Scourge of Souls: The Realms Book Four: (An Epic LitRPG Series)

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Scourge of Souls: The Realms Book Four: (An Epic LitRPG Series) Page 24

by C. M. Carney

  “Cuz he’s stupid,” Simon said, idly examining a ring.

  “It is likely that he forgot about them,” Vonn said. “The Barrow said Ouzeriuo had been in slow decline for centuries.” Gryph nodded at the logic. “Or maybe they’re all cursed,” Simon yelped and dropped the ring back onto the table.

  “Aw man, that would be just our luck,” Lex whined. “Find our first good score, but as soon as we equip it we contract junk rot or get afflicted with testicular torsion.”

  “I don’t want either of those,” Simon squealed, backing away from the table. “If things go according to plan, I may have a lady to romance soon.”

  “Errat does not want them either, even if he has no lady.”

  Lex looked from the lich to the warborn and then to Gryph. “You know neither of you guys have … how should I say this … the requisite equipment for that, right?” He waved a hand in front of his crotch to emphasize his point.

  Simon’s skull seemed to pout and Errat’s shoulders slumped. Lex opened his mouth seeking words of comfort but finding none he closed it again and glanced at Gryph with a ‘whoops’ expression.

  Gryph snorted in amusement and examined the ring, drawing a question into his mind. Is this ring cursed? An overwhelming negative touched the edges of his feelings and Gryph sighed in relief and then irritation. “Idiots, they’re fine. Nobody will lose their testicles.”

  “Apart from those who already have,” Lex countered, and Simon lunged at him. Only Ovrym’s interference prevented what Gryph was sure would have been an amusing tussle.

  “I suggest we focus,” Ovrym said, holding the two would be combatants at arm’s length. “And let Gryph work.”

  Gryph nodded his thanks to the xydai and sorted the loot.

  First up was a selection of rings. Most of them were not magical but made of precious metal and stones and would be a boon to Dar Thoriim’s future crafting economy. Gryph stashed most in his bag but gave Tifala several in case she needed coin in her quest to track down the chthonic warlock.

  However, a few of the rings were enchantments. He considered slipping the bunch onto his fingers like some wanna be gangster, but Gryph knew no man survived alone. If he hoped to save Brynn, his people needed to become powerful. These rings would help them do just that. The question was, how to distribute them where they’d do the most good?

  You have found a Ring of Spell Turning (Order Magic).

  Item Class: Base - Item Category: Active.

  This gold and iron twined ring bears a single white sapphire. Once per day per Tier of Order Magic mastery, the wearer can turn any incoming spell and redirect it at a target of their choice. Standard resistances still apply, and any Area of Effect spells will still affect the wearer if they are in range.

  Gryph tossed the ring in the air towards Vonn, willing an Identify tag to remain with the ring enabling the rogue to know the capabilities of the twined ring. Vonn snagged it with ease and smiled on seeing the ring’s capabilities. “I have a few ideas on how to make this useful.”

  “I thought you would,” Gryph said with a grin, several possibilities swimming in his mind. Gryph picked up the next ring.

  You have found a Ring of Anti-Magic (Thought Magic).

  Item Class: Base - Item Category: Active.

  This silver ring bears no ornamentation. Once per day per Tier of Thought Magic mastery, the wearer can create a bubble of anti-magic around them. This bubble will be 5 feet in diameter per tier of Thought Magic Mastery.

  When the wearer gets close enough to a magic user, the field will prevent any new spells from being cast unless the caster’s Intelligence + level in the applicable magic skill is greater than the user’s Intelligence + level in Thought Magic. All existing spells remain in effect unless the user’s Intelligence + level in Thought Magic is twice as high as the caster’s Intelligence + level in the applicable magic skill.

  He gave this ring to Ovrym. The xydai was already the party's most able fighter and was on the front lines of any conflict. Gryph had learned the hard way that enemy mages were the most dangerous threat and needed to be targeted first. This ring would make Ovrym an even deadlier mage killer.

  Ovrym tried to refuse the gift. After all he was the stoic warrior-monk type who had shown little interest in personal wealth. Yet, when Gryph shared the rings ability with him, the adjudicator grinned and nodded his thanks.

  Gryph turned Identify to the next ring.

  You have found a Ring of Death’s Door (Life Magic).

  Item Class: Major - Item Category: Passive.

  This simple ring of iron does not look impressive on the surface, but it can be a literal lifesaver. If the user’s health drops below zero, this ring will trigger and revive the user to a single health point. They will be alive, but at ‘Death’s Door.’ The ring will also cancel any debuffs or conditions that cause damage over time, including bleeding, poison, disease, etc. The user must attune the ring using their own blood.

  This ring was a literal life saver, and Gryph considered keeping it for himself. As a player he was functionally immortal, but when he died it took several hours before he respawned and he was always reborn at his last respawn point. The ability to avoid that inconvenience would make him even more powerful.

  But, it would also be greedy. None of the other members of his Adventure Party would come back from death. Wick's death had beaten that painful truth into him. Death was inevitable for all beings, likely even for him, but this ring could save a life, and save Gryph from having to watch another friend die.

  He held the ring out to Lex and the NPC mouth hung open on seeing its magic. “I can’t. Surely another is more worthy?”

  “Probably," Gryph said with a wry grin. Then his expression grew serious. “But Brynn said you were special, and I can't do this without you.”

  Lex nodded, his expression one of honest gratitude, and for once he made no snarky comments. It didn’t last long however as a snide grin grew across his face.

  “Do not rush an enemy like some damn death-defying action hero.” Gryph’s intense gaze stole Lex’s joy. “Say the words Lex.”

  “Fine, damn joy kill. I will not charge madly into the breach, guns a blazing.” Then he muttered something under his breath that sounded like “buzz kill.”

  “I can give the ring to Errat instead,” Gryph said and chuckled when Errat perked up like a puppy who’d heard its name called.

  “Fine, I’ll be a good boy,” Lex grumbled, but said nothing else and slipped the ring onto his finger. He cocked his head sideways and Gryph knew he was reading a prompt. He then scowled, pulled a dagger from his waist and sliced open his palm. The blood pooled and then moved towards the ring and leached into the cold, gray iron, taking on a slight crimson hue. He then cast Minor Healing on himself and the wound disappeared.

  He saw Gryph watching him and gave the player an odd grin, a thumbs up and then went to show Errat his new toy. Gryph looked down on the last of the magical rings and Identify triggered.

  You have found a Ring of Vampiric Draining (Death Magic).

  Item Class: Base - Item Category: Passive/Active.

  This black metal band bears a carving of two fangs below a pair of small rubies that resemble eyes. When worn, the ring will drain and absorb 5% (+1% for every five levels of Death Magic mastery) of the damage inflicted by a melee weapon of the user’s choice, up to the Maximum Stored Health limit. This damage is turned into stored health, which can be used at any time to heal the wearer. The ring can only pair with one weapon at a time.

  The Maximum Stored Health is 100 + 10 per five levels of Death Magic mastery.

  Current Stored Health: 0 Maximum Stored Health: 100 Cooldown: 5 minutes.

  It surprised Gryph that the ring did not feel wrong, or evil despite it being powered by death magic. It was then he remembered something that Tifala had once said to him.

  “No magic is inherently evil. Death is as much a part of existence as life. It is the intent behind the magic th
at determines the morality. I knew a Life Master who used his healing abilities to revive torture victims on the brink of death, so their torture could continue. Now tell me that is not more evil than the Death Master who helps people talk to deceased loved ones so they may find peace. Evil is never inherent in the power but exists only within the heart of the user.”

  Gryph kept the ring for himself. Not only would it act as a refillable health potion, but he suspected it would come in real handy with his new Blood Sacrifice skill. He slipped it on and a prompt requesting he choose a weapon popped into his vision. Without hesitation he paired the ring to his spear.

  Next were two magical amulets. The first was a straightforward Amulet of Healing that could heal 50 points of health three times a day. Gryph handed that one to Vonn. The second was far more interesting and had Errat’s name all over the description.

  You have found Amulet of the Aether (Aetherial Magic).

  Item Class: Major - Item Category: Passive/Active.

  This jeweled amulet resembles a closed eye.

  Passive Power:

  When worn by a user skilled in Aether Magic, all spells act as if they were cast one Tier higher in respects to duration, mana cost and cooldown.

  Active Power:

  Once per day the user can re-cast any Aether Spell cast in the previous ten minutes without the use of mana. Casting time is instantaneous, and this ability ignores any cooldown period or mana related debuffs.

  Errat’s eyes widened and like Ovrym, the warborn tried to refuse the gift. “This is too much for Errat.”

  “You’re risking your life to help me save Brynn. This is not payment enough.” Gryph stared at the warborn until he nodded and placed the amulet’s chain over his head. He then grinned like the bronze medal winner, just happy to be on the winners' stand.

  Next up were two smooth spheres of deep black. Each was around the size of a softball. Gryph picked one up, surprised at the weight. The muscles in his arms seized for a few moments before releasing leaving the barest hint of pins and needles. His eyes snapped to the sphere as Identify triggered.

  You have found Orbs of Far Thought (Thought Magic) (x2).

  Item Class: Major - Item Category: Passive/Active.

  Constructed from concentrated mental energy these orbs enable the user to communicate over vast distances using Thought Magic. To communicate with another individual, both must possess an orb. Other powers and capabilities may exist depending upon the powers and skills of each orb’s creator. You may discover these other powers through examination and experimentation.

  “Holy crap,” Gryph said aloud, drawing the other’s attention. He looked up and explained what he had discovered.

  “It’s like a telepathic telephone,” Lex said. “Can I have one?”

  “No,” Gryph said, instead handing one to Simon.

  “Hey, why does…” Lex began before the logic of the move forced him to get over his childish whining.

  Simon clutched the ebony sphere in a skeletal hand. His eyes flared with eldritch flames and he looked for all the world like the evil lich who’d once inhabited his skull. “You will use it only in an emergency,” Gryph insisted, a sudden image of prank calls filling him with annoyance. “And you will answer when I call. Understand?”

  “Fine,” Simon grumble and slipped the orb into the folds of his robes.

  Gryph was ecstatic at the loot he’d already Identified, but it was the pile of Spell Stones that made his heart surge. They gave off a faint silver glow. His stomach felt light. Can it be?


  Gryph picked up one of the stones. It was initially cool to the touch, but then a silver glow grew in the depths of the gem and the stone grew warm. His mind sensed the knowledge they contained, and he smiled. I have Soul Magic.

  You have found a Soul Shield Spell Stone (Soul Magic) (Extremely Rare).

  This enchanted stone will allow you to learn a spell of Soul Magic.

  You have found a Soul Rend Stone (Soul Magic) (Extremely Rare).

  This enchanted stone will allow you to learn a spell of Soul Magic.

  You have found a Soul Bolt Spell Stone (Soul Magic) (Extremely Rare).

  This enchanted stone will allow you to learn a spell of Soul Magic.

  You have found an Emancipation Spell Stone (Soul Magic) (Extremely Rare).

  This enchanted stone will allow you to learn a spell of Soul Magic.

  Gryph grinned as information about each stone filled his mind. Until now his Soul Magic skill had been an odd contradiction. It was his highest leveled skill, but due to his lack of spells in the sphere it was also the weakest. Apart from the incredible power of Soul Bind, the skill had essentially been useless.

  It was not much of a surprise. He only had the skill because of his Divine Perk Assimilation. Soul Magic was one of, if not the rarest skill in the Realms. There was only two, maybe three living practitioners on all of Korynn, he, Aluran and if the knowledge lay hidden somewhere deep in his damaged psyche, Simon. Now he had four Soul Magic spell stones that would help even the playing field.

  His mind jumped to his Lore skill and its perk Osmosis. Spell Stones were single use magic items. The user concentrated on the stone and if they had a high enough affinity for the sphere, they would learn not only the spell, but the relevant skill, assuming they weren’t already skilled practitioners. Once the stone was used, it turned to dust.

  Osmosis gave him a chance to learn the spells without destroying the stones, meaning he could give them to another for them to learn. He had held off using a pair of Perk Points on Osmosis because he’d had nothing to test it on. Better to keep the points in reserve until he needed them. Now he had the perfect need, but two considerations stayed his hand.

  The first was that Osmosis was risky. At his current tier his success rate would only be 40%. All four of the spell stones were Extremely Rare. For all he knew they were the only ones on Korynn. If he tried Osmosis and failed, those spells would be lost, perhaps forever.

  The second consideration was more sinister. Say he succeeded and by the luck of the draw successfully learned all four spells without destroying the stones. Who could he trust with that knowledge?

  He’d received a warning upon assimilating the skill from Ouzeriuo. Those who practiced Soul Magic walked a razor’s edge, and on either side lay a chasm of darkness and evil. Could he, in good conscience, spread the knowledge of such a dangerous power? And if he did who could he choose? Lex? Errat? Ovrym? Vonn? All were good men, but all fought their own demons, just as Gryph did. He would not add this burden to their souls.

  With a sigh Gryph made his choice. One by one he concentrated on the Spell Stones and learned the new spells.

  You have learned the Spell Soul Shield.

  Sphere: Soul Magic - Tier: Base.

  This spell creates a protective shell around your soul, or the soul of another. This shell prevents an adept of Soul Magic from stealing or feeding upon your soul. It will also reduce the damage and effectiveness of any attacks that target the soul by 2% per level of Soul Magic Mastery.

  Mana Cost: 40 Casting Time: 2 seconds.

  Duration: 1 minute/level Cooldown: N/A.

  This would have been helpful when taking on Ouzeriuo, Gryph thought with a grin which then faded upon realizing he might just need it in the coming battle with Aluran.

  You have learned the Spell Soul Rend.

  Sphere: Soul Magic - Tier: Apprentice.

  This spell allows a practitioner of Soul Magic to tear the soul of another being from their body. Be warned, this is considered an evil act by all civilized cultures. Your Reputation will suffer with anyone who witnesses the use of this spell.

  Mana Cost: 100 Casting Time: 5 seconds.

  Duration: Instantaneous Cooldown: 10 minutes

  A surge of oily queasiness filled him as the spell seeded into his mind. Soul Rend was horrific and the first truly evil spell he’d encountered since entering the Realms, regardless of Tifala's beliefs on the sub
ject. He made a silent vow to himself to never use its foul power. At least the stone no longer exists to tempt another.

  You have learned the Spell Soul Bolt.

  Sphere: Soul Magic - Tier: Base.

  This spell allows a practitioner of Soul Magic to fire one bolt of pure soul energy per 5 levels of Soul Magic Mastery. Like the bolt spells of other spheres each Soul Bolt does direct damage to a target at the rate of 5 (+1 per every 5 levels of Soul Magic Mastery) They will also weaken the target’s resistances to further Soul Magic attacks by 1% per level of Soul Magic Mastery for 2 seconds per level of Soul Magic Mastery. (NOTE: These penalties are not cumulative).

  Mana Cost: 40 Casting Time: 1 second.

  Duration: Instantaneous Cooldown: 2 minutes - 2 seconds/level.

  Finally, another offensive spell. So far he'd relied on Flying Stalactite for all his magical attacks. Soul Bolt gave him an entirely new means to deal distance damage.


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