Virtual Reality

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Virtual Reality Page 12

by Kitty Cox

  Kate chuckled. "Is she really that mean?"

  "Yeah. A scuffle broke out at the high table once, and DreadKnot grabbed her. Not the guys, but her, because she's the one that would wreck faces. She's got these like one-ton horses and muscles them around. Some asshole in Denver tried to stick his hand up her dress, and she decked him. From what the guys said, she damned near knocked him off his feet."

  "I kinda wish I was like her."

  Ice made a soft, appreciative noise. "You kinda are, but without the rough edges. It's a big joke now that I tried to pick her up and ended up with a new outfit leader, right? But the thing is, when I first talked to her, she was playing nice. She wasn't cussing. She wasn't getting in anyone's face. She was just sitting there, all alone, and perfectly ok with that. She was gonna do her thing, and if we wanted to tag along, we could. I get that same feeling from you."

  "It's still nice to have someone to lean on," she said softly.

  "Yeah," he breathed. "It's really nice. Like finding a perfect partner in crime, someone to watch your back."

  "Or take the hits. Yeah, I know what you mean." She twined the cord to her headset around her fingers and smiled at the ceiling. "I'm glad I repaired your bus."

  "Me too. Hyperbolic angel and all. You know we won that base because of you?"


  "Mhm," he murmured. "Then you hopped out, and your first thought was to check the bus again. I was like, damn, this guy's good."

  She laughed. "You thought I was a guy?"

  "Everyone in Eternal Combat is a guy."

  "And you still gave me the TeamSpeak info?"

  He tapped his monitor, the sound coming across. "Read the list, darlin'. Only three ladies in the outfit and sixty-three guys. You, Kitty, and QQ."

  "I bet you hit on all the girl gamers."

  He laughed softly. "Um, no. Rhaven scares the shit out of me. I have nothing for Kitty, Princess makes me want to wring her neck, and Sensation is just nuts. Nope, I'm kinda specific. There's a certain spark that turns me on."

  "Oh?" she asked. "Sounds like I'm doing better than I thought."

  "Yeah," he admitted. "I think your mind is sexy. I think your bravery is amazing. I'm just hoping you don't kill me Friday night."

  Chapter 15

  It was a two-block walk from the bus stop to Degrass Plaza. Kate dreaded making it in the rain, but the looming storm was holding off, and the cool breeze was nice this time of year. Now when winter rolled around, that would be a different story.

  She was early. The bus dropped her off at a quarter after the hour, so she could either be forty-five minutes early or fifteen minutes late. Needless to say, early was the better option. She didn't want Nancy to think she was taking advantage of her. The last couple of days, it had also meant a comfortable coffee in the nook while they put on their "game faces" as Nancy called it.

  Turning the corner, Kate stepped past the red and white striped bar that blocked off the parking garage, cutting through it to shorten her walk. Built on a hill, she entered on the second floor and made her way to the concrete stairwell that would take her to the street on the other side. Her heels echoed against the ceiling, sounding lonely and hollow.

  As she got closer, she noticed the man leaning against the wall. Right beside the entrance to the stairs, he waited, arms crossed over his chest. He wore a bulky shirt and casual jeans, but it was the boots she recognized first. For years, those same boots had rested beside her front door.

  "What do you want, Marshall?" she asked without stopping.

  He looked up, a cruel smile twisting his mouth. "Came to tell you, I'm changing the deal. See, you don't get it both ways. I paid for your ass to sit around all day, and now you decide you get half my house, and I need to take half of our debt? Nuh uh."

  "That's nice," she said, moving past him without stopping. "Have your attorney contact mine."

  His hand snaked out and grabbed her arm. With a yank, he pulled her around, peeling away from the wall that supported him. She tugged against his grip, but his fingers only tightened.

  "Let go," she whispered.

  Marshall shook his head. "Nah. You're going to sign the paper. See, that's the thing, Kate. You never were that smart. Don't you know parking garages aren't safe for a little thing like you?"

  Her heart was pounding, struggling to break free of her chest. "I'm not signing that."

  "Yeah, you are. We got a half hour before this place opens. Pretty sure I can convince you in that time." He jerked at her again, shaking her to make his point. "See, you might be able to keep them from telling me where you live, but your income is a part of this little settlement." He pulled a crumpled paper from his pocket and thrust it in her face. "Sign it."


  That was when he shoved her sideways, almost face-first into the wall. Somehow, she got her arm up to take the brunt of it, but he surged in behind her. Over and over, he slammed her against the concrete, snarling that he wouldn't give up until she signed the papers. She felt her knee hit, her pantyhose tearing as the skin scraped away, but he was too strong. No matter how hard she struggled to break free, he just kept going. Her elbow took the next impact, pain lancing up her arm, then he shoved even harder.

  She hit the wall, the force bouncing her back. Kate twisted, frantic to get free. Thrusting her hands out, she ripped his fingers from her arm, ducking back to just get away, but the wall was too close.

  Marshall snarled and came at her harder. Again, his body crashed into hers. His chest pinned her to the parking garage wall, one forearm across her throat. He looked wild, furious, like his humanity was little more than a memory. Kate knew she was screaming, but it wasn't words. She just wanted someone to hear it and save her.

  Suddenly, the air whooshed out of her lungs as he shoved his fist deep into her ribs. Pain raced through her body, begging her to curl around it. Her diaphragm spasmed even as she saw his arm return to his side with the fist still clenched - and time slowed. He'd punched her. She couldn't breathe. They were alone. She'd left him because nothing was worth this, but it hadn't been enough! He'd said he'd make her pay, and now she knew exactly what that meant.

  Her knees buckled, and she gasped, pain blurring everything. He hit her again, then again, until the blows began to blur together, only his arm across her neck keeping her from reaching the ground. Nothing she did made him stop. She begged, she swore she'd sign it, and she cried, her desperate struggles no more annoying to him than a fly. She was simply too small to fight him off effectively.

  Once, she'd thought being tiny was a good thing. Now, she realized how weak she really was, and this man thought he owned her. To him, she was nothing but a possession. He'd never cared about what she liked or wanted, and she wasn't strong enough to fight back. She couldn't push him away, couldn't force him to let go. The problem was that he didn't care. Marshall was the kind of man who believed that if he couldn't have her, then no one should, and running away had only pissed him off.

  Suddenly, he stopped.

  "Fuck," he growled, pressing her back once more. Her ears were ringing, but she could still hear the squeak of tires on the level below. "Sign it, and take it to my attorney." He shoved a finger right toward her eye, stopping just shy of her lashes. "Or next time, I'll fuck up your face."

  She nodded, bobbing her head obediently while he hurried around the corner, jogging down the stairs. That meant she was alone. Her purse lay at her feet, along with the bag that held the paperwork she'd taken home. Fluttering gently beside it was the crumpled note.

  All Kate wanted to do was collapse against the wall and let it hold her up for a while, but she knew she'd never make it back to her feet. It was hard, but she forced herself to bend over and pick up her things. Her tortured body screamed that she should not be trying to move, and her hands trembled so hard she could barely grab the agreement Marshall had wanted signed so badly. Moving slowly, Kate managed to collect everything.

  The problem was that she looked like
a mess, like a woman who had just been beaten by her husband. She didn't want anyone to see her like this, but she had nowhere else to go. It was an hour ride home on the bus, and she didn't think she could take it.

  Instead, she lifted her chin, pulled the straps for both her bag and her purse over her shoulder, and slowly limped her way to the executive entrance. She didn't want to brave the lobby, and she prayed the VIPs wouldn't be at work yet. There was a restroom near the top of the stairs. She could make it. She just had to keep moving.

  Her work badge unlocked the door, and she dragged herself in, feeling like an invalid. She kept her face down and dusted off her skirt, but her knee rebelled at each step, her ribs demanding that she move slower. Each breath was torture, but she could do this. Just a few more flights. A bathroom. A place to put herself back together.

  She was almost to the third floor when the door above clanked open. Kate paused, hoping she'd go unnoticed. Of all people, Adam waltzed in, whistling to himself. He grabbed the rail, ready to jog his way up to his office when something he'd said tugged at her mind. He'd been talking about the character in her book, unwilling to drag anyone else into her problems even if they wanted to help.


  He froze. Her voice was a whimper, a beg, and he'd heard it. Slowly, he turned, stepping down two stairs to see her. "Shit," he breathed, rushing to her side. "Kate, what happened?"

  She shook her head. "I need your help."

  "You already have it," he promised. "Look at me, Kate. Where are you hurt?"

  She took a breath, refusing to cry. "Everything below the neck, I think. I don't want anyone to see me like this."

  He nodded, pulling the cloth square from his breast pocket. "Wipe your eyes. Nancy's office is just up there." He ducked down to look at her, and for the first time, crossed the space between them, pressing his hand to the back of her head. "I get it. Trust me?"

  She nodded, unsure of what he was talking about, but she did. Strangely, she did trust him. That was why she'd called his name.

  "Arm around my neck, Kate. This is going to hurt, but the stairwell echoes." She reached up for the support of his shoulder, and he dipped down, scooping her into his arms. "I'll put you down at the top. Just stay between me and the wall, and we're going right into Nancy's office."

  He carried her up two flights of stairs like she weighed nothing, his steps fast but as smooth as he could make them. It hurt, just like he'd said, her battered ribs screaming in protest. Halfway through, she pressed her face against his shoulder to smother the whimper that wanted to burst out. He tilted his head slightly, his cheek just brushing her hair.

  "You got this," he whispered. "I got your back."

  She breathed out a laugh - it was the best she could do. "Too bad you don't play medic."

  "I do, but the damned heal gun doesn't work in real life." Two more steps and they were at the top. "Ok. Down we go. Hang on until you're sure you got it."

  Her skirt slid up against his arm, but he never looked, his eyes watching her face. Her feet touched the ground and her knee buckled. Instinctively, he grabbed her waist, pressing against the worst of the damage, and she gasped.

  "I'm sorry," he said quickly. "I'm so sorry."

  She just took a deep breath and tried to regain control. "One last push," she told herself, then pulled the straps higher on her shoulder and took a steadying breath. Adam pulled open the door, and side by side, they walked onto the top floor of Degrass Plaza. Moving slowly with their heads together like they were talking, the bulk of him sheltered her from the eyes of the other employees.

  Gently, he touched his hand to her back, turning her into the glass lobby of Nancy's office, then shifting behind her. "All the way to the back," he said softly. "Don't stop."

  She just nodded, forcing her legs to keep working. He reached over her shoulder for the door, holding it while she hobbled in, then moved with her until she was past the massive window and hidden safely behind rounded white walls. Nancy didn't say a word, just stood quickly, her eyes wide as she grabbed her purse. Kate found the first chair, a soft, rounded thing made more for decoration than use, and slowly lowered herself into it.

  "What the fuck?" Nancy hissed.

  Adam caught her before she could rush in headlong. "Her ex. I need you to call the cops. Keep it quiet, the whole building doesn't need to know."

  Nancy shoved her finger in his face. "You call them, I'm taking care of her, and your dick can stay out there."

  He took a long deep breath and let it out in a rush. "Fine. Make sure she calls her attorney."

  "Oh," Nancy snarled, "we're gonna do a lot more than that. Tell your little bitch to reschedule my damned day."

  Adam nodded. Kate watched him share a look with Nancy, then he stormed out, pulling his phone before he was even around the corner. Nancy flapped her hands in the air, waving away her frustration, and scurried over. She grabbed the matched partner to Kate's chair and yanked it closer, then just flopped into it.

  "Boys," she said, gesturing in the direction Adam had gone. "Ok, honey." She plopped her handbag in her lap and started digging inside. "You look like shit, but we aren't cleaning you up just yet." She found a bottle and pulled it out, opened the top, and shook four pills into her hand. "Advil. I'm gonna get you a water. Coffee too, sweetie?"


  She moved to the sink. "Ok, just find a position that's comfortable. Honey, is this all external?"

  Kate nodded slowly. "Yeah. He just beat the hell out of me. He wanted me to sign a new agreement."

  Nancy came back with the water, placing it in Kate's hand, then went for coffee. "Oh, you're gonna," she said. "Honey, I may not have fucked up my ex-husbands enough, but this asshole's gonna get it."

  "I can't," Kate said so quietly she was sure Nancy wouldn't hear. "I can't afford it."

  A cup clanked on the table beside her, followed by a gentle, wrinkled hand on her shoulder. "I can, and you're gonna suck up all that damned pride of yours and take my present. And it's a damned present, Kate. When Big Momma says we're gonna fuck up some asshole, you and I are gonna fuck him up."

  Kate laughed once. "Ok, Big Momma."

  "Yeah, that's my Firecracker." She slid back into the chair. "I just want one thing from you, ok? I want you to trust me, honey. Me and you? We're partners. Anyone with the balls to run around this building setting up Adam Degrass? Yeah, ain't no man gonna stop us. Power to the pussy, honey."

  She held up her fist, and Kate smiled, weakly tapping her own against it. "Understood, Big Momma. Firecracker is in play."

  "That's my girl. Now call your attorney. Soon as the police have a report, we're gonna go have a nice little chat. And don't you worry none about how much shit costs. I ain't giving you a raise until you're a free woman, but doesn't mean I can't spoil my friend a bit."

  "You're the best boss ever." Kate sniffed, feeling her eyes burn, so she pressed Adam's handkerchief to them. "Thank you!"

  "Oh, baby," Nancy crooned, leaning over to hug Kate as gently as she could. "Go ahead and cry, honey. I won't tell no one."

  After that, nothing could have stopped the tears, so Kate just gave in and finally let someone take care of her.

  Chapter 16

  True to his word, Adam had done everything to save her pride. He not only called the police to take a report but met them in the lobby, preventing them from saying anything to another employee. Two officers, a man and a woman, entered the office just behind him, trailing in his wake as he led them to the secluded section of the massive office.

  "Cops are here," he warned before stepping around the side. "You hanging in there, Kate?"

  She smiled at him weakly, all too aware of the worry in his eyes. "Yeah. Thanks, Adam. I'll be ok."

  He nodded, moving back. "We have security cameras all over the parking garage. You remember where? I can send the tapes over to the police."

  "Second floor, right beside the stairs." She licked her lips. "But..."

  He nodded.
"Just gonna call, not watch."


  Nancy patted her hand gently. "Ok. You need anything, honey?"

  "I'm supposed to call Deviant - "

  Nancy waved that away. "Adam will do it. He and the owner are friends. Now, if you're ok, I'm gonna go check your desk while you and these officers have a real nice chat, ok?" She pried herself from the chair and gestured for the female officer to take it. "Coffee's on the back wall, and there's soda and stuff in the fridge. I'm just outside if you need anything, officers."

  "Thank you, Mrs. Macintosh," the woman said, turning to Kate. "I'm Officer Beals. That's my partner, Officer Cartwright. Is it going to bother you, having him in the room?"

  Kate shook her head. "No. There was no sexual assault, just domestic violence."

  Officer Beals nodded and started making notes. They went over everything, step by step, then did it again. Once that was done, Officer Cartwright wanted to take photos. After Kate explained the location of the injuries, he passed the camera to Officer Beals and stepped out.

  "Have you seen your injuries?" the woman asked gently.

  "No. Adam got me into the office, and Nancy said not to clean up."

  "That's probably best. Can you stand? We're going to need a few pictures, plus detailed shots of the injuries."

  Kate hobbled over to a clear section of the wall. The first few pictures showed her state of disarray and the scuffs visible outside her clothing. Then she exposed her abdomen, pulled her shirt away from her neck, and showed the officer both of her arms. The Advil was helping, but sitting still made her entire body stiffen. She felt like a massive aching bruise from her neck to her toes.

  It was well after ten before they were finished. The officers walked out, and Nancy swept back in, clutching a t-shirt. "Pantyhose off, leave your heels here. Shirt and jacket are a mess, so put this on, and I got a pair of flip-flops. Probably a bit too big, but we're gonna dress you down a bit."


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