Return: Nomadican Mates Series 4: Alien Reverse Harem Romance

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by Iona Strom

  Return: Nomadican Mates Series 4

  An alien reverse harem romance

  Iona Strom


  LS Anders

  Copyright © 2019 Iona Strom & LS Anders

  All rights reserved.

  Please respect the work of this author. No part of this eBook/book publication may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotation embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  Use your own judgment to determine if the content of this novel is appropriate for you.

  This romance is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  Proofreading, edits, and betas: Jenny and Michelle

  Photograph copyrights:


  Jenny and Michelle

  I couldn’t have done it without you.

  A Nomadican History Lesson

  When the Nomadican government becomes greedy and breaks a trade agreement with their neighboring planet, Biotios, war is unavoidable. The first strike against the Bioti, a smaller but no less aggressive species, happens before any Nomadican civilians are made aware any conflict existed. With strategically placed plasmatic bombs, the Nomadican government cripples Bioti cities across their world.

  Unbeknownst to the Nomadicans, the Bioti have a far worse, even more, destructive weapon at their disposal. At the touch of a button, a bomb capable of burrowing to the center of Riosis is unleashed, destroying the Nomadican’s planet from the inside out. That which was solid is returned to the stardust from which it was formed.

  Only a few hundred Nomadicans remain. Off-world at the time of the explosion, the survivors are thought to be only males. Now scattered across the Universe, the last of the Nomadicans search for more survivors and a new planet to call home.

  About this book

  Ivey faces off with the blue planet she has always known as home. Nothing is as it once was, and what she continues to deny becomes a reality.

  Ivey's Abduction Concluded

  After a long and perilous journey fraught with excitement and wonders beyond imagination, I've finally discovered a way back home, but a connection I hadn't anticipated has forged a powerful bond between me and the males that forced themselves into my life.

  Once I set foot on the blue marble that is Earth —after all this time— can I leave my harem behind, or will I let my heart get in the way of my freedom?

  Warning: Return: Nomadican Mates Series 4 is the conclusion of Ivey's captivating abduction. In this installment, Ivey is the first of many to tell her story of a dark abduction and erotic survival.

  Don't leave just yet! Another woman is coming soon to entertain you with her tale of abduction and survival in Ravish: Nomadican Mates Series 5.

  Books by Iona Strom

  Captive: Nomadican Mates Series 1

  Bound: Nomadican Mates Series 2

  Taken: Nomadican Mates Series 3

  Return: Nomadican Mates Series 4

  Ravish: Nomadican Mates 5 (coming soon)

  Books by LS Anders

  Vehn: Exotic Ink Series 1

  Tegan: Exotic Ink Series 2

  Jason: Exotic Ink Series 3

  Vex: Mythical Ink Series 1

  Sevin: Mythical Ink Series 2

  Cael: Mythical Ink Series 3

  A Fairy’s Tale: Mythical Ink Series 4

  Six Pack: Men of Measure Series 1

  Table of Contents

  A Nomadican History Lesson

  About this book

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13


  Glossary of Nomadican Words

  Newsletter and Stalk the Authors

  Chapter 1

  I scramble away from the monstrosity as soon as the door slams shut at my back. His focus isn’t on me but the control panel where all sorts of tiny lights flash and blink under the monster’s fingertips.

  I know if I don’t find a way to stop this shuttle from lifting off the planet’s surface, my life will be forfeit. The creature that has me now will use my body in every vile way imaginable until I’m dead. Worse still, I will never see my males again.

  The shuttle vibrates. Frantically, my eyes search the metal can from where I’m crouched on the metal floor in a tight ball. There is nothing useful. All smoothed walls and floors, the only thing in the cramped space is the console that’s plugged into the metal floor. Not even a chair exists for the pilot. I don’t know how this freak fly’s standing up, but I don’t want to be here to find out.

  My palms land flat on the cold metal floor as the shuttle begins its ascent. My time is up. No more thinking, action is the only thing that can save me now.

  I unleash my inner WWE and make a lunge for the monstrosity’s back. Covered in a dense thicket of prickly hairs, I’ve landed on the back of a porcupine. I ignore the thousand tiny stab wounds as I make my first attempt at a chokehold. Not that I made it a habit to watch professional wrestling, except maybe when Roman Reigns is gracing the screen, because… dayum. What girl doesn’t pause clicking through television channels to get an eyeful of all that hotness.

  Now, compared to any of my males, Roman pales in comparison.

  Thoughts of my males sends a surge of power that tightens my arm around the monster’s throat. I hang on tight as the monster tries to buck me off with a roar that sets my ears to ringing.

  My efforts cause the shuttle to list to one side, and my abductor is thrown off balance. His enormous weight collides and rebounds off the wall with a great thud. A lurching step to the left and then to the right as the monster tries to regain his balance before toppling over, falling backward to land in a bone-crushing heap with me cushioning his fall.

  The breath explodes from my lungs in a painful punch. Stunned into immobility, I lose my grip around the monster’s throat. With a mighty lurch, the weight of the beast shifts to the side. He leaves me to resume his place at the console to correct the shuttle’s cockeyed position. The sudden shift slides my limp body across the cold metal floor.

  “Stupid female!” the monstrosity hisses at me in a strange, guttural language the translator still stuck in my ear can’t interpret. “You could have wrecked the shuttle. I shall punish you accordingly for your insolence as well as the slight against me by that Nomadican prick that cheated me out of my purchase of your ripe cunt. I shall take from you what was rightfully mine until you can no longer walk.”

  He leers at me over his thick shoulder with a vulgarity that doesn’t need translation. Saliva drips from his thin lips.

  The shuttle now level begins a quick ascent, pressing me back into the hard floor. Metallic posts lift out of a pocket in the floor. Straps emerge and wrap themselves around the monster like a protective hand to hold him in place as the shuttle continues to rise off the planet’s surface. And away from my males.

  Tears rush to the surface, and there’s no stopping the deluge, but through my anguish, a glint from something shiny and long c
atches my eye. I turn my head to find out what small object is sliding around on the floor beside me.

  I blink hard to clear my wavy vision. I almost don’t believe what I’m seeing! A mirage of something longed for or is it the real thing. There’s only one way to find out.

  Pressed hard to the floor against the sharp ascent of the shuttle, I manage to force my body over onto my belly. The shuttle slows and levels off. I know what’s coming next. I’ll be jettisoned into outer space and taken aboard the monster’s ship that has to be orbiting the planet the same as my males.

  The slowing of the shuttle gives me more maneuverability. I don’t waste a moment, low crawling over to retrieve the knife in a scurry of arms and legs. Once in range, I reach out, and the cold handle of the serrated blade hits my palm. My knuckles go white as I clutch the knife.

  In my next heartbeat, I stand and throw myself at the monster’s back, stabbing at every part of him that I can reach.

  The monstrosity roars in a fury, lashing out at me with long powerful arms. His legs trapped by the confines of the cage that keep him tethered to the console and the floor. I dodge most of his flailing’s, but the blows he lands are hard hits, and it’s all I can do to remain upright and fighting.

  Stabbing, stabbing, stabbing… I rear back as his head turns, revealing a vulnerable place at the base of his throat. As if the spot was marked with a bullseye, I squeeze the handle harder and take aim—

  I go airborne. Popped right off my feet, I go weightless before I’m thrown back against the metal hull of the shuttle. The knife, as well as my breath, is knocked from me. My head hits so hard, an explosion of stars scatters out in front of me.

  All I can do is watch in horror through the shuttle’s windshield as the monster makes a few quick adjustments on the console and I’m hurtled out of the golden planet’s atmosphere and into the blackness of space. Leaving my males behind.

  The place where my heart used to be is empty, and I’m left with a hollow cavity that hurts with a resounding sense of loss. I mourn Nulis, who I left behind, crumpled and bloody, in the middle of that market. Never will I forget Natu’s handsome face, blood-streaked from fighting and panic-stricken, as he chased after the monstrosity that stole me away.

  Dotted in the inky backdrop of outer space are hundreds of spaceships orbiting as they wait for whoever is on the planet below. I wonder which one Xuel is aboard. I’ve never gotten a look at what I’ve been zooming around the stars in, so I pick one that looks worthy of my males and imagine Xuel on the command deck, standing tall and proud.

  The monstrosity turns us toward a black conveyance with a hodge-podge of strange protrusions sticking out of the craft. Nowhere near as elegant as the ship I declared as Xuel’s, which is now lost from sight with the monster maneuvering us in a different direction. A mournful groan erupts from me. I can hardly believe I’m capable of such a sorrowful sound, but there it is, and it’s more than warranted.

  As we draw closer to the monster’s spaceship, I know my fate is sealed. It’s only a matter of time before the monster kills me. With the amount of purple blood dripping from the stab wounds I managed to inflict, I know he’s angry, and it won’t be long until he strikes me a killing blow. I can only hope he kills me before he fucks me.

  Chapter 2

  At first, I think it’s a gaping hole in the underside of the monster’s spaceship, but as we come closer, I decide that it’s a bay door with a rough interior. No sleek lines like Xuel’s ship. No, this hunk of junk I’m headed toward is all haphazard chunks of metal that looks like it’s been piece milled together. A Frankensteined piece of shit created from parts and pieces from other spacecraft.

  How this contraption can even navigate space is a wonder in itself.

  As the shuttle slows its forward momentum, the force holding my body against the wall is lessened enough where I crumble to the floor in a balled-up heap.

  The knife I dropped when the shuttle rocketed into outer space lies only a few feet away. That piece of serrated metal is my only chance at defending myself. I creep over on shaky legs as the monster busies himself with navigating us in through the mouth of the bay to ready us for a landing.

  I throw out my hand and grab onto the handle. Cradling the knife to my chest, I might stand a chance against this monster—

  Pain rips through my right shoulder as I’m hauled up by my elbow in a crushing hold, my feet dangle just above the floor. I manage to hang onto the knife.

  Faced away from the monster, I stab and slice at the air behind me hoping my serrated edge finds flesh.

  The howl bellowed out behind me tells me I succeeded.

  “You like to inflict pain, female?” the monster curses something at me. “So do I. Your turn is coming as soon as I divest you of my weapon.”

  Shaken hard, my limbs flop around like a ragdoll. I keep a grip on the serrated blade. Thrown to the floor, my hip takes the brunt of the abuse. I struggle to put some distance between us as the monster shoots daggers from his unearthly eyes. I recoil farther away as he blinks vertically and wipes away bloody drool on the back of his hand.

  Not a lot of space inside the shuttle, but I scurry around the console table plugged into the floor. At least now I have some kind of barrier between me and him. Maybe this will buy me some time to figure out my next move.

  Giant prickly hair covered feet stomp over. I don’t cower, but I do back away to give myself space to slice at the air in front of me. If this asshole wants a piece of me, I’m lopping off as many pieces of him as I can in the process.

  The nasty gash I slice open in his forearm only makes him rear back harder with his opposite hand. The bone-jarring blow to my jaw twists me around, slinging me against the wall at my back.

  Rattled and clinging to consciousness, I drag myself by the palms of my hands, my body squeaks across the metal floor in my efforts to get away. My knife gone, knocked out of hand.

  I don’t have time to look for it or assess the loose feel of some of my teeth. Keeping out of reach of the monster bearing down on me is my only goal.

  I don’t get far before my ankle is caught in a rough grip. My head hits the floor when I’m pulled up like a side of beef to hang upside down from the monster’s giant fist.

  I hear the screech of metal on metal as the monster pushes my lost knife aside with his foot.

  “Now that I have you where I want you, the fun can begin,” the monster hisses something at me. If the evil glint in his grotesque eyes is any indication, I’m as good as dead.

  My body swings along with the monster’s hobbling gait. At least he didn’t come out of this fight unscathed. Besides my slices and dices, he has a record number of deep bite wounds inflicted by my males.

  Am I lost to them, or will they risk themselves a second time to come after me? Not that I don’t want to be rescued, but losing another male is unfathomable. I don’t want Natu or Xuel to die because of me.

  For the short time I have left to live, I think of Nulis. So brave and strong as he fought for me. A warrior left crumpled and bleeding on the hard-packed dirt of the marketplace. A tragedy that is all my fault.

  Saddened still, I feel like I was just getting to know him. He had recently revealed facets of himself I never knew were there. Hidden beneath his appetite for sex was the intelligence and humor of a male I couldn’t help but admire.

  Now he’s dead because of me.

  As much as it hurts for me to wish this, I pray with all of my heart that my males chalk me up as a loss and move on.

  Chapter 3

  Blood blurs my topsy-turvy vision as the monster disembarks from the shuttle with me swinging by one ankle from his grasp. I fight to remain lucid. Why, I don’t know. It would be better for me if I lost consciousness, never to wake up from this hellish nightmare.

  It hurts to breathe. My jaw aches from what I suspect is a fracture, and I’m pretty damn sure my left shoulder could be dislocated. All of that pales in comparison to the hollow place behind my bre
astbone that used to shelter my heart.

  There is nothing the monster or his friends, who are beginning to gather around, can do to me that is worse than my shattered heart.

  “What kind of fuck toy have you brought, Vuik?” A male not as large in size as the monster holding me speaks in a deep, guttural inflection that I can’t understand.

  “This cunt is mine first, Gruc.” The monster that has me by the ankle shoves another male out of the way and continues on. “You know the rule. What is found belongs to the finder.”

  “Unless the finder is challenged by another and wins.” Another male shoves at the monster. He stumbles and my head knocks on the hard floor of the ragged spacecraft.

  “And you think to best me for this cunt, Trec?” My monster hefts me up by the ankle and jangles me in the face of the one that just spoke.

  “I would not expect much of a fight from the looks of you.” The male replies and looks the monster over with a critical eye. “Seems you have lost your loin covering as well. Were you interrupted before you could sample your new pet?”

  “I trailed a Nomadican freighter undetected for three starrligons and fought two of their males and an Illiact for the rights to this cunt.” My ears perk up as the race of my males is spoken. “Not you or any other Wetokian will take from me what is mine.”

  The monster pushes through the crowd of his own kind and limps off into a narrow corridor barely the width of the monster’s shoulders. I can see from my dangling position that the others follow. With measuring eyes, they assess the wounds on the monster’s back, the blood that leaks from my stabs, and the awkward gait of my capture.

  It appears the monster has enemies of his own.

  The monster’s lopsided strides are long before making a fast jog to the left that takes us into a sparsely furnished chamber. Metal slams against metal and I can only imagine it was a door being closed against his followers.


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