Honor's Splendour

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Honor's Splendour Page 15

by Julie Garwood

  The stablemaster didn't like Madelyne visiting and stated his opinion loud enough for her to hear. He also thought she spoiled Duncan's horse and even threatened to tell the lord what she was up to. He was all bluster though. Aye, the stablemaster was amazed by Madelyne's gifted way with the horse. He was still a wee bit nervous whenever he saddled Duncan's stallion, but this mite of a girl didn't seem the least afraid.

  On the third afternoon, the stablemaster spoke to Madelyne, and by week's end, they were fast friends.

  His name was James, Madelyne learned, and he was married to Maude. Their son, William, was still attached to his mama's skirts, but James was patiently awaiting the time when the boy would be old enough to become apprentice under him. The child would follow tradition, James explained with an air of importance.

  "Silenus would let you ride him bareback," James announced after he'd given Madelyne a tour of his domain.

  Madelyne smiled. James had accepted her name for Duncan's mount. "I've never ridden bareback," she said. " 'Tis the truth, James, that I've not ridden much at all."

  "Perhaps," James suggested with a kind smile, "when the rain eases a bit, you could learn the proper way."

  Madelyne nodded.

  "Now, if you've never learned, how'd you get from one place to the next, I'm wondering," James admitted.

  "I walked," Madelyne told him. She laughed over his look of surprise. " 'Tis not a sin I'm confessing."

  "I've a gentle mare you could start your practicing with," he suggested.

  "Nay, I think not," Madelyne answered. "Silenus wouldn't like that much. I think his feelings might be injured, and we can't allow that, now, can we?"

  "We can't?" James looked confused.

  "I'll do well enough with Silenus."

  "'Tis the lord's stallion you're wanting to ride, milady?" James stammered. He sounded as if he were strangling.

  "I know whom he belongs to," Madelyne returned. "Don't concern yourself over the animal's size," she said, trying to ease the incredulous look off his face. "I've ridden Silenus before."

  "But do you have the lord's permission?"

  "I shall gain it, James."

  Madelyne smiled again, and all the logical arguments went right out of the stablemaster's mind. Aye, he told himself, from the look in her pretty blue eyes and the way she smiled up at him so trustingly, James suddenly found himself in complete agreement.

  When Madelyne left the stable, the guard walked beside her. He was a constant reminder to her and to everyone else that she was not an invited guest. Anthony's attitude toward her had softened considerably though. He wasn't nearly as irritated by his duty.

  From the way Anthony was greeted by the other soldiers, Madelyne surmised he was well thought of. He had an attractive smile, a boyish grin it was, which was at great odds with his size and age. She couldn't understand why he'd been ordered to watch her, thinking that someone of lesser stature, such as Ansel, the squire, would have been better suited for the placid duty.

  Her curiosity increased, until she finally decided to question him. "Have you done something to displease your lord?"

  Anthony didn't seem to understand her question.

  "When the soldiers return from their work, I can see the envious way you watch them, Anthony. You'd like to be training with them instead of walking with me in circles."

  "'Tis no trouble," Anthony protested.

  "Still, I don't understand why you've been given this duty unless you've displeased Duncan some way."

  "I've an injury needing to heal a bit more." Anthony explained. His voice was hesitant, and Madelyne noticed the blush that slowly crept up from his neck.

  She thought it most odd that he would be embarrassed. Seeking only to put him at ease, she said, "I've also suffered an injury, and not too mild, I can tell you that." It did sound like a boast, but her goal was to make Anthony realize he had nothing to be ashamed of. "Almost did me in, Anthony, but Edmond took care of me. I've a horrid scar now, down the length of my thigh."

  Anthony continued to look uncomfortable with their topic. "Don't soldiers think it noble when they're injured in battle?" Madelyne asked.

  "They do," Anthony answered. He clasped his hands behind his back and increased his pace.

  It suddenly dawned on Madelyne that Anthony might be embarrassed about just where he'd sustained his wound. His arms and legs looked fit enough, and that left only his chest and his…

  "We'll not speak of this again," Madelyne blurted out. She felt her face warm. When Anthony immediately slowed his pace, Madelyne knew she was right. The injury was in an inappropriate place.

  Though she never questioned Anthony about it, Madelyne thought it curious that the soldiers trained such long hours every day. She supposed that defending their lord was difficult work, considering the fact that their leader had so many enemies. She didn't think she was jumping to conclusions either. Duncan wasn't an easy man to like; he certainly wasn't given to being tactful or diplomatic. Why, he'd probably collected more enemies than friends in William II's court.

  She was, unfortunately, given plenty of time to think about Duncan. She wasn't at all accustomed to having so much unstructured time on her hands. When she wasn't outside walking with Anthony, she drove Gerty and Maude to distraction with suggestions for making Duncan's home more pleasing.

  Maude wasn't as guarded as Gerty. She was always eager to set her chores aside and visit with Madelyne. Little Willie, Maude's four-year-old son, proved to be as talkative as his mother once Madelyne was able to coach his thumb out of his mouth.

  When the day's sunlight began to fade, however, Madelyne's stomach would tighten up and her head would start pounding. It was little wonder, she told herself, when one considered that the evenings spent with the Wexton family were trials of endurance Odysseus would have turned his back on.

  Madelyne wasn't allowed to turn her back though. She had all but gotten down on her knees and begged to take her meals in her room, too, but Duncan wouldn't allow it. Nay, he demanded her attendance at the family meal and then had the gall to remove himself from the disgusting ordeal he forced on her. The baron always ate alone, and made a brief appearance only once the table had been cleared of the clutter the men hadn't already thrown to the floor.

  Adela provided the stimulating conversation. While the men hurled bones over their shoulders, Duncan's sister hurled one obscenity after another at Madelyne.

  Madelyne didn't think she could stand the torment much longer. Her smile felt as brittle as dry parchment.

  On the seventh evening Madelyne's composure did crack, and with such violent force that those who witnessed it were too astonished to intervene.

  Duncan had just given her permission to leave the hall. Madelyne stood up, excused herself, and began to walk toward the entrance.

  Her head was pounding, and she thought only to give Adela a wide path. Madelyne wasn't up to another round of screaming. Duncan's little sister was walking toward her.

  Madelyne warily glanced over at Adela and saw little Willie peeking out from the doorway to the kitchens. The little boy smiled at Madelyne and she immediately stopped to speak to him.

  The child responded to Madelyne's smile. He darted out in front of Adela just as the sister swept her hand out in one of the grand gestures she always made when she was about to start in abusing Madelyne again. The back of Adela's hand struck Willie's cheek. The little one toppled to the ground.

  Willie started to wail, Gilard shouted, and Madelyne let out an ear-piercing scream. The sound of rage she made stunned everyone in the hall, even Adela who actually backed up a step, the first real retreat she'd ever made from Madelyne.

  Gilard started to stand. Duncan grabbed hold of his arm. The youngest brother was about to argue over the restraint, but the look in Duncan's eyes stopped him.

  Madelyne rushed over to the little boy, soothed him with a soft word and a tender kiss on the top of his head, and then bade him to go to his mother. Maude, upon hearing he
r son's wails, had appeared in the doorway, with Gerty at her side.

  Madelyne turned to confront Adela then. She might have been able to control her anger if Duncan's sister had shown any sign of remorse. Adela, however, didn't look the least bit sorry for her conduct. And when she muttered that the boy was a nuisance, Madelyne let go of her control.

  Adela called Willie a brat a scant second before Madelyne lashed out and slapped her right where she thought Adela most deserved it, across her mouth. Adela was so stunned by the attack, she lost her balance and stumbled to her knees. Without realizing it, she gave Madelyne added advantage.

  Before Adela could stand up, Madelyne grabbed hold of her hair and twisted the mass behind her head, making the sister vulnerable and unable to strike back. She forced Adela's head back. "You've spoken your last word of filth, Adela. Do you understand me?"

  Everyone stared at the two women. Edmond was the first to come out of his stupor. "Unhand her, Madelyne," he shouted.

  Without taking her attention away from Adela, Madelyne shouted back to Edmond. "Keep out of this, Edmond. You hold me responsible for what happened to your sister, and I've decided'tis high time I took a hand to right this mess. Starting now."

  Duncan never said a word. "I do not hold you responsible," Edmond yelled. "Let go of her. Her mind is—"

  "Her mind needs but a good cleaning, Edmond."

  Madelyne saw that Maude and Gerty were both watching from the doorway. She kept a firm hold on Adela when she turned to speak to them. "I think we'll have need for two tubs to rid the filth covering this pitiful creature. See to it, Gerty. Maude find clean clothes for your mistress."

  "You're going to have a bath now, milady?" Gerty asked.

  "Adela is going to get a bath," Madelyne announced. She turned back to glare at Adela and said, "And soap in your mouth every time you say an unladylike word to me."

  Madelyne let go of Adela's hair then and helped her stand. Duncan's sister tried to pull away, but Madelyne wouldn't allow it. Her anger had given her the strength of Hercules. "You're taller than I am, but I'm stronger, and meaner right this minute than you could ever imagine, Adela. If I have to kick you all the way up to the tower, I'm more than up to the task." She pulled on Adela's arm, dragging her toward the entrance, muttering loud enough for all three brothers to hear. "And I'm smiling over the thought of kicking you, that's the truth of it."

  Adela burst into tears. Madelyne was heartless. The sister wasn't going to get any more sympathy from her. Edmond and Gilard had given Adela too much of that already. Without realizing it, the brothers hurt their sister with their pity and their compassion. What was needed now was a firm hand. And Madelyne's were firm enough. Odd, but her head was not aching anymore.

  "Cry all you want, Adela. It won't help your cause. You dared to call little Willie a brat, when the name belongs to you. Aye, you're the brat. That's all going to change now. I promise you that."

  Madelyne kept up a constant chatter all the way to her room. She didn't have to kick Adela once.

  By the time the wooden tubs were filled to spilling with steaming water, the fight had gone out of Adela. Gerty and Maude stayed to lend a hand getting Adela's clothes off her. "Burn these," Madelyne ordered after handing the offensive garments to Gerty.

  When Adela was pushed into the first tub, Madelyne thought she tried to mimic Lot's wife. Duncan's sister sat like a sculptured piece of stone and stared off into the distance. The look in her eyes told another story, however. Aye, it was plain to see that Adela was seething with rage. "Why was there need for two tubs?" Maude asked. She wrung her hands with worry. Adela had suddenly changed tactics and had just grabbed hold of Lady Madelyne's hair. It looked as though she meant to rip Madelyne's pretty locks right out of her scalp.

  In retaliation, the lady who Maude had come to view as a sweet, gentle woman, shoved Adela's face under the water. Did she think to drown the baron's sister?

  "I don't think Lady Adela can breathe under there," Maude said.

  "Aye, and she can't spit at me either," Madelyne answered, snapping out each word.

  "Well, I never…" Gerty gasped the protest before turning. Maude watched her friend run out the doorway.

  Gerty was always one for telling the news before anyone else had a chance, Maude knew. Next Baron Wexton would probably be wanting to know what was going on.

  Maude wished she could chase after Gerty. Lady Madelyne frightened her now; she'd never seen such a ferocious temper. Still, she'd stood up for little Willie, Maude admitted, and for that reason she'd stay and lend a hand as long as Lady Madelyne demanded it.

  "We need two tubs because Adela is so filthy, she'll need two baths."

  Maude had difficulty hearing what Lady Madelyne was telling her. Adela had started kicking and scratching. Lord, there was water everywhere, most especially on Lady Madelyne.

  "Hand me the soap, if you please," Madelyne ordered.

  The next hour was an incredible ordeal worthy of retelling until next spring. Gerty kept poking her head in to check on the progress. She'd then hurry back downstairs to report to Edmond and Gilard.

  When the commotion was over, Gerty was a bit disappointed. Lady Adela was sitting quietly in front of the fireplace while Lady Madelyne combed her hair. The fight had gone out of the baron's sister, and the excitement was over.

  Maude and Gerty left the tower after the tubs had been emptied and carried away.

  Neither Adela nor Madelyne had spoken a civil word to each other. Maude suddenly appeared in the doorway again and rushed out. "I've still to tell you my gratitude for helping my boy."

  Madelyne was about to answer Maude, when the servant continued. "Mind you. I don't hold it against Lady Adela.

  She can't help the way she is. But you went out of your way to comfort Willie and I'm grateful to you."

  "I didn't mean to hit him."

  The admission came from Adela. It was the first decent sentence she'd spoken. Maude and Madelyne shared a smile.

  As soon as the door closed behind Maude, Madelyne pulled up a chair and sat down, facing Adela.

  Adela refused to look at Madelyne. Her hands were folded together in her lap and she stared intently at them.

  Madelyne was given plenty of time to study Duncan's sister. Adela was actually very pretty. She had large brown eyes, golden brown hair, a surprise that, but once the dirt had been removed, the strands of blond were most noticeable.

  She didn't look much like Duncan, yet she certainly shared his stubborn streak. Madelyne forced herself to be patient.

  At least an hour passed before Adela finally looked up at Madelyne. "What do you want from me?"

  "I want you to tell me what happened to you."

  Adela's face immediately turned red. "Do you want all the details, Madelyne? Will that give you pleasure?" Adela began to twist the cuff of the freshly laundered sleeping gown she wore.

  "Nay, I won't gain pleasure," Madelyne answered. Her voice sounded sad. "But you've a need to tell it. There's poison inside of you, Adela, and you need to get rid of it. You'll feel better afterward, I promise you. And you won't have to keep up your childish act in front of your brothers anymore."

  Adela's eyes widened. "How did you…" She suddenly realized what she was giving away.

  Madelyne smiled. "It's obvious to the most simpleminded that you don't hate me. We've crossed paths each day and you never screamed at me then. Nay, Adela, you've been too deliberate in your hatred."

  "I do hate you."

  "You do not," Madelyne announced. "You've nothing to hate me for. I've done nothing to harm you. We are both innocent and both caught in this war between our brothers. Aye, we are both innocent."

  "I'm no longer innocent," Adela answered. "And Duncan has gone to your bed every night, so I doubt that you're innocent either."

  Madelyne was astonished by Adela's words. Why did she think that Duncan had spent his nights with her? She was mistaken, of course, but Madelyne forced herself to concentrate on A
dela's problem now. She could protest her own innocence later.

  "I would kill your brother if I had a chance," Adela announced. "Why don't you just leave me alone? I want to die in peace."

  "Don't speak such sinful thoughts," Madelyne returned. "Adela, how can I help you if you…"

  "Why? Why would you want to help me? You're Louddon's sister."

  "I've no loyalty toward my brother. He destroyed that long ago. When did you meet Louddon?" she asked most casually then, as if it really held no importance.

  "In London," Adela answered. "And that is all I'm going to tell you."

  "We are going to speak of this, no matter how painful it is. We've only each other, Adela. I'll keep your secrets safe."

  "Secrets? There are no secrets, Madelyne. Everyone knows what happened to me."

  "I will hear the truth from you," Madelyne announced. "If we have to sit here and stare at each other all night, I'm more than willing."

  Adela looked at Madelyne a long while, obviously trying to make up her mind. She felt ready to burst into a thousand fragments. God, she was so tired of the deception, and so very lonely. "And will you tell Louddon every word when you return to him?" she asked, though her voice was a hoarse whisper now.

  "I'm never going back to Louddon," Madelyne said. Her voice sounded her anger. "I've a plan to go and live with my cousin. I don't know the way of it yet, but I'll get to Scotland even if I have to walk."

  "I believe you, you'll not tell Louddon. But what about Duncan? Will you tell him?"

  "I'll tell no one unless you give me permission," Madelyne answered.

  "I met your brother when I was at court," Adela whispered. "He is a handsome man," she added. "He told me he loved me, pledged himself to me."

  Adela started to cry, and several minutes elapsed before she could regain control.

  "I was already betrothed to Baron Gerald. The arrangement was made when I was ten years old. I was content until I met Louddon. I haven't seen Gerald since I was a little girl. God's truth, I'm not even sure I'd recognize him now. Duncan gave permission for me to go with Edmond and Gilard to court. Gerald was supposed to be there, and since the marriage vows were to be exchanged next summer, my brothers thought it a good idea for me to get to know my future husband. Duncan believed that Louddon was in Normandy with the king, you see. Else he'd never allow me near the court."


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