Master of Secrets

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Master of Secrets Page 3

by Sienna Snow

  Catarina must have noticed the attention Ana was getting and frowned, grabbing her by the upper arm and leading her to a side room.

  Jealous bitch.

  I wasted another twenty minutes in the ballroom before I slipped out the back of the mansion and strolled toward the boathouse the Trevolos had given me as my base of operations.

  Something crunched under my foot, causing me to pause.

  I stooped down and felt a lump form in the pit of my stomach. It was one of Ana’s earrings. Reaching around my tuxedo jacket and toward the back of my pants, I pulled out my pistol. Moving as quietly as possible, I went in the direction of the docks.

  When I got there, I found Ana’s shoes scattered in different spots, as if they were dropped in a struggle, and the usual boat docked on the pier was gone.

  Chapter Three


  * * *

  I stepped out of my jet and onto the private airstrip on a remote island nestled between the British and Dutch Virgin Islands.

  Adjusting my jacket, I waited for Spencer, the island’s manager, to approach me.

  Trevolo enjoyed a lot of pomp and circumstance, which meant I’d have to play my role to a T in order to get Ana back. From this moment on, I was Julian Bonaparte, hacker, drug lord, and all-around scum of the earth.

  It had taken Sebastian calling in backup to keep me from taking apart the Trevolos’ Italian mansion after I’d realized Ana had been taken. Then I’d had to deal with Briana Amici and her Solon crew, who were pissed to holy hell and blaming me for compromising Ana.

  If things had gone according to plan, we’d have known her exact whereabouts, but because of the unplanned abduction, we’d been at a loss. There were at least four auctions taking place at any given time and at varying locations across the world. The only place that was consistent was Catarina Island, Trevolo’s personal sex retreat. The sick bastard had named the place after his wife.

  It took a month of working in conjunction with Solon and Interpol to find out the location of where Ana was taken. And that was only the result of a communication on the dark web alluding to an amber-eyed prize available for purchase as one of Trevolo’s special jewels.

  I’d known without a doubt that they were talking about Ana. Those fucking eyes of hers were beyond unique. What I couldn’t figure out was why they’d taken her in the first place.

  Then a few days ago, around the time Solon was going to send in a team to extract Ana, I received a notice that it was time to visit the island for two weeks of “relaxation and pleasure.”

  After quite a bit of convincing, we were able to persuade the higher-ups at Solon to stand down for two more weeks. If they went nuts, years of work would go down the toilet. My job was to proceed as previously planned.

  Find out the exact date of the special auction, and who the key buyers were, bid on Ana, use her as my slave, and get the fuck out of the way when the agencies descended on Trevolo.

  “Mr. Bonaparte, we are honored to have you join us. Your bungalow is ready, per your instructions.” Spencer’s English had a touch of the Caribbean.

  He was native to the area, but from a different island. Most of the staff only came in for the days and left in the evenings. Trevolo only kept a loyal group of servants around at all times.

  I gave a nod but said nothing. I kept a bungalow on the outskirts of the island. It was a courtesy Trevolo gave me only because of my fictitious father and the power he wielded. In truth, the bastard hated me.

  I was an asshole and he was one right back. We essentially played a game of chess with each other, seeing how far we could push before the other gave in or came back harder. It was a fucked-up way to play power games, but that was the way it worked.

  “If you’ll follow me. Mr. Trevolo is waiting for you on the terrace with the other guests.”

  Spencer led me to a waiting Jeep and after a short drive, we arrived at a palatial white stone and stucco mansion overlooking the ocean. If I hadn’t known what happened inside its walls, I’d consider this the perfect island paradise.

  Trevolo used the island as a place to win favor with his business associates.

  He would provide access to his harem jewels through his harem auction and then each of the highest bidders would have a personal slave of his choosing to see to every one of his needs. The only rules were that those women were never abused to the point of needing medical attention and they stayed on the island when the guests left.

  The few women who left the island were the ones who came with the guests as their kept slaves and those purchased in the special auctions.

  Until now, I’d only participated in the auctions for his harem jewels. The open-ended invitation he’d given me had me and my superiors suspicious. Trevolo wanted something from Julian Bonaparte.

  Still, I was thankful for that invitation because I knew Ana would be one of the women in the special auction.

  I would pay anything to get her back, including using my own personal fortune.

  I walked into the grand entryway and was immediately greeted by a uniformed guard. He scanned me from head to toe then let me pass.

  “Ahh, the elusive Julian Bonaparte has arrived.” Trevolo greeted me. “You left so abruptly during the party I thought something was wrong. But then again, you are the troubleshooter for your family. When duty calls, one must go.”

  “As you said, duty comes first.” I shook his hand and let him lead me toward his other guests.

  “I’m glad you adjusted your plans to visit the island.”

  “You did insist there is a unique selection that I shouldn’t miss.”

  “One in particular seemed just your taste. She reminded me the type of harem jewels you enjoy taking to bed during our pleasure weekends, so I set her aside for you.”

  Well, fuck. I hadn’t realized I’d gravitated toward women who reminded me of Ana until now. My preoccupation with Ana was the only reason for this fucking mess.

  “Who is she?”

  “She is someone perfect for you. She’s a fighter. She needs a strong hand and a firm will. When we discovered her fiery spirit, I was even more positive that I had to offer her to you first.”

  What the hell had they done to Anaya over the last month? Anger pulsed at the base of my neck.

  Keep it together, asshole. Play the part.

  I’d concocted a reputation for liking rough, pushing-the-limits sex. On occasion going as far as engaging in some hardcore kink to keep the image alive. And now I had to live it, even if it meant fucking Anaya in front of everyone on the island.

  The fact I was aroused by the idea of marking Ana as mine made me one sick bastard.

  “So no other special prizes are going up today?”

  “Just the one. The rest of my special items will arrive at a later date. And their bidding is only open to a few. You’re more than welcome to purchase more than one prize, but I’m positive the one I’ve selected for you will keep you occupied.”

  “I find it hard to believe I am the only one you are offering her to. There are others who have similar preferences.”

  A slight calculating gleam entered Trevolo’s eyes. “For the right price, she is yours.”

  “You haven’t answered my question.” I held his gaze.

  “There was one other who would see her value, but he is delayed.”

  Well, thank God for small favors.

  “You know as I do, I can outbid anyone on this island.”

  “Yes. That is true. However, the gentleman in question isn’t here to challenge. Only you and I know what I am offering you.”

  It couldn’t be this easy. Trevolo was up to something.

  “What’s the catch?”

  “You know me well, friend.” Trevolo gestured to a small alcove away from some of the guests who were moving about the terrace. “I need your father’s assistance with a shipment out of Indonesia.”

  “I’m listening.” I casually slid a hand into my pocket, activating a recorder
that couldn’t be detected. This would add to evidence we were collecting to bring down Trevolo.

  Trevolo was a slippery motherfucker, who’d found ways of keeping his hands clean and the Italian authorities out of his business. Buying Ana and the recording wouldn’t be enough to bring Trevolo down. I needed the actual list of buyers and the time and date the human cargo would arrive for the auction.

  “In exchange for me giving you the exclusive opportunity to purchase this special jewel, you will speak with your father about accepting a shipment onto your cargo barges and bringing it to your port in Cyprus.”

  He knew as well as I did that I “ran” the empire. His respect toward “my father” was a formality.

  Trevolo was running drugs into Europe and needed the transport.

  “Who will collect the cargo?”

  “Our normal carriers will pick it up.”

  “Let me be clear. For our cooperation, I gain your prized jewel.”

  “Well, for the correct price.”

  “I’m not sure a woman is worth the trouble.”

  A frown marred Trevolo’s face before he schooled it away. “Let me offer this in addition. I will let you keep half of my shipment in addition to the specially selected jewel.”

  “I get to keep the girl. I won’t leave her here, as I do when I select from your harem.” I wouldn’t put it past Trevolo to take my money and then expect me to leave Ana with him.

  “The other guests will believe she is simply one of my harem jewels, so as long as no guest is aware you are taking her from the island, I have no objection.”

  I pretended to contemplate the decision and then said, “Done.”

  “Excellent. Now that business has concluded, let’s not talk of it again and join the others.”

  We moved into the main area of the terrace, and I slipped my hand back in my pocket to turn off the recorder.

  A tall, probably six-foot-seven, brawler of a man approached us. He had bright green eyes that were in contrast to his shock of red hair.

  “Welcome to the party, I’m Silas Finn,” he said with a thick Irish accent.

  Silas was a known member of the Irish underground. He had a taste for blood play but was known for treasuring the women he took to bed. Once he was done, he made sure his mistresses were set for life. He wasn’t one of the men to watch on this island; he stayed away from the trafficking of human cargo. It was his hard limit.

  I’d also helped him establish territorial rights for the arms trade in and out of Ireland. We’d never met in person, just through representatives. I knew who he was, but I rarely let anyone see my face and match it to my cover. I shook his hand and said, “Julian Bonaparte.”

  He lifted a brow and then smiled. “Well, it is good to finally meet you.”


  “At least I know there’s one man here that can take care of his own business without hiding behind his protection. I can’t stand soft men.” He glanced in the direction of a group who looked too weak to do anything but give orders and cower behind their bodyguards.

  Those were the worst of the people I wanted to take down. I could almost bet half of them were going to be buying human cargo by the end of the two weeks. The weak-minded always preyed on others, and because they were pampered princes, they believed they could use their privilege to get what they wanted.

  As if on cue, they moved in our direction.

  “You must be the guest Trevolo was waiting for. I’m Mica Chance,” a man with a sharp angular face and too-white teeth said, offering me his hand.

  Taking it, I responded, “Julian Bonaparte.”

  Saying my name caused the rest of the men to grow quiet. I could feel their wariness and curiosity.

  At this point, I wasn’t sure if the story the agency had weaved about me was a benefit or liability.

  “I heard a rumor that Trevolo has picked out an item specifically for you and kept her hidden.”

  I gave him a deadpan look. Mica Chance seemed to fit the role of the pompous prick I’d pegged him for. I was going to have to do a little research about this man. I hadn’t heard of him before, but that didn’t mean much when there was a new wannabe kingpin emerging every day.

  Breaking the silence from my nonresponse, Trevolo said, “Gentlemen, let’s move inside. I’d like to go through the docket of auction items and answer any questions.”

  It took another twenty minutes to get everyone seated and settled in the lounge. Each of the twenty men invited to the island was given a folder containing pictures and statistics about the women. Some looked no older than their teens in order to cater to the guests who had fantasies about schoolgirls. I knew most of it was the clothing and the poses. Trevolo kept his harem jewels at the minimum age of eighteen. Plus, I had a reputation for despising the sale of children and happily took out anyone who engaged in it without thought. Yep, I was a criminal with a moral code.

  It was probably the reason why Trevolo had kept me from the special auctions until now. Well, there was still a chance I wouldn’t see the inside of the room where the sale of his special jewels would take place. My prize was in the group with his harem.

  Maybe it was better that way. In all my time at the agency, I’d gone deep undercover but never to the level of sex trafficker. This wasn’t something I had the stomach for, but I’d go into the bowels of hell to get Ana back.

  The men around me perused the catalogue of women, oohing and aahing. It was a waste of time. I wanted to see Ana, make sure she was okay.

  “What has you frowning, Mr. Bonaparte?” Trevolo studied me.

  I dropped the book on the table, sending a disgusted look at one of the men next to me who was ogling a naked picture of one of the girls. “I’m not interested in women posed as schoolgirls.”

  Trevolo smiled. “The pictures aren’t to offend, just a sampling of what is available. Maybe if I show you the prize of tonight’s auction, it will lighten your mood.” Trevolo picked up a remote, punched a button to lower a screen from the ceiling, and turned on a camera. The image showed some kind of cell. Then in the corner, I saw her.


  She was chained to a bed and asleep, or at least that’s how it appeared. She wore a thin shirt that barely covered her body and revealed she was naked underneath. The side of her face was swollen, as if she’d been recently punched, and bruises marred her legs and arms.

  I clenched my fist. How the fuck was Trevolo going to pass her off as a willing, pampered slave?

  Every indication said she was there by force. Either the men looking at her were blind or didn’t care.

  “Who is she?” asked a man I hadn’t met yet.

  “A lowly assistant to a designer my wife hired. I knew from the first time I saw her that she was something special and the offer of an easier life was too much for her to resist. As you can see, she is of mixed race. I’d say Indian and Caucasian. She’s beautiful, but it’s her eyes that get a man. They are pure amber. Like a tiger’s.”

  A few of the men leaned forward, examining Ana further.

  The motherfucking lying bastard.

  “The way you have her chained makes me believe she fights like a tiger too,” another man added. “I’d like to be the one who gets the pleasure to discipline her.”

  “For the right price, it is a possibility.” Trevolo picked up his tumbler and sipped his scotch.

  Before anyone else spoke again, I asked, “How much?”

  “Are you asking her starting bid? Five.”

  Five million. I hadn’t expected that high a price. Something about the gleam in Trevolo’s eyes said he had expected my reaction to Ana.

  “Her pussy must be made of gold to garner a starting bid in the millions.” Mica Chance shook his head.

  “She’s worth every penny. Since she is a new arrival, one of you will get the first taste of her. She’s not a virgin but hasn’t been used. Maybe a lover here or there.”

  “How do you know this?” a chubby man with a reced
ing hairline questioned.

  “Our physicians examined her to check for the state of her hymen. Her life before arriving here was very sheltered. Her personality isn’t the type to let just any man touch her. Although, she is quite feisty.” Trevolo chuckled.

  “Meaning?” I probed.

  The thought of how the doctors had examined Ana added to the rage boiling under my skin. They touched her without permission, without consent.

  Trevolo said with a hint of amusement, “The hellcat dislocated the first doctor’s shoulder when he attempted to touch her. She agrees to come here and then becomes prudish.”

  “That doesn’t explain the chains or the beating she has obviously received.” I studied Trevolo’s reaction to my words.

  His brow twitched as if I’d annoyed him. “My guards intervened when she attacked the doctor. Her injuries were sustained while trying to restrain her. Afterward, we decide the chain was necessary for her safety as well as ours. A little discipline and I’m sure she’ll fall into line.”

  Fucking liar.

  I glanced at the men around the room, and all of them except Silas Finn acted as if Trevolo’s answer was the truth instead of the bullshit we all knew it was.

  “If she’s such a problem, why not send her back? I’m sure there are plenty of women willing to trade their bodies for a life of luxury,” another one of the guests I had yet to meet said. “Returning her has to be easier than disciplining her into the lifestyle.”

  “We gave her the option. She doesn’t want to return. I believe she just needs the right type of master,” Trevolo turned his attention to me. “Are you the man, Mr. Bonaparte?”

  “Perhaps.” I held Trevolo’s gaze. “How much to buy her outright? No auction, one price.”

  I kept my tone cool, unemotional, detached, as if I were considering a business proposition.

  There were a few grumbles from the group, but most were quiet, watching the play between Trevolo and me.


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