Raiya- Early Game

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Raiya- Early Game Page 17

by Russell Wilbinski

  You have found Nightshade Dagger, Rarity: Epic, Quality: Masterwork, Damage: 50, Durability: 250/250 - The Nightshade Dagger was used by the fabled assassin Nightshade to deliver the killing stroke to the second emperor of the Central Kingdom. The edgeis infused with a deadly poison that has no known curative, including high-level magic.

  Slowly, he replaced the deadly weapon on the shelf and rubbed his palms against his pants, hoping the deadly poison had not gotten onto his skin.

  “Don’t worry my boy, it’s a powerful weapon, but the poison is long since faded.” An elderly voice explained. Skree whirled to see an old man standing just a few steps away.

  “Holy crap! Where did you come from?” he asked, looking over the man’s shoulder, having covered over a dozen feet without he or Priestess hearing his approach.

  The old man chuckled politely. “Trade secrets.” He said with a smile. “You can’t run a shop in Theseldora without being able to keep a close eye on your merchandise.”

  Skree nodded at the dagger. “Was that reallyused to assassinate an emperor?”

  The old man nodded softly. “It was. Emperor Mirinthal was a slaver and a violent man so it wasn’t a big surprise that someone would hire the deadliest assassin in the world to end his reign.” The old man lovingly stroked the spine of the black blade. “One of my favorite pieces. I am Hagar, owner of this fine establishment. And you are?”

  “Skree.” He said, shaking hands with the old man, surprised at how rock solid the old man’s hand felt in his grasp.

  “And you my dear Kobold? What may I call you?” Hagar asked, bowing politely to the small lizard lady.

  “Priestess.” She said, shaking his hand like Skree had done. He took it gently, placing his other hand atop hers.

  “Truly an honor to meet one of the Fire Priestesses of old.” He said warmly.

  Skree and Priestess exchanged glances. “You know about Fire Priestesses?” she asked Hagar, her tail wagging excitedly.

  “Oh, yes!” He replied happily. “My father was a collector of ancient books, and one of my favoriteswas The Fire of the Priestesses. It was a fascinating read. Though I would be happy to ask you a few questions sometime, perhaps you can dispute the more…” he considered his words carefully, “incredulous claims of the author.”

  She smiled, revealing her needle sharp fangs. “Happily. Is there any chance you have a copy of the book I could read?”

  He sighed and shook his head. “Sadly no, they remain in father’s library. He made it very clear in his will that no books should ever be removed, even after his death. His collection of books is one of the largest and most valuable in the world, rivaling the Arcanus itself. That man knew more about Raiya’s history than probably anyone still alive today.”

  “I am sorry for your loss.” Skree said somberly.

  Hagar waved away his words with a soft smile. “It was many, many years ago, but thank you for your kind words. Now, what brings you to Hagar’s Emporium? If I could wager a guess, you are looking to refill your coin purse after a hefty purchase.”

  Again, Skree and Priestess exchanged a glance. “As a matter of fact, we are looking to do just that. But, how did you know?” Skree asked.

  “You won’t do as well in business if you can’t read a customer and their particular needs. Please, come with me.” He gestured for them to follow and led them to the back of the shop. With practiced ease, Hagar slid behind the chest-high counter and donned a pair of multi-faceted spectacles. “What do we have on offer today my boy?”

  Skree pulled up his Nearly Bottomless Bag and fished out a few things he wanted to sell. One after another, he retrieved items out of his magic bag, placing them carefully on the counter. Once he had laid everything out, Hagar retrieved a small clipboard and made marks as he divided everything into piles. He scribbled quickly, nodding and moving item after item into neat piles.

  “Okay, Mr. Skree, here is the bill of purchase - my offer for the goods you want to sell. Please review and let me know if it works for you.” Hagar slid the paper across counter, and Skree gave it a quick read.

  Steel Dagger - 12 silver

  Small Quartz Crystal x 3 - 12 silver

  Glittersteel Short Sword - 35 silver

  Steel Chain-mail Shirt - 15 silver

  Golden Idol - 19,000 silver

  Ebon-Tipped Spear - 22 silver

  Hardened Steel Breastplate - 54 silver

  Hardened Steel Greaves - 34 silver

  Heavy Hide Cloak - 15 silver

  Giant Eagle Talons x 2 - 100 silver

  Giant Golden Feathers x 4 - 40 silver

  Dark Steel Ingots X 6 150 silver

  Total: 194 gold pieces, 89 silver pieces

  He checked the entire list, noting that Hagar listed the values in silver. He did some quick calculations and was happy with the amounts. It was more than he had hoped for, but not nearly as much as he knew they would need. Time to break out the big guns. He looked to Priestess, who nodded her acceptance. He tossed the bag of gemstones onto the counter.

  “Are you a purveyor of fine stones?” Skree asked, nodding to the bag.

  “Stones eh?” Hagar asked. He reached under the counter and pulled out a felt lined wooden box and poured the stones into the container. He flipped down a set of lenses on the glasses, making his eyes appear comically large because of their magnification. He quickly sorted the stones, nodding at some, shaking his head at a few others. Even though Hagar was an expert merchant, he couldn’t hide his excitement at the Scintillating Fire Opals.

  “Do you have any more of these?” he asked, holding one of the fire opals before him.

  “A few more, maybe a dozen?” Priestess said hesitantly.

  “I will buy every single one you have, if you wish tosell them.” He explained, placing them gently into the container.

  Skree raised an eyebrow. “The Fire Opals? What makes them so special?”

  “They have two main uses - expensive jewelry for the prancing lords and ladies of the CK, and their real use, fire based enchantments.” He explained. “A Fire Opal can hold some of the most powerful fire enchantments, and a scintillating version of the stone is the grandest of them all.”

  Skree nodded, stroking his chin. “How much for the collection of stones?”

  “Hm.” Haggar looked at the ceiling, muttering under his breath. “To be blunt, a lot. More than I keep on hand, to be sure. The Fire Opals are worth 250 gold pieces each.”

  “Whoa…” Skree and Priestess said in unison.

  “Like I said - they are rare, and the ones you have are nearly pristine. The Diamonds are worth about 1 gold each, the Emeralds are worth much less, but are larger than the diamonds so also a gold a piece, the Rubies are some of the finest I have ever seen so I will offer 5 gold each. Adding the stones to my original offer brings the total to 760 gold pieces, rounding up.” He said casually as if the amount was pocket change. Taking in the myriad of shelves covered in goods, Skree imagined it was.

  “That seems like a reasonable offer.” Skree said with a smile. “Priestess?”

  She shrugged. “I suppose it seems reasonable.”

  “Then we have a deal?” Hagar asked, extending a hand.

  Skree shook it vigorously. “We absolutely do Hagar.”

  Hagar withdrew a leather-bound receipt book and scribbled a receipt on a piece of paper, tearing it carefully. He stamped it with a small device and handed it Skree. “Take this to the money changers and they will cash this ticket for you.”

  He checked the paper and grinned. “It was a pleasure doing business with you. Now,” he turned to face Priestess, “Would you care to have a nice chat about Kobolds and Fire Priestesses? I have fresh tea, water and my assistant should return with lunch shortly, which you are welcome to share.”

  She nodded politely. “I would be happy to share lunch with you. Skree, I will meet you back at the Boarding House this evening, if that is okay with you?”

  “Will you be okay on your own?�
� he asked, worried that she might get lost or worse, attacked by less reputable people of Theseldora.

  “Don’t worry about me, rumor has it I can be scary when I need to be, correct?” She asked with a grin that spoke volumes. He shuddered, remembering her savage expression when she burned one of Abrenacht’s followers to ash. “You’re right. I should probably be more worried about the people out there.” He said with a wink. “See you tonight my friend.”

  Chapter 23

  With their transaction concluded, Skree left Hagar's shop and headed straight to the money changers who exchanged his receipt for the listed amount without question. Skree figured seeing huge amounts of money passing hands involving Hagar was fairly common.

  Feeling the pleasant heft return to his nearly bottomless bag filled him with joy. Priestess had once again saved the day, and their journey would continue. If she was correct, and they had a dozen more of those Fire Opals, they would have enough money to establish Carver’s Bay the right way. Before that, he wanted to check out a few more things in town.

  Ever since he had arrived in Raiya, one thing had seriously been bugging him: where were all the health potions? In most games, health potions were everywhere and a major part of surviving difficult fights. After asking around the market district, he found the alchemist’s shop. Inside he found that it looked exactly as he expected. It was dark, smelling both earthy and floral. A small man sat hunched over behind a counter, busily grinding some herbs between a mortar and pestle.

  “Excuse me, but are you the proprietor of this shop?”

  “Nope.” The small man didn’t turn his head or acknowledge Skree’s question with any more information.

  “Do you know where I can find him?”


  Skree rolled his eyes when the man refused to say anything else. “Well, can you tell me where he is?”

  “Yup.” He said, continuing to grind the herbs in a slow steady rhythm. Skree waited patiently for him to elaborate but again, the man had nothing else to add.

  “Listen sir, I want to talk to the owner. Can you please put down the herbs and tell me where he is?” Skree said through clenched teeth. The man stopped grinding, and a deep silence filled the room. Skree waited patiently for nearly a minute before the familiar sound of grinding returned, breaking the silence.

  “Oh my god man, are you serious?” he asked incredulously. The small man sighed, setting his work on the table. Skree finally got a good look at him when he turned around, revealing he wasn’t human at all. Long pointed ears stood straight out from his wiry gray hair, his skin a soft, blotchy gray. He looked like an albino midget with a skin disease. His pupils were a deep shade of red and small pointed teeth stuck out from his nearly black lips.

  A stream of angry words leapt from his mouth and for several seconds Skree couldn’t understand the creature until his Rosetta Stone talent kicked in and he caught the end of his tirade. “… idiots with too much money and not enough manners.” The humanoid creature said, gesticulating wildly. He hopped down from the tall stool and marched toward the counter. Needing to know what he was dealing with, Skree used Analyze.

  Name: Dabbledust

  Race: Bog Gnome

  Class: Mage, level 11

  Profession: Alchemist

  Health: 260

  Mana: 580

  Stamina: 180

  Disposition: Irritated

  “Bog Gnomes are an offshoot of the traditional gnome race, living in swamps and bogs as their name would suggest. Because of their natural environment, they have a high affinity for herbalism and alchemy. Often mistaken for mythical leprechauns, Bog Gnomes are easily irritated and have been known to poison anyone that bothers them. Bog Gnomes earn 4 Attribute Points and 3 Skill Points per level.”

  After reading the prompt, Skree became concerned. Not only did the gnome have an affinity for poisons but it said they poison people who irritated them. Based on the Gnomes less than sunny disposition, he had done just that.

  Dabbledust stomped up a small step ladder behind the counter, pointing a tiny finger in his direction. “Listen here you giant tan bastard, I will shove a bunch of venomous bats so far up your…”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Skree said in Gnomish, or at least what he thought was gnomish. He had no way of know if Bog Gnomes spoke a different dialect like one the hundreds of Chinese dialects back on Earth. “I honestly wasn’t trying to offend you and I apologize, I was being rude. Let’s not shove any venomous anything's anywhere, okay?”

  Dabbledust opened his mouth to respond, then tilted his head quizzically. Without warning, the gnome clambered on top of the counter and grabbed Skree by his shirt, pulling him down to eye level.

  “Who taught you Bog Speech?” Dabbledust asked with a hiss.

  Skree held up his hands defensively. “No one, I have a gift with languages.”

  “Hag-scat!” Dabbledust said, shaking Skree by his shirt. “Was it Muckspitter? Saltlick? Who was it!”

  Skree rolled his eyes and sighed. “I have a talent that lets me understand and speak any language.”

  Dabbledust pulled him even closer until their noses were nearly touching. He spoke another sentence in a guttural, growling language. It took a second before his talent allowed him to understand it.

  Dabbledust had said, “You are a dumb human liar.”

  Responding in the unfamiliar language, “I am not a liar, though my intelligence is still up for debate.”

  Dabbledust huffed, releasing his grasp on the Skree’s shirt. He spoke another sentence, this time his words sounded pleasant, almost otherworldly.

  “My name is Dabbledust.” He had said.

  In the same soft tones, Skree replied, “And my name is Skree, it is nice to meet you.”

  Dabbledust nodded and paced the counter, a somewhat comical sight, like watching a toddler on a kitchen table. He was stroking his chin in thought, tiny bare feet pattering on the smooth counter-top. As if a moment of inspiration had struck, Dabbledust held up a finger and stood in front of Skree, smiling like a man about to pull a great prank. He opened his mouth and moaned wailing sounds that grated against Skree’s eardrums. Seconds later, he could understand the strange wailing words.

  “If you can speak Banshee, then I will give you my best primer on Alchemy.”

  Skree opened his mouth, letting the sounds flow from his throat, a screeching, awful sound that reminded him of nails on a chalkboard. “I will gladly accept your gift, but what is a primer?”

  Dabbledust’s smile faded instantly, replaced by a slack-jawed expression. “You really can understand any language, even those of the spirits. Very impressive.” He patted Skree on the shoulder. “And a primer is a skill book that will give you a large increase in your knowledge regarding a particular skill. In this case…” he said, pulling a comically small book the size of a matchbook from his pocket, “a primer on Alchemy.” Dabbledust offered the tiny book to Skree. “As promised.”

  You have found “Alchemy for idiots”, Rarity: Uncommon, Quality: Above Average, Durability: 12/12. Description: This Primer contains everything a fledgling alchemist needs to know. Try not to poison yourself.

  Skree grabbed the tiny book and looked at it with a smirk. “What is this? A book for ants?”

  Dabbledust bared his pointed teeth in a feral grin. “Everyone knows it’s not the size of the book that matters, it’s how you use it.”

  A moment of silence passed between them before they both laughed. Looks like jokes about one's manhood transcends the species in Raiya.

  “It is a pleasure to meet you Dabbledust.” Skree said, extending a hand to the small Gnome. Dabbledust raised an eyebrow in confusion, looking at the outstretched hand suspiciously.

  “What am I supposed to do with that?” he asked. Skree rolled his eyes and withdrew his hand.

  “Never mind.” Skree said with a genuine smile. He looked around the alchemist shop, taking in the organized rows of shelves and tables covered in a multitude of
various herbs. “So you are not the owner of this shop?”

  Dabbledust took in his surroundings with clear distaste. “No sir, this place belongs to an unskilled, unimaginative, unbearable, and unbelievably mediocre alchemist. No sir, this place belongs to a man who is so dumb, so moronic, so idiotic, so imbecilic that it's amazing he hasn’t killed himself yet. No sir, the magnificent owner of Herb’s Herbs is definitely not me.”

  When the human didn’t respond, Dabbledust noticed Skree looking over his shoulder. “And he’s right behind me, isn’t he?”

  “He is.” The man emerging from the back room said as he strolled gracefully into the room. Without missing a beat, he extended a hand to Skree. “Welcome to Herb’s Herbs. I am Herb the Magnificent, Alchemist Extraordinaire.”

  At his pronouncement, Dabbledust scoffed, crossing his arms and staring daggers at the man. Herb didn’t even flinch or acknowledge his petulant behavior, instead glancing at his extended hand, drawing attention to his offered hand shake. Skree reached out and shook in greeting.

  “I’m Skree. Nice to meet you, Herb.”

  “I apologize fine sir, Dabbledust can be hard to tolerate.” Herb explained, refusing to acknowledge the small Gnome standing on the counter a few feet away.

  “That is what all the gals back at home also say, if you catch my drift.” The gnome said, waggling his thick wiry eyebrows. Herb rolled his eyes, but still did not respond to the gnome’s off-color joke, instead he leaned over the counter conspiratorially, gesturing for Skree to lean closer. His gaze drifted to Dabbledust, then back to Herb. He leaned in, turning his head ever so slightly so he could hear the whispered words.

  “Dabbledust is a eunuch, burned his bits off in a bad accident. Tragic, really.” He whispered in a deadly serious tone.


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