Jacqueline’s Quest

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Jacqueline’s Quest Page 9

by TL Reeve

  Thomas opened the door and relief flooded Murray. He hadn't caught them at an inopportune moment. "What can I do for you?"

  Murray stepped forward, entering the room. “I hate to do this, but Luca has some kind of information for us. I know we were supposed to be working on our skills, however, this takes priority over the other. Can you join us in the library again?”

  Thomas nodded. “Sure, we’ll be right there.”


  “Can you give us a hint of what we’re dealing with now?” Thomas hedged.

  “Do you know anything about a cartel called Los Trios?”

  Thomas frowned. “They’re new. Deal in sex trafficking, why?”

  “Supposedly they’re involved in this intel gathering Luca’s been given. Do you think it’s connected to our case?”

  Thomas frowned. “Not sure.”

  “I knew there was an ulterior motive for coming here,” AJ snarled. “This is what I warned you about.”

  “If it does tie back to ours, we’ll be ahead of the game,” Thomas said.

  Murray shrugged. “Plus, it’ll pass the time before we leave for Absolution.”

  “Fine,” Thomas said. “We’ll meet you there in a minute.”

  Luca had already placed several pictures on the long conference table in the library by the time Murray returned. Some of them were aerial photos others were from murder scenes. Above those were mug shots, three to be exact. The men appeared ordinary. Nothing to make Murray take another look at, except for the fact one of them was a white man, in his mid to late forties. Two more photos showed a plantation in the middle of nowhere surrounded by small homes and trailers.

  Murray took a seat next to Jaqueline as Thomas and AJ entered the room. He understood AJ’s skepticism about Luca. The man did everything with a flourish and verve. He could have simply pulled them in and started right away with the explanation, instead, he led with their training and going to El Paso.

  Once they were seated, Luca began. “I have been given data that might correlate with Raul and the Nieto Cartel. I’m not sure what all of the pieces are, except for what you see before you and one other detail. The Los Trios Cartel deals in humans, specifically sex trade.”

  “That’s not new,” Thomas said. “It’s a known fact. The real question is, what else do you know that we don’t?”

  Luca quirked a brow. “Did you know about the walnut farmers near the US border who were helping the cartel?”

  Thomas sat back.

  It made sense now why Luca had photographs of the plantation. Murray stared at the photos, engraining every inch of the property into his memory. “Is this where it all goes down?”

  “I believe so,” Luca answered. “The walnut farm is run by a faction of the FLDS.”

  “Fundamentalist Latter-Day Saints,” Thomas murmured. “Their leader was on the FBI’s Most Wanted list. He’s in prison now for life after being convicted of child sexual assault. There were other members under investigation for the improper use of SNAP benefits, but the cases were dropped due to a lack of evidence. Still, it doesn't explain how they connect to Los Trios."

  Luca nodded. “You’re right, it doesn’t. Do you remember when Warren Jeffs compound was raided by CPS and all of the children were removed due to fears of child neglect, child sexual assault, and battery?”

  Thomas nodded.

  “A tip had come in, then, that there might be more going on in the FLDS compounds than what anyone knew.” Luca placed a subsurface map over the walnut farm. Because GPR had been used to map the underground terrain, all of the tunnels were in ultraviolet shades of green, red, orange, along with some shades of yellow and blue, depending on the depth.

  “Shit,” Thomas muttered. “How far north does this go?”

  “To the border,” Luca said. “The houses you see on this particular property are for this particular walnut farmer’s family members. The Colonial compound spans about seven thousand acres, which is almost eleven square miles, with a little less than half used for farming. We have calculated over the years, that some drug tunnels can span nearly sixty miles on the Mexico side, while others are about thirty-five miles. The longer passageways have electric rail cars that can go about fifty miles per hour. They also have electricity running to them, allowing people to see as they follow the tunnel.”

  “Now you’re heading into El Chapo, territory,” Thomas said.

  Luca shrugged. “It is what it is. The cartels are learning—evolving. Anyway, we believe they are using the FLDS El Dorado compound as their stash house and, because the CIA can’t work on US soil, we haven’t mapped the area. However, I believe there are tunnels there as well. They transport the women and men through those passageways and bring them into Mexico.”

  “Which dumps them onto the plantation.” Murray sat back and blew out a breath. “From there, they could go anywhere.”

  “Precisely.” Luca nodded. “It would also explain why people fall off the grid with such ease.”

  “I hate to be a party pooper,” AJ stated, “but, what does this have to do with our current mission? So far, I can’t see the connection between Raul and Los Trios.”

  The corner of Luca’s mouth twitched. “So impatient. Fine. The information I have been given says Los Trios is going to kidnap Bexley Alexandria Hernandez Iniguez.”

  “Why?” AJ surged from her chair, slamming her hands on the table. “Why do they need her?”

  Murray noticed any time the girl’s name came up, AJ was quick to defend her. Of course, he’d read the reports from the job fair at the high school and the abuse Bexley endured during it, but there was more, there had to be. AJ was taking the whole situation personally. He understood the need to protect those who were vulnerable, but sometimes the lines blurred, and people got hurt. He’d have to talk to Thomas about it later.

  Luca gave a nonchalant lift of his shoulder, drawing Murray’s attention back to him. “She has information. Tons of it. All stored in her brain.”

  AJ deflated. “When do they plan to grab her?”

  “That, I don’t know,” Luca admitted. “It’s why I need your help. It seems Raul is wearing out his welcome.”

  Murray snorted. “You don’t say. Why?”

  “As much as those around Juarez enjoy his proclivities, it is drawing too much attention. It seems someone found out about Bex and what she does for the cartel. They also know about her new accessory and they believe it makes her weaker.” Luca placed his hands in his pockets. “And, well, he who controls the money...”

  “Controls the cartel,” Thomas snarled.

  “We have to let Asher know,” Murray said. “Mateo is at school with her.”

  Luca shook his head. “If we say anything now, it’ll tip our hand. We can’t let them know we know.”

  “So, what do you need our help with?” AJ asked.

  “Taking Los Trios down.” The way Luca made it sound, it seemed so easy, but Murray knew better. It was easy going at the Nieto Cartel, Raul was getting sloppy in his work. If people were noticing him, especially the wrong people, it wouldn’t bode well for Raul. He gave the man a year at most until someone showed up at his doorstep and blew his head off.

  He reminds me of a Sicario... AJ’s words slipped through Murray’s mind as he stared at Luca. He still didn’t see it, but Luca wasn’t just a CIA agent, he was more. He could say with confidence now, the house wasn’t a prop nor was the car he drove. This all belonged to a man who attained his wealth in not so legal ways. “So, we help you out with Los Trios and you help us?”

  "I would've helped you anyway because Tex asked me to. Los Trios is me asking you for help, no strings attached."

  Murray scrubbed his cheek. “Fine. We’ll help.”

  "We will?" AJ prodded. "We would like to go home, you know after we save everyone."

  Murray chuckled. “You will. I figure if it involves our current case we can’t or shouldn’t say no. The more dirt we find, the more likely the charges stick,

  “Now you’re getting it,” Luca said.

  “Fine,” AJ grumbled. “We’ll help.”

  “Wow, I thought it was going to take a little more convincing to get you on our side,” Murray teased.

  AJ narrowed her eyes. “Look, Bex needs us. I’ve seen what assholes do to her at school. I’ll do whatever I can to protect her. She is my priority. Not the cartel or the FLDS.”

  “I’ll take it,” Murray said. “Every bit helps.”

  Luca grinned at her then pointed to the pictures on the table. “These three men are the leaders of the FLDS, this man,” he pointed at the heavy-set white man with blond hair and blue eyes, “is named Anderson Gunther. He has three wives and nine children with one on the way. He’s also set to marry this girl,” he set out a smaller photo, “Ambrosia McCall. The daughter of Lucas McCall, member of the Quorum of Twelve. The other two men should be familiar to you.”

  “Warren Jeffs and his brother Merril Jeffs,” Thomas said.

  Luca grabbed the last picture from the folder and placed it on top of the FLDS members and the girl’s picture. This is the leader of Los Trios, Joaquin Gurrero Martinez. Nickname is El Sicario.”

  AJ choked. “How did a hitman become the leader of a cartel?”

  Luca cocked a brow. "Do you need me to explain?"

  “I think it surprised her,” Murray stated. “I’m intrigued as well. Los Trios is a newer outfit in these parts. So, how did a Sicario become the leader of a cartel?”

  “Sheer force,” Luca said. “Sicarios are ruthless. They kill indiscriminately and take whatever is left. I have a feeling Mr. Joaquin got tired of being the hired man and decided to turn his gun on his masters.”

  “Do you think he’d kill Bex, given the chance?” AJ hedged. “Because of what she knows?”

  “I’m not sure,” Luca answered. “If I were in Joaquin’s shoes, I’d give her to the FLDS, let someone marry her and get her to pop out a few kids. Or, they could sell her into the sex trade. Besides killing Raul straight out, knowing his daughter will never be free would drive the man insane, especially with what she knows.”

  Thomas shook his head. “Bex might have all of the numbers in her head for Raul, but the bastard doesn’t care either way. She’s disposable. If he means to take her to the emporium and sell her there, why do you think sending her straight into the sex trade would be any different. No, she has a purpose and nothing more.”

  “Coldblooded,” Murray muttered.

  “Indeed,” Luca agreed.

  “We’re in,” Jaqueline added. “No child should have to deal with this.”

  “Thank you.” Luca gathered up the photos on the table then handed them each one of the black folders Murray had been eyeing since they sat down. “This is all of the intelligence we have on Joaquin. Whenever you have the chance look over it. I could use some fresh eyes.”

  “Sure,” Murray said. “So, about this club. What’s it like?”

  “Ah, the real reason you’re here.” Luca pulled out his chair and sat. “I can tell you it’s not like any club you’ve been to, ever. There are very strict rules there, though.”

  “Oh?” Thomas leaned forward. “Such as?”

  "First and foremost, what you witness can never be talked about. The club members enjoy their anonymity. They also aren't your typical members either. I believe it will be easier to show you than explain it. With that said, you'll be asked once you're inside to sign an NDA. Everyone signs one including the owners."

  “Who are the owners?” Thomas asked.

  “I’m not sure,” Luca replied. “I don’t ask questions when I go there. What I can tell you though, is that member safety is of the utmost importance, especially for the submissives. The owners do not tolerate any mistreatment of subs.”

  The lie slipped off of Luca’s tongue with ease. Murray wondered if the others caught it. Luca knew who the owners were, but whether it’d been due to the NDA or his own need to have the upper hand in a situation, the man withheld the information from the group. “Well, at least they are protective.”

  “Very,” Luca agreed. “I believe all of you will enjoy your time there.”

  That was still up for debate. However, Murray would give him the benefit of the doubt for now. Later, if anything went wrong, he’d go after Luca. He’d make sure the man would regret ever attempting to run an op against Murray’s team.

  Jaqueline peered out the tinted limousine window as they entered the club’s driveway. The mansion didn’t look like any club she’d seen before, not that she’d been to a BDSM club. Golden lights illuminated the grey stones, giving it a soft butter-yellow glow. The club was at least three stories, maybe four, if the dome behind the main structure was included. The landscaping had been meticulous and perfect as though someone spent their day making sure there wasn’t a shrub or flower out of place. As they drove through the arch overhang, she noticed the area above them was more of an observation room than a walkway. I wonder what they watch though? Behind the house was more of the same, only there were added paths and smaller cabins dotting the area. To the right was a giant labyrinth and her curiosity had been piqued. Had it been a piece of artwork or something the club used? Could it be why there was a walkway connecting the buildings?

  She glanced over at Murray, who didn’t give away anything. Since they’d left the house, the tension building between everyone in the vehicle had slowly ramped up. It snapped in the air, setting her on edge for a different reason this time. The anticipation coiled in her stomach causing it to flip-flop. She couldn’t eat anything before they left. She didn’t think she’d even be able to after they came back to the house. All of it terrified her and excited her.

  When they came to a stop behind another vehicle, Jaqueline attempted to step out, only to be stopped by Luca. He shook his head and she sat back down to wait. Only when the door opened, did she step out. At first, when Luca told them they would be arriving by limo, she scoffed at the idea, if it was some seedy club they could go in their vehicles and no one would be the wiser, however, this place denoted money and fame, which didn’t jive with Luca’s explanation of secrecy.

  “Remember,” Luca said. “Once you set foot inside this mansion, you must sign the NDA, otherwise our cover will be blown.”

  Yeah, yeah, she remembered. Jaqueline straightened her shoulders and followed Luca into the massive house. Due to how Luca had played up the club, she chose to wear something a bit more formal than she was used to. The blue mid-thigh dress clung to her like a second skin, accentuating all of her curves. She liked it, but at the same time, didn’t. It left her feeling a bit seen and vulnerable. However, she wasn’t alone when it came to skimpy attire. AJ wore almost a similar style of dress. Unlike Jaqueline, AJ’s dress had a plunging V, held together by a golden clasp between her breasts. Her back was completely exposed as well except closure at her neck holding the dress together and the tight skirt clinging to her upper thighs. Around AJ’s throat was a small black collar with a chain attached to it, which Thomas held onto.

  The man exuded confidence, power, and money. His suit was tailored, fitting him perfectly. The red tie around his neck matched the color of AJ’s dress along with the fabric square in his breast pocket. Under the jacket was a fitted waistcoat, the same color as the suit. He wore polished dress shoes and an expensive watch she was sure he couldn’t have paid for on his FBI salary. In a way, he matched Luca. Both pretended to be people they weren’t. Both played up the money aspect of themselves. However, unlike Luca, she saw the dedication Thomas had for his job. She knew he’d stop at nothing to take down Raul and the Nieto Cartel and now, the Los Trios Cartel. She didn’t see the same dedication with Luca. He played chess. He used people to keep his hands clean and she was sure when a mission was over, he’d wash his hands of the pawns he casted-off.

  “Mr. Trapani,” a man said rushing forward. “So good to see you tonight.”

  “Good to see you too, Vicente,” Luca answered as the ma
n bowed low. “I brought some friends to explore the club a little.”

  “Perfecto, primo." Vicente went back to the small attendant's desk then returned with several clipboards. "This is the NDA form and a list of the club rules. When you have read through them, please sign and initial where it says to. If you wish to join our exclusive organización, then I have another form for you to fill out.” He glanced down at Jaqueline’s and AJ’s feet then motioned to the map on the wall and a door to their right. “Submissives may leave their belongings, including their shoes in the locker room down this hallway.”

  “Is he talking to me?” AJ mumbled as she glanced up at Thomas.

  Thomas nodded then smirked. “Yes, baby girl, he means you.” Then he directed his attention back to Vicente. “You’ll have to excuse my girl. She’s new and a bit trepidatious.”

  “No problem, Sir,” Vicente said. “When you’ve signed on the line, I can escort your submissives to their locker room and then show them to the main floor.”

  “Thank you,” Thomas replied as he signed and initialed the form. “I’d appreciate it.”

  Jaqueline started at the paper. The forms were in English and Spanish. At the bottom, if a person requested a form in a different language, one was afforded to them, surprising her a bit more. Then she began to read the rules. They were straight forward, if not a bit strict, but she figured in a situation where people were putting their lives in each other's hands, it seemed appropriate. She initialed where the form instructed then signed at the bottom.

  When everyone was finished, Vicente held out his arm to Jaqueline and AJ. Jaqueline glanced at Luca, unsure of what she should do. She didn't want to be rude and embarrass the man, but she also wasn't the submissive in the pair either. Murray tapped her on the shoulder, then slipped between her and Luca, taking Vicente's arm.

  “Excusa,” Vicente said, with a little bow to Jaqueline. “I did not realize.”

  “Not a problem,” she said, standing a little taller.

  “While they’re getting situated,” Luca said, “let me show you around.”


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