Gin & Tonic: A Romantic Comedy Standalone (The Happy Hour Series Book 2)

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Gin & Tonic: A Romantic Comedy Standalone (The Happy Hour Series Book 2) Page 5

by Kristen Hope Mazzola

  “It was nice meeting you.” Rhett waved to her.

  “You too!” Annabelle marched to the other end of the bar and grabbed a seat.

  Finally I looked at the feast before us.

  “Wow,” I exclaimed.

  “We have horseradish-crusted turkey tenderloins with wild rice, garlic and herb salmon with a balsamic vinegar reduction and rosemary couscous with artichokes, and flank steak pinwheels with fired green tomatoes.” Waylon pointed to each dish as he explained them, making my mouth water instantly.

  “Remind me to never question your cooking skills ever again.” I gaped, trying to take it all in.

  “Enjoy.” He walked away quickly, heading over to Annabelle. My heart flipped when he scooped her into his arms, kissing her in the middle of the bar.

  “I don’t even know where to start,” Rhett remarked as he gripped his fork.

  “Do you care if we eat off the same plates?” Some people were weird about that.

  “Not at all.”


  We stuffed our faces, eating in silence for the most part. The only sounds that emanated were the subtle tones of elation as each bite made magic in our mouths.

  “How’s it going over here?” Waylon asked.

  “I can’t even express how incredible all of this is.” I slow-clapped with my hands stretched out toward him.

  “What she said,” Rhett muttered, shoving another piece of salmon into his mouth.

  “Glad to hear it.”

  Once we had practically licked the plates clean, I leaned back in my seat. “Best first date ever.”

  “I would have to agree with that.”

  “So are you coming out of retirement from your dating hiatus?”

  “That depends.” Rhett raised an eyebrow at me.


  “If I get to take you out again.” Rhett smirked at his cheesy line.

  “I don’t know. This one is going to be hard to top,” I teased.

  “You leave it to me and just name the day.”

  “How about tomorrow?” I didn’t want to waste time. I knew it sounded too eager, but I didn’t care.

  “You’re on.”

  After saying goodbye to Waylon and Annabelle, Rhett walked me to the curb. “Can I take you home? My truck is parked out back.”

  “I don’t know.” I shoved my hands into my back pockets.

  “I promise to walk you to your door and say good night.” He held three fingers in the air. “Scout’s honor.”

  “All right.”

  It was a quick drive to my apartment with both of us singing along to every Garth Brooks song on his playlist. It was so nice to be able to just goof off with him, singing completely off-key to my favorite artist.

  “This is it,” I murmured as we pulled into the parking lot.

  “I had a really nice time with you tonight,” Rhett remarked as he opened his door.

  “Me too. Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “Making me believe there are good guys left in the world.”

  “I was starting to lose hope too,” he acknowledged, helping me out of my seat.

  With his hand on my cheek, his lips softly brushed mine. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pulled him in for a long, drawn-out showstopper. It had been so long since I had felt anything for anyone. Fireworks erupted. Butterflies crashed. Angels sang.

  “You’re incredible.” Rhett stood there catching his breath, holding me to him.

  “So are you.”

  Chapter 9

  Date Number Two

  Waiting outside of my apartment, I was happy to see Rhett’s Ford pickup pulling in right on time.

  “So where are we going on this mystery date?” I questioned as I slipped into the passenger’s side.

  “It’s a surprise.” He shot me a quick wink before pulling out of the parking lot.

  “Do I even get a hint?”

  He shot me a glare. “Nope.”

  After I complained the entire way about hating surprises, we made it to our destination: Forsyth Park.

  “What are we doing here?” I naïvely asked.

  “Just come on.”

  Rhett grabbed a cooler and a duffle bag out of the bed of his truck.

  “Are you going to murder me?”

  Rhett chuckled. “Don’t ruin the surprise ending, silly.”

  We made our way to a clearing where a bunch of people were laying out blankets on the lawn. Off in the distance, a huge projector screen was assembled, and it read, Tonight’s Presentation: Casablanca.

  “You really are something else, you know that?” I shoved his arm gently with my elbow.

  “When the right girl comes along, you pull out all the stops for her.”

  “The right girl, huh?”

  “Don’t ruin the moment and open that bottle of wine while I get all this situated.”

  He pulled out an elaborate charcuterie spread that included six different meats, nine cheeses, and an assortment of olives. “I hope this is all right.”

  I smiled from ear to ear. “This is perfect.”

  “I’m glad you like it.”

  “I freaking love shit like this,” I exclaimed, taking my seat next to him on the flannel blanket.

  We stuffed our faces and drank our wine as one of the most amazing love stories ever told played before our eyes. It was simply the best.

  “How are you so perfect?” I questioned before kissing Rhett softly.

  “Only for you,” he replied before kissing me back.

  Opening another bottle of wine, Rhett pulled out a second box of crackers.

  “Smart—carbs soak up the alcohol.”

  “I have my moments of genius, and I’m not ready to say good night yet.”

  “So tell me something about you that no one else knows.” I narrowed my eyes at him. My second glass of wine was making me brazen.

  “Hmmm, let’s see…I hate peas.”

  “That’s a start. What else?”

  “I didn’t go on my first date until I was twenty-two.” He looked away, ashamed.


  He shrugged. “Late bloomer, I guess. Your turn.”

  I tapped my finger to my lip. “Ghostbusters gave me nightmares for weeks when I was little.”

  He laughed a little. “Really? Not a scary movie person?”

  I shook my head.

  “Noted. What else?”

  “I was scared to go out with you because I didn’t know if I could handle another failed first date.” The words left my mouth before I could take them back. I was utterly embarrassed for admitting that so quickly.

  “I was scared shitless too. Here’s to never having to go on a first date again.” He raised his glass to mine.

  “I’ll drink to that.” I giggled.

  “I really like you, Harper. I hope you know that.”

  “That feeling is very much mutual.”

  “So tell me something else I need to know about you.” He tucked me into his side as we looked up at the star-lit sky.

  “I hate my ankles.” I glanced down, giggling again.

  “What?” He shot up, pulling up one leg of my skinny jeans to reveal my boney ankle. “These are the cutest ankles I have ever seen in my life.” He bent down and kissed each one.

  “Stop,” I protested, though not very enthusiastically. “Your turn.”

  He reassumed his position. “All right. I’m scared of how much I like you.”


  “At least we’re in this together.” He chuckled, tightening his grip around my waist.

  “I don’t want this night to end,” I spit out.

  “I don’t either. It’s been an astonishing evening.”

  “It doesn’t have to.” I rolled onto my side to look into Rhett’s gorgeous baby blues. “Come home with me tonight.”

  “I don’t want to ruin things,” he muttered.

  “We won’t.”

  “As you wish,

  Waking up in Rhett’s arms wasn’t weird like I worried it might be—it was perfect.

  “Good morning, beautiful,” he mumbled while rubbing his sleepy eyes.

  “Morning.” I pecked his stubble-covered cheek. “Coffee?”

  “Bless you, you angel of a woman.”

  I wrapped my silk robe around me and shuffled into the kitchen.

  Coming up behind me in only his boxers, Rhett embraced me from behind. “Last night was one for the record books,” he whispered before kissing my shoulder.

  “It really was,” I agreed as I leaned into him.

  We sat at my kitchen table with mugs of java clutched in our grasp.

  “My friends and I meet for drinks every Monday night. Would you want to join us for the next one?”

  I blinked rapidly as Rhett beamed across the table. “Nothing would make me happier.”


  “I hate to have to do this, but I need to head in to work.” Rhett’s brow furrowed as he glanced at the clock on my microwave.

  I shot up. “Shit, I need to get ready too.”

  Rhett pulled me into his arms. “See you Monday night, gorgeous.” Rhett pulled me into his arms.

  “See you then.”

  Chapter 10

  The Girlfriends Test

  “I can’t believe our little Harper is bringing a guy to happy hour,” Annabelle teased as we all took our seats at our usual table.

  “Sawyer is the only one of you who hasn’t met him yet,” I retorted, hanging my purse over the back of my chair.

  “I’m the one he is going to need to worry about.” Sawyer snickered as our drinks were delivered by a bartender I had never seen before.

  “Where’s Waylon?” Caroline asked before taking a sip of her cosmo.

  “He finally took a night off. He’s been working himself ragged these last few weeks,” Annabelle clarified. The way she smiled when she talked about Waylon was the most adorable thing on the planet.

  “How is all of that going?” I asked, checking my phone to see if Rhett had texted me—nothing.

  “So great.” Annie chortled as she bounced in her seat. “He’s going with me to visit Ellis this weekend.”

  “Meeting the kid—that’s a big step.” Sawyer raised an eyebrow.

  Annabelle just smiled. “When it’s right, it’s right, and Ellis is dying to meet him.”

  “I’m so happy for you, Annie.” I raised my glass in the air. “To Annabelle finding one of the last good ones out there.”

  Right after our toast, Rhett pulled out the seat next to me.

  “Sorry for my tardiness, ladies. My Uber driver decided to take the scenic route.” Rhett pecked me on the cheek. “You all look lovely this fine evening.”

  “A charmer—I like him already. I’m Sawyer, the last of the friends you have to impress.” She reached out and shook Rhett’s hand.

  “Hopefully I make a good first impression then,” Rhett responded before ordering a beer from our server.

  “So, Rhett, tell me about yourself.” Sawyer leaned on an elbow, glaring at him.

  “Let’s see…I run the Forsyth House with my sister and her husband. Never married, no kids. That’s me in a quick nutshell.” He winked at me as I put my hand on his thigh.

  Caroline looked over at him. “Don’t let this man fool you. He’s a master carpenter.”

  I looked over to Rhett. “Really?”

  He blushed a little. “You build one set for an elementary school production of Fiddler on the Roof and suddenly that makes you a master carpenter.”

  “It was great. The kids all loved him.” I felt a little twinge of jealousy coming from my best friend but I just ignored it as she continued. “You better come through again this year. We’re doing Singing in the Rain.”

  Rhett pursed his lips. “Count me in.”

  “So, Rhett, do we have to worry about you breaking our girl’s heart?” Annabelle came out of left field as I shot daggers at her. “What? You guys asked Waylon that same question.”

  “It’s a fair question,” Rhett responded. “This little lady has nothing to worry about. If she likes me half as much as I do her, she’s golden.”

  “I like that answer,” I cooed, scooting a little closer to him.

  Caroline cocked her head to the side. “I guess that is the perfect response. We’re just glad Harper can stop complaining about all her horrendous first dates.”

  I turned to her. “What is your problem?”

  “I don’t have a problem. Do you?”

  I put my hand on her arm. “Come with me.”

  I marched us into the bathroom.

  “What is going on, Harper?” Caroline crossed her arms as I locked the door behind us.

  “I was going to ask you the same thing.”

  “It’s nothing,” she whined.

  “Spill. I know you too well, Caroline. Something is going on.” I tapped my foot as I waited for her to finally get it out.

  “Why is it that you come to my school and meet the only eligible bachelor?” she grumbled.

  “Really?” I threw my arms in the air. “You’re jealous that he asked me out? Is that what a best friend does?”

  She bowed her head. “No.”

  “I am sorry dating sucks for all of us, but I really like this one.”

  “I know. You’re right. I’m sorry.”

  I grabbed her. “It’s all right. Have you snapped out of it yet?”

  “Yes,” she murmured as she hugged me back. “You deserve to find happiness. I just want it too.”

  “You’re going to find someone, Caroline. I promise.”

  She shook off her tension. “We need to get back out there. Rhett has been left alone with Sawyer for several minutes now, and Annie can only run interference for so long.”

  I stopped her before she opened the door. “Are we good?”

  “Of course we are. I’m sorry for acting like a brat.”

  “Completely forgotten.”

  Making our way back to the table, we walked right into the middle of story time.

  “And there Harper was, standing in the middle of the dance floor with punch spilled down her dress, crying her eyes out.” Sawyer shot a quick glance my way as I slid back into my seat.

  “Oh no, really? The formal story?” I covered my eyes. “Rhett, I will understand if you think I’m pathetic and want to bolt right now.”

  “I think it’s a delightful story,” he said as he chuckled.

  “Why didn’t you tell him the one about you photographing the nudist wedding?” Caroline to the rescue.

  “Did you have to do it nude or did the staff get to wear clothes?” Rhett leaned in, seemingly intrigued by the details.

  “Most of the staff were nudists, too. They fought me on it so I ended up wearing a flesh-colored bodysuit as a compromise,” Harper explained. “It really was a beautiful ceremony.”

  “Fascinating,” Rhett commented.

  “Oh, what about the time Annabelle had a student who was terrified of horses? The horse could sense the fear on that chick and would buck her off or bolt every time she tried to ride it,” I added in.

  “In Hunter’s defense, he was right to not let that student ride him. She didn’t make it through the program.” Annabelle sneered as she laughed hysterically. “That girl was so terrified by the end of my course, she stopped showing up completely. The dean ended up asking for a wellness check for her because no one from the school could reach her.”

  “I have one,” Rhett interjected. “When I was in middle school, I was awkward and couldn’t find a date for our Sadie Hawkins dance. I mean not even the nerdiest of girls would ask me, so my mom made my older sister go with me. The teasing lasted until I was in high school. In hindsight, I should have just skipped that dance.”

  “Aw, that one is just sad.” I laughed, patting Rhett on his shoulder.

  “Valiant effort, Rhett,” Sawyer applauded. “I like the sharing.
Don’t worry—this is a safe space.”

  “I am glad to be allowed into the circle of trust.” Rhett bowed his head.

  “You’re in,” Caroline added as she shot me a sweet little smile.

  The rest of the night went on with us trying to top each other’s horrifying stories and most embarrassing moments. Before we knew it, they were doing last call and ushering us toward the doors.

  After saying goodbye to my friends, Rhett turned to me. “How’d I do?”

  “You passed with flying colors.” I pecked him on the cheek.

  “Does this mean I get to take you out again?”

  “I’ll do you one better: sharing an Uber to one location. Really, it’s just more economical,” I told him with a smirk.

  “I like where your head is at, sweetheart.”


  Date Number One Hundred and Eleven

  Pulling up to Forsyth Park, Rhett and I did our normal Friday night ritual: movie in the park. The featured film was Jerry Maguire.

  “This is one of my all-time favorites,” I exclaimed, taking my place in Rhett’s arms.

  “Mine too, but there is a prelude to this evening’s events.” Rhett shoved away from me.

  “And what might that be?” I questioned, eyeing my boyfriend as his hands shook.

  “Harper, you complete me.” He paused, and I burst into laughter.

  “Cheesy.” I couldn’t help but say it.

  “Come on, Harper,” he teased before continuing. “The day I met you, my life started again. I was stuck, lost, and you found me. It isn’t the storybook meet cute you see on the big screen, but I love our story and I love you. There is nothing in this world I want more than to wake up next to you every morning for the rest of my life.”

  I was frozen. Is this happening?

  Taking a tiny box out of his jacket pocket, Rhett smiled at me. “Harper Collins, will you do me the honor of marrying me?”

  Cue the waterworks. I was blubbering while nodding as he slipped the band onto my finger.

  Within seconds I was up in the air, being twirled around as cheering erupted and poppers started going off.


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