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Bewildered in Billings (Yours Truly: The Lovelorn Book 17)

Page 6

by Lynn Donovan

  Then she heard him cock his gun. “Please don’t shoot me.” She moved sideways, but the rustle of her gown gave her movement away. She curled into a ball, hoping the darkness would work in her favor and he wouldn’t know exactly where she had moved to.

  The gun fired. Her body jerked so hard it hurt. Her ears rang from the loud noise. She didn’t feel the bullet. Had he shot her? Was she dead? But then she heard Theodore’s body fall in the dirt with a solid thud. Lifting her head, she made out Tatem running toward her. There was a light behind him. Had he dropped a lantern? It was so bright, it hurt her eyes. She looked up into Tatem’s tear-reddened eyes. “Tatem. You saved me.”

  “Miss Ginger. I promised you the last dance! I always keep my promises.” He pulled her into his chest and kissed her hair. She cried, “Thank you.”

  The three other men rushed into the tunnel. “She all right?”

  “I don’t know.” Tatem eased her back. The men held up their lanterns. Tatem’s eyes darted over her face. “Are you all right?”

  “I-I don’t know.” She lifted her torn bodice and touched her disheveled hair. “He knocked me unconscious… and slapped me hard. I don’t know what happened while I was… unconscious.” She couldn’t stop the flood of tears. “I lost my momma’s pearl earring. I-I have no idea what he did to me.”

  Aidan stepped up closer. “It’s all right. We’ll take you into town and have Doc Simmons look you over.”

  Ginger stiffened. She looked into Tatem’s eyes. “Tatem, I don’t know what he may have done to me.”

  Tatem took her into his arms. “As long as you are all right. Nothing else matters. Not to me.” He pulled her close and captured her lips with his. “I love you Ginger. I wanted to ask you to marry me, tonight, after the last dance. I was gonna go down on—”

  Abruptly, he let her go. She staggered back. Her lips quivered. “Oh,” she whimpered. He was rejecting her, because of what Binks had done!

  Tatem stepped back, and in the light of the two lanterns, he dropped to one knee. “Miss Ginger Houndsman, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife.” He patted his shirt pockets and then his pants. “Oh.” He yanked out a hand-carved box and opened it to show her a pearl and diamond ring. “Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?”

  Tears streamed down her face. “Oh, Tatem. Dear, dear Tatem. I can’t.”

  His eyes widened. “Why… not?”

  She sobbed a gasp. “I’m serious when I tell you I have no idea what that man did to me while I was unconscious.” She touched the torn fabric of her bodice. “How can I accept your proposal for marriage if I cannot promise that I come to you as a virtuous bride?”

  Tatem gawked at her. “I don’t care about your virtue! I mean I care that you are all right. I hate that man forever hurting you, if… he hurt you in that way, but it doesn’t make a difference in my love for you. Ginger Houndsman! I have loved you since the fifth grade! I’m sorry, it has taken me so long to say it. But I love you! And I want to marry you! Whatever Theodore Binks has done, I will pray for your complete recovery, but it does not change the way I feel for you!”

  Ginger stared at Tatem. Her tears dried up. She smiled. “Gosh. That’s the most words I’ve ever heard you speak. Ever!” She giggled.

  He chuckled and pulled her into his arms. “I’m so glad you are all right.”

  The sheriff touched Tatem’s shoulder. “Wait a minute. Is that a yes?”

  Tatem and Ginger turned to look at him. Tatem turned to Ginger. “Is it?”

  She smiled and nodded with a swallow. “Yes. Tatem Miller, I will marry you!”

  Chapter Nine


  The sun-blushed sky greeted them as they exited the mining shaft. Tatem carefully embraced Ginger as he walked with her. She turned to look at the opening. “What is this?”

  The sheriff chuckled. “An abandoned silver mine.”

  Aidan walked behind the sheriff. “Drake tracked Binks all the way here from our place, in the dark.”

  Ginger smiled at Drake. “Thank you.”

  “We found the horse he shot.” Drake’s voice was sad. “Looked like he carried you to here.”

  “Wha— what will you do with his body?”

  Sheriff Guffy turned to her. “We’ll get you to Doc Simmons, then I’ll take a pack mule back here and retrieve his body. I’ll send the prison a wire letting them know what happened. Most likely, he’ll be buried in the Potter’s field.”

  Ginger nodded. Tears flooded her eyes and spilled. “I’m lucky to be alive, aren’t I?”

  Tatem squeezed her tighter against him. “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, Sweet Ginger.”

  She stiffened, causing Tatem to stop and look at her. Squinting her eyes with all the seriousness she could muster. “Don’t ever call me that again!” She glanced at Aidan, and the other two men. “H-he called me that.”

  Tatem shook his head. “Never again.”

  Ginger sighed and continued walking. The men’s horses were tethered at some trees down from the mine shaft. They mounted and Tatem put Ginger across his lap, sitting her as if she were riding on a lady’s side-saddle. He held her waist with one arm and the reins with his other hand. She leaned her head on his shoulder and fell asleep.


  Ginger’s eyes fluttered open. White plaster walls surrounded her bed. A small table held a glass of water and a small pitcher. A pristine, white sheet covered her body, up to her shoulders. She peeked under the sheet. Her dress was removed and she wore her shin-length chemise and nothing more. Her eyes darted to the partially opened door. “He-hello?”

  “There she is.” A woman’s voice came from the hall, then the door swung open and Mrs. Simmons entered her small room. “You are safe, dear. You’re in Doctor Simmons’ clinic, attached to our home. Are you hungry or thirsty?”

  “No… well yes, I believe I am hungry… and thirsty. Where’s Tatem.”

  “Oh, my dear, he is just outside in our waiting area. He has not left your side, that is he has waited out there this whole time. I wouldn’t let him in here because you two are not… well, betrothed.”

  Ginger pushed herself up to sit. “Actually, we are. He showed me a ring and asked me to marry him.”

  “Well, then, I will upgrade his status for visitations.” She chortled. “Your parents are here too, but first you and I need to have a talk.”

  Ginger swallowed. “All right.” She dropped her eyes to her tightly clasped her hands.

  Mrs. Simmons sat on the edge of Ginger’s bed. “I understand you were kidnapped.”

  Ginger nodded.

  “And you sustained a concussion. That’s why your head is so sore and you were sick to your stomach while you were with him.”

  Ginger pursed her lips and gave a slight nod.

  Mrs. Simmons licked her lips. “I also understand you were not sure… if he… took something from you that was not his to take… while you were unconscious.”

  Tears sprang into Gingers eyes. She nodded her head.

  “Well, precious Ginger. You may rest assured you are still in full possession of your” —she lowered her voice to a whisper— “virtue.” That horrible man may have hit you hard enough to cause a concussion, but nothing more.”

  Ginger’s eyes widened. She threw her arms around Mrs. Simmons neck and hugged her firmly. “Oh, thank you!”

  “My pleasure, dear. Now, if you feel up to it, there are a few people out there who would like to see you and I’ll go get you a bowl of broth and bread, perhaps some tea?”

  “Yes. Thank you!” Ginger nodded. She shoved back her hair and realized her mother’s single pearl earring was gone. Of course, so were her clothes. Perhaps Mrs. Simmons had removed everything and had it all stored somewhere nearby.

  The doctor’s wife rose and walked out, just as Tatem rushed in. Her parents were but a few steps behind him. “Ginger Snap.” Father stood behind Mother as she sat on the side of her bed. “Thank God you are alright.”r />
  Ginger cringed. Nicknames still felt like a raw sore. “I’m fine. Really, I am.” Her eyes met Tatem’s. He knelt beside her bed and took her hand into his. “Missus Simmons told me… He didn’t—”

  Tatem put his arm around her shoulder and drew her into an embrace. “I told you, it wouldn’t change how I feel. I love you.”

  “I know.” Ginger spoke against his ear. “I just wanted you to know.”

  “I know it’s good news for you. That’s all that is important. And you were not badly harmed otherwise. Doc Simmons says you can go home whenever you want.”

  “Yes.” Ginger leaned back from Tatem. Her eyes shifted to Mother’s. “I need another dress.”

  “I brought you one.”

  “And… somewhere I have your emerald earring. Binks had it. He was in my room, Mother!”

  “Oh darling. The earring is not important. Having you safe is.”

  “Speaking of earrings…” Tatem reached into his pocket. “Drake found the pearl earring you dropped, and Missus Simmons removed the other when she put you to bed.”

  “Well good.” Ginger smiled at them. “I have all my jewelry back.”

  “Not quite.” Tatem stood and reached into his shirt pocket. “I never did put this on your hand.”

  “OH!” Ginger laughed. “My head was so foggy, I didn’t even think to put it on.”

  “You do still want it, don’t you?” Tatem glanced at her father and back to her.

  “Yes. Tatem Miller. I realized something very important while in that mine shaft.”


  “You are my true love, and you’ve been right there in front of my nose all along. Just like the Lovelorn said.”


  The End.

  Personal Note from the Author

  Thank you for reading my book in this series, Yours Truly: The Lovelorn. This is the last book in Round One of Yours Truly. Please check in with us on the Facebook readers’ group Chat, Sit and Read for more information about additional books in this series.

  About This Series

  YOURS TRULY: THE LOVELORN, a multi-author sweet historical romance series, puts an old-fashioned spin on the modern-day "Dear Abby"-style newspaper articles. Each story features someone frustrated in love who writes to The Lovelorn. Then the complications set in. Every book stands alone and features its author's unique creative touch. Be sure to read all the books in this series!

  Book 1 – Dear Lovelorn - Marie Higgins

  Book 2 – Brilliant in Boston - Lynn Donovan

  Book 3 – Secretive in Sacramento - Marie Higgins

  Book 4 – Lost in Laramie - Margaret Tanner

  Book 5 – Confused in Colorado - Cat Cahill

  Book 6 – Torn in Toronto - Wendy May Andrews

  Book 7 – Deserted in Dodge - Patricia PacJac Carroll

  Book 8 – Obsessed in Oregon - Marlene Bierworth

  Book 9 – Overwhelmed in Oklahoma - Elissa Strati

  Book 10 – Wistful in Wisconsin - Marisa Masterson

  Book 11 – Desperate in Delaware - Caroline Clemmons

  Book 12 – Vexed in Vermont - Marie Higgins

  Book 13 – Kissless in Kansas - Elissa Strati

  Book 14 – Dejected in Denver - Cat Cahill

  Book 15 – Alone in Austin - Patricia PacJac Carroll

  Book 16 – Miserable in Montana - Cheryl Wright

  Book 17 – Bewildered in Billings - Lynn Donovan

  About the Author


  Lynn Donovan is an author, playwright, and director who spends her days chasing after her muses trying to get them to behave long enough to write their stories. The results are numerous novels, multi-author series, anthologies, dramatizations, and short stories.

  Lynn is a co-host on a local AM radio show, KRLN 1400, called Write Time Radio where she and her co-host air old-time-radio dramas, narrations, excerpts and poems written by local writers, including herself.

  Lynn enjoys reading and writing all kinds of fiction, paranormal, speculative, contemporary romance, and time travel. But you never know what her muses will come up with for a story, so you could see a novel under any given genre. All that can be said is keep your eyes open, because these muses are not sitting still for long!

  Oops, there they go again…

  You can learn more about Lynn on her blog, follow her on Twitter @MLynnDonovan, Facebook Author page at LynnDonovanFGG and her website

  Follow her on BookBub.

  For more publications by Lynn Donovan go to:


  Thank you to everybody in my life who has contributed in one way or another to the writing of this book. My husband, my children, my children-in-law, and my grandchildren. You all are my unconditional fans. My BETA reader and grammar guru who make me look gooder than I am. [Bad grammar intended.] My fellow author friends who chat with me daily to exchange ideas, encourage, maintain sanity, and keep me from being a total recluse/hermit.

  Mostly I thank God for the talent he has given me. I hope to hear you say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant,” when I cross the Jordan and run into your arms—Many, many years from now. :).

  Newsletter and a Free Gift for You


  Hey! Thank you for purchasing and reading my book, Brilliant in Boston. I’d like to give you a parting gift to show my appreciation. Sign up for my newsletter here. I will send you an ep-copy of a collection of short stories I wrote purely for your entertainment. I will happily send you this e-copy for FREE, if you ask. I will also add you to my NEWSLETTER list and you will receive up-to-date information on new release before anyone else.


  This book will not be sold anywhere, at any time, I am keeping it exclusively for you, my readers, and only if you ask for it.

  Thank you again and God Bless.

  ~Lynn Donovan

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