The Vampire King: A Love Story

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The Vampire King: A Love Story Page 2

by B. A. Stretke

  Holding the warm mug in both hands, he took a long sip. It tasted just as good as he anticipated, maybe even better. It didn’t take long before he was tucking into the cakes and biscuits; his apprehension was completely gone. He didn’t get a bad vibe from the place. It was calming actually in its quiet, regal beauty.

  The place was old, but it wasn’t falling apart. The outside was a bit rundown but not the inside. It had an air of disuse but was well maintained, at least what he’d seen so far. Liam wasn’t sure of what to make of the statement that the Master would be in to see him later. It was probably just an old-timey way of speaking, or at least that’s what he chose to believe as he finished the sweet offerings on his plate and drank his hot chocolate.


  Arman checked his appearance a second time before stepping out of his private room. It had been nearly half an hour since the visitor, Liam Gabriel, had arrived. With each passing minute, the essence of the man’s life and vitality seeped into Arman’s mind and body. He could feel his presence in the house, and it was exciting him as nothing had in a very long time. It was too much to believe that he was the one, but it was impossible not to hope.

  The closer he got to the salon, the more he felt it, destiny. Liam Gabriel found Grande Belle. He came right to her front door during one of the worse storms of the season. She brought him here. She opened her eyes and summoned him. The magic that cloaked Grande Belle that kept it hidden for so many years welcomed this stranger. Fate had to have had a hand.

  He stopped at the archway and stared at the golden silhouette of the man seated near the fire. His profile was soft yet distinctive; his hair was still damp and curling around his face and ears so sweetly. “Liam.” He spoke, needing to voice the lovely and pleasing name of his adored most cherished beloved. Fate had not forsaken him; in his final hours, his chance had arrived.

  The young man turned in his seat and stared as Arman approached. He did not speak, and his eyes never left Arman. The sensation of those beauties trained exclusively on him was glorious. The pervading sense that he knew this man already filled Arman with the certainty that he, Liam Gabriel was indeed the one.

  Walking a little faster, he stepped up to the young man who was about to stand, but Arman bade him to stay seated by the fire and extended his hand in greeting. “Arman Rainier, welcome to my home.”


  Liam watched as the man approached, taking his steps with leisure and purpose, it seemed. He was tall and well built with a command that was not present in the previous gentleman. This man was in charge; it was apparent in every molecule of his being and in every glance and movement. This was the Master of that he had no doubt.

  As he moved closer and was illuminated by the light of the fire, Liam was shocked to discover that the man literally took his breath away. The cut of his dark pants was perfection, as was the refinement of his black cashmere sweater with the edge of a thin white collared shirt barely showing at the neckline. The white collared shirt shown beautifully off of the deep brown of his skin. He was a picture of casual elegance and definitely the Lord of the Manor or rather the Master.

  When he drew close, Liam attempted to stand as a show of good manners, but the man stayed him with a pat to his shoulder and then extended his hand. It was a firm hand with proper tension and friendliness that signaled a connection. It was strange, but Liam felt as though he knew this man, yet he was certain that he did not.

  When he spoke, his voice so deep and sultry that Liam again found himself staring at the man, trying to decide which was more fantastic his body, voice, or handsome face. His hair was black and wavy and kept close-cropped to his head. It was a fashionable cut and suited him well. His face was all hard angles and spoke to an internal strength of will and character, but it was his eyes that truly fascinated.

  They seemed to change color from brown to black to purple and held Liam in a firm grip. If this man had any idea the lustful thoughts coursing through Liam’s mind, he would probably throw him out immediately. Thankfully, he didn’t appear to be able to read his mind, and therefore his kind smile remained.

  “Arman Rainier, welcome to my home.” He said and sat down in the chair opposite Liam. He was gorgeous and much younger than he thought the Master would be. Arman looked to be in his thirties, and it was strange that he and the two staff would be living in this house on the edge of nowhere, seemingly cut off from most everything. They didn’t seem to belong here, and yet they did.

  Liam introduced himself, and they talked of minor things at first, such as jobs and where in Louisiana Liam was from. Arman was impressed with Liam’s freelance writing career and thought it innovative and profitable. “You garner most of your clients from the website?” He asked politely, showing that he was actually listening.

  “Mostly, referrals now that I’ve been around a while. The website still performs but not like other social media.” Liam responded and continued drinking his cocoa. It was too good to just set it aside.

  Arman also contributed to the conversation explaining that the home was an inheritance passed down through the family, and it was now his. He’d been there for several years and made his money through the stock market and investments.

  “Do you keep the road overgrown, so you don’t have people dropping by all the time? Is it to deter visitors?” Liam smiled, knowing that he would never have ventured down the two track road towards the light if he hadn't been lost.

  “The place requires a lot of work still. We have the interior pretty well set, but the exterior is still in need of repairs, and the yard, including the drive, needs some serious maintenance.” Arman leaned forward in his seat. “I’m glad the roadway did not deter you, Liam. It’s been a long time since this house has had visitors. I hope you find your stay comfortable.”

  “Thank you for allowing me to spend the night. I’ll get out of your way early tomorrow.” Liam wanted to make sure Arman knew that his hospitality would not be taken advantage of.

  “No hurry, rest, and we can have breakfast together. It would be best to wait for the weather to clear before venturing back onto the road tomorrow.” Arman then asked how he came to be in this rural area.

  “Esmee said you were looking for the golden iris and got turned around on the narrow roads.” He prompted.

  “I was, yes. I belong to the Louisiana Iris Society and was instructed to follow a lead sent to our secretary. She claimed to have gotten information that the golden iris, which is thought to be extinct, was in fact seen in the Abbeville Marsh area near Lake Vermillion.” Liam feared that his host might find his plant obsession tiresome, so he didn’t go into too much detail.

  “Well, you’re in the right place. Lake Vermillion is to the East a few yards.” Arman smiled, and Liam felt his heart pick up speed. There was something about this guy that just rocked Liam’s world. He wished they were on equal footing socially and financially speaking, and he could have maybe half a chance with this black Adonis, but they weren’t.

  Liam and his boy next door blond hair and sensibilities did not have a single chance in hell of getting anywhere romantically with Arman Rainier. The thought itself was ludicrous; besides, he probably wasn’t even gay. So, Liam would have to be satisfied with his active and vivid imagination which Arman would be staring in for quite some time.

  “Would you like anything more to eat or drink?” Arman asked, being the perfect host.

  “No, thank you. This was very good; hot chocolate is one of my favorites.” It was such an inane thing to say. Liam wished he could reach into the air and take it back, but Arman seemed okay with it. His smile was soft, and his eyes were kind but assessing. Liam didn’t feel that he was being judged exactly it felt more like an appreciative glance, or he could be wishful thinking. He’d love to investigate it further, or rather, his lustful imaginings would love to investigate it further.

  Esmee came into the room then, and the heat of the moment was broken. “Your room has been prepared. I’ll accompa
ny you, if you are ready.” She offered, but Arman had other plans.

  “I’m going to show Liam my conservatory, and then I’ll accompany him to his room. Thank you, Esmee.” Esmee smiled and left the room. There seemed to be something going on that Liam wasn’t privy to. He could feel it in the air, but it didn’t feel nefarious, so he let it pass without comment or concern at this point. It was probably just his natural paranoia kicking in.

  Arman stood and motioned for Liam to follow, which he did. He fell into step beside the man realizing then just how tall the man was. Liam was not short at five feet ten inches, but this man stood a good head taller than him. Liam just loved tall sexy men.

  Gradually as they walked side by side, Liam noticed that Arman had placed the palm of his right hand lightly against the small of Liam’s back. That was a move he’d not expected, but it felt natural. The romantic in him wanted to read reams of intent into that simple gesture, but he knew it was most likely to keep him on track in this huge house and keep him moving.


  Arman was finding it hard to temper his excitement under the circumstances. The moment he touched this man, the truth hit him squarely once again Liam Gabriel was the one. He was sent at long last to ease the suffering and to return life to this withering corpse of a house. The temptation to just take what was before him was monumental, and the strength to resist was near exhausting.

  Liam was not aware of the power he held over Arman or how hard it was for Arman to refrain from taking what was being offered. If he did, he’d be more careful with his furtive glances and sultry stride. His interest was there, and Arman could see it clearly, but he also possessed a reserve that kept him from acting on his desires.

  Their connection has been building from the moment Arman took Liam’s hand, the instant that flesh touched flesh, it all began. It was the way with true bonds, and if Liam had been paranormal, he would have known the significance immediately. But Liam was human, so his understanding and acceptance would come more slowly, but he was not immune to the magic. The need and desperation would overtake him just as it is now overtaking Arman.

  Arman took the opportunity as they walked the long hall to the conservatory to place his hand on Liam’s back and see what reaction he got. Liam did not balk and accepted the touch which Arman took as a step forward and a softening of the barrier that existed between them. He kept his hand there as they continued on their way.

  “I’ve studied the wild irises in this area for years and have cared for them in my conservatory. I have two examples of the golden iris of which you spoke. I hope to reintroduce it to the marsh next year.” He felt Liam come to life at the mention of the iris. It was what brought Liam to him, so he would never discount its importance, although his reverence for the flower was different than Liam’s. In Arman’s world, the golden iris was revered as a healing plant, which was why he always kept a few plants in his conservatory.

  “That’s fantastic. It’ll make my disastrous trip, not a total loss.” Liam smiled and then caught himself obviously fearful he’d said something wrong. “I didn’t mean to make light of your hospitality and the opportunity to stay in such a grand home as this. It’s just the iris was supposed to be the point of my mission before getting lost and all. I didn’t mean to offend.”

  “You didn’t offend me, Liam.” Arman chuckled softly. “I’m glad you found your way here and that I could offer you shelter, but I also understand your mission was to locate the golden iris.” He emphasized the two words and moved his hand in a casual way around Liam’s waist with his thumb resting on Liam’s hip.

  It felt good to have Liam in his embrace, and he looked forward to their growing and lasting familiarity. Each breath he took in the presence of his beloved was invigorating and life-giving. He no longer felt the darkness surrounding him, there was light, and it was brought there by Liam Gabriel.

  Relief filled Liam’s features, and he relaxed once again. “Sir, do you mind if I take a few pictures of your golden iris before I leave?”

  “Not at all; take all the pictures you want and call me Arman.” Arman turned and dipped his head, catching the sweet aroma of his beloved’s lovely blond locks. It was perfectly heavenly.

  “I have two plants, and both are flowering. My other irises include fulva and hexagona. I’ve also been trying my hand at orchids.” He explained. “There are many species of plants that grow wild in this marsh, and I’ve nurtured many in my conservatory.”

  His conservatory had kept him sane these many years. The flowers gave him hope and a sense that life still endured as he took it a day at a time, hoping and waiting. But now he had his beloved by his side, so handsome and sweet who would breathe vitality back into this existence. He no longer faced the end but rather a new beginning.


  Liam felt like a commoner here with the lord of the manor, unsure if he was acting accordingly or stepping outside norms. Arman was a welcoming sort, so he doubted he’d call him on anything since he was a random guest and would be leaving in the morning.

  It wasn’t as if he would be there for a week and was expected to fit in. No, he was a drop by, and thank God this place existed; without it, he would be stranded alone out there in the dark. Liam grew faintly morose at the possibility that he could have been stuck out there in the storm in his car, unable to find his way. No telling what the roads would look like in the morning. He could have been in real trouble.

  “Hey, why so gloomy?” Arman scolded gently. “What are you thinking about?” He asked with real concern. He was surprised Arman, a stranger, had picked up on his mood shift so quickly.

  “It was stupid.” Liam tried to brush it off, but Arman stopped and gave him a look that compelled him to explain. “I thought about what might have happened out here if I hadn’t seen your porch light. There’s no one out here, and the roads are treacherous. I was really lucky to find you, and even luckier that you took me in and let me stay.” Liam ran his hand through his hair and took a long breath. “I should have never driven this deep into an area where I was unfamiliar and at night in a storm. It was a ridiculous risk.”

  Arman took him by the shoulders and looked down into his eyes, making Liam feel like the most important person in the room. There was sympathy and understanding there in his gaze. Liam could feel it, and he could also feel an awareness that went beyond his excited hormones. It was a responsiveness that he felt passing between them an attentive and mindful understanding, something he’d never experienced with anyone before.

  A relationship and trust are things that develop over a long and close association. They don’t suddenly spring into being after a few words, a touch, and a sympathetic look, but that was exactly what was happening. He could feel Arman in his heart, and in his thoughts, he was someone he already knew. They had a natural rapport. Liam pushed his surprising feelings and their analysis aside and stared back into those deep golden-brown eyes that danced with subtle color.

  “It was unfortunate that you were put into a situation that left you anxious and afraid, but you saw the light, and you followed like any reasonable minded person would.” Arman reached up and pushed Liam’s hair back and cupped his cheek with the palm of his hand while trailing his thumb across Liam’s cheekbone. It was intimate but also comforting.

  “The danger is behind you now. You’re safe here in my home.” He paused, and Liam dropped his gaze for a moment, overwhelmed by the kindness, and then looked up at him once again. The awkwardness that Liam always experiences when getting emotional was not there. “Now come on, and I’ll show you my gardens.” He teased and wrapped his arm around Liam’s shoulders this time. Arman drew him up close to the side of his body with such ease you would have thought they were old friends or perhaps a couple and not having just met hours ago.

  They came to a set of glass doors and stopped. Arman opened them and stepped in with Liam still pressed to his side, and then he switched on the lights. You could see the wind and the rain beating against th
e panes of glass that lined every wall, but the calm and beauty of the room transcended that turbulence and effected a mood of peace and tranquility among the plants and flowers.

  “This is so wonderful.” Liam gushed as he looked around the room that was set up with three aisleways and rows of gorgeous plants. He spotted the golden iris immediately and took a few steps towards it before stopping. “May I?” He asked, making sure it was okay to approach. Some people were very sensitive about their plants, especially those that they nurtured themselves.

  “Of course.” Arman released him but kept a light touch on the small of his back, following Liam as he approached the iris. It was the golden Iris, and Arman had two of them. Liam’s enthusiasm for the flower was dulled only by the continued fascination he felt for the Lord of the Manor.

  Arman Rainier was still touching him, and although his fingers were light and barely-there, Liam felt them to his core. He wished the man would touch him everywhere, and with that thought, he forced his focus back to the plant. Pulling his cell from his pocket, Liam began taking a few pictures, acutely aware of the man standing beside him.


  Arman was thrilled with Liam’s response to his touch and nearness. He leaned into it at every opportunity, whether he realized it or not. The pull of destiny that existed between them would not be denied. He wished that he could just pull the gorgeous man into his arms and explain everything. Have him accept and forge ahead with their new lives, but the likelihood of success with that plan was low, so he would take it slow even as his nature pushed him to complete the bond. His course of action was to ingratiate himself and impress upon Liam a desire to stay.

  “You’ve done some amazing work here. Even in this cooling climate, you’ve managed to foster all these delicate plants.” Liam’s praise was a balm to Arman’s neglected heart.


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