I Wished For You

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I Wished For You Page 19

by Colette Davison

  "Thank fuck." Matt laughed. "Socks aren't sexy."

  "I'll remember you said that. Maybe next time I'll make you both keep them on."

  "God, no. That's a great way to destroy trust," Matt warned.

  It was all Connor could do not to crack up laughing at their exchange. He wriggled his toes as Matt pulled both his socks free. He had to agree with Matt: socks weren't sexy.

  "Kiss him," Seb said, his tone soft and sensual again. "Wrap your fist around his cock."

  Connor shivered as Matt did both things in unison.

  "Rub up and down slowly," Seb ordered. "Oh, God, that's it."

  Connor gasped against Matt's lips as his dry, hot hand worked up and down his cock in achingly slow strokes. "You've both got too many clothes on," he managed between breaths.

  "You're right." Seb chuckled. "Don't move, Connor. I want you to stay right where you are while Matt and I get undressed."

  Connor watched as Matt unbuttoned his shirt. His gaze flicked to the laptop, and he saw that Seb was mirroring Matt's movements. They couldn't have disrobed any slower if they'd tried. It was like there was an unspoken challenge between them. But God, watching their unhurried actions was driving Connor wild. He guessed that was the point. Finally, both his lovers were naked, though he couldn't see nearly enough of Seb to fully appreciate it.

  "Get some lube," Seb told them.

  Whilst Matt retrieved his bottle of lube from the bedside table, Seb half vanished from the screen for a moment. When he reappeared, he settled himself further back on his bed, allowing Connor and Matt to see all of him. His legs were lazily parted, his cock hard and erect against his stomach, a bottle of lube in his hand.

  "Slick up and rub both your cocks together," he told them before squeezing lube onto his hand.

  "I like where you're going with this," Matt said.

  Matt lay over Connor, using one arm to push himself up slightly. After squeezing some lube onto it, Matt grabbed both their cocks in his massive hand and began to work up and down. Even though he hadn't been given a command to move, Connor couldn't help himself. He ran his hands through Matt's hair. He thrust his hips up with each of Matt's strokes, rubbing himself harder against Matt's cock. Seb was giving himself a hand job as he watched them, his lips parted, his breathing heavy.

  "Faster," he told them.

  Matt did so. He was thrusting his hips too. The sensation was driving Connor over the edge far faster than he wanted.

  "Perfect," Seb moaned. "Fucking perfect. Keep doing that. I want to come watching you do that."

  Matt's hand gripped harder and moved faster. He stared down into Connor's eyes, grinned at him, and then looked at Seb again. Connor made sure to keep his eyes on Seb for as long as he could. But his desire was becoming too great, and his eyes rolled shut. His back and neck arched, and his hips bucked up to meet Matt's over and over. Permission or not, he raked his fingernails down Matt's back.

  Matt hissed in a breath. "Fuck, Con." He claimed Connor's mouth, tightened his grip, and tipped them both over the edge.

  Seb's orgasmic gasps and groans were distorted by the tinny laptop speakers. Matt collapsed on top of Connor, their chests heaving against one another. Staring at Seb, they exchanged lazy kisses, whilst he lolled on his bed, absently stroking himself as he watched them both.

  "That worked," Connor mused once the power of speech had returned to him.

  "Just a bit," Seb agreed.

  "You don't have to say it," Matt gloated between pants. "I know my idea was fucking awesome." He laughed, his chest and stomach rumbling against Connor's body.

  "Next time—" Seb began.

  "There's going to be a next time?" Matt asked, still laughing.

  "There had better be!" Connor said.

  Seb licked his lips. "What was I saying? Oh, yeah… next time I'm going to get you to fuck each other. I really want to see Matt's cock pumping in and out of Connor's arse."

  "Yes, please," Connor whimpered.

  "That sounds like an excellent plan," Matt breathed. He circled his finger around Connor's nipple. "It's a shame I'm too exhausted for round two right now." He made a show of glancing at the clock. "Give me half an hour."

  Seb chuckled, his lips stretching into a content smile. "Thanks, both of you. That was amazing."

  "Any time," Matt said.

  Connor nodded because words failed him again. The experience had been wonderful. Seb watching them, ordering them around, and Matt's skilled hand and lips had combined into a truly titillating experience. He'd felt close to Seb, even though they were three hundred miles apart. Knowing they'd do it again made the distance between them feel significantly smaller. They could make being apart from Seb work, short term at least. And if his move to Bristol turned into a long-term thing? Well, he guessed they'd all be moving.



  Connor had made sure to get an early night—which meant sleeping at his own flat—so he was bright and alert when he picked Matt up at seven. It was a long drive to Bristol, and he wanted to get there by lunch. Seb had to work in the morning, but they'd arranged to meet him at his office and then go for food before returning to his flat to reconnect on a more physical level. It had been over a month since they'd had that chance, and Connor would freely admit that his body was aching for Seb's touch. Their webcam antics had been amazing, but it didn't make up for not being close to Seb. Kissing him, having his touch glide over his body, or feeling Seb inside him.

  The motorway was fairly quiet when they joined it, though he knew it would get busier as the morning wore on. The weather wasn't great. Although the mornings were slowly starting to get lighter, heavy grey clouds forbade the weak winter sunlight from illuminating the road ahead. It had rained heavily overnight, leaving a sheet of water over the tarmac. Connor took it slow, mostly staying in the crawler lane, except to pass particularly slow lorries.

  For the first hour, Matt dozed in the passenger seat. Eventually he yawned loudly and did his best to stretch in the confines of the car.

  "Are we nearly there yet?" he asked in the whiniest possible voice.

  Connor chuckled. "We haven’t been in the car that long, Sleeping Beauty."

  "Damn. And there I was, hoping I'd sleep the whole trip away."

  Connor shook his head. "How about keeping me company instead? I'm not actually your bloody chauffeur, you know."

  "I suppose I could manage that." Matt yawned again. "I am not going to miss this drive when Seb moves back home."

  Connor wouldn't, either. "I'll stop in a bit. We can grab some breakfast." He'd already had something before setting off, but that didn't mean he couldn't eat again.

  "Sounds good." Matt gazed out the window. "God, it's grim up north."

  Connor glanced in the rear-view mirror. "Actually, it's clearing up behind us."

  They both groaned as the first droplets of rain spattered against the windscreen. Connor flicked on the wipers and adjusted his grip on the steering wheel. He hoped it didn't get too heavy.

  "How come you're so tired anyway?" he asked.

  "Seb and I stayed up late talking."

  Connor raised his eyebrows. "Just talking?"

  Matt responded with a dirty laugh. "No. But we did talk for ages."


  "We did!"

  Connor smiled. "I'm glad you both had fun last night."

  "Not jealous?" Matt teased.

  "No. I know you'll both make it up to me later."

  After checking his mirrors, he moved into the middle lane to pass a lorry. The rain was getting heavier. The lorry kicked up spray, making Connor's windscreen wipers work double time.

  "I still find this weird sometimes," Matt said as Connor pulled in front of the truck. "The three of us, I mean." He sighed. "I keep thinking how great we are together and wondering why it took us so damned long to realise we liked each other."

  Connor glanced at Matt. "I can think of plenty of reasons. Maybe if I'd had the g
uts to speak up about how I felt, it wouldn't have taken us so long."

  Matt pursed his lips, presumably mulling Connor's words over. "I'm glad you stopped being scared of the future long enough to take a chance on us," he said eventually.

  "Me too." Connor knew he'd wasted too much time on being afraid.

  "And I'm grateful Seb kissed us that night," Matt said. "I know it fucked up my head at the time… but if he hadn't done that, we'd probably still just be friends."

  Connor nodded in agreement. He wasn't sure he wanted to think about that alternate reality.

  "When Seb comes home, we should find a place together."

  Connor's eyes widened.

  "Will you move in with us?"

  Connor's heart felt like it was beating wildly in his chest. "We should ask Seb first."

  Matt snorted. "Like he'll say no."

  Connor thought that over for a second and realised Matt was right; Seb wouldn't say no.

  "So, will you?"

  It was a huge step, and their relationship was still so new, but it felt right. It felt perfect.

  "Yes," he whispered.

  "I sense a but."

  "What if Seb does make partner in Bristol? Are you prepared to move to be with him?"

  "Yes," Matt replied without pause.

  "Even though it would mean moving away from your mum?" Connor knew things would take time to heal between Matt and Mrs Tuke, but that didn't mean it would be easy for him to move away from her.

  "Yes." Again, there was no pause. "Would you?"

  Connor didn't need to think about his answer any more than Matt had. "Yes."

  Another lorry loomed in front of them, going excruciatingly slowly, even taking the worsening weather into account. Connor took his time finding a big enough opening to move into, not wanting to cause any other driver to make any sudden adjustments to their speed. Even then, he took his time overtaking, the spray on his windscreen making it nearly impossible to see more than a couple of feet ahead. He was glad everyone had their lights on. It made judging distances with the cars in front much easier when he had distorted red lights to focus on. He glanced in his wing mirror, looking at the stream of blurred white lights behind. His heart froze.

  "Too fucking fast," he hissed. His panicked words seared his throat on the way out.

  Matt might have started to say something, but Connor didn't register his voice. His mind was focused on the black car that was hurtling up the outside lane at a sickening speed. The car's horn honked loudly, but the car in front of it didn't speed up or move. There was nowhere for it to go. There was nowhere for Connor to go, either. A lorry to his left, huge and impassable, practically nose-to-tail cars to his right. No gaps. Too late, the driver of the black car slammed on the breaks. Its wheels skidded and spun in the heavy spray. Connor felt the impact, felt the steering wheel getting wrenched out of his hands, and then everything turned into terrifying chaos.



  Seb hadn't noticed how quickly the morning had flown by until his stomach started to rumble. Daniel checked his watch and then looked up from the job applications they'd been looking through.

  "I thought you were heading out to lunch with your partners today?"

  Thanks to Brenda, everyone in the firm knew about Seb's polyamorous relationship. It was actually a relief, having it out in the open. No one had given him a hard time. One of the women had asked, jokingly, if she could join in. He'd turned her down in the spirit her question had been intended, with a jovial laugh.

  Seb glanced at his watch. It was gone one. "They must have got held up in traffic."

  He pulled his phone out of his coat pocket, but there was nothing since the text he'd received from Matt, just after seven, to say they were setting off. He frowned as he sent a quick message back.

  —What's your ETA? I' m starving!

  He put his phone down and picked up the next job application. He was shortlisting them so that Daniel didn't have to wade through them all. He was thrilled his boss trusted his judgement so much. He read through the application, occasionally glancing at his phone. The screen remained dark. As the minutes ticked by, his pulse rate picked up. Matt wasn't driving. He was just sitting in a car. There was no reason he couldn't send a message straight back. Unless the idiot had forgotten to charge his phone the night before and it had died. He smiled and chuckled to himself, remembering how he'd kept Matt from sleep and probably from plugging in his phone. He grabbed his phone and copied the text to Connor. He was counting on Matt checking Connor's phone for him.

  "Any good?" Daniel asked, nodding towards the application in Seb's hand.

  "Maybe." Seb wasn't about to admit how distracted he was. "She's in her first job since qualifying, but she did a lot of work experience before that with some very reputable firms." He pulled a face. "And some not so reputable ones."

  Goddamn, why hadn't they answered either of his texts? There was no way they'd both been stupid enough not to charge their phones before embarking on a four-hour drive. Connor would never travel without a working phone.

  "Call them?" Daniel suggested.

  Seb tried Matt first, almost out of habit. He was surprised when the phone rang; it hadn't run out of charge. It kept ringing, eventually flicking through to voicemail.

  "Where are you guys?" Seb asked the answerphone. "I'm wasting away here."

  He put his phone down again, realising how sweaty his palms were as it almost slipped out of his fingers. He busied himself with another couple of applications, drumming his fingers on his thigh to try to distract himself from his growing concern. He rejected them both.

  When his phone rang, twenty minutes later, his heart practically skipped a beat with relief. Except it wasn't Matt or Connor calling him. He didn't recognise the number at all, except to note it was a mobile phone.



  His brow furrowed. "Mrs Tuke?" Why the hell would Matt's mum be calling him out of the blue on a Saturday afternoon? Or any time for that matter.

  "Seb." Her voice came out as a trembling sob.

  Seb's blood froze in his veins. He could barely breathe. "What's wrong?" There had to be something wrong. Why the hell else would she be crying?

  "There's…" She sucked in a breath. "There's been an accident."

  The room seemed to spin around him, and he almost dropped the damn phone. Across the desk, Daniel was staring at him with pinched brows.

  "What kind of accident? Where are they?" His mind was already filling in the blanks. They'd been driving. The weather was crap. They had to be okay.

  "Leicester," Matt's mum said, her voice almost incoherent as she cried through the phone. "Matt's in surgery. I don't know about Connor. I'm not his next of kin. They won't tell me anything. Maybe they'll tell you."

  "Surgery?" Seb wasn't even sure he'd said the word out loud until Matt's mum responded.

  "He's got internal injuries and his face… but they're not doing anything about that now, just dealing with the damage inside. He had to be airlifted. That's all I know."

  Airlifted. Surgery. Internal injuries. That meant it was bad. He felt sick. His whole body shook. If he'd been standing, he was sure his legs would have given way.

  "I'm on my way," Seb told her, even though he had no clue how he was going to get to Leicester hospital. Train. There had to be a train.

  "Please hurry," she whispered before ending the call.

  "I've got to go," Seb said. He could barely think. He felt numb, like his brain was stuffed full of cotton wool.

  "Where?" Daniel asked, standing and grabbing his coat.

  Seb stared at him for a second. "Leicester hospital."

  "I'll drive."


  "I'll drive."

  Seb knew that tone. It was Daniel's I'm not taking any shit tone. He nodded and followed him out of the building, waiting impatiently as Daniel set the alarm and locked up the place. They jogged to the nearby car pa
rk, where Daniel's car was parked and set off in silence.

  The car radio came on automatically. A news programme was on. Daniel went to turn it off.

  "No, don't." If there was news about the crash, Seb wanted to hear it. He needed to hear it.

  He half listened to the news as they headed towards the motorway, not even registering if Daniel was a good driver or not. Connor was. He'd always felt safe driving with Connor. How the fuck could they have got into such a bad accident?

  He almost missed the news story about the crash, but Daniel nudged his knee, dragging his mind from the scary place it had gone to. The report talked about bad weather conditions and a huge traffic jam. It talked about the number of vehicles involved—four cars, one lorry—and how all lanes had been closed to allow the air ambulance to land. It talked about fatalities. Multiple fatalities. Seb felt part of his consciousness curling up into a ball of denial. Matt was in surgery. Connor had to be okay. They both had to be okay. Tears stung his eyes and then rolled down his cheeks, but he didn't care that he was crying in front of his boss. He turned the radio off, unable to listen to any more.

  The journey blurred into a frenzy of frightened thoughts. He'd thought the time would drag. That it would take an eternity to reach the hospital and Connor and Matt, but suddenly they were there, as though the universe had been kind enough to shrink the time and distance between him and his lovers.

  Daniel dropped him off outside the casualty department and then went to find somewhere to park. Seb only realised that he hadn't said thank you as he watched his boss drive away. He went inside, heading straight to the reception desk. He started to mumble Connor and Matt's names at the receptionist but tripped over every word he tried to force out of his mouth.


  He jerked round, holding out his arms so Matt's mum could stagger into them. He held her tightly. God knew he needed a hug too. She sobbed against his chest.

  "Any news?" he asked.

  "Not yet."


  She motioned to the receptionist. "No one will tell me anything," she reiterated.

  Seb took a deep breath and turned back to the receptionist. "My partners were involved in big car crash," he told her. "Matt Tuke is in surgery. I need to know where Connor Black is."


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