Broken Beauty

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Broken Beauty Page 2

by Stella Andrews

  Shutting the memories down before they destroy me again, I knock on the door and wait for Ashton to let me in. I’m here to entertain Cassie, her adorable daughter because Ashton has her hands full with the latest addition to their family. Three weeks ago, Ashton gave birth to the most beautiful baby boy. Just like his father, Caspian King is sure to be a heartbreaker. Beautiful blue eyes sparkle beneath a crop of dark wild curls and he holds a woman's heart the minute she looks at him. I am no exception because that little angel is the light of my own dark life. It’s the eyes of the innocent who look at me with so much trust that fills my heart with hope.

  Can I love? I never have before but there is something about the children that surround me that stir black into white. I find myself craving their company and hearing their laughter. It soothes my weary soul and if I stay here forever with them, I would die happy.

  The door opens and I take a step back as the man of the house fills the opening.

  Ryder King is the sort of man that steals the breath from inside you and replaces it with electricity. Impressive in every way from his startling good looks to his rock-hard abs. He wears the badge of authority as if it was born part of him and I know there is not a man, woman or child here who doesn’t love and respect every inch of him.

  He looks at me with interest and nods. “Morning, darlin’, anything to report?”

  I smile because he says this every day. They are patient with me because from the moment I stepped foot inside their home, I have kept for my reasons for doing so to myself. At first, I wouldn’t even speak but gradually they have eased my mind and allowed me to breathe again but I’m not ready to tell them why I won’t return home—not yet, maybe not ever.

  So, I shake my head and stare at him with my usual blank look. “No.”

  Nodding, he steps aside. “Then I’ll let you get on with your day.”

  He moves away and I smile to myself. The same conversation every day for three weeks. I wonder when I’ll be able to let my guard down and trust them with the full horror story that is mine to write the ending of.

  “Morning, Pia.”

  A scream alerts me to business and I laugh as Ryder’s daughter Cassie races toward me like a tornado and jumps into my arms. “Morning, Angel, have you been good for your mama?”

  I hear laughter and see Ashton watching us from the doorway with Caspian in her arms, gazing at Cassie fondly. “She’s always good, aren’t you, honey?”

  Ashton rolls her eyes as Cassie says solemnly, “Yes, mommy.”

  We share a grin because like her father, Cassie is a handful that is only encouraged by him. Not afraid to stand her ground and batter a bully to the ground, Ashton is forever being called into the principal’s office to ‘discuss’ her behavior. Along with Jack, Brewer and Lou’s son, they make a formidable team and need a firm hand.

  Ashton smiles, which draws an immediate response from me. A beautiful woman who is the antithesis of everyone else in this house. Beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes, with a southern drawl that instantly makes you feel at home. The light to Ryder’s shade and the best mother these kids could ever wish for. She has her own demons that vanished the moment she claimed Ryder’s heart and they share a love so pure; it makes me believe in happy ever afters.

  “Come in, honey. Cassie wants to do some coloring, while she fetches it, I’ll make you a coffee.”

  “I should be making the coffee; you have your hands full.”

  Looking down, Ashton smiles softly at the gorgeous boy in her arms and then holds him out to me. “Maybe you could mind him while I make them.”

  I need no further invitation and take him from her with an eagerness that surprises even me. It feels so natural to hold the precious bundle in my arms and I breathe deeply and fill my lungs with his heavenly scent. Pure innocence is the sweetest balm to a wounded soul.

  As he stares up at me with those gorgeous eyes, I feel an emotion that has escaped me all my life - love.

  “How was your run?”

  Ashton calls across from the kitchen and I make my way inside and take a seat at the breakfast bar, holding her Prince Caspian in my arms.


  “In what way?”

  “I wasn’t alone.”

  She turns and raises her eyes and I can’t help but feel the flush creep across my skin as she says, “Who was there?”

  “I’m not sure of his name, one of the guys.”

  “What did he look like?”

  If Ashton can sense any difference in me, she is keeping it well hidden, so I shrug and say coolly, “Bit of a beast if I’m honest. Longish dark hair and a complete brute of a man. No manners and no clothes, actually.”

  Her eyes widen as she laughs softly, “Not always a bad thing.”

  “Hmm, maybe. He was running in just a very tiny pair of shorts.”

  We share a grin and then she says carefully, “What happened?”

  I miss out the physical contact part and shrug. “He escorted me back. I think he thought I was an intruder.”

  “Must have been Maverick then.”

  I stare at her in surprise and she laughs. “He’s the only one who doesn’t know you’re here. He’s been away for a month and must have arrived back late last night. He’s also the only one who runs around here so early in the morning and hardly ever wears a top.

  “Yes, he said he does his own laundry.”

  “He spoke to you?” Ashton looks surprised.

  “Why? Doesn’t he normally?”

  “Not really. He’s the strong, silent type. He talks to the guys, but the girls get nothing from him. Other than the obvious, I mean.”

  She giggles and I feel a flash of jealousy that surprises me as I think of him with the girls that live here. Remembering the one from earlier, it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth and as Caspian starts to cry, it breaks up the conversation and Ashton says apologetically, “I should go and feed him. He’s a bit overdue because Ryder was late leaving.”

  She blushes a little and I can only imagine what pleasure that man brings to her life as she gets a faraway look in her eye. She smiles softly. “Anyway, I shouldn’t be long. If Cassie loses interest, I think Jack is around today and Lou said you could visit anytime. I’ve got the nurse coming, so will tied up for a bit. Help yourself to anything you need and call if you need me.”

  I watch as she takes her baby and envy her the life she has. A loving husband and a beautiful family with the most amazing home, surrounded by the most loyal of friends. This place is hell on earth to outsiders but Utopia to the occupants that live within its steel walls.

  As I wait, I think about the man I met in the woods. Maverick. A free spirit. It suits him.

  I wonder if I’ll ever see him again because I like to keep away from the men. I’m not interested in becoming another one of their booty calls and to be honest, they scare the hell out of me, anyway.

  When I lived with the guards, they respected who I was and my position. I have only ever been with one man and that was a mistake of the worst kind. I have no interest in repeating that mistake, so keep hidden in my ivory tower. But Maverick, there was something different about him, yet familiar at the same time. Who is he?



  Now I’m back and ready to catch up. Once I’ve showered and changed, I head to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. I share my space with the single guys among us. We keep our own place clean and do our own chores, which includes cooking, so I set to work as I’ve always done, keeping everything clean and in the military fashion we’re accustomed to. By the time I’ve sat down to attack my food, one of the other guys heads my way and sets about doing the same thing. “Hey, Maverick, I heard you were back.”

  “Hey, Rebel, how are things?”

  “Usual. You haven’t missed much. I heard you had a particularly difficult mission.”

  He laughs as I growl. “Fucking spoiled kid. Ryder owes me big time for that one.”

e you could take some time off. Go on a road trip?”

  Sometimes the guys like to take off after an individual mission, but I’m not one of them. I live to work and work to live and have no interest in my own company for weeks on end.

  “No, I’m good.”

  “I’m guessin’ you need a little female company to set you back on track, it must have been hard dealing with shit yourself for a whole month.”

  Pushing my plate back, I’m surprised to find that’s the last thing on my mind as an image of the new woman comes to me.


  “Maybe? What’s happened to you, man? I thought you’d be balls deep in one of the whores five seconds after you arrived. I’m sure Millie would oblige.”

  He laughs and I shake my head. “Not interested. She’s making noises that I don’t wanna hear.”

  Grabbing the chair beside me, Rebel looks interested. “She catchin’ feelings?”

  “Maybe but just in case, I’m keeping my distance.”

  He nods because like me, Rebel isn’t interested in grabbing an old lady anytime soon and I know he understands.

  Then he whistles. “We got a new broken angel to mend when you left.”

  My ears prick up immediately, but I say nothing.

  “Stays in her room every night and keeps hidden in the day.”

  “What’s her story?”

  Suddenly, Rebel looks nervous which isn’t like him—at all and my nerves stand to attention.

  “Listen, man, I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news but she’s the sister of some mafia don.”

  I make a fist under the table but set my features in stone and wait for him to finish.

  “She was kidnapped by some guy out for revenge and nearly didn’t make it. We stormed the building and got her out, along with another woman and two kids. They were all in a bad way, which is nothing to what the guy who took them was like when we finished with him.”

  I almost can’t speak and growl, “Why is she still here?”

  “Don’t know. Word is, she won’t go back to her brother. Won’t speak and won’t leave. He left the same night and took the guy who kidnapped her with him. Not sure what happened after that, but we’ve been warned off. She’s being left to heal and when she’s ready, she’ll talk to Ryder. Sorry man, I know you don’t do mafia but you were bound to find out.”

  “It’s fine. I’m glad you told me.”

  Pushing back my plate, I’ve suddenly lost my appetite. Mafia. My blood runs cold at the mere mention of the word.

  Now I know who she is.

  It doesn’t take me long to find my way to Ryder’s door. He wanted a debrief and after I tell him the details, he sits back and nods with approval. “Good job, Maverick, I know it was a hard one.”

  “You could say that.”

  The door opens and Ryder’s right-hand man, Snake, heads into the office and nods. “Hey, Mav, good to see you.”

  I nod as he takes the seat beside me and groans. “I wish Bonnie would hurry up and get back from her mom’s, I’m all over the place.”

  Ryder grins. “She’s only been gone two days, what’s the matter, you going soft?”

  Snake grins wickedly. “As it happens, quite the opposite. It’s ok for guys like Maverick who can crook their little finger at any available woman in the bar and be balls deep inside ten minutes but I don’t have that luxury.”

  Ryder rolls his eyes as I grin because from the looks of Snake you wouldn’t think he would be told to do anything and especially by a slip of a girl like Bonnie. However, we all know who holds the true power in their relationship as Snake groans and rubs his crotch.

  Ryder rolls his eyes. “That’s disgusting, take it to the shower.”

  Snake grins. “Who says I haven’t already? What can I say, I’m insatiable?”

  Shaking his head, Ryder turns to me and I watch his expression change and prepare for what I know is coming.

  “I have another job for you.”


  He raises his eyes and the atmosphere changes in the room. Gone is the easy banter and in its place is an edgy tension that causes Snake to lean forward and Ryder’s eyes to narrow as he says gruffly, “Explain.”

  “You’re gonna ask me to take on the new girl.”

  “And why is that a problem?”

  I make a fist which is the only indication that I’m on the edge and you could hear a pin drop in the room as my two superiors look at me with a challenge in their eyes.

  Nobody disobeys orders here—ever. But like my name suggests, I don’t always follow the rule book, so I say with a hard edge to my voice. “I don’t do mafia, you know that.”

  I know there is nothing they can say to that because I made it perfectly clear the minute I arrived. It’s my one rule that I will not break and Ryder knows it because he nods respectfully and leans back. “Then we have a problem.”

  Snake also leans back and I can breathe again. The last thing I want is to antagonize the two hardest men I will ever meet, but I have my rules and this is precisely the reason why.

  Ryder turns to Snake. “Has Bonnie had any luck?”

  “No. She won’t open up. God only knows what that fuckhead did to her, but she’s shut down completely. You can tell that by the look in her eyes.”

  I hold my breath because I know that look. I’ve lived with it my entire life and yet I have no compassion for the alluring mafia princess because this is one shit storm I’m shielding myself from.

  Ryder just sighs and says with resignation. “Then we give her more time.”

  He stands and nods toward the door.

  “Come on, I need a beer. When it involves women, I know shit, anyway.”

  I follow them out, but a beer is the furthest thing from my mind. I need to get out of this place before I do something I’ll regret.



  Cassie runs ahead and I struggle to keep up with her. We decided to take Lou up on her offer because Ashton looked as if she could use the rest once Caspian was settled.

  We are heading toward their pretty house nearby and Cassie is excited to spend time with her best friend.

  I laugh as she yells for him at the top of her voice and it’s not long before the door slams open and he races out, catching her hand and dragging her inside.

  Lou follows him out and laughs. “They’ll never change. Like two peas in a pod.”

  I nod in agreement and I can feel her staring at me with a thoughtful expression and wonder what’s running through her mind. I know they’re curious. They don’t ask but they obviously have questions they know I don’t want to answer and they’re right.

  She smiles and says slowly. “You know, honey, I promised Jack a treat today if he completed his chores but I’m needed to help out in the office. I don’t suppose you could take them into town for an ice-cream; it would really help out?”

  I stare at her in horror as the panic sets in and I say in a shaky voice, “No. I can’t. I’m so sorry, Lou, I’ll mind them here but please don’t ask me to take them off site.”

  “Why not, honey, is something troubling you?”

  Now I know why Lou is considered a wiley woman and know this was a test to get me to open up, so I backtrack and shrug. “No, I just don’t feel confident taking the two of them out on my own. If anything happened to them, I would never forgive myself.”

  I almost can’t get the words out because they remind me of a different situation with two other children and I almost can’t breathe as I battle the panic attack that memory brings on.

  “Hey, Maverick.”

  My heart lurches as Lou looks behind me and I feel myself instantly tense as I hear his husky voice, “What’s up, Lou?”

  I almost see a wicked glint enter her eyes as she smiles. “Can I ask a favor?”

  “Anything for you.”

  I think I hold my breath as she says sweetly, “I’ve asked Sophia to take the kids to town for an ice-cream but she’s not c
onfident on her own. Would you go with them?”

  I daren’t look because this is turning out even worse than expected and from the narrowing of Lou’s eyes, I can tell he is none too happy at being asked. The silence is a little awkward until Jack and Cassie come racing out and Cassie shouts, “Maverick,” before leaping into his arms. Jack does the same and his laughter shocks me into turning around and stare in disbelief as he holds them each under one arm as they scream with pleasure.

  Cassie shouts, “Please come, Maverick, say you will, pleeeez!”

  Jack nods vigorously and Maverick shakes his head. “Of course, I will, only if you’re good soldiers though, there will be no messing around on my watch.”

  They nod with a solemn promise that causes Lou to roll her eyes and I grin.

  Then Maverick looks at me and I feel my heart flutter for a different reason. It’s all there in that one look. Hostility, danger and a promise of something that will be out of control unless we keep a tight lid on it. Those eyes are not the sort you want directed on you because they promise the most devastating storm ahead and I shake inside.

  He nods respectfully. “Are you ready, darlin’?”

  I look at Lou with a mixture of desperation and fear and she smiles encouragingly. “Go with him, Sophia. You need to get away from here to a touch of normal. It’s not good for you to be sheltered from the outside world and the longer you leave it, the harder it will be.”

  I feel so torn and totally out of my depth and Lou draws close and whispers, “Go with Maverick, honey. He won’t let anything happen to any of you. You’re safe with him.”

  As I look at the man himself, I beg to disagree. I am not safe from him, it’s all there in his eyes as he dares me to back out now. Maybe it’s just a little of the old fire in me that sparks because I find myself nodding and saying with a braver voice than I feel, “Fine, if you insist.”

  She smiles with encouragement before heading back inside and Maverick says gruffly, “Follow me.”


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