Jacqueline’s Quest

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Jacqueline’s Quest Page 15

by TL Reeve

  “You’re such a guy,” she said snuggling back against his chest.

  “I guess I’ll take the compliment.”

  She laughed. “Yo—”

  A cry of ecstasy had them both glancing at their door. "Well, I guess someone is having fun."

  She drew her bottom lip between her teeth. “Think it’s our fault?”

  Murray shrugged. “I wouldn’t necessarily call it our fault. Maybe we helped them out. Gave them the right motivation to bang out their frustrations.”

  “Perhaps.” She nodded.

  “I should get cleaned up.” She slipped from his lap and he caught a peek of his cum slipping down the inside of her thigh.

  “Wait.” He grabbed her arm and pulled her back to him. “I think I’ve rested enough.”


  He motioned to his groin. “Come here.”

  “You’re insatiable.”

  "Yeah." He took her to the mattress and hovered over her. "It's one of my best qualities. Besides hacking computers and oral sex." He kissed her, nudging her legs apart. "I also plan to spend as much time as you'll let me, eating your pussy."

  She moaned. “Well, what are you waiting for? Get to work.”

  He grinned then filled her with one thrust. “Yes, Ma’am.”

  Murray stood at the coffee pot pouring himself a cup a coffee when the soft tip-tap of footfalls caught his attention. He glanced toward the entrance of the kitchen and grinned. AJ wore one of Thomas' shirts if he had to guess, the one he'd worn the day before. Her hair was sleep tousled and she wore the just-been-fucked-thoroughly, guilty look. It was adorable on her, especially after everything he and Jaqueline heard the night before. He chuckled to himself. The filthy bastard had AJ screaming for him.

  You’ve got a lot of room to talk. True. Fucking Jaqueline had been the best/worst mistake of his life. He knew the minute he met her, it would be hot and burn fast. What he didn’t expect was the feeling baggage that came with it. Any other situation, he’d have jumped on it. She was the perfect submissive for him. So fucking sweet she melted on his tongue, and she had a steel backbone. She could follow him into the worse fight and come out on the other side with him.

  But Hannah was the priority for him.

  "Morning," she murmured going to the fridge.

  “Morning. Sleep well?” He cocked a brow.

  AJ lifted her head out of the fridge. Her cheeks were pink, and her eyes were wide. “Yeah. You know. New places. So many different sounds.”

  “Right.” He smirked.

  She went to the table with the carton of milk and the cup of coffee she’d carried with her. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Sure,” Murray said, joining her.

  “Did you see Thomas naked?”

  Murray barked out a laugh. “What?”

  “Naked. Out here. Getting coffee?” She poured the milk into her cup before returning it to the refrigerator then went to the counter where all the condiment containers were.

  “No. The coffee was done when I got up. I figured Luca’s maids did it or something.”

  “Oh.” She picked up the jar marked sugar then went in search of a spoon. “He must have done it then. I doubt I would have slept through a maid seeing Thomas naked.”

  “I don’t think any of us would.” He chuckled. “Everything else okay?”

  She spun, facing him with a spoon in one hand and the jar in the other. “That’s a loaded question.” She dropped a couple of spoonful’s into her mug then put everything away or into the sink. “The answer is also complicated.”

  “Want to talk about it? Hannah always said I was a good listener.”

  She frowned. “I don’t want to bog you down with my issues.”

  He waved her off. “Your issues are the team’s issues.” He patted the table beside him. “Sit, we have a while before everyone is supposed to show up.”

  She chose the chair across from him. “We did it last night. Thomas and I.”

  “Congratulations,” Murray said. “Jaqueline and I did too.”

  “Kind of heard you,” AJ replied, shifting her chair.

  “Oh?” Murray wiggled his brows. “Did you? You little perv.”

  “I am not a perv,” she huffed crossing her arms. “You were loud enough we heard you through solid oak doors.”

  Murray motioned to the ceiling and the walls. “Good acoustics.”

  She blanched. “Which means you heard us too.”

  He nodded. “For what it’s worth, it’s not a big deal. Hot as fuck. But, still not a big deal.”

  She moaned and buried her face in her hands. “Oh my God. I can’t believe this is my life now.”

  “Hey, it’s not all bad,” Murray said. “Seems like Thomas likes you. You guys have some smoking chemistry too.”

  “But I’m in love with my best friend and I slept with my work partner,” she said. “It’s like some fucked up telenovela.”

  “Okay, when you put it in those terms, maybe a little.”

  “Ugh, you’re not helping.” She shook her head. “What am I supposed to do?”

  “Well, no one but you can answer that question. You have to figure it out.”

  “I can’t,” she said. “How do I choose between the two of them?”

  Murray scrubbed his chin. “Who says you have to?”

  AJ stared at him. “Huh? What do you mean?”

  “Don’t be too daft, kid. You know what I’m saying. Why do you have to choose between both men? Why can’t you enjoy them both?”

  She leaned across the table and narrowed her eyes. “It’s illegal for one. We all can’t get married. Not only that, shouldn’t the men come to some agreement? We haven’t even talked about having a relationship either.”

  He nodded. “So, you’re worried about nothing.”

  “Nothing? Aren’t you listening to me?”

  “I am. You’re consumed with the future and not living in the moment.” He took a sip of his coffee and grabbed an apple out of the bowl on the table. “Let me guess, you woke up this morning and everything was awkward for you.”

  “Yeah, how did you know?” She glanced away.

  “You’re still young, kid,” Murray said. “Thomas is a man. He knows what he wants, and I’d bet money he didn’t fuck you last night just to have a warm hole to put his dick in.”

  “Ugh. Vulgar much?”

  He shrugged. “Get used to it. Men like Thomas and I call it how we see it. Anyway, like I said, he wouldn’t have fucked you if he didn’t want to. He likes you.”

  “Now you’ve reverted to kid terms,” she said. “This is all so confusing. I wish I could go back to being sixteen, only this time with a normal family to understand relationships.”

  “Nothing is ever normal. Hell,” Murray said, “I don’t even think normal people understand normal.”

  “That’s pretty profound,” AJ replied.

  “I’m a pretty profound guy.”

  She sat back in her chair and took a drink of her coffee. “I enjoyed last night. A lot. I guess I feel guilty about it.”

  “Again, the acoustics,” he teased. “The guilt, I can understand though. You have a thing for Scotty. From what I’ve read on the both of you, you’ve had rough lives. It only makes sense to seek comfort in each other’s arms.”

  “Another can of worms I don’t wish to open,” she muttered.

  “You had sex and it didn’t go well?” He cocked a brow.

  “No, it went according to plan until I fucked up.” She sighed. “Before I could apologize, he was kidnapped.”

  "Ah." Murray glanced out the window. "Well, kid. The only way to fix it is to rescue him. Until then, don't dwell on it. I bet, deep down, he's beating himself up too."

  “Yeah, maybe.”

  “Ah, there you are,” Thomas said, entering the kitchen with Jaqueline. “We’d wondered where both of you had gotten off to.”

  “Sorry. I needed milk and sugar for my coffee. Murray was here so we�
��ve been talking. Getting to know each other a bit more.” She pulled at the arm of Thomas’ shirt. “Hope you don’t mind.”

  He shook his head. “Not one bit.” Murray wondered if AJ saw the possessiveness in his eyes when Thomas stared at her. Or the hungry glances he threw her way.

  “Cool. Uh, do you think the water is warm? I know we have a busy day ahead of us.” AJ pushed out of her chair and grabbed her cup.

  “Should be.” Thomas blocked her path. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  Murray snorted then coughed. “Sorry. Wrong pipe.”

  “Yeah, sure.” She hesitated for a second then pressed a kiss to Thomas’ cheek.

  Yep, the girl had it bad for the man. “Thanks for keeping me company, AJ. It’s been a long time since I could talk to someone who could be my little sister.”

  Her cheeks turned a shade of pink. “You’re welcome. I appreciate your help too.”

  “Anytime. I hope it all works out for you.”

  “Yeah.” She nodded. “Me too.”

  Chapter 7

  A healthy dose of fear churned in his gut along with anticipation after hanging up with Asher. There were still so many variables when it came to rescuing his sister, not to mention the others. For weeks, he’d kept his focus narrowed on seeing his sister again, he hadn’t thought of the consequences. He also blocked out the others. His sole focus was Hannah, and it made him a liability too. Because he’d always think of her first, it put those who’d been kidnapped at risk. As he and Asher talked on the phone, he’d thought about telling his commander he was compromised.

  He snorted.

  Telling his boss any such thing would get his ass kicked. Asher trusted him, even when he didn’t trust himself. The minute he walked into the club, his training would take over and he’d be in the thick of it, protecting everyone. However, getting in was the easy part. Getting out, not so much. He slipped his phone into the back pocket of his jeans and grabbed his shirt off the chair. Asher had given them the go. Everyone was in place. All they had left to do was go over the plan and hit the tailor for a suit for the event.

  The bathroom door opened, and Jaqueline stepped into the bedroom wrapped in her towel. The edge tucked between her plump breasts. The tendrils of her long multicolored hair hung from the open end of the towel on her head, allowing it to drip onto her tanned flesh and slide down between her tits. He bit the inside of his cheek. They didn't have time. Noah was inbound and would be there in twenty. Still, staring at her, the temptation was almost too much for him. He adjusted himself and stood. If he didn't leave right then, they end up back in bed and piss off the new second-in-charge.

  “Murray?” she whispered, glancing up at him with those dark doe eyes of hers.

  “Asher just called.”


  He blew out a breath. “Our support called in. We’re good to go. Noah’s incoming. He should be here soon.” He allowed his gaze to wander over her curvaceous form. When his gaze met hers, the fear and nervousness there didn’t surprise him. He’d have been more worried if she’d been excited or devoid of any type of feeling at the moment. Going in too anxious or too robotic could blow their cover.

  “Can I say something without offending you?” She stood a little taller.

  “Have at it.” He shrugged, trying to keep himself in check.

  “It’s about damn time.” She sagged then, holding the front of her towel. “I think I have been waiting for this moment three years too many.”

  Murray understood. He felt the same way when it came to Hannah. “Same. It’s so close. I don’t want to do anything to mess up.”

  "Agreed." She stepped to him and went to her tiptoes. "We're not going to be awkward now, are we?" Her lips pressed to his and a strangled moan filled his chest.

  He wrapped his arms around her, pressing her back to the wall. The towel fell away from Jaqueline’s body, leaving her exposed to his gaze. Shit, they shouldn’t be doing this. They had work to do, yet he couldn’t stop thinking about her pretty little pussy wrapped around his cock. Without hesitation, he lifted her, and Jaqueline wrapped her legs around his waist. In the next second he had his zipper down and he was pushing his dick deep inside her.

  Murray broke the kiss and buried his face in the crook of her neck. He had to make it quick and hot for both of them. But, with the way she gripped him, holding him in a tight vice, he didn’t think he’d have to worry about her being right there with her. “Fuck. I was trying to be the good guy here.”

  Her husky chuckle gripped him by the balls. “Why? I want you too.”

  “What a thing to say right now.” His pace increased. The coil of pleasure in his gut twisted. The tingle at the base of his spine had him cursing under his breath as he pushed them hard and faster.

  Jaqueline’s fingernails dug into the flesh of his shoulders. He low whimpers and moans only added to the thought of being caught when Noah arrived—not that the asshole would walk in on him but would razz the shit out of him when he got the chance. The bastard had a bad habit of doing stupid shit.

  “Murray...” Her breath came in soft pants. “I’m close.”

  “Thank fuck,” he muttered. “I’m about to bust.”

  He fit his hand between them and ran his thumb over her slick, hard clit. Jaqueline’s eyes went wide. Her mouth fell open in a silent scream. The first pulse of her release triggered his own. He shuddered, grinding his hips against hers while he throbbed deep within her.

  “I think I needed that,” she murmured, trying to catch her breath.

  "I believe you're right." He kissed her again before pulling out and tucking himself back into his jeans. "I hate to fuck and go, but we do need to hurry now."

  Jaqueline laughed. “Give me five to get cleaned up and I’ll be ready.” She slipped from his arms and went back into the bathroom. A few seconds later the shower came on then just as quickly shut off. When she reappeared, she had a different towel around her.

  “You know, this is how shit started last time.”

  She skirted past him and went to her bag to grab her clothes. “Later on, you can do it again.” She wiggled her brows as she dried off.

  “Promise?” He crossed his arms.

  “Promise.” She slipped into her tactical pants. “Did Asher say anything else we should know?”

  Her ability to go from personal time to all business was astonishing. He admired her for it because all he could think about at the time was how it felt to be back inside her. "Asher is somewhat concerned with our teams. I agreed with him. Because Scotty is a team member, there will be a need to protect him, whereas us, it could be your brother or my sister, or both, depending on how they do things in there."

  She nodded then slipped her tank top on over the sports bra she used, he noticed whenever they did anything for the mission. “I’ve thought about the same. It could go either way.”

  “The way I see it, we can play it one of two ways. Either we tell them we’re both voyeurs and swingers and we get off watching each other fuck other people. Or I like to watch you play with other girls, while I dominate the males in your presence.”

  “So, you’d be a switch?” She tilted her head. “Do you think we could pull it off?”

  Murray snorted. Had he thought about the idea, in the beginning, she'd have rebuffed him and ran for the hills, now, after dipping her toes into the BDSM waters, she was hooked. A welling of pride filled him at the transformation she'd made.

  "That's the beauty of BDSM, there is no restrictions or judgment. Whatever we decide to do, we'll do it together." Plus, it'd give her a glimpse of what he planned on doing to her once they were free of this mission and all the bullshit associated with it.

  “Are you worried?” She untwisted the towel holding her hair and started drying it before running a comb through it.

  “Yeah.” He rarely doubted himself, thanks to his training, and he was usually able to push his emotions out of the way until the mission was completed. He’d done
also been really good about doing it for the last ten years when it came to Hannah. With it all coming to a head, the anxiousness coursing through his veins pissed him off. Worrying was a weakness. If he couldn't come to terms with it, and soon, it had the potential to get them or his sister killed or both. Over the years, he learned the guys all experienced the same thing. No two missions were the same and no two missions went off without a hitch. There would always be some complication, and he had to go into this one with the same mindset, even if it was Hannah.

  "There are these variables I can't account for. It's driving me crazy. I'm hyper-focused on my sister when I should be paying attention to everyone. I remind myself constantly, she is in a wheelchair, I have to account for space and maneuverability to get her out of there, hopefully without shit hitting the fan."

  “If shit hits the fan?” Jaqueline prodded.

  “We’re fucked.”

  “You’ve been thinking about this for a while, haven’t you?”

  “I have. We don’t know the condition of the others inside the building. We don’t know their mobility issues or even their cognitive abilities. If guns start firing, they might run headfirst into the fray.” He blew out a breath.

  “Aren’t you the one who told me we’ll deal with it after we get them out?” Jaqueline twisted her hair into a thick, taut bun and pinned it into place before joining him near the bed.

  “I was talking out my ass.” Being a member of R.O.O.T he was well acquainted with term Stockholm Syndrome, and why it happened and recovery for the prisoner. In some cases, some of those victims had taken their own lives, rather than live without their captors. What if he went to Hannah and she didn’t want to leave or felt some kind of loyalty to Raul? Stop thinking stupid shit.

  He couldn’t. Ten years was a long ass time and Murray was willing to admit, he didn’t know this Hannah. He knew the young girl, who had still been dealing with the death of her parents, a diagnosis of AMF and starting her junior year of high school. The pressure on her was a lot then, it seemed even more now. Murray wished his mom was still alive. She’d be better to equipped with Hannah once she was free from that hellhole. She’d also be the one to tell him how to fix shit. God, moments like these, he realized how much he still needed his parents and how much he missed him.


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