Bound by a Dragon

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Bound by a Dragon Page 24

by Linda K Hopkins

  Chapter 24

  Keira’s eyes fluttered open as the sound of Aaron returning penetrated her dreamless sleep. She’d loosened her laces and lain down on the bed after her visit with the prisoners, and quickly drifted off. Aaron eyed her warily as she sat up on the bed. His wings were closed on his back and the late afternoon sun glinted off the scales that covered his huge body. She slipped from the bed and walked over to him, then paused, wondering how to proceed. Mere words seemed too trite in light of all that had happened.

  A smile tugged at the corners of her lips as another idea occurred to her. Reaching up, she slipped the sleeves of her gown down her arms, until it dropped to her waist and then onto the floor. Aaron watched her cautiously as she loosened the ties of her chemise and pushed it down her body until it joined the gown, leaving Keira naked in front of the dragon. His gaze roamed over her, his eyes brightening as he took in her form, while sparks flew from his nostrils. Keira took a step towards him, swaying her hips evocatively, and reaching a hand up to his chest, stroked the thick, leathery skin.

  “What are you doing, Keira?” Aaron asked in a strained voice.

  “I love you, Aaron Drake, no matter what you are,” she whispered.

  His bony eyebrows rose as he pulled back in surprise, before he bent his neck in a downward curve and brought his eyes level with hers.

  “Do you mean it?” he asked.

  Keira smiled and ran her hands down the length of his jaws before pulling him closer and kissing him along the side of his mouth. A soft growl rumbled through his chest as her fingers scraped along the hard, scaly skin. She stretched her hands up to the crest of his head, then pulled herself up on her toes as she grasped the horns curling from his crown. They curved back over his skull, the surfaces hard and smooth and ending in sharp points. Wrapping her hands around them, she leaned her head back, feeling his breath wash over her. It stroked her skin in warm, sensuous waves, making her shudder. She closed her eyes a moment before a flash of light filled the air, and suddenly she was falling into Aaron’s human arms, his mouth dragging over her skin as he carried her to the bed, his wings still unfurled behind him.

  “I love you,” he murmured. His lips slid down her jaw before meeting hers, and his tongue sent jolts of pleasure spiraling through her as he pulled her closer. His arms wrapped tightly around her as his wings covered them both like a silky canopy.

  It was much later when Keira lay curled in his arms on the bed, their legs intertwined as her head rested on his chest. Aaron traced a pattern on her back as he held her close.

  “Keira,” he started, then hesitated a moment. She lifted her head to look up at him, her gaze meeting his as his eyes continued to blaze brightly. “I never wanted you to see me like that,” he said savagely. “I’m so sorry.”

  Keira looked at him for a moment before pulling herself up and startling him with a fierce kiss.

  “Don’t ever apologize for what you are,” she said as she pulled away. “It is me who should be apologizing to you. I realized today that I cannot love only half of you. You are both dragon and man, and without the one, there is no other. I love you, Aaron Drake, every part of you – even the parts that terrify me. I don’t ever want to lose you, Aaron.”

  The words were barely out of her mouth when Aaron pulled her back down, his mouth savage against hers. “You’ll never lose me,” he growled into her ear before pulling her mouth back to his, their mounting passion leading them to dizzying heights.

  It was already dark by the time they floated back to earth, and Keira pushed herself reluctantly away from her husband. He grabbed her hand and pulled her back for one last kiss before finally letting her go.

  “I need to get ready for the ceremony,” she said with a smile. “I don’t want to shame you in front of everyone.”

  “Impossible,” he growled, his eyes sparkling.

  Keira bounced off the bed while Aaron lay back against the pillows, his arms behind his head. He watched appreciatively as she brushed her long hair and twisted it into a braid, before pulling on a scarlet gown with gold embroidery trimming the hem and sleeves. Keira spun around in a circle, holding her arms above her head.

  “Will I do?” she enquired coyly.

  “You know very well that you look beautiful,” Aaron said. He stalked towards Keira and wrapped his arms around her from behind. His mouth dropped to her neck, and his warm breath tickled her as he caught her earlobe between his teeth and nipped her gently. She shivered as he reluctantly pulled away and turned her around to face him. Taking her hand, he turned it over, his gaze tracing the path his fingers made over the inside of her wrist.

  “Are you ready for tonight, my sweet?” he asked, lifting his eyes to meet hers.

  “Yes,” she breathed. “I want to be yours completely.”

  He smiled as he kissed her hard on her lips then pushed her away again with a groan.

  “We should go downstairs before I throw you back on the bed,” he said. “Do you want to fly down with me or meet me in the hall?”

  “I’ll come with you,” she replied.

  “For the last time, turn around,” he said. “The next time I transform, you will be watching me in all my splendor,” he added with a smirk.

  Keira waited as the light flashed through the room, then turned back as his tail swept around her waist and lifted her onto his back. He launched himself out the window, and took a turn around the castle before flying through the large window into the Great Hall where the guests were already assembled and waiting. Thomas was the only servant in the room, his knowledge of Aaron’s secret allowing him entry into the ceremony. Aaron had explained to Keira exactly what to expect, so she was not surprised that Aaron was the only one in the hall in dragon form.

  “Just till after the ceremony,” he promised.

  Aaron glided over to the dais, and settled gracefully on the raised platform as Keira slid down his back and landed on her feet with a thump. Aaron looked out over the gathered crowd, as the members of his clan each dropped to one knee and thumped a fist over their heart, acknowledging Aaron as their Master. Lifting his head, Aaron let out a roar that rolled out with a steady stream of flame, and the clan members roared in response. Flames rose through the air and swirled around the blackened rafters before dissipating. Over the lowered heads, Keira caught Cathryn’s smile and she smiled in return.

  The clan rose to their feet and Owain stepped out from the crowd and pushed his way to the front where he stepped onto the raised dais. He was dressed in a long, white robe, embroidered with flames that twisted their way up the garment, with a cloak of gold clasped around his neck. In his hand he held a large gold goblet. The outside of the cup was studded with gems that sparkled in the light of the rush torches that had been lit around the hall. Keira suppressed a shudder when she realized what would soon be in that cup. She watched as Owain lifted it above his head and waited for the murmuring in the room to die down. Despite his years – Aaron had already told Keira that Owain was nearly three hundred years of age – his presence was commanding, and in a few moments, all attention was focused on the elder.

  “As dragons and mates,” he said, his deep voice resounding around the room, “we have assembled to witness the formal binding of Aaron Drake to his chosen wife and lifelong mate, the Lady Keira.” He turned to face Aaron, inclining his head to indicate that he should proceed.

  Aaron’s gaze burned into Keira’s as he stepped towards her. She lifted her hand, palm up, and stretched it out to him. He took it in his claw and placed a sharp talon against her wrist. She nodded slightly, and he pressed his talon into her flesh and scored the soft skin. She flinched as blood welled from the wound, but he tightened his grip on her hand and held her steady. Owain had already positioned the goblet to catch her blood as it spilled from the wound, and Keira watched as it dripped into the chalice. It was a quarter full when the last drop trickled from her skin. Owain turned to the crowd and lifted the cup above his head.

  “The blood of this woman, freely given,” he cried. He gave the goblet to Aaron, who took it between his claws. His eyes were still on Keira as he blew on the crimson liquid, then lifted his head and poured it down his throat. It seemed to Keira that she could feel her blood slipping into him, mingling with his; and when he looked back at her with brightly burning eyes, she could feel the strength of his emotions. His love and desire wrapped around her, and she shivered. He glanced at her stained wrist, and lifting her hand, ran his tongue over her skin, cleaning the wound. His eyes held hers, and she felt a clenching in her lower belly that had nothing to do with revulsion.

  “Keira Drake, I choose you to be my lifelong mate,” he said. “As your blood runs through my veins, we are bound together until we are parted by death.”

  He released her arm as Owain stepped forward once more, and Keira turned to see that Owain held a short silver dagger, which he held towards her. She stared at it a moment, then took it from his hand. It was heavy, with a slightly curved blade, and the handle had been inlaid with jewels. She glanced up at Aaron, and he nodded.

  “You can do this,” he whispered. He reached out a claw and wrapped it around her hand as it clasped the handle. Pulling her closer, he placed the blade against his skin, just above his heart. She stared at it for a moment, then looked up at Aaron. He smiled, and she placed her other hand against his chest and pressed the blade down, but his tough hide did not give way.

  “Use some force,” he whispered.

  She drew a deep breath and pulled the blade back, then swinging her arm forward with as much force as she could muster, plunged the blade into his chest, burying the blade up to the hilt. He grunted, but when she pulled back, his claw was immediately over her hand, holding the blade in his flesh. He dragged the blade down, causing his skin to burst open as it left a trail of blood running down his chest. Owain thrust the goblet at Keira and she hurriedly pressed the cup against Aaron’s skin, trapping the blood in the golden chalice as it continued to spill out. The blood was already slowing, and Aaron pushed the blade to the side, opening the wound further. Only when the cup was full did he release his grip over her hand, and she pulled the blade from his skin.

  She handed the goblet to Owain, who raised it above his head. “The blood of this dragon, freely given,” he cried.

  He offered the cup back to Keira. Her hands were trembling as she wrapped them around the bowl of the cup. She turned back to Aaron, and met his gaze as she lifted the cup and brought it to her lips. With a deep breath, she tipped back her head and drained the contents. It didn’t taste like the blood she’d tasted on her own wrist so many weeks before; but instead the flavor was like that of a heady liquor, sweet and potent at the same time. The heat curled around her as it hit her stomach, and she could feel the liquid spreading through her veins, reaching to her hands and her feet. She willed every drop from the cup into her mouth before she finally dropped her hands and stared at Aaron.

  “Aaron Drake, I choose you to be my lifelong mate,” she said. “As your blood runs through my veins, we are bound together until we are parted by death.”

  The words were barely out of her mouth when the room blazed with light. It took only a moment for Aaron to change his form, but Keira noticed with surprise that she could see the light expanding from within him, exploding from his every pore, before falling back in on itself, pulling Aaron’s shape from that of a dragon into that of a man. In a flash Owain swung his cloak off his shoulders and onto Aaron’s, covering his bare form. If Aaron noticed this gesture, he completely ignored it as he stepped towards Keira and took her in his arms. He dropped his lips to hers, his kiss savage and jubilant.

  “You’ve given my life new meaning, my sweet,” he whispered in her ear. “My cup runneth over.”

  “I love you, Aaron,” Keira whispered. She wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled him down to her lips once more, ignoring the titters that ran through the crowd. Aaron’s expression was exultant when he finally turned towards the guests, his arm around Keira’s waist.

  “Clan Drake, my mate!” he exclaimed as the crowd broke into shouts and applause.

  Aaron pulled Keira off the dais and wove his way through the crowd, responding to the slaps and yells of his family and friends with good humor. The doors opened and servants brought trays laden with roasted game, fowl, sweet meats, wine, and ale, which they offered around as they moved through the hall. Aaron tightened his grip on Keira and led her to the far side of the room.

  “I’m going to our chambers to clothe myself,” he whispered. “Will you come with me?”

  The smile on Keira’s face gave him his answer, and he pulled her hurriedly through the door and dragged her up the steps as she laughingly followed. He had made it to the top of the grand staircase when he whirled around and pinned her against the wall, his mouth claiming hers as she responded with just as much eagerness. He pulled away with a groan before swinging her into his arms and hurrying down the corridor to their room. He kicked the door closed with his foot as his hands tangled in her hair and he kissed her again. She pushed Owain’s cloak aside and ran her hands over Aaron’s bare flesh, her breath coming in short gasps as she felt his heat searing into her. Impatient, he pulled her skirts up before carrying her over to the bed. The climax came hard and quick, and they collapsed in a tangle of sheets and skirts minutes later. Turning to face her, Aaron ran his hands lightly over her face.

  “Do you feel it?” he asked. “The bond that ties us together? We’re a part of each other now. Nothing can ever separate us.”

  “Yes,” she whispered, “I feel you. And when you changed, I could see everything. You looked as though you were exploding with light.”

  “My blood protects you from the light, making you stronger, and your senses clearer. And look at your arm – the wound I gave you is already healing.”

  Keira glanced down at her arm to see that the gash had already closed, a slash of pink skin the only evidence of Aaron’s scoring. Her mouth dropped open in shock as Aaron smiled in amusement.

  “This morning I was able to see you transform, but there was no light,” she said.

  “I’m so sorry about this morning, my sweet. I was angry at your revulsion, and felt quite entitled to act as a beast.” His expression was rueful as he continued. “I wanted to force every dark, ugly aspect of myself onto you. Only a Master can control the transformation like that, commanding each element of the change, keeping the light trapped. I wanted to horrify you.”

  “I was horrified,” she said. “But as soon as you were gone, I was more worried that I’d lost your love.”

  “Never,” he said. “You’ll never lose that!”

  She smiled. “You should have told me how good your blood tasted,” she said. “I think I’ll want to drink you every day.”

  Aaron rolled over her, trapping her beneath his weight. “You have my permission to drain me dry, my sweet,” he said, his voice heavy with innuendo, before once more claiming her lips as his hands explored her body with a thoroughness that left her gasping.

  Twenty minutes later saw them both downstairs once more, mingling with their guests. If her hair looked a little disheveled, or his cloak was a little askew, no one commented. Keira saw Cathryn at the other end of the room, and leaving Aaron’s side, she headed over to her friend.

  “Thank you,” she said with a smile. “You were so right about everything.”

  Cathryn pulled her into a tight embrace. “Aaron is fortunate to have found you,” she said. “I can see that you’ll both bring each other much happiness.”

  Keira turned to look at Aaron across the room, laughing with Favian and some other dragons as they slapped him across the back. She couldn’t stop smiling as she turned back to Cathryn.

  “I think I’m the fortunate one,” she said. “To have a man to love and respect, and who loves and respects me, is the desire of every woman, but only a few get to see that wish fulfilled. I not only have my dearest wish
, but I get to enjoy that happiness for longer than even a child of destiny. So believe me when I say, I am truly blessed.” Linking her arm through Cathryn’s, she glanced around the room. “Let’s find something to eat,” she said. “I’m famished.”


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