Bound by a Dragon

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Bound by a Dragon Page 19

by Linda K Hopkins

  Chapter 19

  The sun was high when they finally stirred out of the warm nest of quilts, the mundane needs of food and ablutions forcing their way into their private sanctuary. Aaron waited as Keira wrapped herself in a fur from the bed before leading her into the anteroom. She gaped in astonishment as he opened chest after chest, filled with gowns, petticoats, cloaks and shoes.

  “But, how ...?” she began, gazing at the luxurious fabrics and bright hues. Aaron smiled as he stood behind her, his fingers trailing down her spine.

  “I told Thomas to hire a seamstress as soon as you agreed to marry me,” he said. “She’s still here, so if you find that these are not suitable, or you fancy something I’ve overlooked, be sure to let Thomas know, and he’ll remedy the situation.”

  Keira shook her head. “There are more gowns here than my mother, sister and I own together! I cannot think the seamstress’s services will be needed any further.”

  “I’m sure you’ll find something to occupy her time,” he said. “But come, we should both clothe ourselves and go in search of sustenance.”

  Keira gently lifted a gown from one of the chests, marveling at the rich green silk trimmed in gold. Gently placing it aside, she reached in farther, pulling out gowns in pinks, yellows, blues and reds; made in rich silks and velvets; trimmed with beads, pearls, gold thread and fur. By the time the chest was empty, there were over a dozen gowns spread across the floor. Aaron smiled as he watched her, her mouth hanging open in amazement at the rich garments.

  “Thank you,” Keira whispered as she rose and placed her hands on his chest. She shivered when he brushed his lips over hers.

  “The pleasure was all mine,” he breathed. His hand wandered up to her neck, pulling her close as the kiss deepened. She wrapped her arms around him, causing the fur wrap to slip out of her grasp, and he pulled away to look at her appreciatively.

  “As much as I look forward to seeing you in your new garments, you can present yourself to me like this anytime,” he said, his smile becoming a leer as his eyes blazed with gold. Keira pushed him away, the color mounting in her cheeks.

  “I think it would be prudent for me to get dressed now,” she murmured.

  “Your being dressed won’t stop me desiring you,” he said. “It only adds to the pleasure, like removing the shell to reveal the pearl.” He laughed as Keira blushed, then turned away to pull on a pair of hose.

  Keira had dressed and was brushing her hair when a knock sounded on the door.

  “Come,” Aaron called, first glancing at her to ensure her modesty. The door pushed open and Thomas stepped inside.

  “Milord,” he said. “Milady.”

  “Thomas!” Aaron said. “You made it back without mishap, I see.”

  “Yes, milord,” Thomas responded with a slight grin. “I arrived back a few hours before dawn. I had to rouse the guard in the gatehouse, and nobody still remaining in the courtyard paid me the slightest attention.”

  Aaron nodded. “Good.” He gestured around the room. “The Lady Keira will be sharing these chambers with me, and the Lady’s Bower will also be fully at her disposal.”

  He glanced at Keira. “You’re free to make whatever changes you see fit in this chamber or any other room in the castle. Just let Thomas know your will, and he’ll make the necessary arrangements.”

  Aaron glanced back at the steward, his expressive look indicating that the words were as much for Thomas’s benefit. Thomas’s eyebrows lifted slightly at Aaron’s words, but his expression was carefully blank.

  “Of course, milord,” he replied. He cleared his throat before continuing. “Cook was wondering whether you and your lady would be joining us for dinner, or whether she should send your victuals to your chambers.”

  “We’ll join you shortly in the hall,” Aaron replied. “My Lady Keira will be introduced to the household at that time.” Thomas nodded and turned to leave the room, closing the heavy door carefully behind him.


  A few minutes later the master of the castle and his fair wife left the privacy of their chambers and headed down the corridor. They soon reached a large sweeping staircase, beyond which, Aaron explained, were further private chambers and apartments. Since the castle had remained empty for so long, these were still closed, but with the imminent arrival of guests, they would be opened and aired. Further guest rooms were on the floor beneath, as well as a private solar and Aaron’s cabinet. The Great Hall took up the level below, where the household shared their meals and entertainments were enjoyed, while the lowest level housed the low hall, kitchen, pantry, larder and scullery. And below all of that, explained Aaron, a grin lurking at the corners of his mouth, were the caves. But since the Storbrook dragon had declined these particular living quarters, he said, they housed the castle cellars instead.

  By the time he’d finished his description of Keira’s new home, they had reached the entrance to the Great Hall.

  “Ready, my sweet?” Aaron asked softly. Keira nodded her head, and he tightened his grip around her hand, squeezing her fingers gently. “My servants are good people, Keira,” he said. “They’ll soon learn to love you.” He gave her a warm smile as he led her into the hall.

  The room was already full of people, seated on benches at the long tables that stood around the huge room. Their voices blended into a rumble which slowly died away as people became aware of the Master entering with his lady. All eyes turned to them as Aaron led Keira to a table on a raised dais. Thomas stood behind the table, smiling at Keira, and she felt some of her trepidation melt away. Aaron handed Keira onto the dais before hopping up himself, and turning to face the assembly.

  “Men and women of Storbrook,” he began, “I present my wife, Lady Keira.” The room was silent for a moment, and Keira trembled beneath the weight of their stares, but when Aaron swept her into his arms and kissed her soundly, the room broke out into cheers. Aaron pulled away with a grin and turned to look at his staff.

  “I know that you’ll serve her as well as you do me,” he said. He waved his hand towards the door. “Now, let us eat.” He nodded to the priest to lead the prayers, then pulled a chair from the table for Keira to sit. The prayers said, serving girls brought in trays of food and placed them on the long tables, then dropped themselves down onto the benches with the other diners as soon as they had set down their loads.

  “Are all these people here to serve you?” asked Keira in amazement.

  Aaron nodded. “It takes a lot of people to keep a place like Storbrook running smoothly.”

  “I suppose it does,” Keira responded, her tone doubtful. Aaron looked at her thoughtfully for a moment.

  “You’re a woman of strength and courage, Keira,” he said. “It may seem a bit daunting at the moment, but you’ll quickly grow into your role as lady of the house. You’ll have my support in whatever changes you see fit to make, and Thomas will be around to lend his support as well.” Aaron glanced at Thomas, who had seated himself next to Keira, and he nodded in agreement.

  “You’ll do fine, milady,” Thomas reassured her with a smile. “The servants all know their duties, and if there is anything you want done, come and speak to me.”

  Keira nodded. “Thank you,” she said.

  She glanced up when a short, stout woman brought a tray over to the dais and dropped a curtsey in Aaron and Keira’s direction, her expression dour.

  “Welcome, milady,” she said, her voice void of expression. “I’m Cook. I expect you’ll want to talk to me, so you’ll find me in the kitchen.”

  Keira shot an amused glance at Aaron before looking back at the woman. “Thank you, Cook,” she said. “I’ve already heard about your excellent skills in the kitchen, so I look forward to hearing your opinion on the menus I have in mind, knowing that your suggestions will be improvements to my simple ideas.” The cook nodded before turning away, her expression not quite as severe as before. Aaron snorted as Thomas smiled behind his hand.

��You’re a natural,” said Aaron, a note of pride in his voice. “But I’ll be very wary when you start plying me with compliments.”

  When the meal was done, Keira took herself off to explore the castle while Aaron retreated with Thomas to the cabinet to discuss matters of business. She climbed a small, narrow staircase behind the Great Hall that led to the guest rooms, then lost her way as she wandered from room to room. Slowly, she understood that the castle had been built in the shape of a horseshoe, with two wings on either side of the main building. All the rooms were huge, with windows that overlooked the mountains in all directions. She found her way back to the main staircase quite by accident, and descended down to the lowest level, which was cool and dank, before finally pushing open a door that led to the courtyard. It was paved with stone, and bustled with people who bobbed their heads at her before continuing with their tasks. Behind the workshops she caught glimpses of green, and she headed in that direction to explore the gardens. She’d just stepped onto the garden path when Aaron caught up with her. His arms circled around her waist as his hot breath tickled her ear.

  “Did you miss me?” he murmured as he trailed kisses down her jaw and onto her neck.

  “Mmm,” she responded, all thought of speech snatched from her brain as she melted into his embrace. Aaron laughed softly, and taking her hand, led her to a bench half-hidden in the shade of a tree.

  “I was discussing the arrangements for our guests with Thomas,” said Aaron, placing his arm around her shoulders as they sat. “They’ll start arriving in the next few days.”

  “How many people are coming?” Keira asked.

  “Twenty-five dragons, and about eighteen humans.”

  “That’s a, er, a lot of dragons,” Keira said.

  “They’ll be in human form most of the time. After all, we can’t have our guests scaring the servants.”

  “Not to mention your wife,” Keira muttered. Aaron laughed as he pulled her close.

  “The only dragon you need to be scared of is this one, my sweet. Who knows when he’ll decide to nibble on your flesh?” He brushed his mouth over her neck, and she shivered in pleasure. He pulled away a moment later. “Do you want to hear about our guests?” he asked.

  “Yes, I suppose so,” Keira said. Aaron laughed as she turned and leaned into his chest.

  “I told you before that the dragons coming to the binding ceremony are part of my clan,” he said. “I also mentioned my uncle, who is a clan elder. His name’s Owain, and he’ll lead the binding ceremony. His son, Favian, is my closest friend. He and Cathryn were married about ten years ago, so Cathryn is probably the closest to you in age. They have two young children who’ll also be coming.”

  “Do you see them often?” asked Keira.

  “It was Favian who reminded me that I was also partly human. In fact, he tore the strips off me and threw them in my face.” Aaron grimaced at the remembrance, before adding wryly, “I suppose that was the only way he was going to get through my thick, beastly mind. But it worked. And so I suppose it is thanks to him that I’m holding you in my arms.” He paused for a moment, dropping a kiss onto her sun-warmed hair, before continuing. “It’s been my wont to spend part of the year with them. They live with Owain and Margaret, and are my closest family. But you are my family now.”

  Keira pulled away and turned around to face him.

  “I don’t want to be the reason you stop seeing your family, Aaron. I’m sure that I’ll love them as much as you do, and if you want to spend time with them, then that is what we must do.” Aaron smiled at her expression, intense and stern, and lifted his hand to push back her hair.

  “I want to be with you,” he said. “I love Favian and Cathryn, but it is you who is now my life and my home. There’ll be times when we visit them, but it will be because we, you and I, choose to do so, not because I’m lonely for family. You have made my life complete.” Aaron ran his hand down her cheek, and bent down to kiss her. She sighed as he pulled away.

  “So what other dragons are coming?” she asked.

  “Members of my clan. Most of them are related in some way – cousins, aunts, uncles.”

  “You have dragon aunts?” asked Keira in surprise.

  He grinned. “Did you think all dragons were male?”

  “Well, no, I suppose not,” she said with a blush. “I suppose I didn’t really think about it.”

  “I have one dragon aunt, my father’s sister. Her name’s Beatrix, and her husband, James, is also a dragon.” Aaron caressed Keira’s shoulder as he spoke. “He was rather wild in his younger days, and had already fathered two children with two different human women when he met Beatrix. But he settled down after meeting her, and they’ve been very happy together. The children, who are dragons, of course, remained with their mothers until they were teenagers, at which time they moved in with Beatrix and James.” Aaron rose and pulled Keira to her feet. “As dragons, they should be attending their Master’s binding, but I doubt that Max will exert himself enough to come, and since I really don’t know Jane, I doubt she’ll come either. In fact, I suspect the only reason Beatrix and James are coming is to inspect the woman who has captured my heart.”

  He glanced at her with a smile. “I’ve finished with Thomas for the day, my sweet, and I don’t believe you’ve had enough time to fully appreciate our chamber.” His hand closed around hers as his eyes began to swirl with flame. “I do think we should ensure the bed is really to your liking!”

  Keira smiled. “That sounds like an excellent plan,” she said.


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