Gin & Tonic: A Romantic Comedy Standalone (The Happy Hour Series Book 2)

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Gin & Tonic: A Romantic Comedy Standalone (The Happy Hour Series Book 2) Page 1

by Kristen Hope Mazzola

  Gin & Tonic

  A Happy Hour Series Standalone

  Kristen Hope Mazzola

  Gin & Tonic

  Copyright © 2019 Kristen Hope Mazzola

  Published by Kristen Hope Mazzola

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return it to the seller and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.

  Published: Kristen Hope Mazzola 2019

  Cover Design: Kristen Hope Mazzola

  Formatting by: Kristen Hope Mazzola

  Editing by:

  C. Marie: [email protected]

  Created with Vellum



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10


  Did you enjoy what you just read?

  About the Author

  Also by Kristen Hope Mazzola


  The Cruise Ship Confessions

  Coming Soon

  Dirty Martini

  Dirty Martini

  Love, Loyalty & Mayhem

  Love, Loyalty & Mayhem


  From bestselling author Kristen Hope Mazzola, comes a brand-new standalone romantic comedy series! Come hang out with a group of girlfriends as they sip their way through the trials and tribulations of the ever-complicated dating world. This quirky, fun and laugh-out-loud series will leave you gripping your sides and flipping pages feverishly. Pull up a bar stool and raise your glass to cheers The Happy Hour Series!

  The Happy Hour Standalone Series:


  Gin & Tonic

  Dirty Martini

  “When I fall in love, it will be forever.”

  ― Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility

  Chapter 1

  No One Likes Ugly Surprises

  “Miss Collins?” a meek voice called from the open glass door of my office.

  “Yes?” Looking up from my laptop, I saw the tiny frame of the woman I could only assume was my last appointment of the day.

  “I’m Dahlia Reynolds.” She shuffled into my brightly decorated space with her head hanging low. From the bags under her eyes, disheveled appearance, and mismatched clothing, I could tell she hadn’t slept in days.

  “It’s a pleasure, Dahlia.” We shook hands quickly. “Please have a seat and let’s get down to business.”

  I had been doing divorce law ever since I left college. It wasn’t my first choice by any means, but I had fallen into it quickly with my first internship and had a knack for the cutthroat world. I didn’t like the fact that I profited from people’s misery, but I tried to focus on being the facilitator of finding some happiness for my clients in their darkest hour.

  “Well, I don’t even know where to start.” Dahlia pulled a tissue out of her purse and instantly started crying.

  From the brief phone call I’d had with her before the meeting was set, all I knew was that she was the one who’d decided to file to terminate her relationship with her husband.

  “Why don’t we start with why you have decided to leave your husband.” I offered a sympathetic, tight-lipped smile as she slowly brought her gaze up from her lap.

  “He’s a cheating bastard,” she wailed in muffled tones.

  That was easy.

  “Do you have proof of the infidelity?” I questioned.

  Her eyes grew three times as she barked, “A woman has a way of knowing.”

  After taking a deep breath, I calmly continued. “I was only asking to better know how to help you. Please know I am on your side and will do everything in my power to aid you to the best of my ability. I just have to ask a few routine questions to make sure I have all the facts so I can put a game plan in order.”

  “What more information do you need? He’s a cheater. I hate his guts. He doesn’t deserve to be married to me. He can have his two-bit hookers and sluts. I’m done!” The bitterness that dripped from her was palpable. She was turning into a bawling mess, but I needed to get as much information as possible from my newest client.

  “How long were you and Mr. Reynolds married?” I continued without missing a beat. It wasn’t uncommon for my clients to lash out—it was the ones who didn’t that worried me.

  “Eleven years,” she muttered after taking a long breath.

  “Do you have any children?”

  “One, Noah. He just turned seven last Thursday.” Dahlia perked up a little bit as she spoke about her son.

  “Aw, well happy belated birthday to your little guy,” I chirped as a tiny hint of a smile flashed on her sorrowful face.

  “Thank you,” she mumbled as she fidgeted with the oversized purse in her lap. “He’s really a great kid.”

  “I’m sure he is. Now back to the reason you’re here—when did you first suspect your husband of his indiscretions?”

  “I figured it out about three weeks ago.” She sat up a little straighter, pulling at the hem of her off-white pencil skirt.

  “And what made you first suspect him of cheating?”

  “I would rather not say,” she muttered.

  “If I am going to help you, I need all the facts.”

  She took in another sharp breath. “I can’t.”

  “Please, Mrs. Reynolds.”

  “All right, it was when my gynecologist informed me I had contracted chlamydia,” she whispered, throwing her hand over her face. “Please don’t tell anyone. I am so embarrassed.”

  I instantly closed my laptop in front of me and pulled out a notepad to start taking notes. It took everything in me to not let my jaw hit the floor. Just when you think you have heard it all, a curveball comes out of nowhere.

  “Nothing you say will ever leave this room. I take my oath of lawyer-client confidentiality extremely seriously. But, I do have to ask this: is there any way you could have gotten chlamydia from anyone other than your husband?”

  “No,” she yelled with repulsion radiating from her tone. “Harry is the only man I have ever been with, and I know an STD is not something you can just pick up from anywhere. I don’t even sit on public toilets—I do that squatting, hovering thing.”

  Fighting back laughter as she demonstrated her technique in the chair across from me was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. I scribbled notes down on the yellow pad in front of me as I saw the slam-dunk case falling into my lap.

  “I applaud your hygiene.” I wasn’t sure what else to say on that subject. “Did you confront Harry about this?”

  “God no!” Her button nose wrinkled
as she feverishly shook her head. “I haven’t even been able to look at him since I got the news.”

  “Dahlia, does Mr. Reynolds know you’re leaving him?” It felt like a stupid question, but it had to be asked.

  “Why should I tell him? I want him to be as embarrassed as I am. I want him to feel just as foolish as I do. I want him to suffer.” Her voice turned menacingly vindictive as a little spark lit up in her light hazel eyes.

  “I think we’re going to get along swimmingly, Mrs. Reynolds,” I replied quickly with a cheeky smile. I was excited to help her get revenge.

  “I think so as well.” Her melancholy twisted into cheer as she wiped the running mascara away from her puffing eyes.

  “First things first, I am going to need a copy of your medical records and any other information you think is prudent, and then we will go from there. Why don’t you set up another appointment with my secretary on your way out?”

  Shoving up from her seat, she smiled at me. “I have to say, I was worried about going with such a young lawyer, but you’ve put all my doubts to rest.”

  “Well, I am glad to hear it.” I stood, shaking her hand one more time.

  “Thank you, Miss Collins. You have made me feel so much better.”

  “Please, call me Harper.”

  “Have a good evening, Harper.”

  “You try to do the same, and I promise you’re in good hands.”

  With a quick wave, she walked out the door.

  Right after Dahlia exited my office, I pulled out my cellphone to send a text message to the group chat I had with my three best friends.

  Harper: Thank goodness for this Monday being over. The usual place at the same time?

  Caroline: I will be there with bells on. I need to talk to someone who is over the age of seven!

  Annabelle: I have so much to fill you girls in on! I will see you at six sharp. And if you see Waylon before I get there, BE NICE! We like him.

  Sawyer: The anticipation of getting the scoop on all that is killing me, Annie.

  Harper: ME TOO!

  Caroline: Me three!! This is going to be a good Happy Hour Club night! I can feel it already.

  Harper: See you girls soon!

  Glancing down at my watch, I realized I didn’t have enough time to go home and change before heading to Drum and Quill to meet my girls. Figuring it couldn’t hurt, I decided to head to the bar early.

  It wasn’t that I was trying to be a snoop, but I was dying to really check out Annabelle’s new beau. After tragically losing her husband a few years ago, it was finally her time to find a little bit of happiness in the world.

  Chapter 2

  Happy Hour

  “What’re you drinking?” the tall, dark, and handsome bartender asked with a toothy grin.

  “Gin and tonic with a twist of lemon, please,” I rattled off, eyeing him up and down.

  As he went to work on my beverage, I cooed, “You’re Waylon, right?”

  He nodded. “Yes ma’am.”

  “Annabelle seems to be pretty taken with you,” I admitted quickly.

  “I hope so.” He blushed a little, setting a rocks glass in front of me. “Is she meeting you here?” The excitement that laced his voice was adorable.

  “She should be here pretty soon.”

  “Why don’t I grab you ladies a table then?” He walked around the end of the bar, waving me over to follow him.

  “Trying to get rid of me that quickly, huh?” I shot Waylon a knowing sneer, narrowing my eyes at him.

  He chuckled. “Either I’m pretty transparent, or I saw your group walking in and wanted to make y’all a little more comfortable.

  “Touché, sir.”

  “I’ll be back with the other drinks in a minute.” He quickly walked away as my friends joined me around the table.

  “Hi!” I greeted Sawyer, Caroline, and Annabelle with quick hugs.

  “To another Monday coming to a cheery close.” Caroline chortled as she scooted into her seat.

  “Amen to that, sister.” I giggled, sipping from my perfect cocktail.

  “Ladies, welcome.” Waylon brought over the first round of drinks for the other girls in the group without us needing to order them as we sat down to begin our weekly ritual.

  I was so thrilled to see Annabelle as excited as she was when she looked at Waylon. It had been too long since we’d seen her smile like she was now.

  “Thank you, Waylon,” Annabelle cooed as her hand brushed over his forearm. Right then, all three of our jaws dropped. It wasn’t like Sawyer, Caroline, and I weren’t expecting it, but to see the subtle display of affection just took us all aback.

  “You’ve very welcome. Enjoy. Let me know if you need anything.” Waylon pecked Annie on the cheek before retreating.

  “Holy hell, girl!” I yelled before throwing my hands over my mouth. “We need details right the fuck now.”

  “It was amazing. He came over, he cooked, we danced, we cleaned the kitchen, and then he left. That was all she wrote.” Annabelle rattled off the night’s events quickly.

  “That’s it?” Caroline took the words right out of my mouth.

  “That’s it,” Annie stated before devouring a cherry.

  “Did he at least make a move?” Sawyer whined as I sat there speechless.

  “I asked him to stay and he said he didn’t want to ruin how perfect the evening was.” Annabelle crossed her arms matter-of-factly as we all just gaped.

  I had definitely been hoping for more of a juicy tell-all, but it was Annie’s first time dating since being with Freddy, her late husband. What more could we really expect?

  “I am so confused. The fire between you two just now was intoxicating, but that sounds like y’all are friend-zoning each other. I am going to get to the bottom of this.” Without warning, Sawyer waved over to Waylon.

  “Oh my God, Sawyer! What are you doing?” Annabelle yell-whispered at our nosy friend as her guy approached.

  “How can I help you ladies?” He smiled at the table with a touch of nervousness in his eyes. Could you blame him? We were like three mama bears ready to protect our wounded cub.

  “You own the place right?” Sawyer asked sharply.

  “I do.” Waylon glanced to Annabelle, but she just shrugged. It took everything in my power to not laugh at his nervousness.

  “Take a seat then. We need to have a little chat.” I scooted my chair over to make room for Waylon as he grabbed an empty stool from the table behind him.

  “Let’s chat.” He held his hands out while a widening smile took over his face.

  I dove right on in. “What are your intentions with our girl here?”

  “What in the hell?” Annie yelled as she blushed. “Waylon, you don’t have to do this. They’re just protective.”

  He put his hand on Annie’s before turning to me. “I intend on making her as happy as humanly possible for as long as she will let me.”

  We all sighed dramatically in unison. It was like a scene right out of a cheesy chick flick, one of those moments you only imagine romance can actually be.

  “So we don’t need to worry that you’re not into her or are going to hurt her?” Caroline narrowed her eyes at him.

  “I am very much into this woman, and I have absolutely no intention of hurting her.” Waylon locked eyes with Annabelle before declaring, “I like you, Annabelle. I hope you know that.”

  “I do,” she murmured, and we all swooned again.

  “If you would excuse me, I do have a bar to run.” Waylon waved goodbye as we just stared at him in awe.

  “Crap, he’s perfect. That hair, those teeth, that smile, that tattoo—add in that he is sweet and is a smitten kitten for you, Annie, and it’s all over. I am so fucking happy for you.” I gushed as I raised my glass high in the air. “To Annie finding her smile again.”

  All of our glasses clinked together and goose bumps ran up my arms.

  “I’m sorry I have been such a dreary rain cloud these last few yea
rs,” Annie apologized unnecessarily.

  “Sweetheart, you can be a rain cloud as much as you want. It’s not like you’re going to snap out of it completely. There will still be good days and bad ones. We just want there to be more good days like yesterday in your future and less meltdown days like last Friday night. That’s all.” Caroline winked at Annabelle as she gripped her hand.

  “You guys have no idea what your friendship means to me,” Annie said as she sniffled.

  Putting my hand on top of hers, which was still clutching Caroline’s, I said, “We are family. This is what family does.”

  Cue the waterworks from Annabelle, which we were very used to at that point. “I am going to run to the little girl’s room. I just need some tissues.”

  “Want me to go with you?” Sawyer called out as she started to rush off.

  “No, I’m fine.” Annie threw the words over her shoulder as she shuffled away, still wiping her eyes.

  Sawyer cleared her throat once Annabelle was out of earshot. “That was unexpected.”

  “I’ll say.” I beamed a little.

  Caroline laughed.

  “What?” I questioned.

  “I was just thinking, what if Annie walks down the aisle for the second time before either of us get a chance to do it once?”

  I shoved her shoulder playfully. “Don’t say that.”

  Caroline’s face twisted a little as her brow furrowed. “Is it ever going to be our time?”

  Sawyer turned to Caroline. “We’ll all have our day in the sun, but right now we just need to be a little less selfish and a little happier for our friend who has been hurting for a very long time.”


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