[HGB] Humanity Gone Bad: The Dead Chronicles

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[HGB] Humanity Gone Bad: The Dead Chronicles Page 87

by Watkins, Charles

  “We won’t stay here long—just long enough to rest a bit and eat something.” I reassured my women who looked nervous as their eyes darted around at the shadows of the night’s gloom.

  “Maybe we should check a few places around Wrigley and see what we can find…” Billy stated as he rubbed his hands together before the small fire.

  “I don’t know how good of an idea that is…but I suppose it’s not a terrible one—we are out here to find whatever we can find and I don’t think any of the supply runs have been here before.” I answered in deep thought.

  “It’d be better than just sitting around…at least if we don’t find anything, we’ll know not to fool with coming here again.” Thomas stated folding his arms.

  “Dude’s got a point…” Billy agreed.

  “Alright…let’s head into the town but let’s watch our asses—there’s no telling what could be lurking in the darkness.” I answered as I quickly stomped the small fire out with my boot before getting back into our marauder.

  After everyone got back into the two vehicles it took us a few minutes to find the main road into the town and as we passed by abandoned buildings we seen that more than a few of them had burned down entirely—there still was what looked like a general store, a small hotel and a handful of regular houses but there wasn’t much.

  “Let’s check that general store…” I stated as I drove over to park in front of the building.

  I shut off the engine and then got slightly startled when a crash of thunder shook everything around me—lightning flashed in the sky above us and seconds later torrents of rain started coming down.

  “Great—just what we need, rain…” Billy stated as we all got out and headed up to the door to the general store.

  “It’s really coming down too…the roadway is already starting to flood.” Sheila stated as she glanced at the nearby street.

  I swiftly kicked in the front door to the general store and we all shuffled inside—it was dark and our noses were greeted by a damp, musty smell; I turned on my flashlight and looked around the building as my women and Billy done the same, I glanced back out the open front door and it looked like Darrell and the others in his vehicle were waiting on us and I turned back to what I was doing. After searching the entire building for things that we could use, we only came up with a small amount of food items that consisted of bags of potato chips that were still sealed, a handful of MREs, a case of bottle water and a couple cans of tuna fish and sardines in hot sauce.

  “This isn’t much of a haul…” Jennifer stated as we put the items into the large bag that we had brought in from the marauder.

  “We should find somewhere to get out of this storm I guess…I wonder what kind of shape that hotel nearby is in…” I stated in deep thought as I led the way back toward the door.

  My women and Billy followed and we ran back out into the storm getting into our marauder—as soon as we were all back inside, Darrell’s voice sounded over the CB asking if we had found anything in the general store.

  “Not much—there wasn’t much of anything left inside, looked like a lot of the stuff that used to be stocked there had been taken already.” I answered into the CB microphone.

  “I see…what are we going to do now?” Darrell asked on his end after a few seconds.

  “We’re going to check to see if that hotel nearby is clear—if so, we’ll use it to ride out this storm.” I answered as I headed down the street away from the general store toward the hotel—which was one of the largest structures in this small settlement.

  Once we got close, we seen that it looked like the place had burned down—only a shell of the building still stood and I knew that we definitely couldn’t stay there.

  “Looks like we’re going to have to just keep trudging on…there’s no other choice at this point.” I stated into the CB.

  “Let’s just keep going then—for as long as we can.” Darrell answered on the other end.

  It didn’t take us long to find the original road that we had been using before going to Wrigley and I continued heading in a southwestern direction until around daybreak where according to the map, we were about five or six miles east of the South Redstone River; the rain hadn’t stopped or slacked off at all and there had been several times through the night when our two vehicles had almost gotten stuck in what seemed like rivers of nothing but mud. I spotted a dense patch of wooded area where it looked like we might find some cover from the storm so I pulled our marauder off the roadway into the cover of the woods and Darrell done the same—once we were stopped the cover of the woods seemed to make the torrents of rain a little less heavy and I turned to my women knowing that we were all tired; I was missing our bed back at the fortress but I knew that we had to find supplies and bring it back or we wouldn’t be lasting long.

  “I’ll sleep in with Darrell and the others—give you guys some privacy.” Billy stated as he climbed out of our marauder and dashed over to Darrell’s armored SWAT vehicle climbing inside.

  I pushed my seat back a bit and closed my eyes as my women settled down around me and it seemed like I slept for a little while but I would keep waking up and that was when I felt a warm mouth on my cock and I realized that Jennifer was leaning down over me sucking my dick—I glanced at my other women and they were looking at me lustfully and I grabbed Jennifer’s hand and we climbed into the very back of our vehicle and Jennifer quickly removed her pants and panties before mounting me letting me go all of the way inside of her before she started moving up and down on me; I lay back and relaxed as she continued to fuck me, she would lean down over me every few seconds and kiss me letting her tongue roam my mouth and it wasn’t long before I was cumming in her that she climbed out of my lap and motioned to Angel who didn’t waste any time. She grabbed my still hard cock and rubbed the head of it against her vulva—her clit piercing felt cold to the touch even though she was soaking wet, soon after she was in my lap facing me as she fucked me; my other women gathered and us kissing on me and on her and within minutes I was cumming again. I spent time satisfying my other women one by one after that finishing with Sheila—by that time it was around 10 am and the storm hadn’t subsided or weakened any nor had we gotten any sleep; I grabbed the blanket that we had nearby and covered myself and my women as they all snuggled around me and soon after we were asleep. I woke sometime late that same day to sounds coming from the outside of our vehicle—it sounded like something hitting the outside of it and I rose quickly fearing that we were surrounded by a horde of dead-heads but I was somewhat relieved to see that it was only sticks and branches hitting the outside of our vehicles instead—a strong wind had come up and it was making the trees around us sway and break; I pulled on my clothes and gear and climbed into the front seat of our marauder waking my women in the process who in turn got their clothes and gear back on.

  “We need to get out of here before one of these damned trees falls on our vehicles.” I stated into the CB.

  “Sounds good to us—we were wondering when you guys would be up.” Darrell answered on the other end.

  Moments later Billy opened the door of the other vehicle and ran back over to ours getting into the back—I then started the engine and backed out of the woods where we had stopped and we got back on the dirt road that was now so muddy and unstable that I was wondering how we were going to get through; it also seemed like the nearby South Redstone River might have swelled and that would cause a problem for us should the waters be over the road. All I could do is move forward as I knew that we still hadn’t found enough supplies to make any difference—the rain had stopped but it had done plenty of damage as I was starting to slide all over the road; the mud was so thick in places that even with our all-terrain tires we were getting stuck, it didn’t look like Darrell and the others behind us were doing too well either and I knew that we’d be in a world of hurt if we got stranded out here.

hit…we shouldn’t have stopped at all—we could have been into Yukon Territory by now had we stayed on course…” I stated in an aggravated tone as I pounded my fist against the steering wheel.

  “You didn’t know that it was going to get this bad, baby—none of us did.” Sheila stated in a comforting tone.

  I continued fighting with the mud and managed to get unstuck and make it through the area that we had been having trouble with and finally we started ascending into the mountains and soon after crossed the South Nahanni River—by then I knew that we were almost in Yukon; that was when Rachel started gagging and she motioned for me to stop and I stopped our marauder and waited as she quickly jumped out and started vomiting on the side of the road.

  “Are you okay, babe?” I asked as I got out and went to her side with my assault rifle in my arms.

  “Yeah…it’s part of the pregnancy.” She answered after she was finished.

  I kissed her forehead and then helped her back inside of our vehicle before getting back into the driver’s seat myself—I had no more started driving again when a jumper zombie suddenly came flying out of nowhere and hit the front left side of our marauder, it failed to get a good grip of the metal and steel of the marauder and quickly fell down underneath the front left tire where I soon after ran it over; seconds later a mass of what appeared to be just dead-heads swarmed out of the nearby woods and attacked the sides of both of our vehicles.

  “Kind of surprising to see a horde of those things up this high in the mountains…” Roxanne stated from her seat next to Rachel and Chelsea.

  “Looks like they’re moving east from the more populated areas of southern Yukon as well as Alaska and possibly British Columbia—I wonder where Hugo and the others with him are right now…” I answered in deep thought as I plowed through the dead-heads running them over until we were in the clear.

  “I’ve been wondering the same thing…I hope that they’re okay.” Billy stated from where he sat in the very back.

  Night had soon come again and that was around the time when we left Northwest Territories passing into the Yukon and it seemed like we traveled for two or three days straight after that before we started seeing signs of civilization—by that time we were getting close to the town of Johnsons Crossing and we were starting to run low on fuel; I soon after spotted a travel station that looked like it still had pumps, I slowed down and stopped parking our marauder next to one of the diesel pumps while Darrell done the same with his vehicle.

  “We need to refuel as quickly as we can—there’s no telling what could be lurking around here.” I stated as Jennifer, Sheila, Roxanne, Angel and Billy got out of our vehicle following me as Rachel and Chelsea waited in the marauder.

  “The fuel drums are getting low too—I hope that there’s enough here to get us to where we gotta go as well as back home…” Darrell stated as he checked the fuel drums on the trailer that he was still hauling.

  “Let me check the inside…if the pumps are dead with no means of making them work, we’ll have to siphon the fuel some other way…” I answered as I gripped my M16 and headed toward the store nearby.

  Jennifer, Sheila and Roxanne followed me and the four of us arrived at the glass doors and found that they were locked—I used the butt of my assault rifle to smash the glass before quickly leading the way inside; the floors were covered with thick, dark water and as I glanced up at the ceiling I noticed that part of it had collapsed inward and the place looked like it had sustained heady water damage. I glanced at the cash register and then I climbed over it looking for a cut off switch—finding it, I flipped it on and walked back to the busted out door calling out to Billy and the others asking if there was any power to the pumps.

  “No—nothing.” Clancy answered as he and Thomas stood next to the one that Darrell’s vehicle was near.

  “Hold on—I’ll see if there’s a generator or anything inside…” I answered with a sigh as I headed back inside meeting my women as they were coming toward me with a few bags of things that they had found.

  “We found a few cans of tomato sauce, spaghetti, some noodle bowls and some meat snacks—not to mention some soda and beer.” Jennifer stated smiling.

  “That sounds like a feast right there—too bad we can’t find some meat.” I stated smiling as I passed them headed for the back of the store.

  They waited for me by the door as I checked around the back rooms of the store finding a significant amount of barbed wire that was rolled into a coil as well as several melee weapons that looked like things that someone creative had fashioned out of things just lying around—my eye caught sight of a massive medieval looking sword that was propped against the wall, I picked it up shining my flashlight on it seeing that it was extremely sharp; it looked like a sword that I had seen on a movie many, many years before and next to it was a sheath with a shoulder strap. I grabbed it putting it over my shoulder before continuing toward the very back where I found a generator that turned out to be fueled up—I grabbed the pull cord and pulled it once or twice until the generator sputtered to life causing the lights here and there around me to come on; I started back toward the entrance grabbing the other melee weapons as well as the coil of barbed wire as I went knowing that we might need them, I met my women at the door and they inquired on the weapons that I had found as well as they sword on my back—I showed them what I had found and then reported that the generator was on before we all returned outside to the pump next to our marauder and we proceeded to refuel. The others done the same and then Darrell refilled the fuel drums on the trailer and he was almost done when the screams of the undead masses alerted us that they were nearby—I grabbed the binoculars from inside of the marauder and put them up to my eyes turning them toward the sounds; when I saw the dead-heads coming toward us I just about choked.

  “There’s got to be at least two or three hundred of them…and they’re all coming this way.” I stated as I stared ahead at the roadway west, which was flooded with those things.

  They were so thick in number that you really couldn’t see anything else.

  “If we just charge through them, we might end up seriously damaging the vehicles…what the hell are we gonna do?” Darrell asked in a worried tone.

  “I have an idea…babe, hand me that coil of barbed wire, please.” I answered as I turned to Jennifer.

  She handed it to me and I unwound it looking for a place to attach it to both sides of the vehicles and soon after we pulled both forward and once everyone else was inside I attached one end of the barbed wire to part of the door handle that was about neck level to the street and I done the same with Darrell’s driver’s side door making sure that the wire was tight enough before I turned to him as he rolled his window down.

  “I can see you have a plan—what is it?” He asked curiously.

  “I want you to drive parallel to me—we’re going to use the wire to cut those bastards down as we go…we’ll have to run some of them down, there’s no way around that but we can get a good number of them in the middle of our vehicles.” I answered smiling.

  “Sounds creative—let’s do this.” Kari stated from where she sat in Darrell’s group’s vehicle.

  I turned and returned to our vehicle starting it as the dead-heads were starting to get really close to our position now—I waited until Darrell was ready and he nodded and then we both started out speeding toward the hordes of dead-heads hitting and running over the first few and then we watched as the barbed wire started decapitating the ones caught between our vehicles and it seemed like we did that forever before we finally came out on the other side of the horde and we were able to slow down and stop; both of our windshields were covered in blood and gore and the hoods of each vehicle had chunks of decaying flesh here and there and it was at that point when I wished that another heavy rain would come.

  “Well, it worked…I really wasn’t prepared for how much gore there would be�
��” Darrell stated with a slight laugh.

  “That was pretty innovative—now if only something like that would work on the more dangerous bioweapons.” Billy stated with a chuckle.

  “Yeah…sadly that’s not the case and one day we’re going to run out of bullets completely and guns will be worthless.” I answered with a distant look.

  “Yeah…I remember Regan saying that she can make bullets but I imagine that she’d only be able to make handgun bullets.” Sheila stated as she wrapped her arm around me.

  “Kinda why I picked up these weapons back there—I know that sooner or later we’re going to have to rely completely on hand-to-hand combat.” I continued as my glance went to the stash of melee weapons that I had placed in the rear floorboard of our marauder.

  “We should get going—there’s still a handful of those rotting sons of bitches that we missed back up there…” Jennifer stated pointing to the remaining few dead-heads that were picking themselves up off the ground and starting to come our way.

  “Yeah—let’s get the hell out of here and get to our destination—we’ve only got a little bit further.” I answered as I removed the barbed wire from both sides of our vehicles and tossed it off to the side of the road careful not to get cut by it.

  Everyone got back into the two vehicles and we left the area heading southwest and by the time the afternoon hours rolled around we were passing through the town of Jakes Corner—not wanting to waste any more time than what we had to, we kept going and a short time after we started heading northwest eventually crossing the Yukon River and coming to the town of Macrae Robinson which would be the last small town we’d pass through before arriving in the capital of Whitehorse; not stopping for anything we continued and by nightfall we had arrived in the mountain city of Whitehorse. It wasn’t as large as a regular city would have been back in the states but it was a lot bigger than anything we had seen since we had left the lower provinces of Canada; I spotted a good-sized lodge and it looked secure, I pulled our marauder off the road and pulled it to the rear of the building where there was enough cover to hide not only us but our vehicles from anyone who might wish to cause problems for us—not to mention the dead-heads and other mutations.


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