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Return: Nomadican Mates Series 4: Alien Reverse Harem Romance Page 8

by Iona Strom

“Take me home, Natu.”

  “You are home, Avay.”

  “No. No, I’m not,” I rush out. “I don’t belong here anymore. And you’re right, I’m safest with my clov. You didn’t fail me. You never hesitated when you risked your lives for me. No one here would ever do that for me. The safest place I can be is wherever you are.”

  Natu cups my face in his large hands. Tilting his head, he opens his mouth to speak when the floodlights at the perimeter of my father’s cornfield turn night into day.

  Natu drops to the ground, dragging me with him. Through the leaves at the end of the cornfield, I see the silhouette of my father step out on the front porch. I thought we were being quiet. I have no idea what prompted him to flip on the lights and come outside.

  I swallow hard praying he hasn’t spotted us. My father walks to the length of the porch, coming to a stop at the end closest to us.

  I glance back to where the shuttle is parked. Thankfully, it remains under the cover of darkness.

  Seconds tick by with agonizing slowness. I hold my breath willing him back inside.

  My father moves, but not where I want him to go. Instead of going back into the house, he takes a step and then another off of the porch.

  Scared and pissed off that I’ve finally found what I’ve always wanted, love and a family. Now everything is being threatened by the family I was born into, the ones that never wanted me.

  If Natu is discovered, I fear for what would happen to him. I bristle with rage over the mere thought of someone trying to hurt him. I know without a doubt, I could kill to protect him.

  My father walks a little way into the yard. I feel the expansion of my pupils, my vision becoming more acute. Where he was only a silhouette, I can now see my father as clear as if he were standing in daylight. He takes another step and then another. My body coils and I’m ready to spring into action if he comes too close.

  I’m startled when Natu claps a hand over my mouth and pulls me back. My back flush with his front, he shushes me.

  Was I growling?

  I watch in Natu’s protective embrace as my father returns to the porch and enters the house. Closing the door behind him, the floodlights are mercilessly extinguished.

  Natu and I slump in relief.

  “Let’s get the hell out of here,” I say after he removes his hand.

  “Are you certain you want to leave?” Natu searches my face. “There is no coming back here.”

  “I’m sure, Natu. This place and the people here are strangers to me now. My place is with you and my clov.”

  I giggle at his broad smile. “Then, let us go.”

  I lunge for him and he wraps me in strong arms. “I love you, Natu. Always.”

  “I love you, my shoulsis.”

  Natu takes a final look around before we sprint back to the shuttle. I hate that I put him in danger to bring me here, but at the same time, I needed closure on my former life.

  Strapped in my seat, Natu doesn’t waste a second getting us off the ground and airborne. I wear a ridiculously wide smile as we leave the atmosphere and Earth behind.

  We keep to the dark side of the planet. Natu speaks in a strange tongue my translator doesn’t decipher. I know he’s talking to the male with all the eyeballs that repaired the shuttle.

  After a bit of an alteration in our flight path, we make a loop around the moon. On the far side, Xuel’s ship is waiting. I don’t know what kind of welcome to expect after requesting my males to end our mating. Natu is happy I’m returning, so that’s a start.

  The bay door opens, and we land inside. It’s empty as I knew it would be. Once the shuttle bay door closes and the warning beacon stops flashing, I see Neyteria bounding over to me. Her tongue flapping out the side of her opened mouth as she knocks me down the moment I disembark.

  I hug her neck as she slobbers all over me. I laugh at her full-body wag.

  Two sets of boots come to stand before me. I look up to find a goofy grin on Nulis’ face. I can’t read Xuel’s expression at all.

  I don’t blame him for being angry that I left.

  “I was stupid for going back,” I say standing ready to plead my case.

  Xuel grabs me up, hugging me so tight I don’t care if I can’t breathe. “It was I that was stupid for allowing you to leave, and even more so for not returning your sentiment before you left. I love you too, Avay.”

  My males gather around and take turns welcoming me back, hugging and kissing me as if I were the most precious thing in the Universe.

  Snack hops off Nulis’ shoulder and onto mine. Her purring song the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard. With Neyteria circling my legs and my males surrounding me, I’m where I was always meant to be.

  “If you can find it in your hearts to forgive me for asking you to break our mating, I would love to repeat the ceremony, to become your shoulsis once again.”

  “You were never not our shoulsis, Avay.” Xuel reaches for my hand. “No words were ever spoken by you releasing us from our vows. We are still your clov.”

  One by one, my hairbands are replaced. I feel whole again. Complete. My vision goes wavy and my bottom lip trembles.

  The unexpected flutter in my belly has me gasping.

  My hand instinctively flies to my belly.

  “Are you ill?” Nulis slings an arm around my waist.

  “No, but I think I need to go see Viela,” I laugh.

  Xuel eyes search my face. His expression softens as he gently collects me in his arms. Cradled against his hard chest, he turns to carry me out of the bay. I’m dumbfounded to find the bay crowded. All of my friends are there to welcome me home.

  “Make way,” Xuel says clearing a path. “Our shoulsis carries the first of many young.”

  I giggle and try not to get caught up on the “many”. I need to focus on the one first.

  There was a time, not so long ago, where I would have had to remind myself of who I was in fear of losing my identity among so many strangers.

  These people are strangers no more, but my family.

  Now I know who I am.

  I am Avay.


  My males surround me, wary of the newcomer that just landed on our new world in the Unios Galaxy. The ship is small and looks to have seen a lot of action.

  Natu began transmitting a beacon to all of the remaining Nomadican ships once this new planet was deemed habitable.

  We had hoped more Nomadican’s would join us, to start over. After all this time, none have answered the call. Until now.

  At Xuel’s nod, Nulis ushers me back and into our cave we’ve made into a makeshift home. I’m curious about the new arrival but do as I’m told. My clov only wants to keep me safe.

  It’s safe inside with one main entrance and a hidden exit tunnel out of the back. I’ve managed to make the rock enclosure cozy with items removed from Xuel’s ship.

  From a naturally hollowed out space to an open living and sleeping quarters, it’s a start. No matter what planet we settle, as long as my males are with me, home is where they are.

  The door to the small spacecraft dissolves. My males tense and I see the slight movement of Natu flipping the phoblast at his side to the ready position. One false move from our visitors and Natu will waste them.

  I can just see past the heft of Nulis’ shoulder. The first to emerge is a male, definitely Nomadican. He holds his hands aloft, his movements slow and careful. As the female steps out, he takes up a protective stance and goes to stand in front of her.

  She grumbles something that doesn’t reach my ears and pushes the male aside. Without fear, she walks right up to Natu and Xuel.

  “Which one of you is Natu?” she says in Nomadican however, wearing my translator, I understand her perfectly.

  “That would be me,” Natu offers.

  “I am Kat,” the female provides. “The one that provided you with the translator. I see you are making use of it.”

  Natu exchanges a quick glance between the fem
ale and Xuel.

  “You and your mate are welcome here—”

  “He is not my mate,” the female interrupts Xuel.

  “—as long as you abide by our rules,” Xuel finishes with a curt nod.

  The Nomadican male steps forward to greet Xuel while trying to push the female behind him. She is full of piss and vinegar and is having none of his highhandedness.

  I instantly like her.

  “I am Sivueous,” the male offers his hand. “I must apologize for Kat. She has been alone for a long time and has forgotten how to behave.”

  The female groans out an obscenity that makes me laugh out loud. Her eyes meet mine and narrow as if she recognizes me. I’m positive I have never seen the raven-haired female before.

  Nulis stays with me as I walk toward her. Decked out in her odd attire, I almost don’t recognize her for what she is. It’s been forever since I last set eyes on another human.

  “Oh, wow,” she says in perfect English, gesturing to my swollen belly. “I’m Kat, and you must be the human that Natu was so desperate to communicate with.”

  Heavy with my clov’s young. I’m happy and excited to meet my first child, but also nervous about the birth. Maybe this woman can lend a hand or at the very least give me another woman to talk to. Not that my new alien friends aren’t any less female than me, but no matter how hard I try to communicate with them, we can’t understand one another. It would nice to have another woman to confide my fears.

  “Hello. I’m Avay.” I can hardly contain my excitement over having another woman around. “Thanks for the translators—"

  A sharp pain to my abdomen cuts off my words. Nulis catches me before I crumple to the ground. Just as the pain begins to ease, I’m gripped in with a band of pressure that wraps around me, back to front.

  “It looks like we’re just in time for the party.” I overhear Kat say to her male companion.

  I hear Xuel call for Viela and keeps our newcomers back.

  Natu barks orders to the leelia to prepare for the birth as Nulis carries me inside our cave. Settled on a cushioned platform, Nulis places the gray disc in my palm he gave me long ago that relieves pain.

  A blur of activity erupts as Viela enters the cave and positions herself at the foot of my platform. I’m draped in cloth before my legs are bent and pushed to the sides. Viela’s royal blue hand touches me between my legs and Nulis translates her instructions to push.

  Holy shit! This is really about to happen. I’m about to give birth to a Nomadican.

  Struck with a fresh wave of agony, Natu tells me to push while Nulis helps me focus on rubbing my thumb over the gray disc to help ease the pain of the birth. Xuel joins us having assigned trusted crew members to watch our guests.

  I’m shocked how fast it all happens. With my next push, I become a mother. It’s smiles all around as Viela lays my new baby on my chest.

  My males gather in close to meet their new offspring. A wriggling bundle of joy, the baby cracks open her slitted eyes and looks at me. I am instantly in love.

  “It’s a girl!” Xuel states proudly.

  “She is perfect in every way,” Nulis adds.

  “And just as beautiful as Avay,” Natu gushes and lays a kiss on my forehead.

  Viela begins to gently clean away the aftermath of birth from the baby’s delicate skin. My males fawn over her as Viela encourages my daughter to nurse.

  Having experienced hate for not being born the son my father always wanted, I couldn’t have picked more perfect fathers for my little girl. There is no trace of disappointment, only elation over her birth. I know she will always be loved.

  Just like me.

  Glossary of Nomadican Words

  Aunatoolue- A paper-thin device much like an iPad.

  Aquardor- A species that thrives in the seas of super-heated saltwater of the planet, Quar.

  Bioti- The peoples of the planet, Biotios.

  Biotios- Home planet of what used to be the neighboring planet of Riosis.

  Bromesius- A planet located in the Myconain galaxy.

  Chevreons- Black markings occurring naturally on Nomadican males’ skin at the time of birth.

  Clov- A group of Nomadican males mated to a single female.

  Corillian blood worms- A blood-loving parasite that attaches to the body much like a leach.

  Denarian Sector- A northern region of the Universe consisting mostly of dying solar systems.

  Dominoss- The equivalent to the rank of Admiral.

  Dreelian Hote- A bovine type animal.

  Gretolics- The gray-skinned alien’s that abducted Ivey and later sold her to the trollis.

  Helios- An atom that shares an electron with the iron atom that makes up metallicks.

  Hogrous- Hungry.

  Huris- A mineral that was mined on Riosis which was traded to the Bioti in exchange for tellic.

  Illiact- A hairless beast with six arms from the planet, Kilictik.

  Interlix- Intercom system.

  Ion capacitor- The engine that powers spacecraft.

  Jakato- Healing balm rich in antioxidants made from beans of the cytrenios bush.

  Leelia- A sub subservient people from the planet, Blethio.

  Letrutose- A planet in the Tijerian galaxy where the marketplace Ivey was abducted by the Wetokian.

  Luartick Sector- The southernmost region of the Universe that includes three young galaxies one of which is the Milky Way.

  Mannocks- Humans.

  Metallicks- An extremely unstable metalloid found in the Nutrillius Galaxy that only the Bioti have been able to refine into tellic.

  Natookie- Snake like people from the Delnorian solar system.

  Nemobias- The name of a spacecraft owned by Mont’clure’s people, the Aquardors.

  Neomsis- The name of Xuel’s freighter class spacecraft.

  Nokketava- Also known as blood grass, this carnivorous vegetation grows wild on many planets in the Tijerian galaxy where the air is hot and dry.

  Nomadicans- A humanoid species very distantly related to humans.

  Nutrillum silk- A luxurious fabric woven from the filaments of sypritious flowers.

  Oveelian- A small rodent like animal with soft, caramel-colored fur.

  Penatorium- The Nomadican’s equivalent of a prison.

  Phasopulse- An ion charged pulse that targets the nervous system and will render most species unconscious.

  Phoblast- A Nomadican weapon similar to a gun that can discharge a phasopulse.

  Plurius- Fruit from the grinotious tree. Has pale pink flesh with a floral aroma.

  Potious- Potion derived from potus leaves used for infertility.

  Primaries- The dominant male in a clov.

  Profuvian constrictor- A worm like reptile found on several planets in the Gonoso solar system.

  Purilifity- A female Nomadican’s ritual of purification before a mating ceremony.

  Rillium- A refined fuel source made from raw rilliamot, a tall grass only found in the Verilli Sector, used to power spaceships. In solid form, is used as currency.

  Riosis- The former and now destroyed home planet of the Nomadicans.

  Rouletta- Is a selection method when a person must be chosen at random for a task.

  Seconsious- Nomadican equivalent to a second of time.

  Secundries- The secondary males in a clov.

  Sermonian crystals- Are semi-precious gems created in the volcanos on Sermous, a planet in the Demonous star system. These sparkling jewels off-gas oxygen as their structures naturally break down over time.

  Shoulsis- A wife to a clov of males.

  Sorcerist- A female healer from the planet, Nelianos.

  Soweesis- The Nomadican word for sweetheart.

  Taluvian- Is a species of hermit like peoples that inhabit the caves on the planet, Taluvious.

  Taverios- The Nomadican version a tavern where food and alcoholic drinks are sold.

  Tellic- Is a refined power source used to power a transflux compositor tha
t enables spacecraft to make hyper-jumps.

  Thesibian Moke- A large, hairy beast indigenous to the planet Tirius.

  Tijerian galaxy- A galaxy in the eastern region of the Universe known for their abundance of dangerous wildlife.

  Tirius- The home of a seedy trading post known for illegal and black-market commodities. It is also where Ivey was sold to the trollis and later purchased by Xuel.

  Transflux compositor- An engine designed to burn tellic in order to warp space and make super speed jumps called hyper-jumps.

  Tristiu- Seeds harvested from pods that grow on Trissy tress.

  Trollis- A stalky peoples of questionable character from the planet, Erotise.

  Unios Galaxy- The galaxy the Natu discovered with an infant planet they wish to inhabit.

  Universeval Rule- Is a uniformed space force created and predominately maintained by the Yulineon people to provide protection for infant galaxies and their inhabitants from unscrupulous species that would do them harm.

  Vinosse- A fermented drink much like wine made from berries of bluiose trees.

  Yulineons- Guardians of specific regions of the Universe where infant galaxies exist.

  Wetokian- Beastly people, none for their bad tempers, from the planet, Horis. Covered in wiry hair, the males are among some of the most aggressive in the Universe.

  Newsletter and Stalk the Authors

  Iona Strom writes for readers who love hot, erotic romance featuring exotic alien males who believe human females are a delicacy to be devoured—over and over again.


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