All Revved Up

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All Revved Up Page 3

by Jena Wade

  “Thank you,” I said.

  Kayden shrugged. “It's the truth. I don't know what I'm going to tell him now.”

  “Why not the truth? I was an FBI agent undercover for many years, and now I’m not. I'm not going to take him from you,” I said to him carefully. “You need to know that.”

  He nodded, but his chin wobbled a bit. My scared little rabbit of an Omega was about to turn tail and run, I could feel it.

  “I need you to tell me that you understand that, boy.” In the past, Kayden had needed a firm hand to keep him steady and focused. I didn’t think that had changed.

  His chin lifted at that, and he stood straighter, as if on instinct. “I understand, Sir.”

  My body rocked with desire at hearing him call me Sir again.

  “Keep that up, and I'm not sure that I can contain myself. It’s been a long time since I've heard those words from anyone.”

  “It’s been a long time since I’ve said them,” Kayden whispered.

  Relief washed over me, curbing the jealousy that threatened to rear its ugly head at the thought of Kayden with another Alpha. “Oh?” I said. “You hadn't found yourself another Sir to keep you in line?”

  Kayden shook his head, then he met my eyes. “There's only one Sir who can handle an Omega like me, you know that.”

  My dick ached knowing my Omega hadn’t replaced me in that way. It was more than I could have hoped for. I swallowed thickly and willed my erection to subside for just a few more minutes.

  “Your safe words still the same, boy?” I asked.

  He nodded. “Octagon for stop, triangle for slow down, circle for go.”

  “Any of your limits or rules changed? I need to know where you’re at right now.”

  Kayden took a step toward me, his eyes never leaving mine. Once he was nearly touching me, he got down on his knees in one swift motion that would earn him some praise from me if we were in the middle of a scene. He met my eyes from where he kneeled at my feet. “Circle,” he said. “Nothing’s changed, Sir. My limits are the same.”

  “Hands behind your back then. Your form could use a little work.”

  I lowered the zipper on my jeans and pulled out my already hard cock. Kayden’s eyes never left mine, but he opened his mouth in invitation. When I placed my cock head at his lips, he moaned eagerly and sucked me in like a spaghetti noodle. Just seeing my Omega, my sub with his lips around my dick again had me leaking.

  He licked, sucked, and bobbed his head like an eager slut until he practically panted with need. He dropped my cock from his mouth, and sat back on his heels, breathing hard.

  “Something wrong, boy?”

  He lowered his eyes. “Please, Sir. I want you inside me the first time we reunite. I—”

  I didn’t let him finish, I already agreed with him and knew that I would comply. My want was the same. I grasped both his shoulders and lifted him to his feet, roughly, but not too much so. “I won’t last long,” I said.

  “I won’t either, Sir.”

  I moaned as another ripple of pleasure rocked through me at hearing those words from him. “I may have to gag you. I can’t hear you call me that without coming. Would you like that?”

  He nodded enthusiastically, but then stopped, looking to the ground like he was unsure.

  “What, boy? You need to communicate with me. It’s been too long for me to be able to read your mind.”

  “I want everything.” Kayden’s voice shook with need. “I want to taste you, want to be bound and gagged, spanked, all of it. But, tonight we might just… take the edge off. Fast and dirty. We can really play later. I need you.”

  “I feel the same, Omega.” I turned on my heel and lead the way to my bedroom. Kayden followed close behind me.

  Once we were in my room, I pulled off my shirt and jeans and Kayden did the same.

  “Get on the bed,” I said.

  He complied, hesitating just a moment before deciding to lie on his back.

  I grabbed lube and a condom from the bedside table, making a mental note to pick up more on my next shopping trip. If we were going to make this a regular thing, then I needed to be prepared. Also, I should look into installing bed restraints. My Omega needed those.

  Kayden spread his legs for me as I got on the bed, and I kneeled between them. I coated my fingers with lube, then put two fingers to his hole. He hissed in a breath. His hand went to his cock, jutting straight out from his body.

  “No,” I said sternly. “Hands on the mattress. Mouth shut. Understand, boy?”

  He groaned but complied.

  “Have you taken care of yourself over the years? Kept your hole stretched so it can accept me?”

  He nodded.

  “Did you think of me when you had a dildo in your ass? Or some other Alpha? You may speak.” I inserted one finger, and followed quickly with another, pushing his body as soon it was ready for more.

  “Just you.”

  “That’s good to hear. Are you ready for my cock?”

  “Ye—” He cut himself off at the raise of my brow, then nodded.

  “Good, boy.” I rolled the condom over my length, then lined up to his ready hole. I captured his lips with mine as I pushed in. His taste exploded in my mouth as his tongue met mine and my cock sank into his channel.

  The absolute feeling of completeness overcame me, and I stilled for a moment as my cock filled him. I was buried to the hilt, my hips met his, my lips claimed his. We were one. I was home.

  He bucked against me, his hands leaving their position on the mattress and going to my back. I let go, slamming into him. His nails dug into my back and our skin slapped together as we laid claim to a connection we’d lost.

  With Kayden, it’d always been like this. Hot and nearly out of control. That’s why we did so well together, we helped each other find our limits and push them to the boundary.

  “Please. Touch me, Sir, please.”

  I complied. Not only did I not want to torture my Omega, but I also couldn’t resist. I knew the feel of his cock like the back of my hand, but I’d missed it.

  I grasped his velvety shaft and pumped. Pre-cum leaked from the tip.

  Kayden moaned beneath me and he screamed. “Fuck.” He shot long ropey spurts of cum onto his chest, some even making it to his face. I slammed my lips down on his as I came as well. My hips jerked as my cock drained the last of my seed into him.

  Moments later, after I’d caught my breath, I rolled off him.

  “Holy shit,” I said.

  “No kidding. I, uh, didn’t expect to do that when I came over tonight.”

  “Me neither. I’ve never been able to resist you.”

  Kayden sat up, then stood. He went to the bathroom and came back with a cloth that he tossed at me. I knew our little game was over without him having to say it. In the past he’d always let me take care of the aftercare. I’d lost my touch, been too long out of practice.

  He pulled on his jeans. “You can come over tomorrow if you want to meet Jackson officially. He gets home from school around three-thirty. All the daycare kids are usually picked up by five-thirty.”

  I nodded. “I get off work around six. I can be there by six-thirty.”

  “Don’t—You can’t—”

  I raised a brow at his stammering. “What is it, boy?” I sensed he needed my permission to say what he wanted.

  “I would prefer if we kept the dynamics of our relationship away from Jackson. What I mean is, we need to present ourselves as a united front. So, I’d prefer if you didn’t call me boy.”

  I nodded. “That won’t be a problem.”

  He bit his lip and shifted his weight. “Thanks. For being so understanding. For this,” he gestured to the bed. “I’m going to go. Um… thanks.” He turned and ran out the door.

  I didn’t get a chance to stop him.

  Chapter Five


  I was more nervous about meeting my son now that he knew I was his Alpha dad than I was about any
thing else I could ever remember. Me. A man who'd done sting operations in three countries, sixteen different states. I'd taken down drug lords and human traffickers, the worst of the worst in humanity, but put me head to head against a six-year old child, my six-year old child, and my brain turned to mush.

  I thought about going home and changing out of my uniform, but I opted not to. Perhaps being a police officer would score some points for me. I knew that Jackson's friend Christopher liked police officers and firemen, perhaps because his Alpha dad was a fireman or maybe he just liked the profession. I had no idea. Kids confused me.

  I parked my cruiser in the driveway, behind Kayden’s red four-door Chevy. I got out. I could hear laughter from the kids in the backyard, so I went through the back gate. The dog was there, and Jackson was throwing a ball for him. The dog ran after it, wagging his tail. He brought it back to Jackson, then licked his face until he threw it again.

  Jackson laughed excitedly.

  I saw Kayden right away as I came into the backyard. He was writing on a notepad. He closed it as I approached. “Hey,” he said. “I thought your shift didn't end until six?”

  “It’s past six,” I said.

  He looked at his watch. “Oh, damn. All right, buddy, come on inside. We've got to get your homework done before shower.”

  “All right,” he said. Jackson picked up his glove and ball, then ran into the garage. He came back empty handed. “Is there anything else I need to pick up before we go inside?” he asked.

  Kayden looked around the yard. “No. Did you see that Officer Jefferies is here?”

  Jackson turned to me. “I'm sorry,” he said. “I didn't realize you were there.” He jumped excitedly and launched himself into my arms.

  I caught him. “Hey,” I said. How did you greet a six-year old? I didn't even know. Fuck. I was going to suck at this father thing.

  Kayden laughed. “Come on inside. I bet Turner can help you with your homework.”

  I put Jackson down and he looked up at me. His bright eyes shining with all the trust and love in the world. How had Kayden done this for the past six years on his own?

  “Can you help me with fractions?” he asked.

  “I think so.”

  “That will be great.” Jackson took off toward the house and I looked at Kayden.

  He chuckled at my expression. “Don't look so scared. You're doing just fine.”

  “Is it—" I stopped and then started again. “Is it normal for him to listen so well?”

  Kayden burst out laughing. “I know, right? You’d never expect that out of my offspring. It's normal for him. For other kids, not so much. Jackson is very well behaved. I don't know what luck the universe gifted me with a child that listens so well, but it did, and he does.”

  “Oh,” I said. “That's great.”

  “It is,” Kayden agreed. “But sometimes I honestly wish that he would throw a tantrum or disobey me just a little bit.”

  “So, do you think he'll be…?” I didn't want to say it, didn't want to stereotype.

  “Not necessarily,” Kayden shrugged. “It’s hard to tell. We’ll find out in due time. Sometimes he shows a lot of Alpha tendencies, and he is very much like you in that way. Come on, you can help out with the homework for real. Math is not my subject.”

  I grinned. “I'd be more than happy to.”

  Once we got inside, we sat down at the table. Jackson grabbed his book bag and pulled out a blue folder with what looked like five or six sheets of paper.

  “Is that all your homework?” I asked.

  He nodded. “Yeah, I have to get it done throughout the week. There's one page for each day. I'm not quite sure why we can't just do all five pages on the last day. Dad says it's better to get them done beforehand, rather than procrastinating.”

  That did not sound like the Kayden that I knew. “I'm sure your father is right. Best not put off until tomorrow, what can be done today.”

  “Hey!” Jackson grinned. “He says that all the time, too.”

  “Your dad is a smart man.”

  “Yeah, I suppose so.” Jackson rested his chin on his elbow and stared at his paper, pencil in hand.

  I read over his shoulder, looking at the problems listed on the sheet.

  “I just don't understand fractions,” he said.

  I sat down and started working through each problem with him, showing him some of the tips and tricks that I’d learned over the years. He listened intently as I went over the things I remembered from my days in school. Math had always been a strong subject for me, so thankfully it wasn't too difficult. After a few minutes he got the hang of it and was able to do a lot of the problems on his own.

  I lifted my gaze and found Kayden leaning against the doorframe, smiling at me.

  “What?” I said.

  “Nothing. It's just a really nice sight to see you and Jackson together.”

  “Yeah,” I said, “It is.”

  Jackson turned around and kneeled in the chair, leaning over the back of it. “Do you think I can stay the night at Alpha dad's house sometime?”

  Alpha dad? Holy shit. This was real. He was mine. I had a son and Kayden was back in my life. Holy shit.

  Kayden eyed me strangely, then grimaced. “We’ll see, buddy, okay? That will be up to Turner to decide.”

  “I can get a room setup for him pretty quickly,” I said. “The house I'm living in was only going to be a temporary situation, so I don't have all the rooms furnished, but I can have a room set up as early as this weekend. You can stay the night too, if that would make you more comfortable.”

  Kayden pursed his lips as he processed what I said. “We'll see.”

  “Dad, that would be fun. Have a sleep over with us!”

  “Finish your homework, dude and sit on the chair correctly, please.”

  “Okay.” Jackson turned around and got back to work. “Usually that means that he'll let me have a sleep over. He hasn't said an absolute no yet, so most likely we can.”

  I chuckled. “That's great, buddy. I look forward to it. But I got to get a little bit of furniture first.”

  “All right. Dad signed me up for t-ball, make sure that he gives you the schedule so you can watch me play.”

  “That sounds awesome, buddy. I can't wait to be there. You and your dad should come out to the softball game I have in a couple of weeks.”

  “Is that the one Philip was talking about, where the firemen play the police officers?” Kayden asked.

  “Yep,” I said. “I'm told it's a Millerstown tradition, and that the police officers always win.”

  Jackson looked at me with his head cocked to the side, a confused expression on his face. “Uncle Philip said the fireman always win.”

  “Well, we'll see who wins this year,” I said and ruffled his hair.

  “That will be fun. Can we go Dad? Can we go?”

  “Yeah. It's already on the calendar. Christopher and Ollie will be there as well.”

  “Cool. Me and Christopher can watch both of our dads play.”

  Jackson focused once again on his homework, and I met Kayden’s gaze. He smiled at me, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. Likely, the two of us had a lot of talking and planning to do before he was going to be completely comfortable letting his son stay at my home. Even though I was Jackson’s Alpha dad, I still knew very little about him or about being a father in general. I was willing to learn though, more than willing if it meant I got to spend more time with Kayden and Jackson.


  Once Jackson was done with his homework we put it away in his backpack. He talked excitedly about his classes and his teacher, explaining to me about all his friends and everything he had gotten to do this year. The minute Kayden told him it was time to take a shower, he immediately complied. He packed up his crayons and papers we’d been drawing with on the table and put them away. I had to chuckle a little at how compliant he was.

  Once his shower was done, he was dressed and ready for bed.
  “Are you going to read me a story?” he asked me.

  I looked to Kayden and he nodded. “If you'd like to, you're more than welcome to stay and read a story. We usually do two stories and then lights out, right buddy?”

  Jackson nodded.

  “Yeah, I can do that,” I said. “What kind of stories do you like?”

  Jackson’s eyes lit up. “Have you read Daddy’s stories? He and Uncle Ollie have a whole series!”

  I raised my gaze to Kayden. “No, I haven't actually.”

  “Then we should read those,” Jackson said.

  “Jackson, you've read those a billion times. Don't you want to keep going with the superhero series we’ve been reading?” Kayden suggested.

  “Yeah, but if Dad hasn't read your books, then he should get familiar with them. They're pretty good,” he turned to me.

  “I'd be happy to read them,” I said. “Come on.” I held up my hand and Jackson slipped his hand into mine. I swear my heart grew two sizes just then. This was my son.

  How many hundreds of nights did Kayden get to put him down to bed by himself? How exhausted he must have been as a single dad.

  “Go ahead and take a load off,” I said to Kayden. “I’ll be back down in a minute.”

  “All right,” he said. He kissed Jackson on the head. “Goodnight, buddy. Sweet dreams.”

  “Good night, Dad.”

  Jackson took me up the stairs. When we got into his room he crawled into bed and I sat on it with him. “So,” I said. “Where are these books?”

  “On the nightstand,” he said. “I keep all my favorites there.”

  Sure enough, there were two stacks of children’s book in various sizes. Kayden’s book sat on the top.

  “You like to read?” I asked.

  “Yeah, it's my favorite,” he said. “Dad says it's important for us to read every night. It starts good habits.”

  “That's true,” I said. “I like to read, too. I read mystery novels mostly.”


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