Twisted Steel: An MC Anthology: Second Edition

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Twisted Steel: An MC Anthology: Second Edition Page 26

by Elizabeth Knox

  Nines didn’t take too kindly to this and tried to do some shit that caused him to be sent out as a Nomad to clear his head. I couldn’t lose him as a VP or a brother because the man’s my best friend still. When he’d come back, it was as if he were a different man. It was as if the man himself had grown beyond his years. Don’t know what the hell he did while on the road, but he’d left for six months, came back, and resumed his seat at the table. This he did after making a verbal apology to all of his brothers.

  My cell phone rings and dances around on the table as someone knocks on my door to the office. My new office that I’d taken over when I switched with Nines nearly five months ago after doing something that I hated myself for. But it was necessary. Or so I thought. I didn’t think it would push her to leave altogether, only to move on from what she feels for me.

  I’m not blind for knowing she thought herself to be in love with me, but that shit can’t happen. For one, I don’t want to ever put a target on her back. More than it already is with her being a brother’s daughter. For another reason, the woman is smart as hell and deserves to go to college to do something with her life rather than being stuck here as an ol’ lady. Nothing wrong with any of the women around here having that title, but for me, it just ain’t gonna happen.

  Therefore, I’d done what I had to for Storm’s sake. I knew she’d come find me. It’s why I avoided her as much as possible. When the chance struck and those three bitches who came to Storm’s grad party, came on to me, I took advantage and had them in my office. One riding my cock, one riding my face, and the last riding my fingers while suckin’ the tits of one of the other two.

  In the midst of it all, I’d seen the horror and hurt on her face that I’d choose to fuck three bitches than to be with her.

  Sighing, I pick up my phone while yelling out for whoever it is to come in.

  Glancing down at the phone, I furrow my brow at the unknown caller. Shaking my head, I ignore it. Unless you’re one of my brothers or someone I need to speak with, I don’t answer unless I absolutely have to.

  The door opens, and I look up to find Sniper coming in with a grim expression on his face. “What’s wrong?” I demand as my heart plummets down to my stomach. Please tell me it doesn’t have anything to do with Storm.

  “I just got a call from Tracker, Prez. I gotta get to Nerd. He and his ol’ lady have been in an accident. Fuckin’ didn’t even know my kid had an ol’ lady. I need Rain and Storm to stay here at the clubhouse. Rain’s already here. But I’ve sent Shiner and Torch to get her from the cabin,” Sniper says gruffly.

  “Nerd okay?” I ask on a somewhat relieved breath.

  “Don’t know yet. Just got the call from Tracker after it happened, they were still on the scene. Gotta get out of here and get to him. All I know is that Rain and Storm both need to be here where I know they’re safe.” I don’t blame him for wanting the women in his life safe while he goes and takes care of his son.

  “You know we’ll look after the two of them while you go see to Nerd. Call me when you get there and let me know what’s going on and if you need anything,” I inform him with a nod.

  Nodding, Sniper looks to want to say something else but holds himself back from doing so.

  Turning on his heel, my brother leaves my office, and I go back to sitting in my chair behind my desk. Needing to know what’s going on as a precautionary measure, I snag my phone up off the desk and shoot a text to Stoney. I know he’ll text me with the information soon as he can.

  Until then, I get back to work and brace myself for seeing the girl I’ve watched grow into a young woman and refuse to allow myself to have. Storm being here at the clubhouse will be utter torture for me, as I’m sure she most definitely hates me now after what she witnessed.

  Throwing the pen on top of the stack of papers, I furrow my brows. Something’s not adding up with the books. I know it’s not on our end. Not only have I checked the numbers, but so have Surge and Nines. They’d brought this to my attention, and I’d told them I’d take a look before we took this any further. Seeing that they’re both right, I need to call church.

  This isn’t some small amount of money we’re talking about that’s gone missing.

  No, we’re talking about nearly half a mil vanishing, and we need to find it. It’s money that belongs to the club, and whoever took it is looking for a world of hurt. Taking money from the club is a death sentence and one I have no problem dishing out myself.

  My phone rings, and I lift it up to find it’s Sniper callin’ me.

  “What’s goin’ on?” I ask, putting the phone to my ear.

  “Shit’s goin’ down with the Dragon’s Fire MC. When Storm gets there, do not let her leave. It seems Dickerson, the shit head, has threatened to go after her,” Sniper sneers through the line.

  “I’ll see to it she’s safe, brother,” I declare, standing to my feet to go in search for said woman. She should be here by now.

  “Appreciate it, Prez,” he mutters and fills me in on the status of Nerd and his ol’ lady, that’s ironically Coyote’s little sister. I could have seen that one coming a mile away. Sucks the bullshit she had to go through at the hands of Dickerson and his twisted mind.

  I end the call with Sniper just as I make it to the main room. Putting my phone back in my pocket, I scan the room, my gaze landing on Storm as she glares into the bottle of water in her hands.

  Taking in her appearance, I realize how much I fuckin’ miss having her around the clubhouse. Her being away has left a mark on me in a way I hadn’t realized. And unfortunately, I won’t be rectifying that between the two of us. This is for the best and her not wanting to be around me is even better.



  I can’t believe this crap. Why in the world do they have to do this to me? I’d been perfectly fine out in my cabin in the middle of nowheresville. That is until Torch and Surge showed up and told me to pack up and come home.

  Home. Ha. That’s a good one.

  This place doesn’t feel like home anymore. Not since I left that night.

  I’d started working for myself. Well, more like I started writing and decided to see it through, had my book edited, and found out, I could upload it to the Internet. Paranormal romance is something I’ve always enjoyed, but what I found really fun is writing it. I brought my visions to life in my head, and holy crap, it felt nice. I’m actually getting ready to publish the next one in another month, and I don’t know whether or not I want to vomit with nerves.

  I finally found what I wanted to do, and I don’t want to listen to anyone tell me otherwise on my decision. I did sign up for some online courses that I didn’t tell anyone about. Shoot, none of the people here in this clubhouse know anything about me anymore. How, in the last five months, do I feel like I could change so much in such a short amount of time?

  It’s because I put all my efforts into writing to block out my feelings from taking over. I didn’t want to see him again, not when I can’t stop my heart from aching at the sight of him. As I pretend to glare at the water bottle in front of me, I take him in out of the corner of my eye. He’s still as sinfully sexy as he always has been with his dark hair hidden under his ball cap. In fact, I have a picture of him on my phone, I can’t bring myself to delete, of him shirtless leaning against the side of the clubhouse with his cap shielding his gaze.

  It’s always been one of my favorite pictures of him.

  I wish Surge and Torch could have just taken me to my brother’s charter. At least there, I could have checked on him and made sure he was good with my own two eyes. I hate that he’s hurting. He’s my brother, and family is supposed to be there when you need them most. Not locked away at the clubhouse where you can’t get to them.

  Inwardly, I shake my head to clear my mind. I need to get my head on straight and figure out what I’m going to do. There’s no way I can stay here for very long without having to be near Blow. Seeing him hurts, and I know I’ll never stop loving him, b
ut that doesn’t mean he hasn’t broken a part of me inside.

  “Stormy, why don’t you go get some rest? It’s late,” my mom suggests startling me out of my thoughts. There’re not many people like my mom out there in the world. Rain is special in a lot of ways, mainly because she’s sweet and kind, preferring to look out for others rather than herself. I used to love hearing the stories about how she met Sniper. Evidently, he and a few of his brothers were out camping, while on a hike in the middle of the day, he stumbled upon my mom sunbathing in a meadow. According to them, it was right then and there he claimed her, but I know there’s more to it. Such as my biological father, I somewhat remember him; however, it’s not much. What I do know though, is that he wasn’t a nice person. So my mom being who she is and being as sweet as she is, everyone loves her.

  Nodding, I give my mom a small smile. “Yeah, I think I’ll go ahead and head to bed,” I mutter, standing to my feet and picking up the bottle off the table.

  “Okay, baby, before you go, did you eat already?” she asks, not forgetting to make sure I’m not going to be hungry.

  “Yeah, Mom, I’d eaten before Surge and Torch came to drag me here,” I grumble and leave the room. I’m not about to let her call me out on the lie. Honestly, I don’t think I could even stomach an ounce of food at the moment due to my emotions.

  Without looking in Blow’s direction, I head for the room I use when I’m here. I barely get halfway down the hallway before I hear his voice causing me to stiffen. “Your room’s taken. You’ll be bunkin’ with me tonight,” Blow announces, and I suck in a harsh breath.

  What the ever-lovin’ hell?

  “Why would you think I’m bunkin’ with you?” I grind out without turning to look at him. If I do that, I’ll most definitely crumple at his feet.

  “Because I said so is why, sweetheart, and I told your dad I’d keep you safe. I can’t do that shit if you’re not where I know where you are. So until he comes back, your ass is with me,” he declares. One of his hands wraps around my bicep and whirls me around to face him. With his other hand, he pinches my chin between his fingers, lifting my head until I’m meeting his gaze. “I get you’re pissed with me, but you’re gonna have to suck it the hell up. You’re a big girl now, meaning it’s time for you to act it.”

  “Let me go, Blow,” I mutter, not wanting to speak to him about this. I know what he’s referring to, and I’m not about to get into this with him.

  Releasing my chin, Blow doesn’t say another word as he drags me down to the end of the hallway and to the right that leads straight to his room. Inside I take in the room when he turns the light on.

  Messy with clothes on the floor, change scattered on top of the dresser, a box of condoms sits on the nightstand. Great, at least I know he’s having safe sex.

  “Here, go put this on,” Blow mutters, gaining my attention as he holds out a shirt. A shirt I’d love nothing more than to take and sleep in, but I do that, I’m sure to cave to my feelings for him.

  “I’m good in what I’m wearing,” I state, waving his outstretched hand away. I’ll sleep in my jeans and t-shirt before allowing myself to have anything from him.

  “Take the fuckin’ shirt, Storm, and go change. You’re not sleeping in jeans,” Blow growls shoving the shirt at me.

  “You can take your shirt and shove it up your ass,” I snap, throwing the damn thing back at him.

  “Don’t test me, sweetheart,” he grinds out through clenched teeth.

  “How about you not test me. Give me a blanket, and I’ll sleep on the couch,” I mutter. Months ago, I’d been dying to want to be in his bed. And yeah, I still want to, but I can’t allow myself to have it. Not right now when the memory of him screwing three women the night of my graduation is still deeply ingrained into my mind.

  “Swear to fuckin’ God, Storm, grow the hell up. Your ass is in the bed, not on the couch. Now go get fuckin’ ready for bed before I change you myself.” Please tell me he didn’t just say that and that my body didn’t start humming at the thought of Blow’s hands on me.

  Snatching the shirt, I decide to be bold. Moving to the bed, I place the shirt on the bed and grip the hem of the tee I’m wearing, pull it over my chest.

  “What the fuck are you doing, Storm?” Blow demands.

  “Doing as you said, Blow.” I give him his answer as I pull the shirt the rest of the way over my head and meet his gaze. I’m not brazen enough to take my bra off, so I start unbuttoning my jeans and shimmy out of them without taking my eyes off the man. Thankfully, I do this because otherwise, I’d have missed the heated flare in his darken gaze. I kick the jeans off with my feet and snatch his shirt up off the bed, donning it over my body. “There, happy?” I snark.

  “You’re playing with a fire you don’t want to be fuckin’ with,” he glowers.

  “Whatever,” I huff and climb into his bed, pull the covers over my body, and turn to lay with my back to him. Closing my eyes, I force my body to stay still as I hear him moving around after several moments of silence.

  Then it gets worse as Blow climbs into bed and turns his TV on. The man doesn’t move or do anything as I listen to the commentary of the news, he’d put it on. Finally, after a while, I hear him click the TV off.

  Blow must have thought I’d fallen asleep because the next second, I find myself wrapped in his arms. This right here is what I’ve longed for, and here I have it now, but unable to trust myself to relish.

  “I’m sorry I hurt you, sweetheart,” he utters so quietly. I swear I almost didn’t hear him right. He then surprises me again by pressing a kiss to the base of my neck, where it meets my shoulder. It takes all my willpower not to turn in his arms and touch my lips to his.

  God Blow is going to be my undoing, and I don’t know how much of it I can take. Because I swear, I can’t handle him hurting me anymore.

  I barely slept last night, and by the time the clock hit six, I’d been more than ready to hop out of bed, get dressed, and high tail it out of his room. There was no way I could stay in his arms any longer. I figured six was a good time since my mom would be up for morning meditation.

  While here at the clubhouse, my mom always went out back to sit in the yard to do her thing. It didn’t matter to her if it was chilly or not out there. Not me. I couldn’t do it. Instead of joining her, I head to the kitchen for coffee while I scan through my phone.

  Seeing a text from an old friend of mine, I smile.

  D: Hey, beautiful, long time no see. I’m in town, wanna catch up?

  This came in at nearly midnight.

  Me: Yeah, sure, wanna meet me at the diner in town? Have brunch together?

  I shot the text off without hesitation. I’ve known D for a long time and haven’t seen him in a while. He and Nick used to be really close. Now not so much, but D still texts me from time to time.

  My phone pings, and I glance at the screen.

  D: Sounds good. Can’t wait to see you, beautiful.

  D has always called me beautiful. I don’t think I’ve ever heard him really call me by anything else.

  Glancing at the time, I figure I have time to shower and get to the diner in time to meet up with D.

  Let’s just hope I can get there before Blow or anyone else can stop me from leaving. I think a chance to catch up with an old friend is just what I need right now.



  Last night, I didn’t expect Storm to pull the little stunt she did when she stripped down to her bra and panties in front of me. I figured she’d go in the damn bathroom and change into the shirt I’d given her. But no, the little wench marched her sexy ass over to the bed and my eyes soaked in every inch of her while she changed right there in front of me.

  My only fuckin’ savin’ grace had been she’d left her bra and panties on. If she hadn’t, I swear I wouldn’t have been responsible for my actions where she’s concerned.

  After she got in bed, I finally moved and went about doing my thing and joined her. N
eeding to distract myself, I’d turned the TV on in order to attempt to block out thoughts of taking Storm in my arms as I sunk my cock deep inside her.

  I barely slept last night, wanting to relish in the feeling of having Storm in my arms, so this morning I knew exactly when she’d hopped out of them all but rushing from the room. I allowed her to do this only because I knew she needed it, and so did I, to be honest. By having her in my bed, I fucked up. Holding her all night the way I did is gonna haunt me for the rest of my damn life ‘cause I can’t allow myself to have her. Storm needs a better life than what I can give her.

  Taking a quick shower, I get dressed and head to my office to avoid seeing Storm. With everyone awake, I don’t need to worry about keeping an eye on her. My brothers will watch out for her and not let her leave.

  Burying my head in the books once again, I shoot a text off to Nines, Lucky, and Shiner, needing them to come in here. They all enter the office together moments later, Nines carrying an extra cup of coffee in hand.

  Thank fuck since I didn’t go get any. I reach out and take the mug from my VP.

  “Don’t get used to this treatment, Prez,” Nines mutters.

  “Won’t.” Is all I say in response as I lift the black liquid to my lips and swallow a hefty amount. Pulling the mug from my mouth, I set it on the desk and meet each of my brothers’ gazes. “Seems we have a theif,” I announce.

  “Figured that, Prez. Question is, who?” Nines grumbles.

  “Lucky, Shiner, I want you two checkin’ into the businesses. I’m willing to bet it’s Kurt who’s doing it, but without proof, I can’t confirm. Also, get Keys to look at the cameras. I wanna know who all he has coming and going from that office,” I order. I never liked Kurt, but the fact he’s Griz’s brother, we gave him a job managing multiple businesses for us. Griz isn’t gonna like this ‘cause it’s his blood, but then again, he might not give a damn considering he’s had more than one run-in with Kurt.


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