My Last Love Affair: A Bancroft Billionaire Brothers Novel

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My Last Love Affair: A Bancroft Billionaire Brothers Novel Page 11

by Parker, Ali

  “Will you go to dinner with me tomorrow?”


  I laughed. It wasn’t exactly the response I was used to getting when I asked someone out for dinner. “My mother would like to meet you. It would be dinner at her house, out of the public eye.”

  I heard her gasp. “Her house? Doesn’t your mother live in a home the size of Texas?”

  I laughed. “It isn’t the size of Texas.”

  “I’d rather not.”

  “My brothers will be there. My family wants to meet you. This is part of the deal,” I reminded her.

  “Grayson, not all this is part of the deal. You didn’t tell me I’d be dodging reporters. It’s a madhouse downstairs. I’m going to have to sneak out.”

  “I’m sorry, but it will only be temporary.”

  She groaned. “I don’t want to lie to your mom. I’m not good at that kind of thing.”

  “Hannah, this is part of the deal,” I said, getting frustrated with her argument.

  I had expected resistance, but now she was actually trying to turn me down. It wasn’t something I was used to, and I certainly didn’t like it. People didn’t deny me, especially women. It was a weird feeling. I didn’t like it at all.

  “And your brothers? I don’t want to meet your whole family.”

  That was actually a little offensive and concerning. What was her hang-up with meeting my family. I wondered if she knew one of my brothers. It was very plausible. My brothers loved beautiful women and between the six of us, there was bound to be some overlap. The city wasn’t that big. There was a chance she’d dated one of them. My mind started to pull at that dangerous thread. Had she slept with one of them? Would they remember her? I could feel the unfamiliar twang of jealousy and began to doubt whether it was a good idea to have her over to the house. I didn’t want to cause a big scene when one of them, oh hell, there was a chance more than one of them had been with her.

  I quickly pulled myself together. It didn’t matter if one of them had been with her in the past. I was with her now and if they even looked at her the wrong way, I’d make them pay. It wasn’t like we hadn’t slept with the same women in the past, sometimes on accident and sometimes just to be dicks to one another like brothers tend to do.

  “This isn’t negotiable,” I growled, pissed at her for something I wasn’t even sure actually happened.

  “It will be so awkward. What if I say the wrong thing or she trips me up and I tell her the truth?”

  I didn’t like that she was actually telling me no. She was refusing me. “Hannah, I’d like it if you did this,” I said, trying to be nice while still asserting my authority.

  “I’d like it better if I didn’t.”

  I slapped my hand on the desk. “It’s dinner! With my mom! It isn’t a damn wedding! We won’t be exchanging vows. You’ll go, you’ll have a couple drinks and eat something good, and that’s it. How hard can it be?”

  “You want me to lie to your mom? I can’t do that. I don’t know your mom, but it just feels so wrong.” She groaned.

  “Yes, you can. You tell her we’ve been dating a little while, keeping it quiet, and now we want to get married. It’s like one sentence. You can do that. You did it at the board meeting. The more you practice saying it, the easier it will get.”

  She sighed. “Grayson—”

  I had used up all my patience. I was done playing nice. “Hannah, need I remind you this is part of our deal? You will be expected to attend dinners and other functions as my fiancée. I explained that to you once already. If you can’t hold up your part of the agreement, I’m afraid I won’t be able to keep mine,” I threatened.

  “What? You’ll fire me? You wouldn’t dare,” she spat.

  “Actually, yes, I will. You get to keep your job as long as you pretend to be my fiancée and help me secure my inheritance. I should point out if I lose my position at the top, there’s nothing guaranteeing you will get to keep your job as CEO. Hell, my brother may decide to split your company up and sell it off,” I said with a smile, knowing I had found her button.

  “He wouldn’t dare. That is my company!”

  I laughed. “No, the company is part of the Bancroft Estate. You’re the shiny little ornament sitting on top of the company. It doesn’t take much to replace you or get rid of the company altogether.”

  I could hear her breathing heavy, her anger truly incited. “Why would he do that? There’s no reason to do that. The company is solid, well it will be.”

  “You don’t know my brother. He’d love nothing more than to take something I did and tear it apart just because he could,” I told her, not truly believing Jack would be that spiteful, but she didn’t need to know the truth.

  “This is so wrong. I can’t believe I let you talk me into this. You dragged me into a bunch of family drama I want no part of,” she mumbled.

  I laughed. “If I remember right, it took very little convincing to get you to agree. If you’d like, I can sweeten the pot a bit more and remind you exactly what it was that convinced you to take me up on my offer.”

  “How would you do that? How would you possibly sweeten this deal to make it even somewhat palatable?”

  I smiled and leaned forward on my desk. “I’ll give you three orgasms tonight.”

  I heard her sharp intake of breath. I could see the look of desire on her face when I closed my eyes. She was a passionate woman, even if she hid it well under all those layers of cranky.

  “Fine, I’ll go. You’re not really giving me much of a choice, are you?”

  “No, I’m not. I was trying to be polite and ask, but I am telling you I need you there.”

  “You suck.”

  I burst into laughter at her childish retort. “I can suck very well when needed. We could make it four if you’re up for it.”

  Her answer was to end the call. When I put my phone down, I couldn’t stop smiling. I couldn’t wait to see her tomorrow. Unless there was a chance she’d see me tonight. I picked up my phone and sent a quick text, asking if she was going to take me up on my offer.

  Her response was a hard no. I chuckled again. When I did get her back in bed, and I was confident I would, I was going to prove to her just how well I did suck.

  Chapter 18


  I was a nervous wreck. I had never dated a guy long enough to ever have to do the meet-my-parents thing. The fact I was meeting the mother of my fiancé was even weirder. I had a feeling the woman was not going to be all that thrilled to see an average girl waltzing into her family. She probably thought I was after her son for his money. I hoped she would be nice or at least not completely eat me alive. I’d heard enough horror stories from my friends who had some pretty bad mother-in-laws. I did not want to join their ranks and have my own horrible story to tell.

  Grayson’s limo picked me up promptly at six. I had worn a little black dress, thinking it was always a safe bet. He kept his nose buried in his tablet the entire trip to his family home, only saying a few words to me. I had no idea what was so interesting, but it was a little offensive. He hadn’t even tried to hit on me or suggest a quickie in the back of the limo. It was very out of character for him.

  When we arrived at the massive mansion, Grayson slipped into the fiancée role, his hand moving to the small of my back as he escorted me up the steps and through the front doors. A woman, probably in her mid-fifties with graying dark hair, emerged from a room off to the left.

  “Grayson!” she said, walking toward him with a warm smile.

  It had to be his mother. She hugged her son, kissing him on the cheek before turning to look at me.

  “Mom, this is my fiancée, Hannah Adams. Hannah, this is my mother, Kathy.”

  Kathy hugged me, kissing me on the cheek before smiling. “I can see why my son is captivated by you.”

  “Thank you. It’s so nice to meet you.”

  I was a little taken aback by how nice she was. I wasn’t ready to let my guard down completely in
case it was all a facade. I mean, I was faking it, who’s to say she wasn’t as well.

  “Come into the drawing room. Your brothers are already here. Everyone is anxious to meet the woman who managed to snare you.”

  I stiffened, dreading the coming meeting. Grayson once again put his hand on my back, infusing me with his quiet confidence as we made our way into the drawing room. Five men, all a different version of Grayson, stood around, chatting and drinking from crystal glasses. I felt like I had just walked into one of those Men Down Under shows. They were all gorgeous.

  Kathy cleared her throat, grabbing the attention of her children. “Boys, this is Hannah, Grayson’s fiancée.”

  Each of the men looked at me and smiled before grinning at their big brother.

  “Hannah, this is James, the youngest. Channing and Colt, who are only a year apart and then there’s Mason,” Grayson said when the man with the shaggy black hair and tattoos stretching up one arm stepped forward.

  “It’s nice to meet you all.”

  “And Jack, this is my brother who works at the company with me,” he explained.

  My eyes went wide, staring at the last brother to be introduced. “Jack!” I exclaimed.

  “Hannah! No way! Is it really you?”

  I giggled, hugging him before leaning back to look at the man I had known years ago.

  “You two know each other?” Grayson said in a tight voice.

  Jack was nodding his head. “We do. We went to college together.”

  The hand Grayson had against my back suddenly pushed a little harder, the fingers snaking around and gripping my waist, pulling me closer to him. I looked up to see what he was doing and noticed his jaw was clenched. He was mad. There was no way he could be jealous.

  “Come on, I’ll get you a drink. I imagine you need a lot of alcohol to put up with him,” Jack teased, taking my hand and leading me to the bar at the back of the room.

  “I didn’t realize you were Grayson’s brother! What a small world,” I exclaimed.

  He nodded. “I knew he was engaged to a Hannah, but I never put the two together. How in the world did my big brother land a beautiful woman like you?” he teased.

  I rolled my eyes. “I guess it was all that Bancroft charm the two of you seem to possess.”

  Jack raised an eyebrow and laughed. We spent the next fifteen minutes chatting and catching up. I looked over my shoulder a couple times to see Grayson glaring at Jack. He couldn’t possibly be jealous. We had a business arrangement, nothing more. Still, I couldn’t shake the feeling he was genuinely upset that I knew his brother. At dinner, he sat next to me, shooting daggers at his brother every time he would try and talk to me.

  “How is it you know each other?” Grayson asked when Jack brought up one of our late-night study sessions.

  “School. We had several of the same classes,” Jack explained.

  Grayson nodded slowly. “And when was the last time you saw each other?”

  Jack looked at me. I shrugged a shoulder. “Probably right around the end of my sophomore year, so maybe six years or so.”

  Grayson bobbed his head, but still looked pissed. Jack didn’t seem to be bothered by his brother’s surly attitude. I wasn’t going to let it bother me either.

  “We should go,” Grayson grumbled as we stood around enjoying another cocktail.

  “Oh?” I said, looking at the time. It wasn’t even ten. It felt early, and I was actually enjoying myself. I could see by the look on his face he was serious. I quickly said my goodbyes and let him lead me out the door.

  He spoke with the limo driver briefly before climbing in the back seat and putting up the privacy shield. I had a feeling I was about to get lectured about something and mentally prepared myself.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “You told me you didn’t go to college,” he hissed. “You lied to me.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Our first date, I asked you about your education and you told me you didn’t have a degree. You lied.”

  I shook my head. “No, I didn’t. I don’t have a degree. You didn’t ask if I went to college, you asked if I had a degree.”

  “You purposely lied. I thought you said you were a shitty liar. It seems like you did a bang-up job that time,” he growled.

  “Relax. It isn’t a big deal.”

  “I need to know everything there is to know about you. My brother knows you better than I do!”

  I shook my head. “It’s a fake engagement. It doesn’t matter.”

  He scooted a little closer to me, pulling my body across the seat to press against his. I looked up at him, wondering what he was about.

  “I need to know everything there is to know about the mother of my child, the future heir to the Bancroft Estate,” he said in a husky voice, his breath brushing over my exposed neck.

  “Grayson, you know plenty about me. I don’t have any dark secrets,” I managed to get out, even though my throat felt tight as his hand rested on my bare knee.

  He needed to stop. I didn’t like him using sex to manipulate me. He knew exactly what he was doing, and if I was going to win this little war between us, I needed to keep my legs closed and my head in the game. I couldn’t let him confuse me with sex. Granted, I was supposed to have his baby, but I was still leaning toward the turkey baster method.

  “I like to be in control. To be in control, you have to have all the information. I want to know what makes you tick. I want to know what you like, where you’ve been, and what you want to do,” he whispered, his hand slowly gliding up the inside of my leg.

  I tried my best to calm my racing heart. “I don’t know. I mean, I went to school for a couple years and got the idea for the makeup line, then dropped out so I could devote my time to it,” I explained, talking way too fast.

  He nodded. “What else?”

  His hand disappeared under the short dress. I gasped when his fingers brushed between my legs, barely touching the sensitive skin. I wanted to squeeze my legs together and spread them wide at the same time. He was making me crazy. I couldn’t let him control me. I wouldn’t let him do it.

  “I don’t like sports.” I gasped, struggling for anything to say to try and please him.

  His knuckles brushed over my covered core. My head involuntary leaned back and despite telling myself not to do it, my legs opened several inches, giving him better access.

  “I know how to get what I want. I want you to tell me everything,” he rasped, his fingers tugging the satin fabric of my thong to the side, gently brushing over my pussy.

  I shook my head. “I don’t know.” I gasped as his index finger skimmed over my clit.

  “I think we can agree on a few things we know you like,” he said as his finger slid inside me.

  I couldn’t think straight. “What?”

  “You like sex. You like this. Can you admit I turn you on? I make you hot and wet,” he growled, his finger dancing inside my body, making me squirm in the seat next to him.

  “No,” I groaned.

  He drove in a second finger. “No? Are you sure about that? I can feel your juices on my fingers buried inside you right now. I can feel your body clenching and squeezing me. You want me. You want me to pull you onto my lap and fuck you.”

  I groaned, my head moving back and forth trying to deny what he was saying. It was helpless. My body was betraying me.

  “Hannah, I’m going to make you come. I can feel you. So wet, so tight, and so ready.”

  I whimpered, knowing he was right and I was helpless to make him stop. He was controlling me with sex. Damn it!

  “I don’t want you to ever keep secrets from me. Do you understand?” he growled, pushing his two fingers higher inside me.

  I moaned and nodded my agreement.

  “Say it, Hannah.” His voice was firm.

  “I won’t,” I cried out.

  He pulled one finger out, rubbing over my clit, my juices soaking my thighs as he worked in
and out, tickling my clit and making me pant with need.

  “You’ll not keep secrets from me,” he growled, sliding his finger back inside me, sending me over the edge.

  My legs clamped together as my back arched and my body spasmed around him. I couldn’t stop the pleasure. I couldn’t stop my body from responding to him. I whimpered as he used his other hand to open my knees, leaving room for him to pinch that sweet little nub that sent me even higher.

  “No secrets,” he demanded.

  “No secrets. Oh God, no secrets. I promise,” I cried out, riding the orgasm to the highest point as his hand remained between my legs.

  When I was finally able to think straight again, I forcefully pushed his hand out from under my skirt and scooted away from him.

  He looked at me, a grin of satisfaction on his face as the limo came to a stop in front of my building. I hated him for the control he wielded over me, seemingly without even really trying. I was weak. My body craved him. It was the worst addiction I could have.

  Chapter 19


  I sat in my seat at the head of the table in the conference room, staring at Jack. He was pretending like nothing had happened the other night at dinner. Pretending he hadn’t flirted with Hannah and rekindling whatever friendship they had and pushing me out in the process. I couldn’t stop the negative thoughts from coming. I had to wonder if there had ever been anything between the two of them. Had they slept together at all? Maybe they had a friends-with-benefits type of thing? She looked genuinely happy to see him, something I didn’t see when she saw me. I could admit I was a little jealous.

  Jack was pretending to be normal, to be my friend, but I didn’t trust him. As I listened to one of the board members talk, I zoned out, replaying the evening over and over in my head. Hannah and Jack had huddled together in the corner, laughing and talking like they had known each other forever. She had touched his shoulder and he was constantly touching her hand. She didn’t do that with me. She barely looked at me when she spoke to me.


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