[HGB] Humanity Gone Bad: The Dead Chronicles

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[HGB] Humanity Gone Bad: The Dead Chronicles Page 102

by Watkins, Charles

  He knew that his creations had started to attack and infect other unsuspecting people in the world above and he smiled for he knew that everything that he had done had been successful—Laura would be avenged and the world would tremble before him…

  Eyewitness Account

  As I sat in the hospital waiting room with the boyfriend of a bite victim I couldn’t help but shake at the cold, gnawing fear that ran down my spine—at first it was casual talk between the two of us then the information started pouring out and I found myself lost for words at what this young man had witnessed; his story was like so many others that were pouring in this late October morning. His voice was shaky at first but then it got sturdy and strong as he told in graphic detail about how one of these assailants had broken through the sliding glass door to the bedroom of his and his girlfriend’s apartment, what drove this attacker to do what they done was anyone’s guess at that time—after shouting at them and threatening both physical harm as well as calling the cops the young man said that he seen nothing was working; the assailant sprinted at them as if possessed by the devil himself.

  “I tried to fight them off and protect Kimberly.” The young man told me with tears starting to well up in his eyes.

  I tried to console him, I knew a little about what he was feeling—my own wife had died only hours before when one of the very same attackers had busted through our front door and bit her in the throat; the police had been slow to respond and I had found myself taking the law into my own hands. I had grabbed a Colt .45 out of the cabinet in the den and shot the attacker in the heart, but to my own horror I witnessed something that wasn’t meant to happen—they just got back up and started coming after me forcing me into a dangerous struggle that nearly sentenced me to the same fate as my dear departed Anna…somehow I had managed to fire another shot into the chest of my attacker forcing them off of me long enough for me to get to my feet and fire again—this time hitting them in the head. They remained still and lifeless afterward and I assumed I had finally killed them, I went to check on my wife Anna only to find that she had risen and was unresponsive to any kind of communication or verbal commands that I tried—she attacked me biting me on my left wrist that I was using trying to push her off; the pain was intense and for a split second I thought I was going to black out at the sight of my own blood gushing out from the wound as well as pouring down my wife’s chin and chest as the chunk of flesh that she had removed with her teeth fell out of her mouth. I done what I knew I had to do—I pointed the revolver at her and blew her brains out the back of her head; afterward I done what I could to stop the bleeding and I wrapped my wound up nice and tight.

  When the cops got there they seemed to know all about what was going on and they didn’t even really question me much about what had happened, they took me to this hospital where I now sit recalling my own experience as this young man tells me his; I can’t help but think back on when my wife died and then revived as one of those things…the bite had killed her and the bite brought her back—that much I was sure of. I gently patted the young man on the shoulder as he broke down crying, I couldn’t do much else because as I glanced around the waiting room around me I saw the same story on just about every single one of the other people’s faces…what was happening in this town?

  I could do little to console the man further as an intern arrived and gave him the bad news—his girlfriend had died and was being prepped to be taken down to the morgue; I heard something about consultation in the chapel but it all seemed to slip past me as I once again recalled my own ordeal. Then I slowly looked down at my bandaged left wrist…would I too die and become one of those nightmarish things outside?

  That was when I heard screams, I glanced up at the window looking out on the parking lot outside of the emergency room and I saw figures running toward the doors—women with small children and men quickly trying to gather up their families…and then I saw them—hundreds, hell maybe thousands of them running toward the people still desperately trying to get inside the hospital; chaos and pandemonium followed as what seemed like an already panic-stricken emergency waiting room turned into what seemed to be a war zone. I glanced back at the young man and I saw him grab hold of a police officer that ran past him, I watched as the young man wrestled the police-issued .9mm Beretta out of the officer’s hands and point it at his own temple; seconds later he pulled the trigger. As more sounds of breaking glass and screams filled the room I found myself turning and running away—through the double doors out of the emergency room…where I went from there I don’t even remember; all I know now is that I am quickly losing it, I have developed a high fever and I have been vomiting heavily. It seems that my fate is sealed and I am soon to become one of the damned…as I lie here in what I now recognize as a janitor’s closet I find myself praying to God above—if he even exists that is…I find myself asking for forgiveness in all the things I have done wrong in my life. It won’t be long now for I can hardly breathe…this is the end…I’ll die and become one of those things—my only wish now is that when that happens I hope that a kind soul will come along and put a bullet in my head to end it all…at least then I will be free.

  [Survivor Stories]

  Each to their own some might say—but what would happen if an event so serious, so drastic that it affected the entire world over was to come as a thief in the night and change everything? Some asked that very same question as they fought and ran for their lives back in October of 2000…

  Sirens blared as the 24-year old Charles Raymond Wilson stood on the balcony to his three-level apartment complex watching as chaos and pandemonium seemingly spread across the city of Wichita, Kansas below.

  “What the hell is going on out there?” Zoey Copeland asked from the room behind him where she and their girlfriend Nicole Kemp lay nude.

  “Not sure…all hell seems to be breaking loose down there—maybe it has something to do with what the news has been talking about.” Charles answered as he returned to the room where both of the girls anxiously pulled the robe off of him revealing his bare ass to the world behind him.

  The night soon replaced the day and the city around them got deathly silent as if everyone else in the world had ceased to exist; Charles woke from an odd dream and looked around the room—Zoey and Nicole were still sleeping beside of him and he rose out of bed doing his best not to wake them. There seemed to be a consistent noise coming from somewhere not far off and it worried him—he got his robe back on and walked to his front door peeping out into the hallway.

  “Nothing…like the whole world choked and died…but what the fuck are those sounds?” He said to himself as he quietly unlatched the locks on the door and opened it.

  Two other young women he often shared his bed with lived on the same floor and as he slowly moved down the hallway, he came to the first of their apartments—he lightly knocked on Whitney Lewis’ door and waited; several seconds later she answered the door wearing little to nothing and embraced him.

  “Hi sexy…it’s late…what brings you here?” She asked in the same seductive tone she almost always used when he was around.

  “Hey babe—I’m trying to figure out what those sounds are…they sound like they are coming from downstairs.” Charles answered as he nodded at the nearby stairwell.

  “I’ve been hearing them too but I couldn’t tell you what they are…do you want to come inside?” Whitney asked as she took his right hand placing it on her left breast.

  “Of course, I do.” He answered as he followed her inside as she took hold of his hand.

  Hours later after having had sex with Whitney four times he woke with a start at what sounded like banging on the door, at first he thought that Zoey and Nicole had come looking for him—though they knew about his other girlfriends he knew that they wouldn’t be too happy having been left alone in the middle of the night. He got his robe back on and went to Whitney’s door looking out the peephole—the hall
way was clear but when he opened the door, he heard loud banging coming from the apartment door several doors down as someone pounded against the door from the inside.

  “What’s going on?” Whitney asked as she came to his side after putting on her nightgown.

  “Someone’s in there I guess…but why are they trying to pound the door to pieces from the inside?” Charles answered as he took a few steps toward the direction of the noise.

  That was when one of his neighbors—a girl named Valerie Osmond came out of her apartment into the hall to investigate the noises; right at that moment the door that the pounding noise was coming from splintered and a man covered in blood raced out straight for Valerie—to Charles and Whitney’s shock the man tackled Valerie and sank his teeth into her shoulder just off from her jugular vein. She continued screaming as blood sprayed all over the white wall interior of the hallway and Charles found himself lost for words as Zoey and Nicole opened the door to his apartment and ran to him and Whitney with worried looks on their faces—looks that changed to horror as they caught sight of what was happening.

  “Fuck…I’ve got to try and stop this!” He shouted as he raced into his apartment and tore at the cabinet close to the door.

  He finally got it open and took out a .45 revolver checking the ammo clip before he raced back out into the hall where the girls were; he pointed his gun at the attacker and pulled the trigger—the bullet tore a large hole through the man’s back knocking him off of Valerie for a split second. Charles was however horrified when the attacker got back up on their feet and turned to him and his girls and started coming toward them.

  “Stay where you’re at or I’ll blow your fucking head off!” He shouted as he pointed the revolver at the man.

  The attacker didn’t stop nor did he respond, he got closer and closer until Charles fired again this time hitting him in the upper chest just below the throat; the attacker screamed letting blackish blood pour from his mouth as he started to run toward them.

  “What the fuck is wrong with that guy?” Nicole cried from behind him as Charles once again fired his weapon—this time hitting the attacker in the head.

  He flew backward a few paces and lay still on the floor forming a pool of blood around where his head was, Charles carefully strolled over to investigate and he seen that the bullet had smashed through the front part of the skull and destroyed the brain—which was a sickly white color; further investigation of the body revealed a deep laceration that looked like some kind of bite mark on the attacker’s side.

  Nicole, Zoey and Whitney came over and picked up Valerie’s body as she seemed to be unconscious—Rebecca Lord who was the second other girl he was with came out of her apartment down at the end of the hallway and started running toward them; Charles looked at her with alarm as she neared them but then gasped in horror as her apartment door flew off its hinges and smashed against the opposite wall as another of the same attackers ran out of the room and chased after her—this one being what looked like an adult woman of her thirties.

  The whole left side of her face looked like it had been ripped off and her eyeball was missing, her clothes were covered with blood and she was missing her right arm which looked to have been ripped off at the elbow; another one came out of the room behind her—obviously in pursuit of Rebecca as well.

  “What the hell are these things!?” Charles shouted as he took Rebecca’s hand and they all fell back into his apartment where they managed to shut and lock the door just before the second and third attacker slammed into the outside of it.

  “They just busted into my bedroom from the balcony window and came after me—I barely had time to even get out!” Rebecca cried as she threw her arms around Charles crying.

  Nicole turned on the television nearby and flipped through several channels coming up with the same thing on each one—it was a blue screen with an advisory of some kind, Charles walked over and read the screen aloud.

  “Persons residing in domestic and rural locations are advised to lock their doors and to not attempt to reach friends, neighbors or family members; the greater Wichita area as well as many others around the country this morning are under martial law as the officials decide on what the next step will be. Stay tuned for your local report.”

  “What the hell does that mean—what’s going on?” Zoey asked as she and Whitney worked to clean the blood from Valerie’s wounds.

  Charles was just about to change the channel when the local news report suddenly came on and a male news anchor that looked to be swamped with piles of papers started talking.

  “Good morning viewers—as many of you are probably wondering, we have a serious situation going on here this morning in Wichita as with much of the rest of the country; reports of assailants attacking and eating victims have been pouring in the past hour and the local police and rescue officials have been swamped with calls, no word yet from Washington but our own Karen Johnson is down at JC Memorial Hospital with details—are you there Karen?” The male news anchor asked as he held onto his earpiece with his left hand as the picture switched to that of a dark headed female reporter.

  “Yes Neil—I’m here at JC Memorial Hospital where much of the staff was called in early as victims sporting bites and other injuries started pouring in over the last hour. We are being told that a number of these victims have died from their injuries and have been moved to the local morgue to await funeral services; I spoke with a young woman seconds ago that gave me a detailed description of an attack—ma’am, could I get a statement from you again please?” The female reporter asked turning to a nearby young woman who was covered with blood and looked to have sustained a bite on her right arm, which was in a sling.

  “Well…I-I was coming home from work and this…man…ran out in front of my car and caused me to hit him as well as a parked truck on the side of the street…I regained my composure and got out to check on him—next thing I know the asshole bites me on the arm and tries to pull me underneath the truck!” The female victim stated with a look of hysteria on her face.

  “You say that this man bit you?” The female reporter asked as she glanced at the camera and then back at the victim with a look of disbelief.

  “Yeah…I know this sounds crazy but there’s no way that was a normal living person…it…it looked like some kind of zombie.” The female victim answered.

  The female reporter looked to roll her eyes as the scene switched back to the male news anchor at the studio.

  “I have been recently informed that a list of rescue stations and relief centers have been posted—I’m putting them on the bottom of the screen; all the details you’ll need to know will be there. Further reports as of moments ago state that the military has been mobilized to many of the large cities; the Secretary of Defense had this to say moments ago at a press conference in Washington.” The male news anchor stated as the picture switched to that of the conference room at the White House.

  “As of 4am this morning, martial law has been put into effect nationwide and persons holing up at private residence are advised to no longer do so no matter how well stocked or defended they are—the assailants are described as slow moving at first but will chase after victims with bursts of speed; they are described by witnesses to eat the flesh of those they attack and the only known way to stop them at this time is by severing the cerebral cortex from the spine or incapacitating the brain—either with a blow to the head by a blunt object or simply put—a bullet to the head. The CDC in Atlanta state that this string of events is most likely tied to the biohazard containment incident in Oklahoma City a few weeks ago—persons have yet to be identified as to claiming responsibility for the incident and at this time it is unclear as to whether or not it was an act of terrorism.” The Secretary of Defense stated as camera flashes constantly lit up the screen.

  “Mr. Secretary—is it remotely possible that an airborne virus of some sort could be responsible?�
�� A reporter called as there was another surge of camera-flashes.

  “None that I am currently aware of—although a representative of the CDC will be along shortly to answer more questions.” The Secretary of Defense answered as the conference looked to be wrapped up.

  It was at that moment that several different gunshots rang out from the city outside and as Charles, Zoey and Nicole all ran to the balcony window to look out they seen that a pickup truck was racing through the street below with what looked like several rednecks in the back with rifles—they were shooting at dark figures who ran toward the truck as it passed by buildings and slowed to turn onto side streets.

  “Shit—we’ve got to get down there!” Charles shouted as he ripped the robe off and put on a pair of dark gray cargo pants and a dirty white tee shirt.

  “Why baby—shouldn’t we stay up here where it’s relatively safe?” Zoey asked as she embraced him.

  “Guys…we’ve got to do something…she’s not breathing!” Rebecca shouted from the bed behind them where Valerie was laying.

  They turned to look at Valerie who looked lifeless and limp and then Charles turned back to the balcony to where the sounds of the gunfire could still be heard.

  “Further more reason to leave this apartment—so we can get her some help; she’s not going to survive if she stays here and none of us have any knowledge of first aid.” Charles stated as he stood facing Zoey, Nicole and Whitney as well as Rebecca who had come to stand in their small circle.

  That was when Whitney let out a painful scream as suddenly Valerie leapt onto her back tearing into the side of her throat with her teeth—Charles and the other girls looked in horror at Valerie as she tore chunks of flesh from Whitney’s body before Whitney collapsed to the floor—her body and limbs twitching as she went into shock.

  “No!” Charles shouted at the top of his lungs as he pointed his .45 revolver toward what had formally been Valerie and pulled the trigger firing a round that hit the floor just inches from the now lifeless body of Whitney.


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