Virtual Reality

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Virtual Reality Page 10

by Kitty Cox

  She hurried to clean up her desk, putting away the confidential papers that she'd been rummaging through, and saved the last of her work. Just as she kicked off her own heels, Deborah, the new receptionist, hurried in carrying a massive box. The girl looked like she'd run the whole way.

  "I have Mrs. Macintosh's lunch order," she said, gaping around the fifth floor with wide eyes.

  "Thanks," Kate said, taking it. "First time on the executive level?"

  The girl nodded. "Yes, ma'am." She looked over her shoulder. "Is that Mr. Degrass's office?"

  "It is. I'm pretty sure he's out for lunch though, sorry."

  The girl's face turned scarlet, and she looked back at Kate with shock. "I just..."

  "Hoped to catch sight of him? I know. I'll make sure he strolls through later." Kate grinned and turned for Nancy's office, but Deborah was star struck.

  "You can do that?"

  Kate chuckled. "Yeah, that's why I work up here. Have a good day, Deborah."

  "Thank you, Ms. Gaskill."

  She was still laughing when she dropped the platter on the conference table. "When Adam's back from lunch, we have got to figure out how to get him to make a trip through the lobby."

  "Why?" Nancy asked.

  Kate pulled off the cover. "Deborah has a crush."

  Nancy cackled, sounding more like a witch than a friend. "You know that's the girl we hired for the spot you were trying to get. Have to say, I got the better end of that deal." She leaned over and grabbed a California roll. "Think she'd say anything to him?"

  "Oh, I think she'd paw all over Adam if she had the chance."

  Nancy made appreciative noises, cramming the whole piece into her mouth, but her eyes sparkled deviously. "K," she mumbled, holding up a finger. "When you see him, let me know. His tournament passes should've come in with the mail, so he'll jump on it."

  Kate nodded. "Oh yeah. If he's a half decent gamer, he'll be chomping at the bit for those."

  Nancy lifted a brow. "Yours are in there too. Got you a suite, all-access pass, and hotel security clearance."

  "Really?" She sat up.

  Nancy nearly snorted sushi through her nose, she was laughing so hard. "Honey, you're as bad as he is. It's all about the kill feed, or whatever it's called. Oh trust me, I hear all about it."

  Kate shrugged. "I guess. It's fun, you know? I mean, you log in, and for a few hours you get to be some ass-kicking super soldier."

  "Or something," Nancy teased. "Girl, when are you two going to hook up? You got so much in common."

  With a groan, Kate reached for the pickled ginger. "Friday, I have my court date for my divorce, right? Well, there's a guy I'm interested in, and I told him he could take me out to dinner to celebrate."

  "Mhm," Nancy purred. "And why the hell are you waiting?"

  "The ex. Marshall is determined to find any reason to hang me out to dry, and if I'm unfaithful, he'll say it was a long-term thing and try to drop all the debt on me. The debt from his slutting around mind you!"

  "Asswipe," Nancy grumbled. "Ok, but you're separated. It shouldn't stick."

  Kate lifted her hands in surrender. "Shouldn't, but I can't really afford the fight it would cause. Defending myself isn't free. I only have one more week, so I think I'm ok."

  "You haven't dated at all since you left him?" Nancy waved her to silence and pried herself from the chair. "Oh, honey, that means we need some wine to go with this."

  Kate giggled and propped her feet up. "Nancy, you're the best boss ever. You know that, right?"

  "Ain't pissed at me yet, Kate?"

  "Nope. Still can't figure out why you couldn't keep an admin."

  "Well." She grunted, twisting a corkscrew into the unopened bottle. "I'm not a lady, least not like those girls were used to. Seems the type of people with the resumes to get this job don't necessarily know what to do when an old black woman goes off on a rant. Honey, I cuss like a damned sailor, I speak my mind, and I've got some strong opinions. Not a whole lot of that is very executive, mind you. They called me 'The Hag' behind my back, thinking I wouldn't have a clue."

  "Well, if you're a hag, then I guess I'm the witch."

  Nancy filled two glasses and carried the bottle back to the table. "Deal. So, this means you're going to be walking bowlegged Monday, huh? Drink, eat, then answer."

  Kate obeyed, taking a healthy gulp. The wine wasn't just tolerable, it was good. She took another, then shoved a bite in her mouth, talking around it. "Probably not. Not so sure I'm gonna actually snag my gamer boy."

  "Adam?" Nancy asked, confused.

  Kate shook her head. "Nah, a guy from my outfit. He's super sweet, though, and we basically spend every evening together. That's the advice thing I mentioned earlier. I mean, gamer guy is kind, considerate, and all the things I always thought I wanted, you know?"

  "But?" Nancy asked.

  Kate gestured across the atrium. "Him! I mean, Adam Degrass keeps hitting on me. Me! The crazy orange haired girl with two left feet."

  A long, manicured nail wagged in her face. "Uh-uh. You got that all fucked up, honey. He's seriously into you - trust me. He's always asking about you. Know why? Because you're real."

  "Really a mess," Kate said, taking another sip.

  Nancy grabbed the bottle and topped her up. "You get drunk, and I'm sending you home for the day, so drink up."

  "Paid?" Kate teased.

  "Hell, yeah. Kate, Adam made his own money. He worked real hard for it too, and I did my damnedest to make sure it happened. That boy's like another son to me, which is kinda why I didn't want to work for him."

  "He told me about the clause."

  Nancy nodded. "Exactly. I don't want to have him end up hating me because of a damned job. I'd rather be poor and broke." She tilted her head. "He's kinda the same way. You know, the only friends that boy has are the people he plays games with?"

  "Adam?" Kate asked. "But everyone likes him."

  "Nope. Everyone wants to use him. You can always tell who, too. He makes them call him Mr. Degrass. He won't take his dates home -fancy dinners, luxury hotel suites, but never into his apartment. He knows exactly what they're all looking for, and it has nothing to do with him."

  "His money," Kate said softly. "Last week he told me that his money was the only thing he has worth anything."

  "Because that's how all his girlfriends treat him, and I use that word loosely."

  "So he's a slut," Kate grumbled.

  Nancy sighed and grabbed another California roll. "You're gonna tell me you don't like sex or something? Seriously, girl? If you had underwear models knocking down your door, you wouldn't jump in the sack with a few of them?"

  Kate giggled and nodded. "Oh, probably. Shit, Adam's pretty close as it is. But I'm trying really hard to not be swayed by a pretty face. I like working for you too much."

  "And lemme tell ya, screwing him or not, ain't gonna do a damned thing to your job."

  Kate pushed the glass back and went for more food. "K. That's great in theory, but really? Could you work with your ex?"

  Nancy nibbled on her food. "Let me put that to you another way. If that boy tries to run you out of my office, I'll go after him with a belt. Ain't no reason you can't coordinate with Mark if you need to."

  "But, what about my gamer guy?"

  Nancy chewed at her cheek for a minute, thinking about that. "Motherly advice? I'd say go out with gamer guy. Have fun, let him woo you and schmooze you, and make Adam jealous as hell. Oh, he'll keep beggin'. Few times he's ever taken to a girl, not much that puts him off, 'cept her telling him. He's just patient enough to get his way, you know?" She gestured to the building around them, making her point. "So date your gamer, and if that isn't as sunshine and roses as you hope, you got a nice, rich backup."

  It sounded so easy. Just date one guy while stringing another along during business hours, but it was so wrong. If the situation were reversed, she wouldn't be able to trust him. Adam didn't deserve that, but neither did Ice.
r />   "You're thinking," Nancy said.

  "I'll give it a week. If things with my gamer work out, I'm not gonna lie to Adam about it. It's not fair, and he seems like the kinda person I'd rather have as a friend, you know?"

  "You're sweet. Probably too sweet for this job, but I'll give you credit for it. Although we both know that if you don't at least have dinner with that other guy, you'll always wonder."

  "Yeah. He's just amazing. I spent all weekend just talking with him. I mean, it's crazy because we just play a game together, but I really like him. When I'm upset about something, he just knows, and it's like he has the exact right thing to say, and he seems to honestly care, you know?"

  "Guys like that are hard to come by." Nancy leaned back and propped her feet on the chair across from her. "I had three kids, and Adam. Raised all of them alone because it was easier than dealing with their daddies. Trust me, honey, I know how special a guy like that is."

  "What happened to Adam's parents?"

  She sighed. "Was a May-December romance. His mom died real young. I never met her, but I know she got real sick, real fast. Adam was probably five when she passed. Then his dad had a couple of strokes back about ten years ago. Lost him too. There's a sister, but she's a mess, living off her little brother's money out in California."

  "Wow. I had no idea."

  Nancy nodded. "Tabloids don't tell you a whole lot about a person. He's also pretty good at controlling his story." She looked at her watch. "So, when does Deborah get lunch?"

  Kate smiled deviously. "She's already gone and back. Is it time?"

  "Twelve minutes. You wanna see if Adam's back and see if the mail's here?"

  Shoving another piece of sushi into her mouth, Kate got up and headed toward her desk, leaving her shoes behind. She didn't bother walking all the way around, just reached across for her phone and dialed the lobby. Deborah answered, assuring her that yes, there were two manilla envelops waiting, and that she'd be happy to bring them up.

  "Nope. I believe Mr. Degrass will want to pick those up himself. If you could just hang onto them, that would be great."

  Deborah sounded thrilled. "Of course, Ms. Gaskill. I'll have them ready for him."

  Kate leaned back over to hang up the phone, then looked across the atrium. It seemed Adam had just returned. He was talking to Mark but glanced over, and their eyes met. Kate tilted her head, then turned. If she put a little extra sway in her walk, it was due to the wine, not the smile on his face.

  "Operation Desperation is a go," she said as she rounded the corner.

  Nancy started closing the boxes for their meal while Kate crammed the cork back in the bottle to save the wine. They didn't bother putting it away, and neither made a move to put her shoes back on.

  Nancy tried to mimic the military talk. "Ok, Firecracker, Big Momma will start the diversion. Be prepared to haul ass."

  "Wait, I'm Firecracker?"

  "Oh yeah, unless you wanna be Big Momma?"

  Kate made a face. "Uh, all you, Big Momma. What's the operational details?"

  "Call Tight Ass, notify him of the drop, then haul our asses to the ground floor!" She pulled out her phone and pressed a button. "Adam? Did you come in the lobby? Ah, ok. Well, the mail should be here by now, and that game company said your passes should be delivered today. Yeah. Grab Kate's while you're at it?"

  Nancy clicked the button to disconnect, then grabbed Kate's elbow and took off, acting more like a teenager than a mother. Power-walking like the crazy ladies at the mall, the pair of them left the office, looking over their shoulders to be sure they weren't spotted. Hitting the closest stairwell, they tried hard not to giggle. Once they made it behind the doors, the pair ran as fast as their skirts would allow, stockinged feet slapping on the floor.

  They hit the fourth floor and scurried to the elevators, both of them pressing call buttons. Nancy danced in place while Kate tapped hers repeatedly. They had to make it downstairs before Adam did! With a chime, the doors before Nancy slid open and they both rushed in, the giggles finally taking over.

  "He's going to kill us," Nancy laughed.

  "Just you," Kate insisted. "I'm blaming this all on you!"

  Then they were on the ground floor. Without saying a word, the two women tried to regain their composure, but it wasn't easy for a pair of ladies who'd left their shoes by the wine. Squaring their shoulders, they walked calmly toward one of the empty conference rooms off the main entrance, then stepped inside, leaving the door open a crack behind them.

  "Shh," Nancy hissed.

  "I'm not saying anything," Kate told her.

  Nancy slapped her shoulder playfully. "He'll be here any second. We don't want to tip off Deborah!"

  "Then shush!" Kate ducked down to peek through the crack while Nancy leaned over her.

  "Honey. You're gonna get to see how Adam deals with women. Hold onto your panties, girlfriend."

  Chapter 13

  He was tightening his tie as he stepped off the elevator, his suit immaculate. With a lilt in his step, Adam headed to the front desk and leaned over it slightly, tapping the knuckle of his pinky finger on the granite top. Deborah stared at him with her mouth parted and eyes wide.

  "Good afternoon, Mr. Degrass," she panted.

  "Afternoon, Miss Dorvoski. You have a package for myself and Kate Gaskill?" His eyes were scanning the desk.

  Deborah nodded. "Yes, sir."

  She turned, then leaned over just a little too far, offering him an easy view of her cleavage, but Adam only had eyes for his game pass. The girl straightened and slid the envelopes across the desk, all too aware that she was not getting the response she wanted. When he reached for the first one, Deborah made her second attempt.

  "Oh, that's a lovely watch!" She reached out and brushed her fingertips across his wrist.

  His eyes flicked up. "Yes, I'm rather fond of it. Won it in a twitter contest. I can only assume you don't recognize the logo?"

  "No, is it a Rolex?"

  He pointedly lifted an eyebrow. "It's a very limited edition ten-dollar piece of crap offered as a promotion by my favorite video game." He flicked the edge of the envelopes slightly. "The same one these passes are for." He tried to turn away.

  "So I guess the rumors are true, then? I mean, you must be single if you're able to play video games." She giggled, trying to make it sound pretty.

  Kate, peering through the door, wanted to puke. Evidently, Adam felt the same way. He sighed, making no effort to hide it, and propped his arm on the counter. Deborah immediately moved closer, her attention locked on him as she rested her clasped hands next to his arm.

  "Why yes, I am, and until I find a woman willing to accept my personal foibles, it looks like that shall remain the case." He looked like he was about to say something else, but the girl was starstruck and saw her opening.

  "I'd learn about video games. I mean, how hard can it be, right?"

  "Very. Takes a brilliant mind to master first-person shooters. Most players require years of dedication. Then again, if you're just looking to slum around, we always need cannon fodder to pad our stats." He tilted his head, offering the poor thing the chance to redeem herself.

  Unfortunately, Deborah was so far out of her depth, she didn't even hear the insults he was heaping on her. "Would you show me?" she asked, trying to lean into him again.

  "No." He looked at her pointedly. "Stop panting at me like a dog in heat. I'm your boss's boss's boss's boss." His head bobbed with each repetition of the word. "You're still in your probationary period. If you'd like to keep this job, I suggest you prove to me that you can act professional and polite to our clients, and not like a cheap, desperate gold digger. Am I clear, Miss Dorvoski?"

  The girl's face had blanched to white. "Yes, sir," she squeaked.

  He stared at her for a moment more, his eyes intense, then simply turned, heading up the hall to open his package. Nancy patted Kate's shoulder then pressed her finger to her lips. They both stood, smoothed their skirts, then
walked out, acting like they hadn't witnessed a thing. Kate moved a bit faster to press the call button for her boss, and they both watched the floor indicator until the bell dinged.

  As soon as they stepped in, their innocent facades started to slip. Kate began mashing the button for the fifth floor, encouraging the elevator to close. They were almost safe when a hand shoved in at the last second, the doors bouncing back, and Adam walked in. Kate and Nancy both stood a bit straighter. This time, when Kate pressed the button for the fifth floor, she acted like there was no hurry in the world.

  The women traded a look behind his back, but no one spoke until the first-floor dinged past. Then Nancy couldn't contain it. A single, tiny giggle slipped out, eliciting one from Kate. Adam sighed and dropped his head.

  "Which one of you set me up?" Oddly, he looked at Nancy first.

  They both pointed at each other. Nancy answered because Kate just couldn't. "Operation Desperation was a critical failure." It came out as a howl, and both women lost it.

  "I'd learn about video games," Kate gasped, feeling the tears burning in her eyes.

  Nancy went further, pawing playfully at his arm. "Are you single Mr. Degrass?"

  Then the doors opened, exposing the executive floor of the Degrass Plaza. Kate and Nancy tried to act proper, but there was just no way they could manage. Instead, they shuffled off the car. Adam trailed behind them, shaking his head slowly.

  "Where are your shoes?"

  That only sent them into another fit. "Shoe free day," Kate somehow managed.

  He nodded, trying hard to keep his professional face in place, then shoved the toe of one foot against the heel of the other, prying it off, repeating the process on the other side. Bending over, he grabbed his shoes, then made a display of wiggling his toes and sighing contentedly. "Good idea."

  Kate grabbed Nancy's arm. "Are those?" She was looking at Adam's socks, her mouth open in pleasant shock.

  Adam pointed at his feet. "I will have you know that Goofy is a very respectable guy."

  "Those are goofy socks?"


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