deeper and deeper it went, filling me with the taboo sensation of a cock in my forbidden hole.

  I let out a long moan. “Oh, that’s good. Much better than last time.”

  Finn exhaled. “You’re taking it like a champ.”

  I looked over my shoulder. “Taking what? I want to hear you say it.”

  He gazed down at me with a playful smile. “You’re taking my cock in your tight little ass like a champ.”

  I moaned with pleasure in response.


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