Twisted Steel: An MC Anthology: Second Edition

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Twisted Steel: An MC Anthology: Second Edition Page 81

by Elizabeth Knox

  Pulling up at the gate to the MC, I take a quick look around and see that this place is falling apart and considering how much money they make this place should look like Buckingham Palace.

  “Tell Oil I’m here.”

  The prospect at the gate takes out his cell and makes the call. Oil doesn’t take long before he comes out and waves his hand for the young buck to open the gates. My bike rolls into the yard and I park off to the right, away from the members’ bikes.

  “Jonny, aka Nomad of the Road. How the fuck are ya, brother?”

  I smile at the old bastard and reply, “I’m good, old man, how the fuck are you? How’s that hot little Old Lady that you claimed?” I joke. He growls at me but with a smile on his face.

  His Old Lady is fifteen years younger than him, but hell she can handle a bunch of fucked up bikers, plus she loves Oil and he her. He slings his arm around my shoulders and leads me into the clubhouse. The main room is packed with members, Old Ladies and clubwhores. Smoke fills the room, along with the old-time rock music playing on the speakers.

  “She is good, brother. In her favorite place behind the bar. She loves giving me head behind there, that is why it is her favorite place.” He laughs as we step up to the bar. The hot as fuck redhead leans on the bar, her tits almost falling out of the leather top she is wearing.

  “Baby, you brought me a new toy?” she says to Oil, winking at me, and I swear to fuck I almost choke on my saliva. There is no way in fucking hell Oil would share this piece of ass, if he did then he is stupider than I thought.

  Seeing her bright blue eyes makes me think of Eden. Is she pissed I left without waking her? Does she even care?

  Oil leans over and grabs her by the back of her neck, so they are nose to nose.

  “You will pay for that later, woman,” he tells her, and her smile widens before she slams her mouth onto his. Everyone cheers around us and I smile at the brotherhood they have.

  Finally, they part and both turn to smile at me.

  “Jonny, brother, meet my Old Lady and soon to be lawful wife, Marica. Baby, this is Jonny. He is a Nomad and rides free helping out MCs when they need it. He is here to help deal with the shit your brother caused.”

  “Nice to meet you, Jonny. Hopefully, you can help my brother out.”

  I shake her hand and return the greeting.

  “Nice to meet you, babe. I hope this old coot isn’t causing you too much trouble,” I joke. “I will do my best. Do we need church for me to be filled in, or can you talk freely here?”

  A hand touches my arm and I turn my head to see a chick standing next to me. She has her makeup caked on, her hair high, and it looks like it is stuck in place.

  “Hey, handsome, I’ve not seen you here before.”

  “Back off, Cindy,” Marica snaps. Cindy scowls at Marica, but she doesn’t flinch.

  “Just because you are fucking Pres, that doesn’t mean you get to control who the other brothers fuck.”

  Before Oil or Marica pipes up, I stand and grip the bitch by her throat. Her eyes go wide in fear and so they fucking should.

  “Watch your fucking mouth, cunt. You don’t ever disrespect the President’s Old Lady, you hear me?” She gives me a nod. I push her away and she almost topples to the floor in her ridiculous shoes she is wearing.

  “Out. Come back when you have a better attitude, bitch, and take your little slugs with you,” Marica shouts after the woman, who scurries off.

  I look toward her, then to Oil who is beaming with pride but also tugging at his crotch. Fuck me, that is not something I want to see.

  “She’s a good one,” I comment, and he winks.

  “Fuck yeah, she is. You should see what she can do with her—”

  Marica slaps her hand over his mouth and we erupt into laughter.

  “If you want my mouth to work tonight, I suggest you shut yours right now, honey.” Marica’s voice is low and firm and I swear I think any man would bow to her every command with that tone.

  “I love you, baby,” he tells her, making her eyes go soft, and she says it back to him.

  “You got a woman yet?” Oil asks then takes a pull from the beer his woman set down for him.

  “Nah. You know how I am, always busy, always riding.” The whiskey burns my throat as it goes down, but I tap the glass for Marica to top me off. “Thanks, babe.”

  “Jonny, you are what, closing in on forty. Aren’t you bored of the road yet? The solitude? I mean you can still settle down with a woman and do jobs when called on.” I know Oil means well but my skin itches when thinking about staying in one place.

  I have been a Nomad for so many years it is ingrained in me now. The road is my peace, my Garden of Eden, so to speak. Fucking hell, Eden.

  Every chance she pops into my head and I know that she has gotten under my skin but that doesn’t stop me from pushing any sort of feelings down because I need to do a job right now and she is a huge ass distraction that I do not need.

  “One day. I am not ready yet,” I tell him, and he nods.

  “Jenn would want you to find someone to spend the rest of your days with, Jonny. You know she would.” Did I mention that Oil is Jenn’s uncle on her mother’s side. He has always pushed for me to find myself again since her death, and maybe find love because he knows that is what she would want for me.

  “Okay, how about we get down to business, brother. The sooner I get this done, the sooner I can hit the road again,” I state and get off the stool just as he calls church.

  Any thoughts of Eden are pushed down and buried under a ton of emotional rubble for now. I will sort through it one day. It is fucking crazy how much this woman has sunk her teeth into me, and she doesn’t even realize that she has done it.


  The shit with Marica’s brother lasted a week just like I thought. He got mixed up with the wrong fucking crew and he took a beating for it, but that is what you get when you sling drugs and run money for a crew that is being watched by the FBI. He wasn’t one for keeping his wits about him and he got jacked, thankfully he survived and is okay.

  The day after that shit was sorted, I got a text from the Phoenix charter run by their Pres, Colt. I have worked with this guy before and he is a cool cat, always putting his club first. The last I heard the fucker sent his VP’s niece down to the Fort Lauderdale charter, when his son and Pres, Magnum, bagged himself an Old Lady, a younger woman. Lucky prick.

  He needs help, one of his shipments was intercepted by a young punk crew. He needs help tracking the fuckers down and getting his product back and by product I mean weed, some damned good variety of green.

  Fucking kids these days, no damned respect, or manners.

  Kids was something me and Jenn talked about, but we never got around to it, we had a scare here and there, but nothing came of it. We said that it will happen when it happens, but then she was snatched from me and I was resigned to the fact that I would never have kids, if Jenn couldn’t, then I wouldn’t.

  On the ride to Phoenix to meet up with the Rugged Skulls MC, I let things flick through my mind, how things were with Jenn, how she made me feel, how Eden makes me feel and how every woman in between made me feel absolutely fuck all.

  The things that Eden is making me feel is something that I never thought I would feel again, and it caught me off guard. That is why I needed to get the fuck away from her, before I said something or did something that would fuck things up.

  I am sure that Eden fucks men passing through anyway, well that’s what I tell myself, but even as I think about it, my stomach burns with images, but I also know that she isn’t that type of woman.

  Being on the road is a curse and a blessing and I have learned that the hard way. It gives you time to clear your head, make changes and plans but it also makes you think over the past and overthink the future.

  Sometimes a man just wants the bike between his legs, the wind surrounding him and the sound of the pipes.

  It takes a good few hours to get
to the clubhouse, my back aches and my stomach is growling. I need a hot shower and a shit ton of food.

  Arriving at the gates, I see a prospect and signal for him to open up. He nods his head and hits the button and the gates slowly slide to the side giving me room to ride through and park. He must have let Colt know I’m here, because the big fucker is coming out of the clubhouse, followed by some of his brothers.

  “Nice to see you again, brother.”

  “Same.” Colt hugs me, with slaps on my back and I pull back, pointing to his now gray beard. “You are getting old, old man.” I joke.

  He slugs me in the shoulder playfully but fuck me he still packs a punch.

  “Less of the old, fucker. My Old Lady doesn’t complain.” He winks at me and turns to introduce his men.

  “Jonny, I want you to meet my VP, Crude. My SAA, Tiger, Road Captain, Max, and my Enforcer, Tank.”

  I get a chin lift from each of them, Tank stands the fuck out because all the officers are as old as fuck, but Tank is maybe a few years younger than me.

  “Let’s go to church and I will fill you in on everything and we can get a plan in order. Preacher is on his way, the prick can’t keep his nose out of anyone’s business. I swear he is like an old broad at a tea party, the way he gossips.”

  “Yeah, when he isn’t fucking some pussy, or sucking cock,” Tank jokes, and everyone laughs with him.

  Yeah, Preacher is bisexual, and the fucker doesn’t care who gets him off, just as long as they do.

  We go into church and hash out a plan to get the green back. Everything is set in place when Preacher arrives with a new piece of ass on the back of his bike. It seems that she was left at the side of the road after taking a beating from her boyfriend.

  Preacher was on his way here and he knew that the club would help her in any way they could. I also didn’t miss the way that Tank went out of his way to help her in the short time I am at the club, I think I see a claiming in their future.

  Lilly and the other Old Ladies take care of Price, the girl Preacher rescued, so we can get this shit done, so I can get back on the road. Seeing everyone fuss around the girl, drinking, and being a fucking family makes my chest constrict in both pain and need. Not sure what I fucking need but the feeling of something missing is there.

  You miss Eden you dumbshit. My inner voice speaks, and I shake my head, to clear the voice away.

  I get on my bike and ride ahead to where we were told the punk ass crew is keeping the Skulls’ green. With my colors on my back, I am not linked to any club so if I get seen it is no big deal and no club will get blowback.

  Switching my engine off I wait and watch five kids, fucking kids, sit around smoking, trying to act like a bunch of big men, when in fact they are punks with no clue about how life works.

  Waiting for the club to arrive, I sit and think about Eden. The very second my mind isn’t thinking about plans and jobs, it is consumed by her. The way she smells, the way her skin feels beneath my fingertips, and the way her back arches when she comes from my cock sliding in and out of her.

  Thinking about her is making me hard, I push down on my dick, as I see lights come toward me. Knowing that I should stay away from her, I am gunning for my next fix of her at the same time. My head, heart, and cock are on different pages when it comes to this chick.


  Knocking back the shit of fireball that is placed in front of me, I sit back on my chair and look around the room. I am sitting in the main area of the clubhouse, Colt and his Old Lady are sitting in a chair across from me, Crude and his woman to their left and Tank is on the chair that is facing the bar, his eyes glued to the new girl, Price.

  “When are you going to settle down, Jonny?” comes Lilly’s voice.

  Everyone who has ever worked for me and my old club knows what went down with Jenn, but most don’t bring it up to my face, only because the last time someone told me to move the fuck on, I beat him into a coma.

  Shrugging. “Doubt it will happen, Lil,” I tell her, and she gives me the soft eyes, letting me know that she feels for me. I see that look all too often from Old Ladies.

  “Don’t look at him like that woman. He will find the right woman when he meets her,” Colt chimes in, kissing his woman’s cheek.

  Chuckling, I watch as Lilly sits up and pokes her man in the chest.

  “Don’t tell me what to do. He is young and handsome enough to find love again. He deserves love, everyone deserves love.”

  I sit and watch them interact and my heart clenches in my chest, seeing how happy the couples seem to be, even at their age, they are full of love and happiness as pussy as that sounds.

  This is what I wanted with Jenn, but life had a fucked up way of taking that away from me. Eden pops into my head while watching these loved up people and my heart jerks in my chest. Fuck.

  Life has a way of fucking you in the ass with a splintered bat, when you think it is going the way you like it.

  Fuck my life.

  Moving my gaze around the room, I chuckle seeing the death glare that Tank is throwing a prospect that is making Price laugh at the bar. When we got back from dealing with the little shits that stole the clubs’ green, Lilly and the Old Ladies had cleaned her up and fuck me she was a pretty one.

  She walked out of the kitchen in a pair of short denim shorts with the ends frayed and a tight white V-neck t-shirt and I swear I heard Tank’s tongue hit the floor.

  I have seen her check him out on the very slim chances that he wasn’t looking at her, so it will be fun around here for a while until the connection explodes between them, it is a shame I won’t be here for it.

  “Hey, handsome, you want some company?” I twist my head to look at some chick that has sat on the arm of my chair.

  I look over at Colt and Crude, they look between the woman and me, then Colt shrugs, but Lilly glares at the woman.

  “I thought all the Regs were banished?” I ask them.

  “It’s Thursday, brother. We open the bar to the civilians in town, get some fresh pussy in for the single guys, so to speak, plus more money in the bank, because they come out in droves. Now with Price behind the bar, I think we will reel the men in too,” Colt tells me, and Tank growls from his seat.

  He is one big ass motherfucker, short military cut hair, dark bushy beard, build like a linebacker or five, with a full tattooed sleeve on one arm. He stands, almost knocking his chair over, everyone looks in his direction, stopping what they are doing, including Price.

  “Not going to fucking happen, Pres,” is all he says, and he storms out of the room, throwing another glare at the prospect before he calls him. “Prospect. Front gate. NOW.”

  A hand lands on my shoulder reminding me that the woman is still sitting next to me. Her touch makes my skin crawl and that pisses me off. I have never been too fussy when it comes to pussy but after having Eden, I can’t face the idea of being touched by someone that isn’t her.

  I shrug off her touch and lean back, looking up at her. She is pretty enough, curly dark hair, full makeup, and dressed too good to be around a biker clubhouse.

  “Nope. Not lonely, got my brothers and sisters around me,” I tell her, and I hear the women snigger.

  “Not the type of company I was thinking,” she tries again, this time lowering her voice to a sexy tone, and I will admit my cock jerks in my jeans.

  If this was two weeks ago, fuck me I would have been buried deep inside of her already. But it seems that a sweet, sexy little blonde has my cock wanting her and only her.

  “Still no.” I down the rest of my beer and call out to Price.

  “Price, honey can I get another, please?” She nods and scurries off to get me a beer. It turns out that Price worked for a bar back home before her ex-boyfriend got her fired for being a jealous fucker.

  The bottle is placed in my hand and I wink at her, making her smile at me before returning to the bar.

  “I think you need to take the hint Jonny isn’t interested.” Li
lly’s voice chimes in and my gaze meets hers, receiving a wink from her.

  The woman goes to open her mouth but thinks better of it, then gets up and walks off. Lilly puffs out her chest, like a fucking peacock winning a fight, she is the Queen ‘round these parts and everyone respects her because she is a fair lady, but if you cross her, she will make you suffer.

  “Since when have you not been interested in free, easy pussy?” Crude calls out to me, with a grin on his face. This gets the attention of the woman and Lilly leans forward, eyeing me with fascination.

  The seconds tick by as she looks at me, scrutinizing my face, seeing she is reading something that I fucking pray isn’t there.

  “You’ve met someone.” It isn’t a question but a statement. The smile on her face completely covers her face, making her look younger than her years.

  I shrug but say nothing, sipping my beer and looking around the room, looking at anyone and anything but her. Childish I know but fuck me I need to sort out my own thoughts on Eden before I start blabbing to these gossip ladies.

  “I’m out,” is all I say as I stand. I kiss Lilly on the top of her head and repeat the action with Jewel before leaving the room and a bunch of ‘nights’ behind me.

  Reaching my room for the temporary time that I am here, I lock the door behind me before stripping down to nothing and laying on the bed, the pillows propped up behind my head as I stroke my cock, finally letting the images of Eden run through my mind like a re-run of a porn movie.

  “Fuck,” I mutter as my balls tighten in no time at all, thinking about having this one woman beneath me again.

  My hand pumps up and down, drawing out my orgasm, it feels fucking good but not as good as if I was driving into my woman’s pussy.

  Fuck, where the hell did that come from?

  Two, three more pumps, I lose count because the thought of me claiming this woman as mine confuses the fuck out of me. My cum shoots out of my cock and covers my stomach and chest.

  Sleep takes over with images of a sweet, sexy, and sassy blonde that is invading my every thought.


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