Black Clover

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Black Clover Page 4

by Celia Crown

“It doesn’t feel good?” I wince, I know for a fact that this is too good to be true.

  She scolds at me with a tap on my nose, she smooths away those stray pieces of my hair. “Now, why would you go and say something like that? You’re in shock, but you’ll be so happy later. I say a room full of male strippers is a great celebration.”

  A growl comes from Damon and he encloses his hand around my neck in a possessive hold.

  Fawn cocks an eyebrow at Damon, but my body is getting too comfortable in his presence and my body is used to his touches as I continue our conversation. “This is a hint of something bad is going to happen soon.”

  “My sweet marshmallow, your luck is so bad that it’s good.” she rolls her shoulders and laces our fingers together.

  Falcon chimes in with his deep voice, hovering over Fawn like a mother hen. “Is that why you call Miss. Evans ‘Black Clover’?”

  Fawn nods, running her palm down the rows of bumps on the silver case before setting it down at the table.

  I don’t want to know how Mr. Falcon knows my last name or why he’s called Falcon. Las Vegas people are odd.

  “You should see how horrible her luck is. Whatever she doesn’t want, she gets it. Whatever she wants, she also gets.” Fawn explains, turning to Falcon and drags her long nails down his cotton shirt.

  I feel like I’m turning into a third-wheel with Damon being the fourth as they flirt through electric eye contacts.

  “That’s not bad luck.” Falcon comments.

  A strong arm curls itself around my waist, dragging me back to a solid wall of muscles. I swallow a squeak and I want to turn around to ask him if Damon has something against space between us because he’s always touching me. Not that I’m complaining, but my pride as an adult who lives off of microwavable mac and cheese wants to show him that I can take care of myself.

  Even if I’m lowkey lactose intolerant.

  I get tummy aches if I drink more than a small cup of milk. At least I don’t get explosive diarrhea, I consider myself very lucky. Also, not very lucky because over half of the food varieties have dairy in them.

  “It is when all my darling girl wants is peculiar things. She once wanted a parrot, she got a parrot and a pigeon nesting in front of our balcony window. It’s noisy and it’s the scariest thing I’ve seen.” Fawn shudders with her hands rubbing her arms furiously.

  I raise my hand and glances towards the large windows. “I can attest to that.”

  It’s after midnight and the logical part of me tells me to be responsible.

  I want to stay in the embrace of Damon’s arm, but at the same time, I really should get away. No matter how much of a connection that sparked between us, it’s still open waters as of now. This is still mine and Fawn’s spring break, I have heard of stories of horror, humiliation, and heartbreak in just a span of one week.

  I prefer to not leave with a bleeding heart.

  What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

  “We should go,” I suggest and Fawn nods in agreement with a grin. I can tell she doesn’t want to leave the man she has a connection to, but I also know that Fawn is a hopeless romantic with a strong need for independence and freedom.

  The arm tightens around my waist and I’m wrenched around to face Damon’s angry eyes. I’m taken back by that strong reaction, and a part of me wants to take it back because I don’t want to leave either.

  “We need to talk.” my ears pick up Falcon’s voice as Fawn is hauled into another room for their private conversation.

  As soon as the door closes with a sounding click of the lock, I’m thrown against the wall and he’s on me before I could spare a thought. The thud on the back of my head from the wall is not painful, or I’m too surrounded by him to notice.

  He’s everywhere and simultaneously overwhelming me to have the ability to think, I think his goal is to not let me be coherent as his soft lips slant down on mine. His big hands cover my jaw and face when he yanked my lips towards him, giving him all access to my control.

  His hot tongue pries my teeth open and dominates my tongue in a passionate kiss that devours my strength. I hold onto his wrist—to move away or pull him closer, I don’t know. My answer is in the middle of processing when his knees lodge in between my thighs and he’s so much taller than me that I had no choice but to grind down on his muscled thigh. The roughness of my jeans and the tense muscles of his leg causes jolts of pleasure going to my clit.

  A moan tumbles out uncontrollably, my knees shake with a wavering cry as he shifts his knee further up. The intense scrape on my little bundle of nerves has my nails digging into his hand and tears springing from my eyes.

  It’s so good, my pussy is dripping with desire, soaking my dark jeans as my hips rock back and forth to feel more. Damon bites my bottom lip, his wet tongue swipes after his teeth as he dives in again for another round of domination.

  My nipples tighten, tingling sensation on my toes forces me to remember that I’m almost on my tip-toes at how desperate I want him to kiss me more.

  Damon gives me one last full kiss on my redden lips before inching backward. A noise of protest trickles out like a little mewl, my glossy eyes take in his appearance. His green eyes darken to such deep emerald that it frightens me at how much sinful desire twirls in them.

  “How foolish of you to think I’ll let you go.” he snarls, a hoarse rumble resonates.

  I’ve only seen that look directed at Fawn, no one spares me a second glance unless they want something from me that inadvertently relates back to Fawn.

  He looks at me like I’m something special, and believing it is a little hard.

  I want to believe that this perfection of a man would want little old me; he’s capable and self-sufficient with the ability to run a multimillion-dollar business and be the head of security. I, on the other hand, is a mess. A girl with student loans, living off fast-food and have trouble taking care of herself without getting hurt in a span of one hour. I’m not exactly companionship material.

  His voice is gravelly and husky when he speaks, “This is our connection. I have never wanted anyone more than I want you.”

  I shake my head as much as his grip allows.

  “I will convince you that what we feel is special—what I feel for you goes beyond infatuation. You have me obsessed the moment I saw you, and don’t you dare deny that you want me too.” he hisses, stroking my cheek with phantom fires licking my clit as my thighs try to clench shut.

  Words are not forming in my mouth as it’s dry like cotton, I want him to know that I feel the same way. I’ve never felt this scorching heat in my stomach, it’s all too consuming. The commitment in his words are sturdy like the built of his colossal body, I’m starting to believe him.

  “The things I want to do to you is not to be taken lightly, I will have you.” Damon purrs, he drops a hand down to my hip and presses his thumb to my pelvic bone.

  “Your body.” a teasing finger breaches into my shirt and touch the softness underneath, my muscles jump at the contact.

  “Your heart.” he lines my heart to his ribs as my ear presses on top of his own thumping heart.

  “Your soul.” Damon’s other hand on my cheek slides to my hair and fists the bottom of my hair bun, my head is tipped to his favor as he drops a kiss on my temple.

  My lashes flutters, fanning his cheek as he lingers right beside my eye.

  “You are mine.”

  My heart soars at his words as my hands shake with dizziness clouding my eyes, Damon’s intensity violates every aspect of me that I want to surrender myself to him and let him do whatever he wants with me.

  “Say it,” he commands in my ear, his hot breath breathing down my neck with shivers leaving chills in their wake on my skin.

  He moves back just a fraction and waits for me.

  I do say it, I’m unable to stop myself. I should fear the power he has over me, this brute of a man who I’ve just met is declaring his ownership on me that the possessiveness underto
ne sinks their hooks into my ensnarled soul.

  I whisper, drunk on his attention. “I’m yours.”

  Emerald eyes darken.

  It’s fascinating how gorgeous that shade of green is. It can go from mesmerizing to sinful hunger with thrills of aches eating away my inhibition. He’s going to take my everything and I wouldn’t stop him, I want him to have me in ways that transcend this world’s brittle concept of romance.

  “I’m yours,” he says back.

  He cups my hand and guides it down to the pulsing bulge; his big hand closes my smaller one around his throbbing cock and I hold back a yelp of mortification as a drop of wetness slips out of my pussy.

  “This is yours too.”

  My cheeks are burning too hotly that I can physically feel the heat as I avoid his eyes to focus on the shirt that stretches distractingly wide over his chest. A strong twitch from his cock against my palm has my hand squeezing it in curiosity, his throat rumbles pleasantly.

  Just when I find more words on my tongue to say anything because this entire situation is crazy, but I wouldn’t have it any other way, a beep from his row of computers snaps my attention away from his big cock.

  Instinctively, I move my hand away, but his hand keeps mine firmly on the bulge. Another beep rips a growl from his throat as he closes his eyes, his chest heaves in a deep breath. Whatever that beep means, it’s probably serious enough for Damon to shift his attitude from a starving man to a calculated businessman.

  “Do not assume this is over, I’m not done with you.” Damon pulls me into a kiss, molding our lips together like his key to my locked resistance.

  He leans in for a cheek kiss and opens his mouth to bite softly on my round cheek. Pain explodes on my skin as I stay frozen in shock because this savage man just bit me!

  I whimper when he releases his teeth to look at me, my big eyes gazing so frighteningly teary at him.

  “I want you right here when I come back.” there’s a fair warning behind his words and I am not going to ask it. The less I know the better.

  My cheek throbs dully as I stare at him with so much defensiveness in me. This man just bit me and now he’s giving me orders to stay.

  No, thank you. I don’t want to get bitten again, I know from the bottom of my heart that one of my titles is now ‘chew toy’.

  Though, I don’t tell him that. I tell him what he wants to hear.

  “Okay, I’ll stay.”

  It should be convincing enough because he steps back when the door opens to reveal Fawn and Falcon. They are both disheveled with tossed hair and crooked clothes, Fawn’s lipstick is smeared and there’s no redness on Falcon’s face.

  Okay, nope. She’s not going to kiss my cheek anytime soon. Fawn can keep her dick-sucking lips to herself.

  Yes, I believe that’s what people call it.

  I clear my throat and use the excuse of smoothing my shirt wrinkles away to not look at the three of them as Damon says something to Falcon.

  His fingers pinch my unbitten cheek and I whine lowly.

  “Remember what I said.” Damon glares and I pout extra hard at him.

  What did my cheeks ever do to him to receive this abuse?

  “Boss,” Falcon calls and Damon releases the freshly squeezed flesh.

  My hand rubs the sharp pricks and my bottom lip juts out. Fawn comes to stand next to me and casually fixes her dress as it’s so high up her thighs that I’m surprised it’s not showing her panties.

  “Nothing happened.” I cough.

  Fawn’s sarcasm is clear, “Same here.”

  Chapter Six


  Of fucking course it’s the FBI.

  I leave the girls on the top floor as Falcon and I take the elevator down, my phone relays the information of the security videos of police swarming in my casino. The other guards that are on the ground floor stand tall like I’ve taught them, and they won’t utter a word without my permission.

  I get down to the bottom floor and I come face to face with the head of the task force, I steer my expression to cold and uncaring as I know this raid is another tactic to jam up my business. This isn’t the first time the police have done this, they have had it out for me the first day I opened this casino.

  “We have a report of underage gambling and this is a warrant to search the premises.” The head of the FBI, Boris flings a piece of folded white paper to my chest.

  I catch it and opens the search warrant, I read the fine print carefully and it is signed by a judge with probable cause. The dates and location are correct so I can’t tell them no, but there is one thing going for me.

  “I will also need your surveillance videos.” Boris condescendingly smirks at me with smugness on his face.

  I wave the paper in his face, “This warrant doesn’t cover my security cameras.”

  He grounds his teeth with a face twisted in fury, “Are you obstructing justice?”

  I know he has no right to my videos and he knows it too, he’s abusing his authority as a police officer and I’m not a man easily intimidated. I’ve had enough surprise searches to cover my grounds, I don’t allow illegal activities on my territory, but this Boris guy has a grudge against me for reasons I can’t figure out.

  I’ve never seen him before the first time he raided my casino. I have never heard of him or even know people who are associated with him. If I were to hazard a guess, I’d say he’s trying to catch his big break and move up the law enforcement ladder.

  Taking down Las Vegas’ biggest casino is the way to go.

  The only illegal thing I’ve done was to let my Chloe play poker, but that’s with me by her side so I don’t see it as illegal because she only flipped cards or threw in chips when her friend told her to.

  To my knowledge, Chloe is just innocently flipping cards.

  I don’t regret letting her play because that was the first time I’ve seen someone who’s never played a single game of anything in her life have the best set of cards in her hand without even looking at them once.

  I’ve also gained knowledge about Chloe, that’s all I care about. The more I know about the better I can adjust my presence in her life.

  “You have no permission to have my surveillance,” I remind the foolish man and walks away.

  Boris swears and stomps off with a bark of order to the agents around him to spread out and toss every single corner.

  Falcon points out that the police report of underage gambling is most likely from a concerned citizen when they saw Chloe on the poker table. She was getting too much attention for my liking.

  Chloe looks and is too young to be near this place. Fate works in funny ways, bringing a girl with so much bad luck to a place that thrives on the god of fortune. Superstition is a common thing I see when I patrol the grounds, people with all kinds of lucky items range from bizarre to ordinary objects.

  This could be a side effect of having Chloe here, that girl Fawn has mentioned Black Clover, which is a nickname for Chloe because of unfortunate events.

  My eyes watch the patrons get their statements taken down by the officers, I’m not fluent in reading lips but I can see some words that come out of their mouths. It’s just standard answers of their name and contact information.

  As a habit, I glance down on my wrist for the time. I realize I don’t have my watch, I only wear them when I’m dressed in a suit. Patrolling on the casino grounds is best without amenities just in case I need to get physical, it would only hinder me when I toss out people.

  Impatience plagues at me as I cross my arms over my chest, standing off to the wall as I tap my finger on my arm while watching as men with FBI logo attached on their back move from one place to another.

  This useless search won’t yield any forbidden fruit, the only sinful thing in this place is Chloe. So young and ready for my taking and I will take it as soon as these buffoons leave my place.

  I keep thinking about Chloe and I itch to bite those chubby cheeks, I prefer to leave my mark on
her thighs because she’ll feel it and think of me eating her pussy like my last meal.

  My tongue flicks out and swipes the bottom of my lip. She would be so sweet and prettily spread out for me to indulge myself in her moans. Thinking about her splayed and begging for my cock to split her small pussy open like the beast I am, I’m two seconds away from running back upstairs and take her there.

  Fuck the FBI.

  All I need is Chloe.

  Her sweet little body is going to be sore by the time I’m done with her.

  My cock gives an interested twitch, blood pumping furiously in me as I stifle down a lusty growl. My Chloe is so responsive to me, when I give her enough pleasure, she would listen like a good little girl for me. She would do everything and say whatever I want.

  “I’m yours,” she had said earlier and damn, it still makes the barbarian in me purr with exhilaration.

  What it feels like hours of people going in and out of the elevator to search every floor, my patience is gone. I’m done with this power-tripping charade as Falcon beside me is crackling his knuckles annoyingly as a sign of his exasperation.

  He has always been the more level-headed one with better patience than me, but I can see this is affecting him just as it is affecting me. He wants to go back to Fawn and I want my Chloe back, the last time I took my eyes off of her, she was gone like the wind in a sea of people.

  I never want to experience that kind of panic again, that girl brings out a different me that I didn’t know existed until I met her. Whether this new me has been hidden deep under my skin or it’s a new existence that budded the moment I lay eyes on her, this Damon Landon exists solely for Chloe.

  My face doesn’t betray the growing desire or the burning satisfaction of my hold on her, my feelings for her is hers alone and only she gets the privilege to see me like a love-sick man.

  She had a taste of how intense my passion goes, and she will experience the rest of my fiery obsession.

  “This is some blue moon shit.” Falcon’s unnecessary commentary makes me glare at him.

  He didn’t do anything to be the brunt of my anger, but he can handle it. This wouldn’t be the first time I try to set him on fire with my eyes, I’m certain he’s a sadist and wants to get burned by the way he acts when I’m furious.


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