The Vampire King: A Love Story

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The Vampire King: A Love Story Page 9

by B. A. Stretke

  His vision, so sad and so final, had ripped him to his core, and he had to go back. He had to be with Arman. That witch had scared him off; she had turned him against the only man he’d ever loved. That declaration, although only in his head, had him sitting up straight and reevaluating his decisions.

  He loved Arman. It was sudden and a little crazy, but like he’d always been told, when you know, you know. There was no question he belonged with Arman. No matter how dangerous or unsettling Arman’s existence, he belonged with that man. Liam didn’t care if he was a vampire or a ghost; he loved him. Arman was his beloved. He wouldn’t be so stupid as to lose this chance at happiness.

  He did a tight turnaround and headed back to the mansion. The witch was closing in on Arman, and he had to be there for him had to protect him. That was the only thought filling his mind as he tore down that narrow road in desperation to get to his beloved.

  The road quickly turned into the two-track that was hugged on both sides by the encroaching forest. The trees seem to reach out and clutch at his small car, making headway difficult, but he kept moving as the need to get to Arman was completely swamping any other thought.

  When the large tree to his right actually reached into the road and stopped his car, he knew he was in for some trouble. The mansion was only about five hundred feet away. He could see the entrance, but his car was not moving, and the longer he stayed seated, the more encased in branches the car became. He had to push on his door repeatedly before it finally gave and opened as the branches continued to tie themselves around it.

  Liam fell out of the vehicle hitting the dirt and feeling the scratch of branches encircling his wrists and ankles. He had to keep moving; to pause could be his end. He tore at the tendrils that tried to stop him and shouted for Arman in a desperate attempt to be heard and for Arman to know that he was there and trying to get to him.

  “Arman! Arman! Help me!” He cried out as the woods closed in on him.


  Arman sat in his chair and watched the darkness approaching. It was slow moving but swallowed everything as it came closer. This would be how it ended, taken and devoured by the witch’s darkness. Soon he would be too weak to resist. It may take a few minutes or a few hours. As he dropped his head back against the chair and closed his eyes, he heard it.

  It was a voice he thought lost to him. It rang through the air as he sat up and looked around, pulling every ounce of strength he had left to the forefront. Arman pushed himself to his feet and stumbled forward. He took a deep breath and focused on the sound traveling on the wind, soft but sharp in it’s need. “Help me!” He heard it and, in that instant, he knew it was Liam. Everything shifted, and his heart began to pump hard as he ran through the glass enclosure out into the side yard and fixed his senses on the location of his dearest beloved. Liam was there, and he needs him, and Arman would not disappoint.

  He ran for the edge of the property forcing the crawling dark mist to recede in his wake, pushing the darkness back as he searched for Liam. “Liam, my love, where are you?” His voice reverberated across the land as his magic roared back to life. He was soon joined by Russell running beside him.

  The power unleashed by Celeste was considerable, and she once again called on the shadowlands for assistance. The price of their service was not cheap, and she’d probably promised them a share of the magical plunder from the Grande Belle, so she had to fight this to the death. There was no other avenue for her now. Arman didn’t care, he would end her and her minions, but he needed to find Liam. He would lose his mind if he didn’t find him soon.

  He came to a stop just this side of the mansion gates at the end of the circle drive. There on his knees was Liam. He looked bruised and beaten but was also defiant. He continued to fight the things that held him. He would not give up until he got to Arman. Arman raised his hand and was about to incinerate the creatures that dare touch his beloved when Celeste burst forth, grabbing Liam by the hair and hauling him backward.


  Liam had fought his way through the barriers being cut and mauled as he broke through, making it to the gateway. He called out to Arman, and within seconds, he saw him coming thundering across the grounds. With Russell close behind, they cut through the creatures that tried to stop them with ease. The darkness was retreating as Arman stood firm, and his magic shown in his eyes and his hands. He was as powerful as had been claimed. Liam had never witnessed magic in action, and it was breathtaking. He only hoped he lived to tell Arman how sorry he was leaving and for not trusting him.

  Liam continued to fight the branches and mist that held him back, not stopping and pushing himself forward. He needed to get to Arman. He needed his beloved. Arman was rushing towards him, and Liam held his breath; Arman was going to free him, and this nightmare was about to end. Unfortunately, Celeste was not going to concede defeat even as her soldiers and guards lay dead around her, and the creatures from the woods had disappeared along with the crawling mist.

  She was alone, and her only option was Liam. She came from behind just as Liam was reaching out for Arman, and she grabbed him by the hair, jerking him backward onto the paved drive, the uneven bricks digging into his back as she dragged him a few feet before taking him by the throat and lifting him off his feet. She kept his body in front of hers, shielding her from Arman and his magic.

  Liam dug at the hand that held him trying to get free and trying to draw a breath, but she held firm. “Back away, Arman, or I kill him.” She snarled as she lifted Liam a few more inches off the ground. Breathing was fast becoming an issue, but he kept his eyes on Arman, who managed somehow to soothe him even under these horrific circumstances.

  She suddenly released his throat, and he dropped, but she continued holding him as a shield against Arman. “I love you, Arman,” Liam said with a ragged breath. He didn’t want to die without Arman knowing how he felt. The light in Arman’s eyes shifted from golden brown to a vivid purple, and he reached out to Liam.

  “I love you too, sweetheart.” He said, and with a flick of his wrist, Liam was ripped from Celeste’s grasp and tossed to the soft grass. He rolled several times to make sure he was clear of whatever was going to take place. Russell ran up to stand over him and told him to stay close to the ground.

  Liam watched from his place there on the ground as Arman took steady casual steps toward Celeste, and Celeste backed up, trying to keep the distance between them. She was frightened, and it was obvious she went too far, and now she wasn’t going to walk away from this.

  “You don’t need to do this, Arman. You’re stronger than I. Let me leave, and I promise to never bother you or your beloved again.” Her tone was shaking, and she kept looking around as if she thought one of her soldiers was going to rise up and help her. They were toast; all of them, even Liam, could see that.

  “We’ve been here before Celeste with you begging for mercy and making promises. But you never keep your promises, and I cannot risk having you continue to walk the earth.” Arman was calm, each word delivered with a coldness that chilled the very air around them.

  “I have my beautiful beloved, and I will not allow you to be a threat to him ever again, so your time has come to an end, Celeste.” She began to try and bargain and plead, but Arman turned his back on her, raised his hand, and released the darkness that had been idle at the edge of the forest. “Take her; she is yours.” He said, and the darkness enveloped her, swallowing her screams as she tried to run. It then disappeared back into the forest taking Celeste with it.

  The sun came out, and the air sparkled with freshness as Arman walked over to where Liam still lay on the ground with Russell standing over him. Liam had learned to follow direction in the time he spent here at the Grande Belle, and in the current circumstances, he wasn’t going to move until told to do so. “I’m so pleased you came back, my love.” Arman reached out his hand, helped Liam to his feet, and immediately pulled him into his arms. This was where Liam belonged, snug, safe, and secure in the arms
of the man he loved.

  “I love Arman. I needed to say it again, and I’m sorry I left.” He took deep breaths, breathing in the manly scent of his beloved no one smelled as perfect and wonderful as Arman. “I got scared and confused, and I was going to come back, and then I saw a vision of you sad and alone, and it broke my heart. I turned around immediately, and then all this shit started to happen. It was so hard to get to you, but I wasn’t going to stop.”

  Liam stretched up and placed and kiss on Arman’s jaw needing the intimate contact and the taste of his lover on his lips. “I want to bond. I want to be with you, Arman. I can work from here, and I can make you happy. I don’t care about the craziness around here. I’ll adjust as long as I have you.” There he said it all everything he thought about in the car and on his long journey back. He just hoped that Arman still wanted him because he just couldn’t bear it if he sent him away.

  He held tightly to Arman, who was still dressed in the crisp shirt and dark pants from last night, yet he looked delicious and smelled like absolute heaven. “Please don’t send me away.”


  Arman was elated by Liam’s declaration. It was everything he wanted to hear and more. Liam wasn’t coy or hesitant. He laid it out and bared his own soul for Arman. He was exhilarated. Just holding Liam every minute with him brought strength and light, and now he agreed to bond. It was perfect.

  “I love you to Liam desperately, and I am honored that you returned to me. Your feelings for me are such that you fought to get back to me. I am humbled by the trust you’ve given me and the bravery you’ve shown. You are my perfect match. I will never let you go. I will never lose you again.” Arman tipped Liam’s head back and took his lips in a hungry, desperate kiss that asked for the world and offered the moon. He wanted to show him everything he was feeling in that kiss.

  Seeing him with Celeste had nearly blinded Arman with a fury that could have leveled the area. He began to feel his magic, strong and vital, as soon as Liam yelled for him. He reached out, and, in that moment, Arman became the Vampire King once again. His beloved returned and is now offering him his love and devotion. There was never a more miraculous day than this in Arman’s entire eight centuries of existence.

  This was the beginning of all that would be good and strong and right. This was the day he would bond with Liam making him the beloved of the King and setting him before all and everything that has gone before.

  He pulled back and stared down into those wide expressive eyes and fell in love all over again. “I will claim you now, Liam. I will not wait for it is to be now.” He waited for any hesitation, and there was none.

  Liam nodded eagerly and released his hold on Arman, who instead swung the young man up into his arms. “This will be faster, my love.” He glanced over to Russell, who was already putting the yard back to right with Esmee's assistance.

  “Go be with you beloved; we got this.” He said with a knowing and satisfied smile. Arman gave a curt nod. Within seconds, he and Liam stood in Arman’s bedroom clutching one another in a desperate attempt to touch and be touched.

  Arman nearly tore the shirt and jeans from Liam’s body, not having the patience to wait even one more minute. Liam smiled and looked down at himself as his briefs also disappeared. “In a hurry?” he quipped and turned and walked very suggestively over to the large bed. They’d made love many times since Liam’s arrival at the Grande Belle, but this would be the one that sealed their souls together as one for all time. “Are you ready, my love? This will be forever no turning back and no changing your mind. You will be the beloved of the Vampire King.”

  Liam got onto the bed, stretched out on his stomach, and lifted his ass slightly into the air giving Arman a priceless view and setting his blood to boiling. “I’m ready. You are my beloved, and this is my home—no more doubts, no more insecurities. I tried to leave, and I couldn’t. My heart wouldn’t allow it. I want to be yours, Arman.”

  Arman disrobed and joined Liam on the bed. He rubbed his hands up and down Liam’s smooth, warm flesh, his back and legs, his arms and scalp making sure he was completely relaxed for what was to come. “You will be mine, and I will be yours.” He stated and gently but persuasively separated Liam’s legs lifting his ass a little further in the air as he did so.

  His beloved was a beautiful and desirable human with a heart that was big enough to include love for this aging vampire. He was truly amazing, and he belonged to Armon Rainier. “This will be fast and hard, I cannot wait for our souls to be one and for you to wear my mark.”

  “I’m ready, and I love it fast and hard.” Liam giggled, and Arman nearly came on the spot. He was discovering so many things that thrilled him about his beloved, and now he would be gifted several lifetimes to find them out.

  It was a quick stretch and plenty of lube, and Arman was knocking at Liam’s door. Leaning over him, raining kisses across his shoulders as he pressed inside that velvety channel. He’d never felt anything that felt as good as being inside his beloved wrapped and held so tightly. With a rocking rhythm, he continued to stretch him and prepare him for the claim.

  He plunged deeper but still maintained a steady rhythm getting him ready and making sure Liam’s satisfaction would be at its peak for the claim. The claim was a heady mix of pain and pleasure. “I’m going to go deep and come hard, and when I do, I will bite you here.” Arman indicated a location at the base of Liam’s neck and the juncture of his shoulder. “I will feed, and you will feel the bonding of our souls. You will feel me inside your head and your heart, and you will sense that you are inside mine. It will be euphoric, I promise.”

  “I trust you, Arman.” Again, Arman was struck by how much he loved this man.

  “Thank you, my love.” Arman did not wait and plunged completely inside, spreading Liam’s cheeks and forcing himself completely to the root. He held for a second and pulled out just as fast and then plunged again each time Liam moaned loud and with a depth of feeling that fed the vampire nature within Arman.

  He held tight to Liam, holding him in place as his cock slammed inside, stretching him wide to accommodate all of Arman to the root every time thick and long taking it all and crying out for more. The room was filled with sounds of their lovemaking so salacious and so satisfying. Liam did not disappoint, lunging backward to force Arman harder and deeper.

  His nails dug into Liam’s hips as Liam gripped the comforter in two fists, and Arman thrust inside and held himself for just a beat and then dropped down on Liam’s back and sunk his fangs into the spot at the base of his neck. He drank deeply of his beloved, filling his body and mind with the power only attainable through a beloved. It was sweet and exhilarating, and just as he finished, he plunged his cock to new depths and came filling Liam’s hole with his thick creamy essence. Liam was his, they were one, and nothing in this world could change that fact. No more witches, darkness, or loneliness. He had his beloved, and together, they would rule this world.

  Liam shouted his pleasure and stiffened, and Arman felt the warm seed pool beneath them. His beloved was trembling and panting and mumbling wonderfully flattering things. God, he loved this man, and he would never in a thousand lifetimes ever get enough of him. Arman stretched out his length on top of Liam and kissed the newly made claiming scar. “You are mine, Liam.” He stated with pride and wrapped his arms around him.

  “I am yours Arman.”


  Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this story. Please rate and review! -B.A. Stretke

  About the Author

  B.A. Stretke is a Gay Romance and fiction author who publishes through Dreamspinner Press, LLC, and

  B.A Stretke began writing as a hobby. He read his first Jane Austen novel as a teen and was instantly hooked. The age-old dream of being a novelist took hold. Now long into adulthood, and a few years as an editor under his belt, B.A. is a full-time writer.

  B.A. spends his days reading, engaging in sarcasm, and plotting the next storyli
ne, often leaving little head space for much else. He loves hiking through the Northern Michigan woods he calls home, often finding inspiration for his books. Writing and finding that perfect cup of coffee occupy the rest of his time.

  B.A. Stretke lives in Northern Michigan.

  You can connect with B.A. Stretke on his website:

  Follow him on Twitter @BAStretkeWriter

  Like him on Facebook! B.A. Stretke

  More Books from B.A. Stretke:

  Bay Harbor Wolves:


  Vampires of Blood and Bones

  Blood and Bones

  Stone and Steel

  Die Pretty

  Ezra’s Awakening

  Pittsburgh Vampires

  Meant To Be

  Bad Reputation

  Blond and Broken

  Master DuCane

  Love Is Danger

  Surrender To Me

  Eyes of Darkness

  The Vampire and the Witch

  The Vampire Next Door

  Never Let Me Go

  Dragon’s Blood M.C.:

  Apex: The Dragon’s Mate

  The Dragon’s Heart

  Loving The Hellhound


  The Bad Boy

  The Call of the Dragon

  Finding Forever

  The Dragon Twins

  King of the Dragons

  Rafe: The Dragon Knight

  Suffer The Knight

  Crimson Vampire Coven:

  ● Crimson Love

  ● Trusting Fate

  ● For Now and Forever

  ● My Vampire Lover


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