Dark Wish (A Dark Romance)

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Dark Wish (A Dark Romance) Page 6

by Clarissa Wild

  “Break me? But I didn’t do anything,” she exclaims.

  “You didn’t?” I raise a brow at her, which makes her pupils dilate. “Or is it just that you can’t remember?”

  Her body begins to quake. “What are you talking about?”

  “You knew you needed punishment … but you don’t know why.” I lean into her and place a hand on the bedding beside her. “Curious, don’t you think?”

  Her lips quiver. “You’re lying.”

  “I wish I was, little angel.” I grab a loose strand of her hair and tuck it behind her ear. “But you are a sinner.”

  “Tell me what I did then,” she hisses.

  I smile again. “If I told you, you wouldn’t believe me,” I say, cocking my head as my finger lingers on her cheek. “But you will learn when you’re ready.”

  “I don’t believe you,” she murmurs, but the tears welling up in her eyes tell me that’s a lie.

  “You keep telling yourself that. Maybe you’ll believe it eventually,” I say.

  She makes a tsk sound. “Did you just come here to gloat?”

  “No. I came here to explain how this is going to work,” I say, and I lean away again and stretch my fingers, cracking my knuckles. She keeps her eyes on me, but her body is much less defensive than it was before. “You’re in my house now, and I expect you to behave. You will shower or bathe every day and dress appropriately, or as requested. You will eat when offered food. You will dine with me when I demand it.”

  “Why? Give me one good reason I’d do any of that,” she retorts.

  My eyes lock onto hers. “You will have to earn your freedom.”

  Her nostrils flare as her lips part.

  “And I think you know exactly what that entails,” I add, and I place my hand on her knee.

  She shudders in place, her body instantly clenching. But she doesn’t say no. She doesn’t even try. And I admire that.

  I lift my head and stare at the beautiful paintings on the ceiling. “You must repent for your sins.” When my head lowers again, my eyes find hers, and a hunger grows inside me. “To me.”

  Chapter 9


  I’m no longer shaking, but my body has frozen over like I’ve dipped my toes straight into frigid lakes of the underworld.

  A single tear rolls down my cheek, and his hand rises to brush it away. “You must do what I want, when I want. Because I know what you did.”

  So he’s blackmailing me. And for what? Something I can’t remember?

  “How do I know you’re telling the truth?” I say.

  He smiles but it’s a crooked, dangerous smile. “Angel, your mind already knew,” he says with an almost saint-like voice. “That’s why you confessed that you need punishment.”

  My jaw tightens when he briefly brushes my chin with his index finger.

  I wish I could bite him. That I had the guts to punch him, kick him, flee for my life. But I don’t. I’m frozen to the bed like some fragile doll, waiting to be used. Because deep down, I know there’s no use in fighting him.

  I could never win. And even if I did, guards behind that door would be waiting to grab me, so what’s the point?

  He gets up from the bed and stands tall before me, like a shadow looming over me. “If you want to be free again, you must pay for it with your sins.”

  How could this man who first appeared like such an elegant gentleman when he talked to me at the library be such a devil in disguise?

  “And you can guarantee I will be free again if I do what you want?” I ask.

  I don’t want to entertain this thought, but I have to know what’s on the other end. What will happen if I agree … if I let him do what he wants to me …

  He nods. “But only once you’ve been punished for your sin.”

  My sin. The way he says it, like it’s some godforsaken crime, like I’ve done something inhumane, angers me. I’m not that type of girl. I always obeyed the rules, listened to my teachers, and respected my parents. So wherever he is getting this from is beyond me.

  A shiver runs through me the moment I look into his hawk-like eyes.

  There’s no possible way to get out of this room. Not without his help. I’m going to have to win his trust first before I can even think of escaping.

  I swallow and sit up straight on the bed, lowering my legs onto the floor so my feet are right in front of him. I look up into his dark, sultry eyes and find them filled with something indescribable, like a … hunger.

  A hunger I’ve only seen before in customers at the strip club.

  Is that … what he wants from me? My body?

  I swallow away the lump in my throat as I gaze up into his eyes, wondering what goes on beyond them, what he’s thinking about when he stands here humiliating me over something I can’t remember I did. Something I don’t know I ever even did.

  But if it’s this or staying in this room forever, I think I already know which one I’d pick. So I sit before him and spread my legs, opening them wide. His eyes peer down between them, his Adam’s apple moving up and down as his pants strain.

  All men are the same. Even the most chivalrous gentlemen hide inner beasts that wish to devour. And this wolf has set its eyes on me.

  Lifting my hand, I grab his zipper, but before I can pull it down, he’s caught my wrist. He firmly twists my hand away from his tented pants.

  “No, angel,” he says, his grip so tight that it almost hurts. “I will decide how this is done.”

  Of course, a man like this would refuse to give up any power, even if it promises pleasure.

  I cock my head and lean in even closer. “Wanna use me? Fuck me? Just like all the other men in my life?”

  His nose twitches, and his lips grow even thinner than before.

  Suddenly, he lunges at me and grabs both my hands, pinning me to the bed while crouching on top of me.

  “You think this is a game?” he growls.

  “To you, it is,” I hiss.

  I know he doesn’t like that I know how these things go, how men like him are. I can see it in his eyes, the rage building and building until it’s about to explode. But I can’t help myself. It’s the only way I’ve learned how to fight back. Not with strength but with emotion. If I cannot run, at least I can try to unravel my captor. Like a puzzle I need to put together to decode the grand scheme and make my escape.

  However, before I can say anything else, he’s dragged me up the bed and reached behind the boards for a pair of cuffs that he attaches to my wrists, locking me in place.

  He leans back up on his knees and gazes at me as if to admire his work.

  “Shouldn’t talk back to me like that, angel,” he murmurs. “You will stay here until you’ve learned your lesson.”

  “What? But I didn’t do anything,” I reply, jerking on the cuffs, but it’s no use. They’re tightly chained to the bed.

  He plants both his hands on the headboard beside my head and leans over to glare at me from up close. His dreamy eyes wide, dark but inviting, like a siren’s call luring me into submission, but I won’t fall for that trap. I look away, angered that he’d take even more of my freedom by trapping me on this bed.

  “You think you didn’t … but the mind can be a treacherous thing.” A devilish smirk forms on his lips, and he grabs my chin and forces me to look at him. “But I will help you.”

  “Help?” I scoff. “All you’ve done is take more away from me.”

  He nods. “And I will keep taking more …” He leans in closer until I can feel his breath on my skin. “And more …” His lips linger near my ear, whispering sweetly like a man drunk on the possibilities. “And more. Until you have nothing left to give, and even then …” His lips curl. “More.” That last word almost comes out with a wolfish growl, and it manages to make goose bumps scatter on my skin.

  He smiles against my earlobe, his lips grazing my skin, tantalizing my senses as my body betrays me. I knew he was handsome the very first time I saw him, so handsome th
at it made me stop in my tracks and stare. When he’s this close, I can’t deny it does something to me, but being attractive won’t hide his sadistic ways.

  “I don’t use … I don’t fuck …” The way he pronounces each word so carefully as though he wants me to linger on them like I would on a kiss makes me swallow hard. “I teach.”

  I gulp. “Teach what?”

  Pain? Anger? Fear?

  “Humility,” he growls. His tongue dips out to drag a line from my ear to my cheek, where he leans away to look me in the eyes again. “Tell me … what did you think would happen when you provoked me like that?”

  “You think that just because you call me angel I’ll be good? That I’m easy?” I hiss, trying to keep my resolve even though it’s crumbling fast, knowing that I’m locked in his chains.

  “Easy? No.” He bites his bottom lip, and for some reason, my eyes home in on it. “Willing … yes.”

  I frown. “I didn’t—”

  He plants a finger against my lips and says, “You asked.” His eyes narrow as his hand slides down my thigh, my body twisting and contorting so I don’t feel the heat rising in my belly or have to face the wetness pooling between my legs when he gets closer and closer.

  “And now it’s time for you to beg.”

  He takes his hand away and crawls off the bed, leaving me breathless, filled with an unwanted desire I can’t place and wish I could rinse off.

  He steps away and fishes something from his pocket, a tiny device with a few buttons on it.

  I frown. “What is that? What are you going to do?”

  He bites his lip again and looks at me with a certain type of delight that I can only describe as vicious. “What you deserve.”

  He pushes the button, and suddenly, everything in my body begins to vibrate.

  “What the…?” I mutter, trying to keep it together.

  But then he cranks it up a notch, and I’m practically vibrating across the bed. Only the cuffs keep me in place. The more I focus, the harder it becomes, and it’s only then that I realize where the vibrations are coming from.

  My panties.

  “Fuck,” I growl, trying to jerk my way out of these chains, but it’s no use. I’m stuck here, left to his mercy, and his mercy has long disintegrated. I don’t understand. They were just panties. “How did you—”

  “Your panties are lined with a special kind of vibrating pad that only activates on my command.” He holds up the device with the buttons and tosses it in the air. “Handy little thing, if you ask me.”

  “How dare you,” I growl.

  “I didn’t do anything … you put those panties on,” he says, pointing at my legs, making me hyper aware of the fact that he can see me squirm. “You’ve got no one to blame but yourself.”

  I swear, he raised the intensity again, but I can’t tell. I can barely look at him without wanting to moan, and I hate it.

  “That’s it … feel the delicious shockwaves forcing you to come to terms with your captivity,” he says, taking delight in the fact that I’m strapped to the bed.

  “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” I clutch my legs together, trying to keep the pleasure at bay, but it only makes it harder.

  He smiles. “I try not to … After all, this is your punishment.”

  This is my punishment? That means … “So you’ll let me out after this is over?”

  “Over?” He laughs so diabolically that it makes me want to look away. “We’re only just beginning.”

  I gasp in shock as he turns around and walks off. “No, wait!”

  “Good luck and try not to come too many times. I’d like you to save some for me.”

  He marches out and closes the door behind him but not before pushing the button so many times to increase the intensity that the last thing he hears coming from my mouth is a long-drawn-out moan echoing through my room.

  Chapter 10


  The moment I left her there, all by herself, simmering in her own rage and desire, I knew I’d made the right decision. She’s going to make a great pet. At least, for as long as I’ll have her under my wing. I don’t know how long that will be yet, but it depends on her, not me. She may think otherwise, but I am not the one who chose this. She did.

  She asked me to punish her, so I will, no matter how much she resists. No matter how much she pretends she doesn’t want it, she said those words for a reason. And it is my job to make her realize why.

  I readjust my fly after listening to her moan out loud again. I did not want to toy with her yet, but her incessant need to question my motives and my character gave me no choice. I don’t take kindly to girls thinking they can one-up me. The more she fights, the more she tries to wriggle her way under my skin, the more I will force her to submit and obey.

  Eventually, she’ll understand. Maybe not now … but it won’t take long with those vibrating panties clinging to her pussy, forcing her to come and come and come until she’s lost track. I should’ve told her to count. I smirk from just the thought, but somehow, my cock pushes back against the fabric of my pants too. It can’t help but react to the sounds she’s making. Normally, it wouldn’t faze me, but this girl … this girl is something else. From the moment I spotted her, I knew she was perfect and that she’d make it hard on me, but I like a challenge.

  Still, I have to admit when she asked me if I was going to fuck her, the possibility did briefly pass through my mind. She looked so beautiful in that nude dress, ripe and ready for the taking. And the way she arched her neck when my lips grazed her skin almost made me want to kiss her right there and then.

  She’s already gotten under my skin, but I won’t let her notice that. No, even when she was squirming and mewling underneath me, I forced myself to stop when I so desperately wanted to take what I wanted from her.

  And that … that is my sin.

  Tasting the fruit is forbidden if it doesn’t serve a purpose, which is why I’ve made it my life’s mission to use my desire. Lust isn’t the objective. It’s a tool to gain access to the most private parts of a person’s soul. And once they’ve given that up … they’re done for.

  I rummage in my pocket and press the button to up the vibrations once more, and her moans are audible all the way from the staircase. A devilish smile forms on my lips. Oh, little angel … when this is all over, you’re going to beg for more.


  I don’t know how many hours passed, but it’s enough to make me want to faint. I’ve had so many orgasms that I’ve lost count. Each as overwhelming as the next, but none as bad as the ones that happened after the vibrations were upped again and again. Even when I thought it couldn’t get worse, Eli proved me wrong, and it’s driving me insane with lust.

  What if it won’t end? What if he’ll keep me in these panties forever? Strapped to this bed like a doll he can use whenever he wants?

  The mere thought makes me burst into tears. I wish I’d never put on these foul clothes. That I hadn’t given in to the idea of more freedom so easily, because now it’s come back to bite me in the ass. The more I give, the more he’s willing to take … but at what cost? My sanity?

  I writhe around on the bed, which is soaked with my pussy juices, hoping I could wriggle my way out of this mess. But no matter how hard I try, I can’t shake off these panties. They’re too tightly wrapped around my thighs.

  I groan out loud and blow out a breath while beads of sweat trickle down my back. Never in my life have I come this many times or this hard. Not that I had much experience. Chris never really tried beyond maybe once or twice. He always just fucked and came whenever he wanted, and that was that. I didn’t mind … I could rub one out later when he was asleep.

  But now, I have no choice in the matter. No way to stop it all.

  If only Chris was here, maybe he’d free me from this mess.

  The buzzing continues, harder and harder, and my body quakes like never before. My lungs fill with oxygen as I’m trying to breathe through this
sexual energy raging through my body, ravaging all the modesty I had left. When the peak nears, I scream, and I fall apart once again, my eyes almost rolling into the back of my head.

  My body falls forward as I hang in the cuffs, willing to give up anything and everything if it meant that this would stop. I would say yes to it all.

  I peer through my half-closed eyes as the door cracks open, my body so wasted that I can’t tell if someone is really there or not. The sound of a door closing pulls me back into the here and now, and my eyes burst open.

  Eli walks closer, and I instinctively inch back against the wall, but I’m too exhausted to fight. He sits down on the bed beside me. I’d expected him to be ravenous, arrogant, enraged at my will to fight. But the gentleness in his eyes confuses the fuck out of me.

  “How many times did you come?” he asks.

  “Too many times …” I mutter.

  “Have you had enough?”

  I nod because I’m too drowsy to speak.

  He smiles. “Are you ready to do anything and everything I demand from you?”

  My lips part, and my face scrunches up as I try to form the words I so desperately want to speak, but I know it’s a betrayal to my own morals if I do. But what choice do I have when faced with more of this?

  “Yes,” I murmur.

  I didn’t know I was that easy, that willing to give in. I guess that’s what constant orgasms will do to one’s resolve.

  “Ask,” he says.

  “Please … can the buzzing stop?” I beg. “I’ll do anything.”

  A devilish smile spreads on his lips. “Good little angel,” he says, and he crawls on top of the bed and leans over me. “Because this will be much easier to you if you just give in.”

  When he unlatches the cuffs around my wrist, I simply cease to care and let my hands fall down to my sides.

  His hand dives into his pocket, and he presses a button. The buzzing stops, and sweet, heavenly bliss follows. My entire pussy feels numb, and my clit is still swollen and raw from all the times I came. But with the buzzing gone, my entire body shakes uncontrollably and tears well up in my eyes.


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