Lucas (Members From Money Book 20)

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Lucas (Members From Money Book 20) Page 8

by Katie Dowe

  “None of your business,” Jasmine said rudely getting ready to move.

  “You don’t get to talk to me that way. Do you know who I am?”

  Jasmine laughed in genuine amusement. “People are still using that expression? I know who you are, Blondie. Do you know who you are?”

  Sherona stepped forward as if to lash out at her but Jasmine faced her squarely ignoring Lucas for the moment as he came between them. “Try it, bitch, and you will be unable to look at that pretty face for a long time. Just try it.” With that she turned and walked away. He caught up to her at the bar.

  “Leave me alone and go back to your princess, Lucas,” she told him as she knocked back her gin and tonic.

  “She is not my princess.” His voice was amused as he looked at her. She was tough and she was going to make it impossible for him to get closer to her but he was not going to give up! His heart was at stake! “What time are you leaving?”

  “Whenever I want. I am my own person.”

  “Will you cut out the tough act, Jasmine?”

  “Who says it’s an act?”

  “Whatever it is cut it out.” He took a deep breath. “Look I know I did not call you but I was trying to work things out inside my head.”

  “Do you think I care that you have not called?” she asked him sarcastically as she turned to him, crossing her long legs and looking as remote and unavailable as the highest mountain. “We had a fling and it was great! If I had to choose I would have chosen you as my first lover because, honey, you knew what the hell you were doing and you made me feel things that-” She stopped suddenly and swallowed her drink. “You made me feel wonderful. So I am here to tell you that you do not have to feel guilty about anything. You can go back to your life and that blonde idiot who looks as if she is made of some finely spun glass. You are not my type.”

  To her shocked surprise he pulled her off the stool and into his lap. “You think I am afraid of your tough act?” he asked her softly, his arms like steel bands around her small waist. “I see it for what it is, my sweet. You trying to make me so angry that I will leave you alone. I am not that easy to shake so you might as well get that through that thick beautiful head of yours.” He leaned in and kissed her so thoroughly that she was trembling when he let her go. “I will wait until you are ready and I am coming home with you tonight no matter what you say!”

  She stared after him heatedly as he walked unhurriedly to the opposite side of the room. She lifted trembling hands to her throbbing lips and felt the weakness invading her body. She had felt his erection when she had sat on his lap and had wanted him to take it out and placed her on top of it sinking it deep inside her! With a shaky sigh she steeled herself and went to work!

  She wandered around the room and met several of the wives. Kelly was a stunningly beautiful former international lingerie model who had quit the scene shortly after she had married her husband Kane Takahashi. The tall dark moody looking man hardly left his wife’s side and they were as unlike as any couple could be but they seemed to make it work very well. He stood back and allowed his wife to take the spotlight which Jasmine admired very much. The atmosphere was sumptuous and elegant as befitting the Takahashi’s name but there was a casual friendly atmosphere in the air. The food was mostly light and incredibly delicious and guests were allowed to make their own plates or ask someone to make it for them. Jasmine made discreet little notes in her phone as she wandered around. Lucas stayed clear of her and she saw him laughing and talking with a group of males around him. He seemed to attract both sexes and she realized that he was quite charismatic! She wrapped up shortly after eleven and was ready to leave. She was about to sneak out without Lucas noticing but she should have known better! As soon as her car was brought around she heard him behind her. “Thank you.” He tipped the valet and handed him his keys. “You thought you could leave without me noticing?” he asked her mildly as he stood next to her.

  “Something like that.”

  He looked at her and shook his head. “Let’s go. We have some things to clear up.”

  Chapter 8

  She ignored him behind her and went straight into her bedroom to take off her sandals. She had done too much walking and her feet were killing her! She sat on the side of the bed and massaged the sole of her feet slowly. “Say what you have to say and leave. I am tired.”

  “I have never needed anyone the way I need you,” he said softly as he sat next to her. He had taken off his silver grey jacket and unbuttoned the top buttons of his slate grey shirt. “I want us together.”

  “Okay.” She pretended to consider it as she tilted her head to one side. “Let me think: The answer is no.”

  “Jasmine.” His sigh was weary as he turned to her


  “I want you to come and live with me.”

  “Wow! I am so honored.” She got off the bed and padded to the small stool in front of her dresser. “I have to pass though.”

  “What is it going to take?” he demanded.

  “Maybe I don’t know: like never.” She rolled her large dark brown eyes at him. “Look, man, we are worlds apart and I already told you that I am not looking for a relationship.”

  “We are good together.”

  “And we can meet a couple of times and have a roll in the hay as they put it but as far as living together, that is the craziest thing I have ever heard.”


  “Why?” She turned to face him and got to her feet. His eyebrows lifted as she reached at the side and pulled the zipper down stepping out of the suit to reveal the tiny blue lace panties and bra she was wearing. “I grew up in a group home. Not the kind where the people there were like your proverbial grandparents. Those bitches were mean and they took out whatever problems they had on the kids there.” She went to get her robe and put it on much to his disappointment as he was thoroughly enjoying the stunning view! She belted her robe and came and sat next to him on the bed. “We were given the bare minimum to eat, maybe that’s why I fell in love with food so much. I was left there by my mother who was a drug addict. I never knew who my father was and frankly at this point I don’t give a damn! Bubba found me out on the streets freezing my ass off while he was on patrol. His wife had died some years ago and he was childless so he took me home and stuck with me even when I lashed out at him. I guess I wanted to see if he would send me away and prove to myself that adults were scums but he stuck it out and I grew to care for him a great deal. I have never been in a relationship because I don’t know the crap I come from! Do you get it now?”

  He reached out and cupped her jaw so tenderly that she jerked a little. “I feel for that little girl, but look how she turned out!” he said softly. “Your past does not matter to me, Jasmine. You were a victim of circumstances and lousy parents can still produce wonderful children. You are strong and resilient and that makes me care even more. I want to be with you and I am no longer going to take no for an answer.”

  She pulled away from him and got to her feet, her movements jerky and agitated. “I cannot be with you that way, Lucas! You don’t get it! I am too used to being my own person. I come and go as I please with no one to ask me for explanations and I like it that way. You are too high profile and what I do requires anonymity. People will start putting the name to the face and my work will get extremely difficult.”

  “Are you done?” he asked her softly as he got off the bed.

  “Why?” she demanded as he came nearer.

  “Because I am not swayed, Jasmine.” He swung her up into his arms. “You are not driving me away again.”


  He had barely stopped himself from saying that he loved her, he thought wryly as he looked down at her. She had fallen asleep after he had wrung one last orgasm from her as she emptied herself on his tongue. He had licked up every last ounce of her essence before he allowed her to go to sleep. He was going to make sure that she got the picture of what he was trying to tell her. He was not goi
ng anywhere without her! She had grown up in a home! No wonder she was so prickly and defensive; she would have had to be in order to survive. His heart clenched as he thought of her huddled there in the street trying to find a warm place. She must have been so scared! He shuddered slightly trying not to think of what could have happened to her. He lifted his eyes and sent up a silent prayer of thanks that she had been rescued.

  “I am going to take care of you from now on, whether you like it or not, baby,” he whispered as he bent to kiss her cheek. She stirred against him and he closed his hands around her to keep her warm and close to him.


  “Please don’t hang up.”

  “I was not going to.”

  “I am sorry, Jasmine, and I have been trying to find a way to tell you how much.” Phil’s voice sounded a little defeated.

  “That’s cool,” Jasmine said easily. The truth was that she had missed him too. “How are you?”

  “Kicking myself until I am bruised,” he said wryly.

  “You can stop kicking now,” she told him with a laugh. “Look, Phil, I still consider you as a friend and I would not like to lose that. I don’t have the time to cultivate another one.”

  He laughed at that. “In that case, I will certainly remain a friend.”

  “Bubba is having some spring cleaning at his place on Saturday. He is going to be taking up gardening and he needs the help. Several of his neighbors as well as his cop friends will be coming over and they are going to have a cookout and give advice and also break ground for the garden. He fancies himself a vegetable gardener and he needs to occupy himself. What do you say?”

  “I would not miss it for the world,” he said gratefully. “What do you want me to bring?”

  “Maybe a bottle of wine.”


  “All right, see on Saturday at one.” She paused a little bit. “And Phil?”


  “It’s good to hear from you.”

  “Same here.”

  Jasmine leaned back against her chair and sighed. One relationship mended hopefully! Now to try and convince Lucas Henderson that there was no way a relationship between them would ever work! But maybe she should try and convince herself first!


  “It’s a thing and I am sure you would not be interested. Besides aren’t you supposed to go away for the weekend?” Jasmine asked as she sipped her wine. He was a constant fixture at her apartment and had not succeeded into convincing her to come over to his place. So he had brought over food enough to feed an army and cases of the finest wine she had ever tasted!

  “I can cancel.” He plucked at his lobster quiche. She did not cook and he did not mind that one bit so he got his housekeeper to prepare meals that he brought over so they could heat up. And sometimes they ordered out. “I think it’s time I meet your dad.”

  She almost choked on the wine. “Not a chance.”

  “Why, darling, I am beginning to think you are ashamed of me,” he drawled softly as he looked at her.

  “I have not met your parents,” she pointed out.

  “Just say the word,” he challenged her.

  “It’s too soon and I did not tell you that I wanted to meet them.”

  “That’s on you but I want to know the man who rescued you so you get to be in my life. Maybe give him a reward,” he said with an ironic smile.

  “You think too much of yourself.”

  “And you think too little of me. Who is going to be there that you don’t want me to see?”

  “You think I give a damn what you think of my friends?” she scoffed.

  “I don’t think you give a damn about anything. Or at least that’s what you are trying to convince us both. But is it working, Jasmine? When you are beneath me and my dick is deep inside you we both know what happens then don’t we? We practically tear each other apart. I suck you dry and still I want more and more of you and you want the same thing. Alarms sound when we are together so try a little harder to convince yourself that I mean absolutely nothing to you!”

  There was silence at his potent words and Jasmine had to drink the wine to get rid of the dryness of her throat. “It’s just sex,” she whispered.

  “And I am the pope.” He emptied his wine glass. “I am coming on Saturday, darling, so deal with it.”


  She got there at ten deliberately so she could speak to Bubba before the crowd got there. She had not said anything to him about Lucas because she was not sure what to say. “Hey, Bubba, I have been seeing this very rich guy who owns practically all the hardware stores in the world and we are practically living together!” She suppressed a sigh and wondered what on earth she was going to tell him. Lucas had given her a head start and told her he would be there by ten thirty so she did not have much time.

  “Hey honey, you are early!” he said with a pleased smile as she came through the door and hung up her light jacket. She had chosen to wear jeans and a light shirt and scruffy sneakers. Her hair was in a ponytail and she had on a baseball cap. It was still chilly out as the winter lingered.

  “I want to get a head start on and I want to talk to you.” She followed him into the large homely kitchen where he poured her some coffee.

  “Sounds serious.”

  “I invited someone.” She wrapped her fingers around the coffee cup, relishing the warmth.

  “Phil?” He joined her on the opposite stool and looked at her, He was wearing faded denims and an old cop sweater.

  “No. Well, yes, I told Phil to be here too.” She moved restlessly. “It’s this guy I have been seeing.” She saw the animated look on his face and continued. “Keep your pants on, Bubba, we are not getting married. We are just-”

  “No need to go into details. Who is this guy and is he treating you good?”

  “Really?” she asked him dryly. “I am an adult and perfectly able to take care of myself.”

  “Who is he?”

  “Lucas Henderson,” she muttered.

  “I knew a fellow named Henderson at the precinct-“ Suddenly it dawned on him what she said and his eyes widened. “Did you say Lucas Henderson?”

  “Yeah, I did, and it is no big deal.”

  “Lucas Henderson who owns the giant hardware stores in and out of this country? Girl, what are you saying?”

  “You are making it into a big deal. Look we met several months ago and I cannot seem to shake him.”

  “Is he stalking you?”

  “What?” She looked at him startled. “No of course not. We have a thing, that’s all.”

  “Girl, you are something else,” Bubba said with a grin. He had never seen her embarrassed before or so unsure of herself and he wanted to meet the man and congratulate him for breaking through the ice she had placed over her emotions. “Where is he?”

  “On his way.”

  “Good, then we can get to know each other.”

  “That’s not necessary. It’s not like he is going to be a fixture in my life.”

  “We will see. Okay, let’s finish our coffee and set up.”

  He walked in several minutes later wearing faded denims and a white t-shirt with a black bomber jacket looking every inch of the very wealthy man he was. He greeted Bubba like a long lost friend and very soon they were chatting as if they had met some years ago. They started talking about the different types of wood and Jasmine shook her head as she went to get them all something to drink.

  “I understand you are thinking of taking up gardening?” Lucas said as he took the drink from her and patted the space next to him for her to sit. She ignored him and went to sit on a single sofa next to Bubba.

  “I am. I figured that instead of sitting here on my ass and twiddling my thumbs I would find something useful to do.”

  “We sell all types of seeds and have an in house consultant in every one of our stores. The store closest to you is a few miles away. I could take you out there tomorrow to get you sorted out.”

; Bubba stared at him in amusement. “Are you trying to butter me up, son?”

  “That I am,” he said with a grin as he glanced at Jasmine.

  “It’s working.” He looked up as he heard sounds at the door. “Our guests are arriving.”

  Phil and a few others were the first there and the minute he saw Lucas Henderson standing next to Jasmine he knew! She moved away from the tall confident looking man and greeted him with a hug. “Hey you,” she said before turning to the two men who had come in with him. “Hey, Jim and Henry. How are you?”

  “We are good, girl. You look lovely. When are you going to run away with me?” Jim asked her, his white pasty face cheerful as usual.

  “Just say the word and it’s done.”

  She was busy greeting the guests when they came inside so she did not notice the thunderous expression on Phil’s face but Lucas did and when the man came over to him he was braced for the confrontation.

  “Bubba invited you?”

  “Jasmine did. Why?”

  “She is not your usual type, is she?” Phil asked him bitterly.

  “You don’t know me, man.”

  “I have read about you and seen you with those blonde, blue eyed women. Look around you.” He gestured to the men milling around. “They are all cops who would kill for her.”

  “Including you?” Lucas asked with his eyebrows raised.

  “Including me. You think that because you are stinking rich you can have any woman you want?” Phil whispered furiously. “I –”

  “Hey fellows, what’s going on here?” Jasmine had come upon them without them noticing.

  “Phil here was just telling me how many admirers you have,” Lucas said drolly, his eyes meeting the other man’s.

  “He is exaggerating,” Jasmine looked from one to another. “Bubba is about ready to go outside. Let’s get this party started.”

  She kept an eye on them and was peeved that she had to do so. She had seen them about ready to take up the dueling pistol and had figured that she should be the one to break up the fight. Damned fool men, she thought in disgust. Ready to fight for someone who did not belong to either of them!


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