[HGB] Humanity Gone Bad: The Dead Chronicles

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[HGB] Humanity Gone Bad: The Dead Chronicles Page 35

by Watkins, Charles

  “Keep going—in about half a mile we’ll be out of the danger zone.” Hugo shouted over the CB.

  I continued driving at the RV’s top speed and soon it seemed like we were out of harm’s way and I slowed down and we all stopped on the roadway to get out to catch our breath—we all gathered into a group on the road looking back at what had once been Salt Lake City; a massive mushroom cloud rose thousands of feet into the sky and the entire ground around the city for miles was shrouded by fire and smoke.

  “Let’s get the hell outta here—it won’t take long for whoever gave the order for that bomber to attack to figure out that they’ve lost contact with their aircraft; not to mention all that fallout shit that’ll cover this entire valley.” I stated as I turned and led the way back into the RV as the others returned to their vehicles.

  “We shouldn’t stay in this area or ever come back again anytime soon—the radiation of that blast has rendered this entire valley uninhabitable for the next twenty-thousand years.” Beau stated on his end of the CB as we all started driving away from the area headed west.

  The rest of the trip through northwestern Utah was uneventful and the trek through the Salt Flats was equally boring; finally around nightfall that day I passed through the small border city of Wendover where I stopped for a few minutes to let Richard take over driving as I was tired from the day’s trials.

  “Just stay on the 80 all the way to Sacramento—we’ll see how things are when we get there.” I instructed as I led the way to the rear bedroom as Jennifer and Sheila followed me.

  I didn’t think too much more about anything else after I had curled up under the covers with Jennifer and Sheila and it wasn’t long before the three of us were sound asleep, the night passed by quickly for us but slowly for everyone else who were still awake and driving and by the time the three of us woke the next day it was well past noon and the sun was shining brightly into the rear windows of the bedroom; we got up and got dressed before waking Remy, Mace, Ember and Xavier and taking them out into the main part of the RV where we met up with the others—Simone and Tina were cooking something at the stove as everyone else sat around in various places as we had no doubt stopped on the side of the highway again.

  “How far have we gotten?” I asked as I walked to the front and leaned down between Richard and Morgana.

  “We passed the town of Lovelock a few minutes ago before we stopped to fix chow.” Morgana answered as she glanced up at me.

  “We’re doing good—we’ll be out of Nevada soon at this rate; let me know when you want to be relieved of driving.” I stated as I turned and walked back over to the large table where Jennifer and Sheila were seated with my parents, sister and niece as Simone and Tina brought over what they had been cooking dishing it out onto plates.

  “What’s this?” I asked as Simone placed a plate of the food before me.

  “Fried potatoes, hamburger patties and green beans.” Simone answered briefly glancing at me.

  “The menu once again surprises me.” I stated with a smile as I started eating the food.

  “Soon we need to get together with the others and try to figure out where exactly we are going—I know that you said go as far as Sacramento, but after we get there then what?” Richard asked from the front of the RV.

  “I figure we’ll head south toward Los Angeles…” I answered as I glanced up toward his direction casually.

  “Baby…that may be a very bad idea.” Sheila stated as she glanced at me with concern.

  “It’s okay—I don’t plan on having us try to hole up in the actual city; I figure that we might find a safe location somewhere in Beverly Hills.” I answered as I placed my hand on hers reassuringly.

  “Hollywood ‘eh?” Richard asked with a chuckle.

  “Yeah—I know that a lot of those long dead celebrities lived in secluded, luxurious mansions and I’m hoping that one of those mansions will serve as a permanent base of operations for us.” I answered as I finished my food sliding the plate to the side.

  “We should definitely tell the others of these plans then—they’ll be wondering what’s going on here shortly.” My dad stated as he and my mom gathered the dirty dishes and took them to the sink.

  “Stop when you get to Reno and we’ll discuss the plans with the others.” I stated as I turned toward Richard.

  “You got it.” Richard answered as he started the engine and continued driving.

  A few more hours passed and soon we were coming upon the Reno city limits and Richard stopped the RV in the roadway and we all gathered our weapons and gear and stepped out of the RV meeting up with Noah and the others in their vehicles as they too stopped behind us.

  “What’s up?” Kira asked as she got out of the SUV followed by Billy and Kayla.

  “Keep your weapons ready just in case there’s undead around the area; I figured that it was time to discuss our destination with everyone and get your thoughts on it.” I stated as I strolled forward with my M16 in hand.

  “We’ve been wondering where you were leading us…” Bruce stated as he and his group stepped forward followed by the Covenant One members, Noah, Christina and Jude.

  “We’re heading for Beverly Hills, California—the plan is to locate a mansion in seclusion that we can possibly use for a permanent base of operations.” I answered as I waited as everyone got into a circle.

  “Hollywood…are you sure that it’s wise to travel there?” Hugo asked raising his left eyebrow.

  “He’s right—it just seems like there’s going to be a lot of zombies around there.” Amy agreed as the others glanced at each other with surprised looks.

  “Yes—that might be the case but we can’t just keep traveling as our fuel and food stock won’t last forever; we’ve got to find a safe place where we can hold out against these damned dead-heads.” I answered folding my arms.

  “I like his plan…it’s bold and inventive—I think that’s very sexy.” Jessica stated folding her arms as her attention fell on me.

  I done my best to pretend that I hadn’t heard her comment and continued with the discussion of what we were going to do—it was a few minutes later that everyone agreed on the plan and we all returned to our vehicles and I took over driving as Jennifer and Sheila sat close to me; Sheila was looking like she wasn’t feeling very good and I immediately inquired on what was going on.

  “I’m having sharp pains in my stomach…” She answered as she held her pregnant belly tightly.

  “Do they feel like contractions?” My mom asked as she came over to Sheila with a concerned expression.

  “Yes…I don’t know but it might be time for the baby to come.” Sheila answered as she glanced up at my mom and the over at me.

  “Okay—dad—could you drive for a little while?” I asked getting up out of the driver’s seat and taking Sheila’s hand as Jennifer came to my side with Xavier in her arms.

  “Sure—you go ahead and take care of your family.” My dad answered as he sat down in the driver’s seat and started the engine.

  I led Sheila back to the bedroom as Jennifer and my mom followed and once Sheila was comfortable we gathered bowls of warm water and towels from the bathroom and it wasn’t but a short time after that when Sheila went into labor; the labor lasted for several long hours after that until finally sometime after 9 pm when the baby was finally born—it was a little boy that we decided to name Darc Aiden. I carefully cut the umbilical cord and cleaned off my new son as Sheila lay exhausted from the long hours of labor nearby, Jennifer came to my side with a smile as she kissed the side of my face and then took Darc Aiden’ tiny right hand into her two fingers—I then I leaned down and handed Darc Aiden to Sheila to hold for the first time; we spent the next several hours taking care of Sheila and Darc Aiden and before I knew it the morning sun was shining in from one of the side windows and I reached my arms into the air over my head stret
ching with a loud yawn.

  “Are you okay baby?” I asked as Sheila woke and checked on Darc Aiden who was waking up with an appetite.

  “Yeah, I’m fine—just a little sore.” Sheila answered as she whipped out her right breast for our son to suck.

  “There’s something that I’ve been wondering about baby.” Jennifer stated as she wrapped her right arm around my waist.

  “What’s that babe?” I asked turning to meet her with a kiss.

  “Our babies are immune to infection like we are…aren’t they?” Jennifer asked with a concerned look.

  “I imagine so—the immunities would have most likely passed onto them from the both of you.” I answered in a reassuring tone.

  “I hope you’re right.” Jennifer answered as her hair fell down over her left eye.

  “I’m going to go check up on where we are right now—I’ll be right back.” I stated as I kissed the both of them passionately before getting up and heading out the bedroom door.

  I walked into the main part of the RV and I was met by my parents, sister and niece as well as Simone, Tina and Rain who were all curious about how Sheila was doing as well as the details about the baby.

  “Sheila is doing just fine—she had a little boy that we named Darc Aiden.” I answered seeing their curious expressions.

  “Wow—is it okay if we go see them?” Morgana asked as she came up and joined them.

  “Go ahead but make it brief—Sheila is still very tired and sore.” I answered as I turned and headed toward the front where I saw that Richard was once again driving.

  “Sorry that you’ve had to do so much driving—I meant to relieve you yesterday but Sheila went into labor.” I stated patting his shoulder as I sat down in the passenger seat next to him.

  “It’s cool—your dad took over driving for the rest of the day yesterday and well into the night; I’ve only been driving now for a few hours—besides—I used to drive a rig anyway, so I’m used to it.” He answered with a chuckle.

  “How far have you been able to make it so far?” I asked as I glanced out the windshield at the roadway ahead of us.

  “We’re just past a town called Stockton—this is interstate 5 and it’ll take us to LA.” Richard answered as he glanced over at me briefly.

  “It’s hard to imagine that this place was once filled with so many different people…now it’s full of nothing more than death and destruction.” I stated as I stared off into space.

  “Yeah…sometimes it feels weird not being able to just stop somewhere for a beer or something to eat—I have to remind myself that those things out there are just waiting for the opportunity to make a meal outta me and that reminds me that I have to keep going.” Richard stated in deep thought.

  “Yeah…good work with the driving—go as long as you can and then I’ll relieve you.” I answered as I got up out of the passenger side seat and headed back toward the bedroom.

  Once I got back into the bedroom the other girls all departed and left Sheila and our son to rest, Jennifer returned with me to the front of the RV where we rested and waited as the day dragged on—around 7 pm Richard stopped and told me that he was ready to switch driving with me, so I took over driving and we continued on into the night until finally sometime around 8:36 am we arrived in the outskirts of Los Angeles. Many of the skyscrapers bore signs of fire and structure damage as I drove down the streets—the undead were here and there and it didn’t look like they had noticed us yet; I was passing through several large upper class neighborhoods and I noticed that the remains of the Hollywood sign could be seen on the mountain not far away and I knew that we were getting close.

  “That looks like Rodeo Drive…that means that Beverly Hills can’t be too far away.” Sheila stated as she leaned forward with our son in her arms and pointed out the windshield at a road sign.

  “It’s still hard to believe that after all the places we’ve been—we’re actually here in Hollywood.” Jennifer stated with an awestruck tone.

  “Yeah—at one time this place was pretty jumpy; movies being made—movie stars rising…now it’s just as dead as the rest of the world.” I answered in agreement as I turned and headed down Rodeo Drive in the direction of south.

  It wasn’t long until we came upon a large pileup of wrecked vehicles that completely blocked the roadway ahead and there didn’t look like there were any ways around it so I was forced to stop the RV and turn off the engine.

  “Guys—we’re not going to be able to get around this mess with our vehicles and there doesn’t look like any other way around.” I stated into the CB radio.

  “Damn it…there looks like some sort of mansion nearby, though—it’s across the street through that series of alleyways over there.” Noah’s voice answered on the other end.

  “Okay—gather up your weapons and gear and whatever else you want to take and lock up the vehicles; we’re going to have to go on foot.” I instructed as I grabbed my weapons and gear before turning to the others behind me who were gathering.

  “Okay, we’ll meet you guys outside.” Hugo’s voice answered after several seconds had passed.

  Jennifer grabbed her weapons and gear as well as Xavier and his diaper bag, Sheila done the same with Darc Aiden and they helped get Remy, Mace and Ember ready as everyone else got ready—I led the way out of the side door to the RV and we met up with the others and we all looked around the area with dread; there was no telling what kind of mutations were lurking around the area just waiting to attack us. I fought the sensation of dread and led my team through the debris and rubble into the series of alleyways until we managed to climb up through the debris onto the other street, that was when we first laid eyes on the mansion that had been seen through the trees and buildings—it was a lavishly built and decorated palace that looked to have sustained minor damage to the outside if even that; several horrible screams immediately got our attention as several dead-heads seen us and came running toward us drooling bloody spittle—I opened fire with my M16 hitting several of them in the neck and head area dropping them to the street dead, Noah and several of the others gunned down the rest of them as Jennifer and Sheila worked to keep our children’s ears covered so the sounds of the screams and gunfire didn’t frighten them to cry. I quickly led the way up through the massive front yard through the front gate that was hanging ajar and we finally arrived at the front door—I swiftly kicked at it and it swung open revealing a massive foyer that was relatively clean for the most part, everyone quickly rushed inside after me and we sealed the front doors shut before turning to the massive room before us; two sets of curved staircases sat before us and the rest of the house spread out around it.

  “This place is massive…I guess we better split up into sweeper teams and figure out whether or not there are any dead-heads in here.” I stated in deep thought.

  “That’s a good idea—we’ll take the second floor as well as any attic space that may be up there.” Hugo stated as he slapped an ammo clip into his assault rifle and turned to the other Covenant One members.

  “I’ll check out the rooms down here and see what all is here.” I stated as I started toward the double doors on the other side of the foyer.

  “Do you want us to come with you baby?” Jennifer asked as she and Sheila started to follow.

  “Sure—if you feel up to it that is.” I answered smiling.

  They both smiled and turned toward my mom and dad who they left Xavier and Darc Aiden in the care of before readying their weapons and following me.

  “You guys stay here as well.” I stated as Remy, Mace and Ember started to follow us.

  The girls turned around and returned to my parents and the others of the group set up a temporary checkpoint in the foyer and many of the others who weren’t holding down that area spread out to check out the various sections of the mansion—I led the way into a long open breezeway that led from the
arboretum that we had just passed through, the wind was blowing slightly off of the ocean nearby and I could smell the salt water; that was when several horrible screams got our attention as a zombie that had been standing in the side yard off to our left seen us and started coming for us—another two of them that appeared to be moping around the inner courtyard were sprinting toward us as well. Jennifer opened fire with her AK-74 mowing them to pieces as Sheila aided her with the Desert Eagle magnum that I had given her earlier before as I opened fire with my M16 killing the one that was coming at us from the left. As we looked on the corpses of the dead-heads before us we heard gunfire from inside the mansion around us and I knew that the others had obviously ran into some company inside as well—I led the way ahead to the door at the end of the breezeway and opened it cautiously revealing a massive kitchen that was somewhat disheveled but empty at the moment; I carefully strolled forward around a corner and checked the side door that I soon after found went to a pantry that was also empty—I was backing up away from the door when I bumped into Jessica who had appeared from out of nowhere seemingly.

  “Where the hell did you come from all of a sudden?” I asked as I glanced at her briefly.

  “From the other breezeway…god…you smell so good.” Jessica answered as she got really close to me and inhaled what I was guessing was my scent.

  This made me back away quickly as it not only made me uncomfortable beyond belief but also as Jennifer and Sheila came around the corner and joined me at my side.

  “You know that I want you, Chaz—why do you keep resisting?” Jessica stated folding her arms with an aggravated look.

  “Maybe because he’s with us and that he loves us?” Sheila answered with a scowl.

  “That’s right—he’s ours, so back off.” Jennifer added as she wrapped her arms around me.


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