A Hundred Ways to Love

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A Hundred Ways to Love Page 18

by Ellie Wade

  “Is that enough, you think?” she questions, pouting out her lips.

  “No! More!” He giggles.

  She laughs and dumps even more chocolate into the cup. “There you go,” she says as Kellan empties the chips into the batter.

  He grabs the wooden spoon to stir, and it slips, accidentally flicking a wad of batter onto Mimi’s chest, causing the two of them to break out in a fit of laughter.

  Leni and Addie turn from their paintings to see what the commotion is all about.

  Addie squeals when she sees me. “Daddy!”

  She drops her paintbrush and runs toward me. I lift her into my arms and hold her tight before planting a kiss on her forehead.

  “How’s my baby girl?”

  “Good. I’m painting with Mommy!”

  “I saw that.” I shoot my wife a grin. “You’re both very talented.”

  “We’re making muffins with chocolate chips!” Kellan exclaims in his little voice that no longer sounds like a baby, but he still mispronounces some sounds. He’s growing so fast.

  “Awesome, buddy. I can’t wait to eat them all.” I take a step toward the counter, Addie still in my arms, and pinch his belly.

  “No way. I’m going to eat them all!” Kellan grins.

  “You have to share, Kellan,” Addie corrects him, taking her big-sister role seriously.

  Leni joins us at the counter, and my lips find hers.

  “How’s Mommy today?”

  “Mommy is great. How’s Daddy?” She kisses me again.

  “Daddy is wonderful.” I drop my hand and inconspicuously pinch her ass.

  The two of us started calling each other Mommy and Daddy when Addie was a baby, trying to get her to say our names, and it kind of stuck—when we’re in front of the kids at least.

  I set Addie down, and she runs over to Mimi, asking to lick the spoon covered in batter.

  “How’s the baby?” I rub Leni’s very large stomach.

  “Still in there,” she groans.

  “He’ll come out soon.” I kiss her again.

  She’s still a week out from her due date, and considering our other two were each a week late, she knows chances are, she has a couple of weeks left. This pregnancy has been the most difficult, and she’s ready to have it over with. I don’t blame her.

  “You’re such a good mom,” I tell her.

  I’m so proud of the fact that not only is she carrying my son and keeping him safe for nine months, but she’s also giving her all to the two she’s already blessed me with. She amazes me every day.

  “He’s so happy in there. He doesn’t want to come out.”

  “Oh, he’s coming out, or I’m evicting him.”

  “I’ll help you with that,” I tell her quietly with a wink, not saying more at the risk of being absolutely inappropriate in front of her grandmother, but Leni knows what I’m referring to.

  Her doctor said the best way to go into labor is to have lots of sex, and we have been—every night.

  I walk around the island and give Mimi a kiss on the cheek. “How’s my favorite Mimi in the whole world?”

  “Good. I made one of your favorites for dinner tonight. Fried chicken and rice and gravy.” She grins.

  I hold my hand to my heart. “You’re the best. Though, at some point, you really should teach this wife of mine how to cook. I feel like she takes advantage of you,” I kid.

  Leni scoffs in protest. “I do not. She loves cooking, and frankly, I suck at it. Right, Mimi?”

  “I wouldn’t say you suck at it, Leni girl. You just need more practice,” Mimi answers.

  “A lot more practice,” Addie chimes in, already showcasing her sass that she inherited from her mom.

  “Hey! You’re supposed to be on my side.”

  “Mommy, your pancakes are always black.” Addie scrunches up her face.

  Leni rolls her eyes. “Well, that’s because some people like them black.”

  “No one likes them black,” Addie deadpans, and we all chuckle at Leni’s expense.

  “Well, good thing we have Mimi then, huh?” Leni says.

  “Good thing!” Kellan says loudly.

  “I have a surprise for you all,” I tell my family. “Cassie is getting ready to have her baby.”

  Addie squeals, and Kellan claps.

  “Can we see her?” Addie asks.

  “Of course. We should go out now though, so we don’t miss it.”

  “I’m going to clean up in here. I’ll be out in a bit.” Mimi says.

  I would protest and insist that she take a break and tell her that we’ll clean up, but that’s a conversation I’ve had many times before with her, and I’ve never won. Mimi insists on helping out, more than she should. She cooks and cleans and truthfully loves to do it. She believes that, the second she stops working, she’ll die. Who am I to argue with her? Love comes in all forms, and Mimi has always expressed hers this way.

  I help Kellan wash up and throw some clothes on him, much to his disappointment, and we head outside. That boy would live in his underwear if we let him.

  We make it to the barn just in time to see Cassie give birth.

  Addie and Kellan are full of giggles and utter the occasional, “Ew, gross!” throughout the delivery, but the end result is always the same. Wonderment.

  “I want to name her,” Addie exclaims after we find out the calf is a girl.

  “No, you named Princess Stardust,” Kellan protests.

  Leni nods. “You were the last one to name a calf, baby.”

  “Fine,” Addie relents. “What are you going to name her?” she asks Kellan.

  He stands on the wooden fence, looking in at the new baby, puckering his lips in thought. Finally, he nods once and states, “Chocolate Chip Muffin.”

  Addie curls her lip and looks at him, unsure.

  “I like it. Very good name,” Leni says.

  “I agree. We can call her Muffins for short,” I say.

  “Yeah!” Kellan says. “Muffins.”

  The kids run around the barn while I make sure the new mama and calf are tended to. Leni props herself against the fence and watches me, her eyes dark.

  “You look like you want to eat me for a snack.” I chuckle.

  “Oh, but I do.” She suggestively raises her eyebrows.

  I step toward her and press my lips against hers, tasting her sweetness. “Tonight, baby,” I say against her lips, pulling her bottom one with my teeth, eliciting a sigh.

  “Thank you for loving me,” she says, serious now. “No one could love me better. I’m so lucky.”

  I hold her face in my hands. “I’m the lucky one, Len. Truly.” I softly kiss her.

  The new calf hesitantly waddles over toward the fence and sticks her head through. Addie and Kellan rush to greet her. Addie extends her pointer finger out, and the calf sucks on it, causing Addie to giggle loudly. I watch my firstborn with her big smile, green eyes, and chestnut hair. She looks just like Leni did when I first met her and laughs exactly like her mom did the first time a baby cow sucked on her finger. Life really has come full circle, and as I take in this incredible view before me, I know it was always destined to be this way.

  There are countless paths to love, but for me, it all revolves around one—Leni.


  To my beta readers, blogger friends, author friends, and readers who message me—You all are so awesome. Seriously, each of you is a gift, and you have helped me in invaluable, different ways. I love you all so much. XOXO

  This book especially wouldn’t have been what it is without a few incredible women—Kylie, Amy, Gayla, Kim, and Tammi. Thank you so much for everything. I love you all very much and am so grateful for your love and support.

  To the bloggers—I adore you! Out of the kindness of your hearts, so many of you have reached out and helped me promote my books. There are seriously great people in this blogger community, and I am humbled by your support. Truly, thank you! Because of you, indie authors get
their stories out. Thank you for supporting all authors and the great stories they write.

  Lastly, to the readers—I want to thank you so very much. Thank you for reading my stories and loving my words! I wouldn’t be living this dream without you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

  You can connect with me on several places, and I would love to hear from you.

  Find me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/EllieWadeAuthor

  Find me on Instagram: www.instagram.com/authorelliewade

  Visit my website: www.elliewade.com

  Remember, the greatest gift you can give an author is a review. If you feel so inclined, please leave a review on the various retailer sites. It doesn’t have to be fancy. A couple of sentences would be awesome!

  I could honestly write a whole book about everyone in this world I am thankful for. I am blessed in so many ways, and I am beyond grateful for this beautiful life. XOXO


  Ellie ♥

  about the author

  Ellie Wade resides in southeast Michigan with her husband, three young children, and four dogs. She has a master’s in education from Eastern Michigan University, and she is a huge University of Michigan sports fan. She loves the beauty of her home state, especially the lakes and the gorgeous autumn weather. When she is not writing, she is reading, snuggling up with her kids, or spending time with family and friends. She loves traveling and exploring new places with her family.

  Other Titles by Ellie Wade

  Forever Baby


  Chasing Memories

  A Hundred Ways to Love


  A Beautiful Kind of Love

  A Forever Kind of Love

  A Grateful Kind of Love


  Finding London

  Keeping London

  Loving London

  Eternally London

  Taming Georgia (Stand-Alone Spin-Off)

  Please visit Ellie’s Amazon Author page for more information on her other books.

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