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Inflamed Page 4

by ML Guida

  “Rumor has it that Gabriel’s not happy with you.” She lowered her head. “I didn’t mean to get you in trouble. It was just a joke. I didn’t know Cameron would become psychotic.”

  Cupid should have known. “You put the aversion arrows in my bag?”

  “Okay, so I did.” She folded her arms under breasts that revealed deep cleavage.

  Cupid didn’t understand why Venus insisted on wearing low-cut shirts that drew many angels’ wandering eyes. Every week she had some new fashion change. Today, her new style was wearing diamond-studded gloves. She never went anywhere without them.

  “When I’ve shot someone with an aversion arrow, they’ve never tried to kill anybody.” Venus shoved her hands into her back pockets. The slight movement made her gloves sparkle. “They just didn’t end up together.” Her silver eyes darkened, and she lifted her chin as if she were the one wronged. “But then again, of course, your arrows would be more powerful than mine.”

  Her low voice struck a defiance chord in Cupid. She was tired of walking on fragile crystals. “Venus, not everything is a joke. Betty Ann could have died, and then Lethal showed up.”

  “Really? He’s a hunk but unavailable. I don’t think he’s ever gotten over Victoria. I mean Vixen.”

  Cupid’s throat constricted. Unknowingly, Venus had rubbed salt into Cupid’s wounded pride. She blurted, “Because you couldn’t seduce him with your charms?”

  The minute she said it, she regretted taunting Venus. Her sister wouldn’t let this remark go unpunished.

  Venus returned her hard gaze without blinking. “Why are you getting so angry?”

  “I’m not. I don’t want to talk about Lethal.” Cupid’s cheeks burned, and warmth spread down to her clenched toes. All she could think about was how yummy Lethal had tasted when he’d kissed her. “I want—”

  Venus flashed her gaze over Cupid, making her squirm.

  She smiled and flicked Cupid’s hair. “Did something happen with Lethal?”

  “No! Nothing.” Cupid raised her palms as if to tell her sister to stop. She couldn’t go there, didn’t want to admit her vulnerability, a vulnerability her sister could exploit.

  “Cupid.” Venus lowered her voice. “Tell me what happened. You’re being very defensive. This isn’t like you. Did Lethal hurt you?”

  Far from it—he just spun a web of desire through me. “Of course not.”

  Venus clasped her arm. “Then what happened? You’re scaring me.”

  Cupid broke free. “Will you stop badgering me? It’s none of your business what happened between me and Lethal.”

  Oops. She shouldn’t have said that. Venus grinned.

  “So,” Venus drawled. “He didn’t hurt you. Tell me, does he kiss as good as he looks?”

  Better. “Venus, I do not dawdle on missions. I’m a professional, unlike you.” The lie tasted foul on her lips.

  Venus held her gaze for all of two seconds before averting her gaze and examining her perfectly manicured red fingernails.

  Guilt twisted Cupid’s heart. “I’m sorry, Venus. I shouldn’t have said that.”

  “Ah, ah. But you can’t stand not pointing out what I do wrong. Your inventory of everything I’ve done wrong is growing longer than Santa Claus’ naughty list. When do you intend to inform Gabriel?”

  “I’m not. That’s not my job.” She needed to change the subject. And fast. “But this last joke went too far.”

  “I know, I know.” Venus twisted her thick hair into a braid. “But I get tired of following orders. Always being so serious.”

  Cupid’s mouth fell open. “That’s what you think is a joke—switching my arrows so humans will kill each other?”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Cupid clasped Venus’ arm.

  Venus shrank and yelped, her face turning gray.

  Cupid frowned. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” She rubbed her arm and her voice shook.

  Cupid leaned closer. “Did I shock you?”

  “No.” But wariness filled her eyes. She toyed with the locket around her neck. Gabriel had given it to her about a year ago, and whenever she got stressed, she played with it. “Look, I’m sorry.”

  Cupid didn’t have time to find out what game Venus was playing now. “Okay, whatever. I just need some time to think.”

  Venus clasped her hands together. “Don’t be mad at me, Cupid. Please. I’ll fix it between you and Gabriel. I promise.”

  “No!” Cupid’s voice was stronger than she’d intended.

  Venus’s eyes widened, but then she curled her lip. “You’re going to turn tail and hide like always.”

  Cupid bristled. “Go away, Venus.”

  Venus cocked her eyebrow and crossed her arms. “Who are you really hiding from—Gabriel or Lethal?”

  Cupid’s gut tightened. She clapped her jaw tight. She unleashed her wings and flew away. Between the two, she’d rather face Gabriel. He at least wouldn’t try to kiss her or seduce her into a panting sex kitten.

  She landed at her favorite waterfall. It was smaller than the others. Luck finally shined on her. There was no one here. The roaring waterfall splashed into the pool, drowning out all her fears. Deer drank from the cool water and wagged their tails. Their ears pricked when she landed, but uneasiness didn’t reflect in their eyes, just curiosity. Predators and prey lived in peace up in heaven.

  Droplets of water flickered onto her face. She kicked off her shoes and dangled her feet in the chilly water that washed away her tension. The pool looked so inviting. She rubbed the back of her neck. Her muscles were wound tighter than her bow. She cracked her neck, but she was so tense.

  A well of tears formed in her eyes. No. She was done with crying over being second choice. No one was here, and she needed to re-generate. She took deep breaths. Stay calm. Relax.

  She cupped her hands, dipped them into the pool, then drank the frigid water. It tasted pure and cleansing. She lay on the green grass and closed her eyes, listening to the thumping of the water. Her mind drifted from reality to dreams. Lethal drifted into her thoughts. What if the bond could be broken? When he’d kissed her, she felt something, not just erotic, but intense as if they were meant to be together. But what if when he kissed Vixen she felt the very same thing? Vixen was beautiful and had a train of angels following her around. How could Cupid ever compete with her? She hardly had any romantic encounters, but to think Lethal could be her mate made her heart pattering. Did she really want to lose him? She’d had a crush on him for so long, too long.

  And now, he could be hers. Could she commit, knowing she wasn’t his first choice?

  “Cupid, wake up.”

  Someone shook Cupid and knelt beside her. She rolled onto her back and shielded her eyes. “Venus?”

  “What did happen between you and Lethal?” Her voice was uneasy.

  Cupid sighed and sat up. “We’re back to this discussion again.”

  “He’s looking for you.”

  She stilled. Venus’ face was pale, and she kept looking over her shoulder as if waiting for Michael to jump out. There had to be a way to break the supposed bond between her and Lethal. She didn’t want to be anyone’s sloppy seconds. Nothing was impossible in heaven.

  She frowned. “Lethal’s looking for me?”

  “Yes. He’s looks like he went through a meat grinder.”

  Fear squeezed around Cupid’s heart. “Did Michael punish him?” Michael’s punishments sent the fiercest angel into a panic.

  “I don’t know, but—”

  A dark shadow fell across them, blocking out the sun. A sense of dread sunk into her gut. It was way too big to be a bird.

  “Cupid!” a deep male voice thundered above.

  “Pixies on a rose!” Cupid bit her lip. Lethal. She couldn’t face him.

  “He must have followed me.” Venus clasped Cupid’s arm tight. “I’m sorry.”

  Cupid looked up. Lethal flew toward them. She gasped. One side of his face was bruised and o
ne eye was swollen shut. His neat, blue, pinstriped suit was torn and splattered with what looked like blood. What happened to him?

  Lethal landed, his dark wings still spread out. “Venus, I need to talk to Cupid alone.”

  “I’ll not let you hurt my sister.” Venus edged in front of Cupid.

  “I have no intention of hurting her.” He unsheathed Judgment. “I’ll not ask you again.”

  Not wanting her sister to go against a Dark Angel, Cupid clasped her arm. “I’ll be all right, Venus.” She stepped around her sister.

  Lethal breathed heavily, and his jaw clamped shut. He hung his head. His dark hair hung in front of his face. She could feel the power radiating off him—along with something else. Something she’d want to name. Goosebumps broke out all over Cupid’s arms, but she refused to quiver.

  She motioned with her hand. “Venus, just go. Please, he won’t hurt me.” She hoped her voice sounded braver than her trembling insides.

  Venus crinkled her forehead and leaned close. “He’s dangerous, Cupid.” She clasped Cupid’s hand. “Come with me now.”

  Lethal raised his head. “I said leave.” His eyes burned with determination.

  Cupid patted her sister’s shaking hand. “Please, go.” She tilted her head. “I need to talk with him.” Her gut twisted at what she had to do.

  Venus frowned. “Are you sure?”

  She gave her a small smile. “I am.”

  “Fine.” Venus unfurled her wings. “If you hurt her, I’m telling Michael.” She jumped into the air and swirled around them.

  “Go ahead. He already knows I’m here.” His soft voice sent chills down Cupid’s back.

  The hair on her bare arms stood straight up. Crap Michael knew, and he’d sent Lethal to carry out her punishment. Venus flew away.

  Cupid groaned. She was alone. Alone with a pissed off Dark Angel.

  Chapter 5

  Lethal stood on the rocky ledge like a demigod. Wind blew his hair, and the sun glowed behind him. The animals and birds quieted. Only the bubbling brook spilling into the pool broke the silence.

  Cupid wasn’t going to cower like a field mouse facing an alley cat. She clutched her bow. It wasn’t as powerful as Judgment, but it gave her strength. “I don’t appreciate you threatening my sister. Your quarrel is with me, not Venus.”

  “You think what I want to do is quarrel?”

  His voice was unusually gentle, but it did nothing to calm the fear pumping through her veins.

  She met his intense gaze. “So, you’re here to punish me?”

  He sheathed Judgment. “Only if you want me to.”

  She knotted her eyebrows. “What does that mean? Don’t you have to follow Michael’s orders.”

  “Of course.”

  “So, did he—”

  “No, he doesn’t want me to punish you. He expects us to mate.”

  Her eyes widened. “Excuse me?”

  He lowered his chin onto his chest. “I’m fading, Cupid.” His voice was soft and sad her, fear melted.

  She rubbed the back of her neck. “Fading? What does that have to do with mating?”

  He lifted her chin with his rough fingers. “You know little about mating, do you?”

  Heat swelled over her cheeks. She broke away. “I’m not a virgin.”

  He shrugged. “So, neither am I.”

  She wrapped her arms around her waist. “Yes.” She cleared her throat. “I know…Vixen.”

  “Vixen was a long time ago. I haven’t been with anyone else.”

  He was incredibly handsome. Was he playing some kind of seduction trick on her? “You haven’t? Why not?”

  He signed and turned his head. His long hair shielded the side of his face.


  He looked at her. “Love wasn’t on my mind. I was an assassin.”

  She studied him, wishing she could read his mind. “And now?”

  He cupped the side of her face. “Because I can’t fight it anymore. I need you.” His husky voice melted some of her wariness.

  She frowned. His hand was shaking. She clasped it gently.

  “You’re hurt, Lethal. Who did this to you?”

  “A fallen angel.” His eyes darkened, and Judgment turned bright blue.

  Cupid shivered, not wanting to think about the violence. She hated fights. “I thought assassins were stronger than most angels.”

  “We are. I told you––I’m fading.”

  She wasn’t sure exactly what that meant, but whatever it was, fading didn’t sound good. She patted his hand. “We can talk more after you see Raphael.”

  He kissed her hand. “Raphael can’t help me.”

  Tingling sensations ran up her arm. She cleared her throat. “An archangel can’t heal you?”

  His eyes flared with desire. “Only angel-mates can heal each other.”

  She wiggled her hand from his soft grip and wiped her sweaty palms on her dress. “I know that, but we’re not mated.”

  “I understand that, Cupid. Dark Angels, especially assassins, are different than most angels. Michael gives us our strength, but once our names are written in the Book of Love, he loses his hold. Our strength and our abilities fails. Demons and fallen angels could easily discover our secret identities, meaning certain death.”

  She wanted to argue, accuse him of lying, but something in his eyes silenced her doubts. She opened her mouth, but he tilted his head.

  He brushed his lips over hers. It must have been painful for him. This kiss was more intense than the last. He explored her mouth with his tongue with such intensity she couldn’t help but mold herself next to him. His spicy taste was stronger, and she couldn’t get enough of him, but there was a tang of something metallic. Blood? A spark formed in the middle of her chest, then goose bumps rushed over her in a flash.

  He released her. “I need more.” He pushed her hair behind her ear. “So much more. Will you indulge me?”

  Cupid grappled with her thoughts. His battered face tore at her heart, but all she could think about was she was being second choice. “Meaning?”

  He nuzzled her neck. “Let me make love to you. I promise you won’t regret it.”

  Only if she wanted a broken heart.

  She bit her lip. “I can’t.” She put her shaking hands on his broad chest. “Lethal, this can’t be right. I don’t believe we are fated mates.”

  “Yes, we are.” He moved his hands up her back and started to unzip her gown.

  She skidded away. “Stop.”

  “Please, don’t make me beg.”


  “I’m fading, meaning I can’t protect you. Balthazar will find you. You have a power he wants.”

  She glowered. “Are you insane? No, I don’t. I’m an Angel of Love. Why would he think that’s powerful?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know, but you have to trust me.” He ran his hand up and down her arm.

  She raised an eyebrow. “I hardly know you. Why would I trust you?”

  “Because I would never let anyone hurt you–not Michael or Gabriel or even Balthazar.” He lowered his head. “Except right now, I’m losing my strength. I’m afraid if Balthazar attacks, I won’t be strong enough to fight him.”

  Cupid’s mind raced. Her heart thumped hard and harder. She’d never fought a demon in her life. But this wasn’t just any demon, it was Balthazar. She didn’t know what to do. Was she really in danger?

  “Are you telling me you don’t feel anything when we kiss?” He ran the back of his knuckles down her cheek, awakening chills of desire inside her.

  “No, I can’t deny it.” She couldn’t squelch the flush rushing through her. Something she’d never experienced before, but she couldn’t get Vixen out of her mind. If they mated, would he always wish it had been Vixen instead of her.

  “Our names are written in the Book of Love. Arrow or not, we’re destined to be together.”

  Cupid rubbed her sweating forehead. “I know. I know.”

nbsp; She studied his taut face. His bruises had turned purple and his black eye had swollen shut. She didn’t even think he could see. This was moving too fast, and he hadn’t mentioned he cared about her even once.

  He tilted his dark head. She should push him away, but she parted her lips unable to deny him. She couldn’t stand seeing him so broken, not if she could do something about it. She’d been dreaming about this moment for a long time. Not just kissing him, but to see the man beneath the suit, to roam her hands over his naked skin.

  She broke away from him.

  Disappointment flared in his eyes.

  She roamed her gaze over his battered body. Blood stained his clothes. What if Balthazar caught him unaware? Could she live with knowing he died because she was too proud to save his life?

  “What kind of demon did this to you?”

  He looked at her warily. “I told you––a new fallen angel.”

  “So, he wasn’t experienced?”

  “I don’t know. I guess not.” He frowned. “Why?”

  She held up her hand and turned away.


  She swallowed her pride. She was an angel of love.

  And their names were engraved in the book.

  Lethal came up behind her. His warm was on the back of her neck. He didn’t touch her, but his presence made beads of sweat break out all of her body. She couldn’t breathe.

  She clenched her fists. He wouldn’t die. Not if she could help it.

  The water rippled, sending waves up on the ledge. Before she lost her nerve, she quickly stripped out of her white gown. He hissed behind her. She prayed he wasn’t displeased about what he saw. She dove into the cool water. She swam the length of the pond, stretching her arms and kicking her legs, afraid to look at him. Tension bunched up in her muscles. She burst out of the water and shook her hair.

  “You’re a sexy mermaid.”

  Cupid crossed her arms over her breasts and spun around, dipping lower into the water.

  Lethal stood on her rock next to her discarded clothes. Desire flared in his eyes, and his wings were spread out.

  “What are you doing?”

  He shrugged. “Watching you.”

  She lowered her gaze. “Are you disappointed?”


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