Twisted Steel: An MC Anthology: Second Edition

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Twisted Steel: An MC Anthology: Second Edition Page 2

by Elizabeth Knox

  “Yet you’re back here now.”

  She laughed humorlessly as she peeked at me from the corner of her eye. “It would appear so.”

  “Why? Because you used to come here with your sister? Surely there are nicer places you could’ve gone to over there.”

  Her shoulders rose slightly before drooping. Her chin appeared to quiver.

  In an attempt to lighten the mood, because I felt for her, I teased, “So you wanna fight, fuck, or throw rocks?”

  Her silver eyes locked on me. Intrigued, I stared as they looked me over, pausing slightly at my lips before moving down. They snapped back to mine, then she downed the rest of her drink and stood.

  Well, that backfired.

  “You got a room?” Her no-nonsense tone and question caught me by surprise.

  “Yeah, next door.”

  “Let’s fuck.”

  The guy next to me choked on his drink, and I threw enough money on the scarred-up wood to cover both our drinks. Not wanting to wait for her to change her mind, I stood and gently grabbed the bend of her elbow. Then I paused.

  “You serious?”

  “As a goddamn heart attack. Let’s go.” She started to walk, and I either had to keep up or let go. I sure as fuck wasn’t letting go.

  The wind ruffled her wavy hair as we exited the building. She casually tucked it behind her ear again.

  “This way.” I guided her, trying to ignore the obvious peaks of her nipples through the tight red dress. Christ almighty, I was damn near ready to bust a nut in my jeans.

  As quietly as I could, I opened my door and ushered her in. I’d barely gotten it closed when she had me pressed against the cool metal.

  “Where are you from?” she asked as she ran a lacquered nail along my bottom lip.

  “Does it matter?”

  Her brow rose, then she smirked. “No, not really.”

  “Good.” I tugged my T-shirt off and tossed it on the chair. Before I could get to my buckle, her hands were working it loose. When she dropped to her knees in front of me, I hissed as she freed my cock.

  She gripped the base tightly, pumped it a few times, then ran her tongue around the tip, and I almost swallowed my goddamn tongue. “Jesus fucking tits,” I gasped when she wrapped those ruby lips around my girth.

  At thirty-seven years old, I was no inexperienced kid, but holy hell, she gave the best blow job I’d had in my entire damn life. My fingers tangled in her silken tresses as my eyes rolled back. Before I could really corral my thoughts, I was on the verge of shooting my shit down her lily-white throat.

  Digging my hands in and tugging, I pulled her off my dick with a pop. Disappointment registered in her eyes until I demanded, “Take off that dress or it’s gonna end up in two pieces, then get your sweet ass on the bed.”

  Passion heavy in her eyes, she stood defiantly in front of me and slowly peeled the dress from her body. Standing before me in a red thong and those red fuck-me heels, she shook out her golden locks.

  With a growl, I lifted her by the waist, and her legs wrapped tightly around my hips.

  My teeth grazed her neck as I approached the bed. A soft mewling came from deep in her throat. The scent she wore was driving me crazy.

  When I reached the edge of the mattress, I laid her down and crawled between her long legs. They spread further to accommodate me. As I rested on my elbows, one arm under her, hand clutching her hair, I tasted her everywhere I could reach.

  “Yes,” she murmured as I circled her nipple with my tongue before drawing it into my mouth to suckle it. Not wanting the other to feel left out, I plucked at it with my fingers. She was utterly exquisite—the perfect distraction from my earlier melancholy thoughts.

  As I worked my way down her stomach, she arched her hips up, seeking friction I wasn’t going to give yet. Sitting back on my heels, I raised one shapely leg. A kiss to her ankle, then I removed the first shoe, trailing kisses up to the sensitive area behind her knee. I then moved over to the other one.

  Repeating my movements on that limb, I worked my way up to the lace of her panties. “I can smell you,” I groaned against her inner thigh. My beard must’ve tickled her, because goosebumps skated across her skin and her legs trembled.

  “God, please,” she begged.

  “Please what?” I whispered. Mesmerized by her, I skimmed my rough hands along her silken skin. Not an inch of her was left untouched. My eyes held hers as she panted with need below me.

  “Please,” she uttered again, but without specifics, I continued to tease her. Finally reaching the apex of her thighs, I licked along either side of the lace before sucking the fabric along with her clit into my mouth. She let out a low moan as her fingers clutched my hair. Shamelessly, she ground her pussy into my face.

  If I was going to suffocate in her, it sure as hell wasn’t going to be with a scrap of fabric between us. I reached up and ripped them on one side, then the other before throwing them to the floor.

  Bared to my torture, her cunt wept for me. I gathered the liquid on my lips and tongue and slid two fingers into her tight heat. I paused long enough to demand, “What do you want?”

  “Make me come,” she pleadingly whispered. My lips curled into a wicked grin.

  “With pleasure,” I murmured before diving back in. Relentless, I drove her over the edge for the first time.

  “Oh my fuck! Holy shit!” She thrashed and gasped, trying to jerk away from my skillful ministrations, but I didn’t let up. I owned her—at least for the night.

  When her spasms slowed to an occasional flutter, I licked her essence from my fingers. Her breathing sped up as I braced myself on my arms and hovered above her. Barely touching, I licked the soft, plush skin of her lips. Then I kissed her, allowing her to taste the intoxicating flavor of her release on my tongue.

  Her nails dug into me as she returned my kiss with a wild fervor.

  Longing consumed me as I gently bit her before pulling away. Needing to be inside her, I stripped out of my remaining clothes. With sure movements, I sheathed my painfully hard cock and settled the tip against her wet core.

  “I’m going to fuck you so hard you’ll feel this night for days and you’ll remember it for the rest of your life.” Her eyes widened, and lust filled their silvery depths.

  I swirled the tip and took a few shallow dips into her soaking wet pussy before I thrust hard, seating myself to the hilt. She gasped, and I groaned as she tightened unbelievably around my shaft. I swear to fucking Christ, I’d never experienced something so amazing.

  “Jesus,” I rasped out as I held myself still above her. Once I was sure I wouldn’t blow my load in the first few seconds, I pushed her thighs to her chest and rested her shins against my body. “Hang on, baby.”


  “Still Breathing”—Green Day

  As we pulled on our gloves and helmets, Reaper and Joker both glared at me.

  “What?” I finally asked them, exasperated.

  “You kept us up all goddamn night,” Reaper muttered. Joker smirked but tried to hide it by dropping his gaze to the ground.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” I questioned, though I knew.

  “Didn’t know you had it in you, old man. That bed damn near came through the wall,” Joker said with a snicker.

  “Old man? Who the actual fuck are you calling an old man?” I growled with a frown as I sat on my bike. They waited until I was mounted up before they did.

  “Well, with all that gray,” Reaper replied with a chuckle. Joker slid his shades on and tried not to laugh. My blood boiled a little. I wasn’t fucking old.

  “Fuck. You. My beard started to go gray when I was thirty. I can’t fucking help genetics. But last time I checked, thirty-seven wasn’t old. And I can assure you she had no complaints.” Ending the conversation, I drowned out their laughter by starting my bike. They followed suit, and we pulled out of the lot.

  As the miles slipped away, I admitted to myself that part of the reason I was in
such a shitty mood was because the chick from last night was gone when I woke up. Not that I expected anything lasting, but one for the road would’ve been nice.

  All the way home to Grantsville, I replayed the night before. It was completely and totally worth the lack of sleep. Everything about her was perfect—and I didn’t mean her looks, though they were too.

  The fact that she was feisty, yet a little broken. The way she boldly met my every demand. Not once did she shy away from what I gave her. She reveled in it and met me move for move.

  It was probably best I hadn’t gotten her name or number. Because I swear to Christ, I would’ve been tempted to make the six-hour trip for another round with her. My dick was rousing at the thought.

  Backing my bike up to the clubhouse, I breathed a sigh of relief. It had been a long ride, and it was good to be home. Too bad I still had trouble brewing.

  No rest for the weary and wicked.

  “Snow, how was the trip?” Vinny asked the second I entered the dimly lit clubhouse.

  “Long. I want a sitrep ASAP. Call church in one hour. I need to wash the road grime off my ass.” Vinny nodded, and I went straight to my room.

  The hot water beating down on my back did nothing to relax my knotted muscles. Shoving my face in the stream, I stood there until I couldn’t breathe. Both hands scrubbed my face and shoved my hair back.

  A flash in my mind of a fiery vixen on her knees before me had my junk going hard as a rock. Remembering every second of what she’d done, I stroked my length in a tight grip. Eyes closed, I saw her ruby-red lips stretched around me as she took me as deep as she could.

  Before I knew it, I was shooting jets of cum down to the floor, where it washed down the drain.

  “Fucking hell,” I said with a ragged breath as I pressed my forehead to the cool tiles.

  After cleaning up, I dried off and dressed in clean clothes. Brushing my hair and beard, I stared sightlessly toward the mirror. I wanted to go back and scour Kansas City for her.

  I needed to get my head in the game. I was the motherfucking president of the Demented Sons in Iowa. There was no time or room in my head to obsess over some random one-night stand.

  Locking my memories of her up in a mental vault, I pulled on my boots and stomped to the chapel. Focusing on my current problem, I sat at the empty table to wait. Whoever was peddling this new shit in my area was a dead man.

  “The shit is going by the street name of Black Night. It’s a blend of opiates, heroin, and synthetic shit that varies from batch to batch. It’s unstable and can be extremely toxic. It can be swallowed, snorted, smoked, or injected—whatever trips the user’s trigger. From what I can find, it’s being brought in from over on the East Coast, but no one can pinpoint exactly where.” Hacker looked up from his laptop after he was done.

  “Jesus Christ,” muttered Apollo. No one called him DJ anymore. Not since he’d been patched, anyway. He’d grown up around here too, only leaving for a couple of enlistments and two tours overseas. This shit was personal to him too. This was home.

  “No idea who’s slinging that shit around here?” I asked, smoothing my beard in frustration.

  “The only one we tracked down overdosed right before the kid here did. Shit is no joke.” Hollywood slouched back in his chair as he nervously tapped his fingers on the tabletop.

  “I want everyone on this. Pull in any of the informants we have. Known junkies from over at the Lakes, here, anyone. If you have an in with the kids in this area, use it. No leaf unturned and all that shit. Someone has to know something, for fuck’s sake,” I growled.

  We made a plan to divide and conquer. Everyone stood when I ended church and filed out of the chapel. No one stopped at the bar for drinks—we had shit to do.

  Besides this shitshow with the fucking drugs, I needed to get over to the planning committee meeting for the annual fundraiser at the Leon Adolescent Drug Prevention and Rehabilitation Center. I might be able to talk to a few of the kids there. Most weren’t from around here, but some were.

  Since spring was finally breaking, I continued to take advantage of riding my bike. We could always have a random winter storm trying to have one last hurrah. I hated that shit. Hell, maybe I was the one who should’ve moved to Texas.

  After parking, I took off my helmet and headed inside.

  “Hey, Alba,” I said with a grin to the receptionist as I leaned my arms on the counter. “Polly busy? I’m a little early.”

  “I’ll check for you, handsome,” Alba said with a wink. She was one of my mother’s friends, so I knew she didn’t mean anything by it. Growing up, she’d been like a second mom.

  “‘Preciate it,” I replied with a grin. Lost in thought, I stared out the window.

  “Luke. Come on back,” Polly said. Glancing down, I realized she was using a cane. A concerned frown furrowed my brow.

  “You okay, Polly?”

  “What—this?” She gestured to the cane. “Just my hip acting up. Doc says I’m gonna need a replacement—that I’ve put it off too long.”

  “Anything I can do?”

  “Not unless you’ve secretly discovered the fountain of youth!” she said with a laugh.

  “Unfortunately, I haven’t,” I said with a laugh as I pointed at my graying beard.

  We entered her office and sat. She winced and heaved a deep sigh. The rest of the members of the small committee came in. The next hour was spent going over their budget and the plans for this year’s fundraiser. It helped us set a goal.

  Once everything was finalized, everyone but Polly and I left the office.

  “Luke, we sure do appreciate what you boys do for this facility. Without the money you raise every year, we wouldn’t be able to do half the things we do for these kids. State funding isn’t what people think it is, and we try to keep the costs down for the families that don’t have great insurance—or no insurance. You boys not only helped this place get off the ground, you’ve been here for us every step of the way.” The kind look in her eyes made me fidget a little in my seat.

  My gaze dropped to where I was absently spinning one of my rings.

  “Luke,” she said softly, “what happened to Leon wasn’t your fault. You didn’t force the drugs on him. You tried to stop him, but you were essentially a kid yourself. I really do appreciate what your club does for us, but you don’t owe anyone anything.”

  With a sharp inhale and a slow, shaky exhale, I tried to meet her eyes. I wasn’t a goddamn coward, but some things were difficult to accept. My brother’s death not being my fault was one of them.

  “We’ll have to agree to disagree on that,” I said with a failed attempt at a smile. She was one of the only ones who knew the truth, because she’d found me that awful day. I’d broken down after my brother’s funeral. Staring at the cloudy sky, I’d been sprawled in a field between her place and ours, a pistol in my hand. How she’d seen me out there, I hadn’t a clue.

  She’d convinced me to talk to her, but I’d drawn the line at counseling. Counseling was out of the question, because they’d want me to talk about what happened. I was weak. I’d break. And I refused to look weak in front of my father.

  Instead, trying to outrun my ghosts, I’d joined the army, praying with each deployment I didn’t make it home. I got out after Mom told me Dad had drunk himself into an early grave. He was a verbally and mentally abusive hateful bastard anyway, but Mom had loved him. Maybe he didn’t lay a hand on us, but he still did a number on us all.

  After joining the Demented Sons, I made it my goal to get the adolescent facility built. Then I’d convinced them to do annual fundraisers. For the club, it gave them a sense of legitimacy and made them look better to the community.

  Back then, we’d been hypocritical as fuck, because we were one of the main suppliers to the surrounding areas. Part of the reason I’d joined the club was to try to get them to stop. When I’d moved up the ranks, I pushed and slowly cleaned up our act. Sure, we still had our fingers in a lot of shit, but
I’d eradicated the sale of drugs in the chapter. It was too little, too late, but I’d laid down the law. If I could help it, no more kids would die of drug overdoses. At least not on my watch.

  I stood.

  “I really need to get to the shop. Anything else we need to finalize before I go?”

  Sad eyes and an equally sad smile were trained on me. When she stood to show me out, she struggled, and I rushed behind the desk to help her. She sighed. “Don’t tell anyone, because I haven’t announced it yet, but this will be the last fundraiser I do.”

  Taken by surprise, I cocked my head and frowned in confusion. “What are you talking about?”

  “It’s time for me to retire. I’m tired. Not that I don’t enjoy my job—it’s been amazingly fulfilling. But it’s time.” She shrugged, then shooed me toward the door before putting weight on the cane.

  “Well, I’m sorry that I won’t be working with you anymore after this year, but if you ever need anything, you know you can call me. Right? Oh, and try not to get a replacement that’s a pain in the ass to work with.” I chuckled.

  “No assholes. Noted,” she said as she made a mock checkmark in the air.

  We laughed as she walked me out into the lobby.

  “If anything changes or you need anything before the event, you let me know,” I said as I slid on my shades and waved to Polly and Alba.

  I stepped out into the sunshine, completely unaware that what she’d told me was going to change my life irrevocably.


  “Dear Life”—High Valley

  One year later…

  As I sat across the table from my date, a bland smile pasted on my face, my mind wandered. The words he was rambling, extolling his awesomeness, faded away.

  A flashback of that night with the sexy stranger played through my head like a home movie. Every move he’d made had been magic. Hot, sweaty, pulse-pounding magic.


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