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Return: Nomadican Mates Series 4: Alien Reverse Harem Romance Page 4

by Iona Strom

“I’m nowhere near death, shoulsis, and even if I was, I would still crave you.”

  My surprise over his understanding of my words is shattered as soon as his fingers find and strum across my clit. Nulis must have been given a translator sometime while I was asleep. That thought is erased as one leg is hefted up and hooked over Nulis’ bent knee. Spread for his use, a fat finger fills me with a perfect rhythm, and I’m lost to all else except the heat unfurling in my belly. Another finger finds its way inside and a third, my sex pleasantly stretched.

  I arch back and wrap an arm that no longer aches around Nulis’ thick neck. Turning my face up to his, I don’t care that his breath is foul, I only want to be close to him.

  Nulis continues to stoke me to a wicked heat. With a lick of fire, I explode from the inside out, my release unyielding as he slows, massaging me inside with deep, measured strokes, my prolonged orgasm soaking the platform beneath me.

  “Such a slippery welcome, shoulsis,” Nulis grunts and nudges me onto my belly.

  I whimper when he extracts his fingers but grow wetter when his hot tip pushes at my entrance.

  “It feels like forever since I was last buried inside your tight heat,” Nulis growls out. “Open yourself wide so I may sheath myself fully.”

  I have nothing intelligible to say, only moans and unladylike grunts as I lift up on all fours, assuming his favorite position. I wiggle my bottom at him when he doesn’t immediately claim my sex. Instead of the hot prodding I need so badly, Nulis sits back on his knees and plays in the remnants of my orgasm. Delving one finger inside and then another, he paints the petals of my sex with my juices.

  “Please.” I manage one intelligible word, but he continues to tease me.

  Nulis looks on with blown pupils black as coal, dipping and retreating inside my intimate place where he claims he’s so desperate to be. I roll my hips in fluid waves, rocking back to devour his exploring fingers in hopes of enticing him into taking me. He only hisses through clenched teeth. I watch in desperate fascination as his gigantic cock bounces with appreciation.

  Just as I’m about to beg him to fuck me, Nulis presses three of his fat fingers inside, and expertly plays my clit until I’m convulsing and writhing. A release like nothing I’ve ever experienced gushes from me. If not so high on lust, I would be mortified to hear the splash.

  A heavy hand lands on my hip to steady me as Nulis thrusts so deep, his pelvis smacks against my bottom. Grinding his considerable erection into me, I savor the fullness only Nulis can give.

  “Your cunt has ripened, shoulsis,” Nulis groans. “You are well and truly a Nomadican’s Mate.”

  I want to ask what he means by that, but once he begins pumping his enormous cock, I couldn’t care less about anything else except the electric feel of being taken so fully.

  Ravenous, Nulis snarls at me. I’ve never known him to be this hungry. Hooking an arm under my bent knee, I’m lifted and twisted to the side, my leg stretched on the vertical and hugged to Nulis’ chest to point over his shoulder.

  I’m barely balancing on one knee while he ravishes my sex. I can hardly catch my breath from the pummeling. Tendons pull taut, and I know I will never walk the same after this, but I couldn’t care less. Only the euphoric bliss of reaching my next climax is important.

  I give up trying to support my upper body and let myself bounce around freely, Nulis is immersing me in such pleasure, all I know is him.

  Chapter 8

  “I will be alright, shoulsis,” Nulis reassures me once again. “Go with Natu. You can come back and visit on the cycle. I need to rest and the scent of your sweet cunt is too enticing.”

  I should be used to Nulis’ bawdy talk, but I can’t control the blush that heats my face.

  “Come, Avay,” Natu encourages me from the door of Nulis’ recovery room. “Nulis needs more rest to fully recovery.”

  I look at Natu, his face sternly patient. It isn’t that I don’t want to spend time with him and Xuel, but I thought I had lost Nulis forever and leaving him is so difficult.

  Snack is of a like mind, the furball trying to burrow under the edge of Nulis’ covers.

  “Take your Snack with you.” With a gentle hand, Nulis gathers the tiny creature and holds it out for me to take.

  Only because Nulis needs to rest am I resigned to leave, otherwise, I would stay and watch over him until he’s regained his former weight and back on his feet.

  I lean down and place a chaste kiss on his smooth cheek.

  “You are the sweetest female,” Nulis’ compliment floats out on a rotten cloud but is none the less treasured.

  “I will come back as soon as you are ready.”

  “I am always ready for you.” A wry smile tugs at the corners of his mouth.

  “Well, then I will come back when you ask for me.”

  “It will not be long, Avay.” Nulis’ eyes are already beginning to droop. “I just need a little more time.”

  My poor male is already falling into a healing sleep. On bare feet, I pad quietly out of the room to join Natu in the corridor. Snack hops out of my cupped hands and onto my shoulder, nestling in the curve of my neck. The soft purring that flows from the tiny creature is a comfort as I leave Nulis behind.

  Fully healed from my injuries, I follow Natu down the corridor, remembering someone I should have already inquired about.

  “Natu, what happened to Mont’clure?”

  “Healing in his quarters,” Natu pauses and turns to face me.

  “Was he badly injured?” I swallow hard with the knowledge that he never approved of my presence on that planet. He was right, it was my fault everyone got hurt. I should never have been there.

  “He will recover.”

  I wait, but Natu doesn’t volunteer any details about the extent of Mont’clure’s injuries which makes me feel even worse. Natu studies my face with a discerning eye. I try and fail to replace my somber expression with one of happiness.

  “What is the matter, Avay?”

  “This is all my fault.” I ignore the tsking sound Natu makes and continue. “Nulis nearly died. You and Mont’clure were both injured because I shouldn’t have gotten off the damn ship to explore that marketplace. Don’t shake your head, Natu. You know I’m right.”

  “The only thing that happened was your males failed to protect you.”

  “You can’t be fucking serious?” I do some tsking of my own. “Every one of you could have been killed by that—”

  Natu hangs his head in shame. I clap my mouth shut, keeping my next words to myself. Stepping in closer, I lift his chin and peer into the verdant depths of his feline gaze.

  “It isn’t that I don’t think you can protect me, and I most certainly don’t blame you or Nulis for that monster abducting me from Letrutose,” I carefully choose my next words. I don’t want to sound as if I’m questioning their prowess as protectors. “I seem to be a magnet for trouble. I don’t want any of you hurt, again, because of me.”

  “You are never trouble, Avay,” Natu tilts his head and reaches out to cup my chin. “We all love you.”

  I swallow hard, my vision watering over his words. I never thought I’d be lucky enough to have one, much less two… maybe even three, if Xuel reciprocates my feelings, people that love me. It’s a bit overwhelming, the weight of acceptance, and I squirm under his scrutiny.

  Natu pulls me to him. Smoothing a hand down the back of my head and over my back, I draw in his unique musk. There’s nothing sexual in the scent, only a fragrance meant to comfort.

  “I lost my hair bands,” I blurt out.

  “I know,” Natu pulls away and peers kindly down at me. “That is why I have already requested to have new ones commissioned.”

  “You have?”

  “They should be ready soon.”

  “Thank you.” Natu’s answer relieves a small bit of my burdened guilt. “I feel lost without them.”

  “Spoken like a true Nomadican’s Mate.”

  “Nulis said somet
hing to that effect,” I mumble, pondering this new level of my relationship with my males.

  Thoughts of Nulis still recovering trigger my concerns over Mont’clure.

  “I need to apologize to Mont’clure,” I say at the shake of Natu’s head. “Yes, I do. You can argue, but I feel responsible.”

  “If it will ease your mind, shoulsis, I will take you to see Mont’clure,” Natu indulges me. “I am positive he is of a like mind. Your apology is not necessary.”

  “I will take you up on that.”

  I follow Natu down the corridor and into the elevator. It feels like several floors up before we stop and enter a corridor that looks identical to all the others, white and tubular. Passing two doors, we pause at the third and Natu touches the access panel and waits. The door dissolves and we step inside. That’s where all similarities end.

  A kaleidoscope of soft colors dances over the white walls of a room dominated by a huge, clear tank of water. An aquarium with only one inhabitant, there are no fish, no colorful pebbles, no plastic treasure chest being opened and closed by a bubble aerator.

  Lying on the bottom, with tentacles floating in all directions, is Mont’clure. The male is a spectacular sight. The spread of his silvery tress’s shimmers around his face and torso, catching and reflecting a mellow light that shines from beneath his watery enclosure. Pinpoints of light, numbered in the thousands, move with the graceful underwater currents.

  Diamond-white eyes take in his visitors before raising a palm in greeting. Mont’clure allows his body to slowly rise. Once he breaks the surface and hangs his muscular arms over the lip of his enclosure, the dazzling light show comes to an end, and I notice the deep, jagged wound on one of his eight tentacles.

  “I’m so sorry you were hurt because of me, Mont’clure,” I say rushing forward to place my palm against the heated wall of the tank. I don’t keep it there long. With the amount of intense heat coming off of the clear glass, I’m surprised the water isn’t boiling.

  Natu translates my words, and Mont’clure is quick to reply.

  “Mont’clure says that the incident was not your doing. The enemy was that of the Nomadican’s,” Natu translates Mont’clure’s words. “You have nothing to be sorry for.”

  “Why is he not healing as fast as the rest of us?” I asked, concerned over the deep cut.

  “Nomadican medicine does not work on Aquardor’s, Avay,” Natu explains. “Xuel has altered our course to rendezvous with a spacecraft that can take him to his people.”

  “How goes the repairs on the shuttle,” Mont’clure rasps out.

  “It is always a meticulously slow process where Rios is concerned, but the shuttle will be as good as new when he is finished,” Natu replies in a strange language I cannot comprehend. “I anticipate the shuttle will be ready to transport you by the time we meet up with the Nemobios.”

  “That is good news.”

  Whatever the males were conversing over appears to have caused Mont’clure great relief, his torso sagging deeper into the water.

  “Rest, my friend,” Natu dips his chin at Mont’clure. “I will be back to check on you soon.”

  “You are a most virtuous male.”

  “It is the least I can do considering you risked your life to protect our mate.”

  “It was a promise I was glad to keep. I am sorry I could not have done more.” Mont’clure bobs his head at Natu before glancing down at me. “Your mate is looking well.”

  “Avay is fully healed from her injuries.”

  “She is fortunate that your medicine is compatible with her biology,” Mont’clure remarks.

  “Being a Mannock, Avay is biologically as close to a Nomadican female as can be found.”

  “It was a tragedy like no other what happened to your kind,” Mont’clure shakes his head in somber disbelief.

  “When the hands of leadership become dirty with greed, it never bodes well for the majority.”

  “No, it does not,” Mont’clure replies in his raspy tongue. “At least none of them survived the planetary destruction they caused.”

  “That is all the good that came from that.”

  “I agree.”

  I wish I could have followed the conversation that turned both males serious. Whatever they were discussing seems to have come to an end, so I rejoin Natu and with a goodbye, we leave Mont’clure to rest in his aquatic abode.

  Chapter 9

  Both of us are quiet, lost in our own thoughts, as we make our way to Xuel’s room. My head is filled with all the reasons I should be going back to Earth, but my heart is putting up one hell of a defense as to why I should stay with my males.

  There’s already a new dress for me laid on the big bed. I’m looking forward to a shower and a change of clothes. I’ll be glad to shed the makeshift toga I wrapped around myself before leaving Nulis. Spoiled on the delicate weaves of the alien fabrics, I crave the silkiness of the refined material against my skin.

  “I have to return to the command deck,” Natu says, dragging my attention away from the skirting I’m rubbing between two fingers. “The leelia are here to welcome you back and get you settled in.”

  I’m startled to see three of my new shark-toothed friends, who seemed to have appeared out of thin air, emptying the contents of the satchels they brought with them. I recognize the items in their inventory from the last time I was pampered before my wedding ceremony that ultimately joined me to my three males.

  I drop the skirting I was fondling and grab onto Natu’s hand. I’m not ready for him to leave. With all the what ifs and how comes swirling around inside my cranium, the jumble of uncertainties needs answering.

  Before I give the rest of my heart over to these males —And, I can’t believe I’m even considering remaining with them after all that’s happened— I have to know more about what I would be getting myself into if I never went back to Earth. Natu had told me he would ask Xuel to allow me to go home. He had mentioned something about a group of people, the Yul something or another, who watch over Earth as well as other planets. I need to know more about all of that, and how having an alien race secretly govern the space around the solar system of my birth will affect my final decision or is my fate completely out of my control.

  “Can you stay for a little while longer?”

  I don’t wait for an answer, instead lead him over to the seating area and settle myself onto his lap with him seated in a cozy chair. Natu doesn’t appear to mind my high-handedness, simply looks at me with a quizzical expression.

  One of the shark-toothed creatures fills and places a bowl of what looks like kibble on the floor. Snack shuffles out from the crook of my neck and hops down, bounding across the room for a meal.

  Now that I’ve got Natu where I want him, there is so much I want to know, I’m not sure where to start, so I blurt the thing that weighs heaviest on my mind.

  “What did Xuel say about me going home? You know, back to Earth.”

  Natu blinks at me hard. His enquiring demeanor melting away. He stiffens beneath me.

  “I have put the request to him,” Natu answers. “Nothing has been decided. Returning you will not be a simple task.”

  “Can you tell me more about the Yul, whatever-they’re-called,” I ask with a wave of my hand. “I mean, if there is a way to abduct me from my planet, then there has to be a way to sneak me back on. You said that those Yul-people—”

  “Yulineons,” Natu corrects.

  “Yul-leen-e-owns,” I try out the word. “You said they might give you permission to return me.”

  “And I will, but another matter must be resolved first before I am able to make the request to have you returned.”

  “And what is that?”

  Natu shifts beneath me. He scans the room though what he’s looking for is inside his head and not located on the ceiling.

  “There is the matter of detachment from the mating,” Natu admits after a long pause.

  I suck back a breath. How could I have fo
rgotten about that? Natu had mentioned a dishonor to the males involved. Natu is correct in saying returning me home is no small matter.

  “Xuel has not given me an answer. As he is your primaries, he will have to agree to the detachment before myself and Nulis, as your secondries.”

  A prickle of feminism rides the back of my neck. I swore to myself I would never allow a man to dictate to me again and here I am in a situation where my fate depends on not one, but three men… er, males.


  For all I know, women’s rights don’t exist in outer space. Here I am thinking I have choices. Pfft! Fat chance. From what little I know so far, I was lucky to have acquired my new position from sex slave to mate.

  Maybe I should count my lucky stars and be happy where I’m at, which brings me full circle back to putting my males in unnecessary danger because of my presence. Granted, the monster was destroyed, but there are sure to be others. Eventually, one of my males will be killed defending me. I care about them way too much to allow that to happen. There has to be a way to return me home.

  “I can’t allow what happened on Letrutose to ever happen again,” I say placing my hand on his warm cheek. “I don’t want to see anyone hurt or killed because of me. It isn’t that I want to end our mating but losing any of you would kill me.”

  Natu releases a long, soft sigh.

  When he remains quiet, I pick back up the conversation. “So, what was the monster that took me, and why was he so determined to steal me away?”

  “Wetokian males are bad losers,” Natu provides in a flat tone. “Xuel made an enemy when he outbid the male on Tirstiu and purchased you. Even burning precious rillium to follow us in a hyper-jump to another galaxy was not enough to deter him. How he was able to get past the defenses on Letrutose remains a mystery. His species is forbidden from the marketplace there.”

  Which proves my point. My being here places all of them in danger.

  “They are a devious species,” Natu continues. “As sly and cunning as they are repulsive. Once they even had the audacity to make landfall on Riosis. Many Nomadican males were killed defending our planet from their warship full of guerillas.”


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