Hard At Work (A Dark Alpha Romance) (Nice and Dirty Series Book 3)

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Hard At Work (A Dark Alpha Romance) (Nice and Dirty Series Book 3) Page 2

by Lola StVil

  Aria is studying business, and she’ll learn plenty about it in my office. And Clare, my office manager, has been saying for a while that she needs some help with the admin duties, so I’ll get some Brownie points for that.

  The valet brings my car around. I thank him, get in, and head toward my loft. I smile to myself as I think about Aria putting the governor in his place once I offered her a job. The look on his face was priceless, and he deserved the comment after he almost had her in tears. Dick.

  I try to think about something other than Aria, but it’s clear that’s not going to happen. I can’t get her long legs and doe eyes out of my head. She’s gorgeous, there’s no doubting that, and she has this quality about her, something that makes me not just want her, but need her.

  I had no idea how much power she would have over me from one touch. I mean, I shook her hand in the party, and it felt nice, but it was nothing compared to the jolt that went through me outside, away from prying eyes. It was like she lit me up from the inside out. I’ve never felt anything like it before, and I know I have to have her.

  I have to claim her for my own. I have to make her mine. But I can’t now.

  I was all set to give her a ride home, regardless of how far out of my way she might have been. I figured it was the right thing to do, and I could get to know a bit more about her. Then she touched my hand, and I knew I could never be alone with her. If I was, I don’t think I would be able to stop myself from claiming her mouth, her pussy, every fucking inch of her.

  I can’t do that and then have her start working for me, and I’m not someone who goes back on his word. I’m going to have to find some way to get that girl out of my head, because if I don’t, then I don’t think I’ll be able to stop myself from having her, whether she works for me or not.


  I spent Sunday morning agonizing over calling Aria. I knew the second I heard her voice that I would be rock hard again. I’d already jerked off just thinking about her twice, and I had to stop it. Talk about unprofessional. And yeah, kind of fucking creepy. That’s what she did to me. She made me forget about the social norms. She made me forget who I was. She drove me fucking crazy, and I had only met the girl once.

  In the end, I took the coward’s way out. I called Clare and explained the situation. Not the part where I couldn’t stop thinking about what Aria’s pussy would taste like, but the part about her starting work on Monday. I told Clare she would be training Aria and to call her and set it all up.

  I can’t avoid her forever, though. I’m about to step into the office now, and I know she’ll be there. I take a deep breath and tell myself to grow the fuck up. I can do this. I’m a grown man, for fuck’s sake. Telling myself this does nothing to quell the feelings in my stomach at the thought of seeing her again. I’ve wanted women before, of course I have, but never like this. I’ve never met a woman who with one touch could make me want her so completely.

  I step inside. The cool air should calm me, but all I can think about is whether it would be cool enough to make Aria’s nipples stand to attention if she was lying naked on the reception desk. I see her immediately.

  Unfortunately, she’s not lying naked on the reception desk waiting for me to come in and claim her body. She’s sitting beside Clare, and the two of them are looking intently at the computer on the desk. She’s fully clothed; she’s wearing a purple blouse underneath a black suit jacket. I instantly imagine them on my office floor, Aria standing naked before me, begging me to take her. My cock starts to respond, and I force myself to look away from her. I will not allow myself to get a hard-on in the lobby of my own company.

  “Good morning, ladies,” I say, forcing myself to act normal.

  If Clare gets even the slightest hint that I like Aria, she’ll make my life a living hell, winding me up at every opportunity.

  “Hey,” Clare says, not looking up.

  Aria does look up. She gives me a shy smile and then looks away quickly. I hurry on past them to my office. I go in, shut the door behind me, and sit down at my desk. The way Aria looked at me and immediately looked away reminded me of an animal that knows it’s going to be lunch. But in this scenario, Aria would enjoy being eaten. She would beg me for more.

  I picture her on my desk, her head turned toward me, smiling invitingly. She rubs her hands over her stomach and sighs loudly. She reaches for my hand, putting it on her pussy. She …

  The office door opens, and Clare bursts in.

  “You ever think of knocking?” I say.

  “Nope,” Clare says, completely ignoring my irritation. “She’s doing all right. She’s a fast learner, and I think she’ll be good for the company.”

  “You say that like you think I don’t know what I’m doing when it comes to hiring staff,” I say.

  Clare raises an eyebrow and laughs. “Come on, Col, you fancied her and gave her a job. It’s hardly a tough recruitment process, is it?”

  “That’s not why I hired her,” I say.

  “But you’re not denying it, are you?”

  “I don’t fancy her, for fuck’s sake,” I snap.

  “Oh my God. I was joking. I thought you’d hired her because you felt guilty at getting her sacked. But you actually do like her, don’t you?”

  How the fuck this happened so quickly I have no idea, but I know I need to put an end to it right now before Clare starts trying to play matchmaker.

  “I’m going to deny she’s hot—I mean, that’s obvious. But I have no interest in starting anything with her. Aside from the fact I’m done with dating, she’s an employee. You know I don’t mess around with the staff, Clare.”

  “Huh?” Clare says, faking surprise. “You mean I have to return the wedding dress?”

  I can’t help but laugh.

  “I think your husband and kids might have something to say if you don’t,” I say.

  “Are you joking? The kids love you. But yeah, I don’t suppose Andrew will be too happy about it.” She laughs.

  I shake my head. “So now you’ve had your fun, how about you get back out there and actually do some work? Not all of us come here to socialize, you know.”

  “This is work. I’m seeing how Aria copes on her own,” she says.

  “Bit harsh. She’s been here, what? An hour. And you’re throwing her to the sharks already?”

  “Sink or swim, right?”

  I shrug. “Whatever works for you.”

  I have a feeling Aria will impress Clare and be more than capable of swimming with the sharks. She managed to stand up to the governor. I don’t think anyone here will worry her too much.

  Clare spends some time giving me my messages and going through a couple of reports with me. I am only half listening, the other half of me wondering what Aria is doing right now. I can’t help but think of her knocking something off the desk. Bending down to get it. Her tight little ass in the air. Fucking hell, what I could to that girl.

  “So,” Clare says when she’s done. “You’re really not into Aria?”

  “I’m really not into Aria,” I lie.

  “Maybe that would be a good reason to date her.”

  I frown. What the fuck did I say? Nothing that’s going through my head, I hope.

  Clare laughs at my expression. “Well, you say you’re off women because the dating scene is a mess. And you’re right. But you know why? Because the women you date are all wrong for you. You’re attracted to women who have no staying power. Maybe if you’re not interested in Aria, it means she’d actually be good for you.”

  I roll my eyes, although I can’t fault her logic. I do tend to go for women who aren’t the settling-down type. But that’s because I was never interested in settling down. Not until I met Aria. But that can’t happen. I can’t date an employee. It would be unprofessional.

  “Listen, I get that you like to wind me up, Clare, but Aria is new here, and I would appreciate it if you didn’t have this kind of conversation with her. I don’t like her, I don’t want to date
her, and I don’t want her to think that I do. Talk about leaving yourself open for a lawsuit.”

  “I’m not an idiot.” Clare laughs. “Sure, I like to wind you up, but I’m hardly going to go out there and tell Aria you like her, am I? What do you think I am?”

  “Right now? Fucking Cupid.”

  Clare laughs again. “And what about if she shows some interest? You still want me to put her off?”

  I have to bite my tongue to stop myself from asking if Aria has shown some interest. It doesn’t matter. It can’t happen, and I really don’t want to give Clare any excuses to play matchmaker.

  “Yes. I do,” I say firmly. “Not that I think for a second she’s into me.”

  Clare gets up. “Whatever you want, boss,” she says with a wink. “Oh, and if you think she’s not into you, you don’t know women at all.”

  She’s gone before I can respond. Does Aria like me? I don’t know if that makes me feel better or worse. Better because such a gorgeous woman likes me, but worse because it would be much easier to stay away from her if she wasn’t into me.

  I shake my head and tell myself to get a grip. This is beyond ridiculous. I should have just told Clare to sort out an employee herself when she first brought this to me, and then I couldn’t have offered Aria a job here. Maybe then I could have forgotten her, although I doubt I could.

  When Clare said she needed an extra pair of hands around the office, it didn’t occur to me for even a second that I might find myself wanting those hands all over my body.



  I think I’m doing a good job so far. Of both learning the ropes of the office and of keeping the way Colton makes me feel inside a secret. Clare seems pleased enough with my performance, and I am learning quickly. Now I just need to learn how I can sit so I don’t get shivers when I see Colton. Or when I think about him. Which is far more often than I care to admit.

  I’m drafting a letter Clare asked me to type up when I feel his presence. I don’t even need to look over my shoulder and along the hallway to where his office is to know I’m right. I can sense him somehow. I am like a gazelle who knows a lion is approaching. Only where the gazelle would run away to avoid being eaten, I would do just about anything to have Colton eat me.

  I feel the now-familiar longing go through me and force myself to keep my body tight and rigid and my face neutral. I stare at the screen like it’s suddenly the most interesting thing I have ever seen in my life as I wait for him to emerge from the hallway.

  Emerge he does. He has taken his jacket off and his shirt shows way more than is safe for me to see. He looks strong, like he could take me in his arms and protect me from the world. Like having him hold me would make me feel safe and wanted—and loved, even.

  He’s here now, in the lobby. Clare looks up and grins at him. I know I have to do the same. It would be rude not to glance up from the screen, and I don’t want him to think taking me on is a mistake. I look up, telling myself to flash him a professional smile and then go back to the letter. Not that I can remember what it’s about.

  I look up, and the smile freezes on my lips when I see the way he’s looking at me. The lust in his eyes makes them look hooded, dangerous. It sends a jolt through me, and I feel myself get wet between my legs. Looking at Colton stirs up feelings that I have never felt before. Certainly not with Liam, my boyfriend. Liam is run of the mill, average. Colton is anything but average.

  I can’t help but let my eyes wander over Colton, drinking him in. His broad shoulders, his muscular chest. I imagine the abs of steel beneath his shirt. My eyes wander lower, and I find myself looking at his package. Even through his pants, I can see the outline of his cock. I feel a flood of wetness and an aching need deep inside me. I know what I want. I want to feel Colton Blackwell inside me. I want him to fill me, to stretch me, to make me feel like I am on fire.

  I want him to be my first, to take my virginity. I have always wanted to wait for it to be special, and how could anyone or anything be more special than him?

  My eyes wander back up to Colton’s face. He’s regarding me with cool amusement now, and I look away quickly, feeling the heat rising in my face. I’m pretty sure I saw him smirk as I looked away. Does he know the effect he’s having on me? Is he enjoying it because he feels it too, or is he just toying with me?

  I saw that lust in his eyes, but I can’t imagine a man like Colton being interested in me. I’m nothing special. Colton can have any woman he wants. Why would he choose me?

  “I won’t be long, Clare,” he says as he passes through the lobby.

  She’s got her back to him, sorting through some files, and I’m relieved that means she has her back to me too. She didn’t see me checking him out, eyeing up his cock. And she didn’t see me going beet red.

  “See you soon,” he says to me.

  I open my mouth to reply, and all that comes out is a slightly strangled grunt. Fucking wonderful. That’s just the look I was going for. Mute idiot.

  Colton smiles at me, a sexy smile that makes me want to rip his shirt open and run my tongue down his chest. It makes me want to throw myself at his mercy and have him take my virginity right here in the lobby.

  He’s gone. I feel like I’ve been trapped in this awkward moment for an eternity. It can’t have been more than twenty seconds in reality. Clare turns around as I go back to my screen. I can feel my face is still red, and when I glance down, I see it’s not just my face. My whole chest is blotchy. Noticing it only makes me more embarrassed, and I feel my cheeks burning hotter and hotter.

  Clare comes back to the desk. She is watching me, and I’m sure she can see the beads of sweat forming on my upper lip. She laughs softly as I squirm inside.

  “He tends to have that effect on women,” she says casually, like she’s passing a comment about the weather. “But it’s not going to happen, so get it out of your head and get back to work.”

  She’s not cold, exactly, but she’s far from the warm and friendly woman she’s been all morning. I debate trying to deny knowing what she’s talking about, but what’s the point? She has eyes. She can see I’m a flustered mess.

  A thought occurs to me and fills me with dread. What if Clare is Colton’s wife? They could run the business together. It would explain why she’s so sure it’s not going to happen.

  “I … I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I …”

  Her face softens and she waves my apology away. “Don’t worry about it.” She shrugs.

  I am, though. I have to know, even if hearing her confirm my worst dread breaks me.

  “Are you and Colton … Are you his wife?” I ask quietly.

  Clare laughs. “What? No,” she says, shaking her head. “Colton and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. He’s like a brother to me. Look, I’m sorry if I came across as a bit harsh there. I just don’t want to see you get too attached to the idea of you two happening and end up getting your heart broken. He’s taking a break from the whole dating thing to concentrate on the business.”

  Her words should crush me, but instead, they elevate my heart. Colton isn’t married. He isn’t even dating anyone.

  “He hasn’t dated in, like, two years,” Clare adds.

  If her words were meant to put me off him, they’re having the opposite effect. I don’t hear Colton is off the table. I hear he’s ready to be unleashed. Two years is a long time. Definitely long enough for him to be ready for … me?

  I nod absently at Clare and start typing again. I’m not thinking about the letter, though. I’m thinking about walking into Colton’s office. I go to him without a word. He stands up as I approach him. I reach out and unzip his pants. He kisses me, deep and passionate. And then he ravishes me, caressing me, licking me. Taking me as his.



  Aria has worked here for almost two weeks now. Clare is really impressed with her performance, and so am I. I only wish Aria didn’t have such an eff
ect on me, and then maybe I could actually tell her that. I have done my best to avoid her, coming in early and leaving late, knowing she won’t be on the front desk then. And the odd time I have encountered her, I’ve been nothing but cool and professional. I can’t let myself have a repeat of her first day here where I looked at her and saw myself fucking her raw. I know she saw that look in my eyes. I could see it in the way her face flushed, the way her breathing quickened ever so slightly, and the way she couldn’t form any words.

  Her reaction to me only makes me want her more. But I am in control of myself. I am done dating, and even if I wasn’t, then the very last place I would look for someone was here in the office. Talk about messy.

  The fact I’m trying to avoid her hasn’t stopped me from wanting her. I’ve even taken to leaving my office door open a crack so I have fleeting glimpses of her as she crosses the lobby. I’ve worked out what time she takes her breaks too so I can make sure to pass the kitchen and drink her in. There’s no harm in looking, right?

  Or maybe there is. Maybe I am just torturing myself, but regardless of whether I allow myself a glimpse of her or not, I can’t get her out of my head. I have to, though. This is insane. How can I look at her after exchanging barely twenty words with her and know without any trace of a doubt that I want her for life?

  I want to claim her body, her pussy. But I also want to claim her heart. I want to make her mine and only mine. I want her to be my wife, the mother of my children. The idea of it both excites me and fucking terrifies me.

  I stand up and leave the office. I need to stretch my legs, and I decide to go grab myself a bottle of water from the fridge. Aria is due her lunch break soon, and I don’t want to end up alone in the break room with her. I don’t know if I would be able to stop myself from reaching out and stroking her hair, touching her face. Kissing her full red lips.

  I get up and head for the kitchen. The door is ajar, and I don’t have to go inside to know whose voice I can hear drifting out. Aria’s. She must have taken her break early today. I can’t help but peer through the crack in the door.


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