[HGB] Humanity Gone Bad: The Dead Chronicles

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[HGB] Humanity Gone Bad: The Dead Chronicles Page 43

by Watkins, Charles

  “Sounded like some intense activities inside.” Billy answered winking.

  “Yeah—something like that.” I answered looking away.

  Billy laughed lightly and gently stroked Kayla’s hair as she continued to sleep soundly.

  “I’m surprised that you guys are still out here—who else is on watch?” I asked as I glanced around the area with concern.

  “Hugo and Amy are sitting on top of the semi over there.” Billy answered pointing to the top of the semi nearby where I could see Hugo standing facing the western woods with his assault rifle in hand.

  Amy was sitting on the top of the battle chassis with her weapons out and ready.

  “Any sign of trouble?” I called up to Hugo who seemed a little surprised to hear my voice at this hour.

  “Not yet, Chaz—you’ll be the first to know if I spot anything though.” He answered turning halfway to glance down at me.

  I nodded and stepped back into the RV shortly afterward and returned to the bedroom where I laid back down among Jennifer, Sheila and Chloe and eventually fell asleep; I was awaken later that following day by Jennifer and Sheila who were gathering our kids—I rose and put on my boots and other pieces of clothes and gear that I had taken off earlier in the night when we had made love. Chloe came out of the nearby bathroom dressed in an outfit that I remembered seeing Jennifer pick up over a year and a half before when we had visited the mall in Tennessee—just after we had met Sheila.

  “That looks great on you, Chloe.” Jennifer stated as she walked over beside of her and looked over the details of the outfit.

  The outfit was comprised of a purple spaghetti-strap top that hugged Chloe’s large bust tightly and it was cut short allowing her belly button to show—which was pierced and she wore a pair of cut-off jean shorts that were cut really short; I had to look away because I was getting hard again, Jennifer and Sheila seen my boner and both laughed and came over kissing me deeply and then Chloe done the same—I had to fight the urge to fuck the three of them again because I knew that the others outside were more than likely waiting for us to get underway. I kissed them back briefly as I readjusted myself to where the others wouldn’t see my cock poking through my pants and then led the way out of the bedroom and through the main part of the RV seeing the others as they were getting ready to leave, the four of us with our kids left the RV and headed over toward our Mustang and I opened the driver’s side door putting my weapons and gear inside—Jennifer, Sheila and Chloe done the same and got into the car and I was about to do the same thing when we suddenly heard a horrible scream not far away; this scream was followed by what sounded like hundreds more and I raised up out of the driver’s side of our Mustang and turned toward the others who were still loading up their weapons and gear back into the other vehicles.

  “Incoming!” I shouted as I grabbed my M16 and pointed it toward the other side of the RV where the sounds of the undead were coming from.

  The others scrambled to collect the last bit of their weapons and gear that they had brought out and dashed into their vehicles as the first wave of undead surged in around us, several hit the passenger side of our Mustang pounding on the sides of the door and tearing at the latch trying to get it open.

  “Let’s get the fuck out of this place!” I shouted as I started the engine and put my foot down on the pedal.

  We sped forward into the main surge of the undead and Jennifer opened fire with the mounted machine gun on her side of the hood—her bullets tore through countless zombies and other mutations as we finally got through to the other side of the horde; I glanced back behind us in the side mirror and seen that the others were close behind and luckily no one had been left behind.

  “That was too damn close—let’s not stay out in the open anymore.” Richard stated over the CB.

  “I agree…we could have been killed back there—from this point on if we need to stop we’ll seek out a more solid structure.” I answered as I stared ahead at the winding roadway ahead of us.

  “Sorry baby—it’s our fault that we stopped back there; if we hadn’t been so adamant on having you then this wouldn’t have happened.” Sheila stated as she glanced at Jennifer and then Chloe with a look of guilt on her face.

  “It’s okay baby—nobody was hurt and we got out of there before they could do damage to the vehicles; next time we’ll just know to use better judgment when it comes to where we’re going to stop for the night.” I answered as I smiled at her and then at Jennifer and Chloe.

  “What about those two college kids on the motorcycle—are they okay?” Jennifer asked in a concerned tone.

  “Guys—are those two on the bike okay?” I asked as I picked up the CB microphone speaking into it.

  “Yeah, they seem to be…reminds me…we need to give those new people doses of the vaccine.” Hugo answered on the other end.

  “Yeah…I just hope that they can keep up with our pace—we’ve already used quite a bit of it and there’s no guarantee when and if we’ll be able to find the necessary equipment needed to make more from the Antitoxin Sample.” I answered as my thoughts raced back to the members of the group that we had inoculated before who had died along the way.

  “I know what you mean, Chaz—it sucks when we lose someone in the group but even more so when those people die because the immunity to the infection dies with them.” Hugo continued.

  “I just thought of something…” Billy stated on his end all of a sudden.

  “What’s that?” I asked with a curious expression coming to my face as I continued driving.

  “Couldn’t the bodies of the people we’ve lost cure the infection of the creatures that umm…eat them?” Billy asked in a curious tone.

  “Very unlikely…the negative effects of the T.H.C.A.I.A Toxin in the bodies and saliva of the infected would counteract anything consumed by the creatures—we doused a whole horde of those assholes when we were at the airfield in Winterset and it was a complete waste of time.” Amy answered in a technical tone on the other end.

  “Yeah—as I said before—the people who those things once were are gone; there’s no bringing them back.” I stated into the CB receiver.

  “Then why the hell are we even trying to restore the world if there’s no hope of healing the infection?” Emily asked as it sounded like she stole the microphone from Amy.

  “To go after Bowman and make him pay for what he has done—for all we know the bastard may know of or have means of developing something to end this zombie apocalypse once and for all.” I answered as a dark look came across my face.

  “He sure as hell isn’t going to do it willingly—my gut tells me that when we do find the motherfucker that we’re going to have the fight of our lives on our hands.” Richard stated in a distant tone as he spoke into the RV’s CB microphone.

  “I agree very strongly with you on that one—that asshole—I still remember him; how he was dressed and the darkness that radiated from him the day he was standing on my front lawn before all this shit started…I still remember the words he said to me.” Beau stated on his end as it sounded like he was lost in thoughts of the past.

  “What did he say to you?” I asked as I glanced at Jennifer and the other two girls in the back seat with a worried expression.

  “He said…Darkness is ascending on you—all of you—the Day of Reckoning is upon you and you still go about your daily routine…pathetic.” Beau answered after a few short moments of silence had passed.

  “Day of Reckoning…it sounds like the asshole thought of himself as God or something.” Jennifer stated with a dark look as she glanced back at Sheila and Chloe briefly before turning her gaze back to me.

  “Don’t all of those scientist types like to think that way—don’t they all like to play god?” Sheila answered as she rocked Darc Aiden to sleep after breastfeeding him.

  “Most of the ones I’ve ever heard of�
��the mystery of stopping this zombie plague may be somehow raveled up inside of the message he gave you that day.” I answered speaking into the CB.

  “Maybe…” Beau answered in a distant tone.

  “Let’s find that animal shit and make him pay for what he’s done to our friends, family and the rest of humanity—we can’t help those who have died or turned but we can get some retribution for them against the man who is responsible for this mess.” Morgana stated on their end.

  Further discussion of the topic was occasional and I focused on driving and the road ahead of me and after several long hours I stopped a few miles northeast of a small town that we had passed a few minutes before called Grand Marais to switch to get some rest; Sheila took over driving this time and I climbed into the back seat with Chloe, Remy, Mace and Ember. I was holding Darc Aiden in my arms as he slept and Jennifer was still up front beside of Sheila holding Xavier in her arms—Chloe snuggled close to me and rested her head on my left shoulder as I closed my eyes; I was soon after asleep and the long miles that passed during that time were unknown to me and I didn’t stir again until sometime after midnight when the noise of Jennifer shaking the thermos that we kept coffee inside of woke me.

  “Where are we?” I asked as I used my fingers to rub the sleep out of my eyes.

  “We just crossed the border into Canada—you should have seen it baby, it was a mess.” Jennifer answered as she glanced back at me smiling.

  I noticed that Chloe was waking beside of me as well as she leaned over and kissed me briefly—enough for me to feel her tongue inside of my mouth.

  “You okay baby?” I asked as I reached forward and stroked the side of Sheila’s face.

  “Yeah, I’m fine—did you sleep well?” Sheila answered as she kissed my hand.

  “As well as I could, I guess.” I answered glancing around the interior of the car.

  “Daddy—when can we get out of this sardine can?” Mace asked all of a sudden.

  I couldn’t help but laugh a little as did Jennifer, Sheila and Chloe.

  “Soon hopefully, I know that it’s cramped and probably boring but this sardine can protects us from those things outside.” I explained as I stroked her hair gently.

  “I know, daddy.” Mace answered as she glanced out the armored plates of the side window near her.

  “We should be to Thunder Bay soon according to the signs—maybe we can find somewhere to stop that’ll be safe.” Sheila stated as she continued driving.

  “I know that we’re after the Bowman guy who did all of this but where are we headed?” Chloe asked with a curious expression.

  “I’m figuring that our re-entry to the former United States will be somewhere along the southwestern side of Maine—from there we’re heading down through Bangor until we get to Portland; once we get there we’ll examine the evidence that we’ve found as well as see if we can’t find anything else in the area.” I answered as I glanced at her briefly.

  “What if Portland is a dead end, babe?” Jennifer asked with a concerned expression.

  “Even if we don’t find anything concerning the whereabouts of Bowman, we might be able to find a safe haven where we can hole up.” I explained as I unfolded the road atlas and looked it over.

  “I see…I remember back a few years ago there was a report that stated that Maine was free of zombies—I wonder if it still is…” Jennifer answered in deep thought.

  “I doubt it, but it would be nice if we could find a safe place to rest ourselves for a bit—it would give us time to examine the facts that we’ve collected over the years as well as the ones that were both inside of that briefcase as well as on that laptop that we found inside of that mansion in Beverly Hills.” I stated as I thought back on the details of the documents that we had found.

  “Should I even bother to try and stop in Thunder Bay or should I just keep heading east along the lakes?” Sheila asked looking at me in the rear view mirror.

  “It sounds better if we just keep going—go until we start to run low on fuel and then we’ll stop and get more if possible.” I answered as I leaned forward between the seats and kissed both Jennifer and Sheila.

  Sheila nodded and continued driving and it wasn’t but an hour or so later when we pulled into the outskirts of the Canadian city of Thunder Bay, the streets looked pretty much like they did everywhere else—they were littered with wrecked and burned out vehicles; some of the ones we passed had long dried blood all over the outside of them and I was even a little surprised when we were forced to drive through a large section of the street that was littered with the remains of so many bodies that the pavement was permanently stained red.

  “Damn…this place was hit really hard.” I stated as I stared out the slats in the windshield at the area before us.

  “This is just gross…it looks like a surge of undead plowed through here killing and eating everything in their path.” Chloe stated as she sat close to me with a scared look on her face.

  I took hold of her right hand in my left one and I gently squeezed it reassuringly and she looked at me and smiled.

  “Could you take over driving baby?”

  “This is freaking me out.” Sheila stated as she came to a stop in the street and unfastened her seatbelt.

  “Sure baby.” I answered as she opened the driver’s side door and waited as I pushed the seat forward and climbed out long enough for her to get back into the backseat with Chloe.

  I then got into the driver’s seat and strapped myself in and opened the armored slats on my side of the windshield more so I could see better and then I started forward again, I drove away from the area with the massive amounts of gore and toward the northeastern side of the city and that was when I saw that a large barricade made of overturned cars and trucks was ahead of us—the entire road ahead was blocked and it looked like someone had done this not long before; I turned the wheel to the left and started to make a U-turn and that was when gunfire suddenly rang out from somewhere above us—bullets tore into the side of our Mustang doing little to no damage due to the heavy plating.

  “Shit—we’re under attack!” I shouted over the CB as I could now see figures appearing on the other side of the barricade as well as on the balconies of nearby buildings around us.

  These figures were clearly marauders, but they were dressed in chemical warfare suits and many of them wore gas masks over their faces; the gunfire from the rear as I sped away from the barricade increased and I could hear it hitting the side and top of the RV as well as the rest of our vehicles and I knew that these assholes had waited for us to come along and had sprung us in a well laid trap. That was when I heard the windshield of the RV behind us shatter as hails of bullets screamed through the air past us and I saw that the enemy had pretty much closed in on our convoy from behind and I could tell that Richard had lost control of the RV as it plowed headlong into the wreckage of a burned out semi, I pulled our Mustang to the side behind a large billboard and grabbed my M16 and other weapons as Jennifer pulled the windshield plating down over the top of the mounted machine gun enough to where she was shielded and she aimed it at the marauders on the nearby balcony and opened fire killing them and knocking them from the balcony where they made sickening thuds on the street; it seemed like as soon as those had been killed more dashed out of the dark doorways above to replace them and I could tell that the others in our group were starting to feel the effect of this sneak attack as they were now huddled between the side of the RV, Billy and Kayla’s hotrod, the Covenant One members’ Eco-Roamer and the semi that held the battle chassis.

  “I can’t get to the battle chassis!” Beau shouted as he ducked down out of the way as a bullet ricocheted off the top of the semi.

  “We’re caught in a damned pincer maneuver—we’ve got to break the enemy line or else we’re not going to survive!” Hugo shouted as he swiftly turned around the corner of the Eco-Roamer an
d opened fire on the marauders closest to his position.

  That was when the roar of an engine approaching us from the rear got our attention and Lori Jo recklessly stood up and opened fire with her .9mm auto pistol—her bullets ricocheted off the hood of the approaching vehicle and seconds later a large splotch of red could be seen on the inside of the cab where her bullets had capped the driver; this also caused the body of the driver to slump forward and press the gas all the way down and within seconds before Lori Jo could move out of the way the front of the runaway vehicle slammed into her back—the force of the impact broke her body in half and I had to look away as her blood splattered across the area getting on many of the other’s clothes and faces. The runway vehicle then smashed into the side of a nearby building and exploded causing the whole building to go up in a towering inferno, the only good thing that happened out of that event was that the explosion killed the enemy marauders that were still shooting at us from the roof and balcony; only seconds afterward I seen Paul Clark and Angel Morrison both jump on his bike and take off down the street away from us before we could hardly even collect our wits from what had just happened and I watched as a bullet from one of the enemy assault rifles punched a hole through Paul’s left shoulder causing him to lose control of the motorcycle flying headlong into the brick wall of another building down the street from us killing Angel instantly as the motorcycle exploded in a fire cloud.

  “Fuck—we’ve lost three people in just a matter of seconds!” I shouted in rage as I grabbed a grenade from my gear, pulled the pin and threw it through the air to where it clattered against the street near where a group of the marauders were clustered together.

  Seconds later the grenade exploded killing the enemy forces in that area and we were slowly able to push them back toward the barricade to where Beau could power up the battle chassis—only seconds afterward the area was in ruins; several nearby buildings were burning and the air was full of black smoke from the fires.

  “We can’t stay here for long—there’s no telling how many more of those fuckers might be around this area.” I shouted as I worked to rebuild my group’s moral.


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