Seduced By A Devil

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by Vella, Wendy

  Seduced By A Devil

  Wendy Vella


  Seduced By A Devil


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Want More?

  Sensing Danger

  Wendy’s Books

  About the Author

  Seduced By A Devil

  By Wendy Vella

  From USA Today bestselling author Wendy Vella comes a sizzling new series full of passion, scandals and intrigue. Tasked with protecting the King, the Deville brothers are part of a secret alliance forged centuries ago, but when it comes to affairs of the heart they are yet to be tamed.

  Desperate for his help

  Gabriel Deville, Earl of Raine, has never met a woman like Dimity Brown. Mysterious, alluring, and utterly infuriating, she has no respect for him. In fact, the piano teacher treats him like he is the underling, not her. His beloved sister, however, calls her friend, and when Dimity disappears, he cannot refuse his sibling’s urgent plea to find her.

  Gabe’s first shock is finding Dimity in a seedy tavern, dancing on the bar. The second is seeing the feisty young woman vulnerable and scared. He soon realizes that what he feels for her is a great deal deeper than anger, and he will stop at nothing to keep her safe. Earning her trust and uncovering her secrets will be a challenge, but securing a place in her heart will be the biggest challenge of his lifetime.

  Powerless to resist

  Dimity had believed her life would never be anything more or less than it currently was, but then her father dies and everything changes. She is thrown out of the only home she has ever known and finds a letter in her father’s things that turns her life completely on its head. Penniless, confused, and desperate, she has nowhere to turn until Gabriel Deville steps back into her life.

  Lord Raine is arrogant, ridiculously wealthy, and far too dangerously handsome. Despite the sparks that had always flown between them, their interactions had been coldly civil. When he insists she accept his help, Dimity takes it, certain she can resist him and what is growing between them long enough to unravel the secrets of her past.

  Can they overcome their differences and society’s dictates to forge a life together?

  Sign up for my email newsletter and never miss a new release!

  This one is for Blake.

  The strong silent type who always has our back.

  You never have to set an alarm again. Take the time to breathe and enjoy life.

  Be that Poppa you want to be.

  Enjoy your retirement my love.

  Wendy, Soph, and Nate xxx


  The year was 1709, the monarchy was under threat, and the queen’s advisers worried. Danger came from many different quarters and something had to be done. A council was formed by Anne, Queen of Great Britain, and she gathered ten of her most powerful nobles. Men she trusted to pledge their allegiance to her and none other. Each was given a ring, the gold band forged from goblets said to be used by William the Conqueror in 1066 when he won the battle of Hastings and took the throne. The men would protect the ruling monarch, and the council would be known as Alexius. The Defenders.

  Over the years their numbers would grow as members would be enlisted for courageous acts undertaken, or loyalty to the throne. Others inherited the position. Brothers, cousins, all united in their quest.

  Veritas scutum tibi erit would be their pledge. The truth will be your shield.

  Chapter One

  Gabriel Deville, Earl of Raine, glared at the hapless individual who had told him no.

  “This was the address I was given for her.”

  “No, sir, Miss Brown no longer lives here.”

  Tall, with a shock of red hair, the boy looked no older than twelve.

  “But she did live here?”

  “Aye she did, but no longer. He didn’t want her here anymore.”


  “Her brother. He forced her out of her home.” The boy’s face twisted into a snarl. “It was wrong of him, it was.”

  Dimity Brown was not high on Gabe’s list of people he tolerated. She expressed her views too freely and had no respect. In fact, she was a mouthy, opinionated shrew, and yet here he stood on what he’d supposed was her doorstep with the night settling around him while rain ran off the brim of his hat. Sisters, Gabe thought, could play hell with your best laid plans.

  “Do you know where she may have gone?”

  Gabe may not like Miss Brown, but he did like his sister, who was concerned for her friend. Plus, there was that little niggling thought in the back of his head that while Miss Brown annoyed him, he had no wish for her to be sick or distressed.

  “Her brother said he’d promised her to a man.”

  “I beg your pardon?” Gabe was sure he’d heard those words wrong.

  “Miss Brown’s brother. Said she’d been worthless her entire life, so she could pay his debts now.” The boy’s face twisted into a grimace. “Said a man—can’t rightly remember his name, but he said this man would take Dimity to clear his gambling debts.”

  “You are not serious?”

  “I am. Got a bit nasty after that. I heard a sound, like something hitting something, or someone. As I was outside the door, I rushed in. He had a terrible black eye forming.”

  “The brother?”

  The boy nodded. “Miss Brown punched him. Squealed like a piglet, he did. Miss Brown told me all was well and that I was to leave.”

  The thought of her brother treating her with anything but respect and love enraged him. Yes, Gabe could be a trifle high-handed with his siblings, and especially his sister, which actually had led to Abby directly disobeying him and throwing herself into danger, but there was never any doubt he loved them.

  Sisters were to be protected, not sold or tossed out of their homes by brothers.

  “What happened then?” Gabe was sure the boy would know, as clearly he’d made sure he witnessed the entire incident.

  He sucked in his bottom lip in a gesture that was more befitting of a man triple his age, without teeth.

  “She left with only a single bag and didn’t tell me where she was going.”

  “Where is her father?” Gabe asked, remembering Abby had told him he too was a teacher.

  “Her father passed away suddenly. Miss Brown found him ill in bed. She called the doctor, but nothing could be done. He died the following day, and not long after, he came home—her brother. Right cold fish he always was too, and mean as a snake. Felt he was better than everyone; always walked about with his nose in the air. Me ma said he’d end up down a drain if he wasn’t careful.”

  “Back to Miss Brown.” Gabe looked at the sky as the drops of rain grew heavier.

  The London weather had turned from warm sunshine to frigid cold in the blink of an eye. It was cold enough to turn his nose red, and he’d much rather be home with his feet up before the fire
. Or playing billiards with one of his brothers.

  “When did her father pass?”

  “Two months back. Died suddenly. Right shock it was too.”

  “Find her, Gabe. I fear something terrible has happened. She has never failed to write to me, but it is many weeks now since Dimity has replied to any of my letters.” His sister had written those words in a letter that arrived this morning. Abby was in Edinburgh with her husband on business and had implored him to go and find her friend, as she’d woken in the dead of night gripped with dread. Sisters, he’d always noted, could be very dramatic. “She needs us, Gabe. I implore you to find her with haste. If you love me, you will do this.”

  She’d added the last sentence because she knew bloody well he would cut off his right arm if she had use for it.

  “So no one took her away? This man her brother supposedly promised her to did not arrive?”

  “No, she left by herself.”

  “Surely she gave a direction to someone?” Gabe’s voice sank to a growl.

  Dimity Brown had been Abby’s piano teacher, and a large pointy thorn in his side for as long as she’d been in his employment.

  Bloody woman.

  “Where is her brother?”

  “He left after Miss Brown and has yet to return. His eye was swollen shut.” The boy smiled. “The father was a good man. Worked as a music teacher, among other things. Right sad it was when he passed. We all miss him, and Dimity, as she’s a favorite of mine. Read to me and taught me my letters.”

  “Do you have an idea where I should start looking for her?”

  “You could ask at the Pig and Pigeon. She sometimes used to work there.”

  Gabe knew where the Pig and Pigeon was, having spent his life frequenting such places, talking to informants and searching for those who would threaten the monarchy.

  Looking out the window of his carriage minutes later, he wondered why he was doing this. He could tell Abby he’d looked for Dimity and not found her. Yet even as he thought the words, he knew he could not do that. Abby trusted him to look for her friend, and he would not have that trust misplaced.

  The Deville brothers were in London for the season, as they always were, which was in full swing. Gabe usually enjoyed society with all its nuances, for some reason he wasn’t this year. He was dissatisfied and not quite sure why. It was like he had an itch between his shoulder blades that he couldn’t reach. He was restless, and something niggled at him. He just wasn’t sure what.

  “We’ve arrived, my lord.”

  “Thank you, Toddy, and forgive me again for dragging you out in such weather. My hope is I shall not be long.”

  “I’m snug, my lord. No need to worry.”

  His driver wore a thick coat, scarf, and hat pulled low so Gabe could only see his eyes. He had a blanket over his knees and a flask of something to warm him tucked away somewhere, Gabe was sure.

  Getting out, he looked at the Pig and Pigeon. The windows told him that people were inside; was Miss Dimity Brown one of them? Exiting minutes later, frustrated, he now had another address. This one in a location he would not send his worst enemy to.

  “Are you sure you want to go to the Salty Sailor, my lord? It’s a right bad place.”

  “Yes, thank you, Toddy, I shall not be there long.” His driver didn’t know—nor, in fact, did any other of his household staff—that he often frequented such places with his brothers.

  As the carriage rolled toward the docks, he checked his pistol and knife, not that he needed them. Gabe, like his brothers, had been trained to use his fists and feet. The Deville brothers hadn’t always had the purest of reputations and had fought many a brawl defending it. “Those damn Devilles” was not an uncommon statement to spill regularly from the lips of a society member.

  Men had been murdered in the Salty Sailor. Drunkards and sailors seeking a good time frequented it. No lady or gentlemen should be there.

  “Stop the carriage here, Toddy, and walk the horses. This is where I will meet you again shortly. Simply circle this street and the next until I return.”

  “If you’re sure, my lord, but I wish you had some backup.”

  “I require no backup, thank you.” Gabe walked away from his carriage.

  He heard the hum of noise as he approached. There was a cracked pane of glass in the mullioned front window and rubbish piled around the exterior of the building. Exhaling slowly, Gabe entered.

  Looking around the room, he searched for Dimity and found her on the filthy bar, dancing and singing. Her bodice was cut low. Skirts tucked up at the sides. He felt that little jab of heat in his belly he got when she was near. Dark hair hung free of restraint in ringlets to her waist, and he knew those blue eyes would be alive with some emotion; as yet, he was not sure what. Lush and curved, she was taller than Abby. Disturbing Dimity Brown was definitely no shrinking violet. And he’d wanted her from the first moment he’d seen her.

  Belying her shrewish temperament, she had the face of an angel. Soft creamy skin, lovely full lips, and a smile that lit her entire face.

  Men were five deep looking up at her and another woman beside her, cheering. Gabe moved closer.

  What could possibly have put her in a place like this?

  She had a smile on her face, but it didn’t reach her eyes—in fact, now that he could see her expression clearly, he saw the desperation. She hated what she was doing; he just had to find out what or who had put her here.

  “Aww, come on, lovely, show us a bit more!” One of the men roared the words at the women. The lady beside Dimity smiled coyly back, clearly enjoying herself. Dimity’s smile dropped, and she scowled at the man.

  “She’s a right bitch, that one. Not sure why Jack employs her,” he heard someone say as Gabe passed him on his way to the bar.

  “Jack says she’s efficient and doesn’t take any rubbish from anyone.”

  “Wouldn’t mind having some fun with her. She’s a shapely lass.”

  Gabe elbowed the man in exactly the right spot, and the air hissed from his lungs.

  “‘Ere, you watch yourself!” he gasped.

  Dimity Brown may not be high on his list of morning callers, but Gabe would have no man insulting her but him. She had irritated him from the first time he’d met her. But his sister had liked her, so he’d employed her and regretted it every day since.

  There was a confidence about the woman that annoyed him. An arrogance. She looked down her nose at him, and yet he was the one with the title. She’d never been intimidated by him as many were.

  Gabe watched as a hand grabbed Dimity’s ankle. She tried to kick it away, but it traveled upward.

  “Release her!” His words rose above the noise of the others. Surprise had the man who was touching Dimity step back.

  Looking up at her, Gabe watched the shock on her face change to shame, then anger.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “My sister is worried about you and sent me to find you.” He raised his voice above the roar as he muscled his way to stand beneath her.

  She loved Abby; he saw it in the tears that formed in her blue eyes at the mention of her name.

  “Tell her I am well. Now leave.”

  “This is you being well, is it?” Gabe grunted as someone shoved him in the back.

  “Go away, Lord Raine. I am working.”

  “Come down off that bar, Dimity, and I will take you home.”

  “No.” She started singing loudly, swishing her skirts, the hem rubbing his cheek. Gable swiped it aside. “I no longer have a home.”

  “Get lost, she’s having fun. This ain’t the place for a fancy-dressed gentleman. You’ll end with your pockets empty and your pretty face bruised if you don’t leave.”

  Gabe turned to face the man who nudged him in the back again.

  “Back away,” he growled. “Now.”

  “Make me.” The man’s jaw jutted out, and those around him urged him on.

  “Don’t touch him!” The words came
from Dimity. “He’s leaving.”

  “I’m not leaving without you.” He looked at her over his shoulder.

  “Don’t be a fool. This is no place for the likes of a soft-bellied nobleman,” she said between verses. “An earl.” She spat out his title with her usual disrespect.

  Hell and damnation, only this woman could boil his blood in a matter of seconds.

  “Shut up and get down here.” He grabbed her hand and tugged; she fell into his arms with a loud screech that had his ears ringing.

  “Unhand me, you bloody fool! They’ll tear you apart.”

  Gabe ignored her, simply placing her over his shoulder. Clamping a hand around her legs, he began to wade through the crowd of men, who were now howling their protests that he was taking their entertainment away.

  He used his legs and the free hand, ensuring every strike hit its mark and would subdue, but still he took a couple of blows to his face. Dimity hammered on his back, but he did not release her. Pulling out his pistol, Gabe held it before him, and suddenly his path to the door was cleared. Reaching it in a few strides, he wrenched it open and left the building, slamming it behind him.

  It was amazing just how much the wood muffled the sound, as now he could hear Dimity Brown’s curses clearly. Deciding to put some distance between her and the Salty Sailor, he walked back the way he’d come, still carrying her over one shoulder.


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