Tame Him

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Tame Him Page 8

by Caitlyn Dare

  “I don’t fucking deserve you. I have nothing to give you. I can’t even afford to take you out, for fuck’s sake.”

  “I don’t need any of that, Ace. I only need you.”

  He doesn’t argue, but I can see the doubt in his eyes. But that’s Ace’s war to fight. I can’t make him believe he’s worthy, I can only try to show him.

  “I’m probably way off base about Michaela anyway,” I say, trying to lighten the mood. “She’s crazy, but she’s not stalker-level crazy.”

  Ace throws down his silverware and sits back against the booth. “It was her,” he says icily.

  “What, how can you be sure?”

  “I remember now. I woke up in the pool house in a shit ton of pain. I was hungover, my body was broken, and all I wanted was you. She turned up, looking for something James wanted. They were all busy preparing for the party.”

  My stomach sinks and I push my plate of food away. “Did the two of you—”

  “What?” His face pales. “No, fuck no, Remi. I wouldn’t touch her if she was the last fucking girl on Earth.”

  “Okay,” I murmur, relief spreading through me. I’m sure I’ll forgive a lot where Ace is concerned, but I wouldn’t be able to forgive him for that.

  “I told her to fuck off, but she wouldn’t leave, kept insisting she only needed to grab whatever the fuck James needed.”

  “She did it?” I gasp, hardly able to believe it.

  Michaela is a bitch, no two ways about it.

  But playing a sex tape at my birthday party... I can’t believe another girl would ever do that.

  “I’m going to fucking kill her.” Anger pulses through me like wildfire, and I leap up.

  “Whoa, there, Princess.” Ace grasps me around the waist, pulling me down. “She’ll get what’s coming to her.”

  “Yeah, and how’s that?”

  He looks me dead in the eye and says, “Because she messed with a Jagger, and nobody hurts what’s mine and gets away with it.”

  Chapter Ten


  Thoughts of that bitch ruin what should be a nice breakfast with Remi. But now I’ve remembered her trying to get into the pool house that morning, the more convinced I am that she’s the one who stole the memory card and attempted to make Remi’s life even harder than it already is.

  But why?

  She’s already ‘stolen’ Remi’s life, as she likes to put it. What is she really getting out of embarrassing Remi at every possible opportunity? Was she trying to sabotage any hopes of me fixing my mess? Did she really think that pulling a stunt like that would get me interested in her?


  I know Remi can sense the tension in me, but I can’t help but let that bitch get to me. I stand by what I said. She hurt someone I care about. She’s going to pay.

  I just need to figure out how.

  Remi lets out a long sigh as we approach my bike, ready to head to school.

  “What’s wrong, Princess. Didn’t you come enough for one morning?” I joke, but when I look down at her, her lips are pressed into a thin line and there are worry creases around her eyes.

  “What happens next?”

  “Next? We go to school, possibly do some work to pass the time before I can make you come again.” I spin in front of her, giving her no choice but to stop. Brushing her hair from her neck, I place my lips there, breathing her in.

  Fucking hell, I’m addicted.

  “As good as that sounds, I mean what happens with us? We can hardly just walk into school hand in hand. Everyone will think I’m a right pushover for forgiving you so fast.”

  “Fuck ‘em. I really couldn’t give a shit what people think. We know the truth.”

  “I know but—”

  “No buts,” I say, pressing my finger to her lips. “If anyone has something to say about it, then they can talk to me.”

  “I don’t want to be the girl who needs her big bad, scary boyfriend to protect her, Ace.”

  “Well then, tell them to go fuck themselves.”

  She blows out another frustrated breath. “I really hate that place.”

  “Come on, let’s go and show them that Remi Tanner can’t be messed with. With or without the sexy boyfriend.”

  “I don’t remember saying sexy.”

  “Oh really.” I smirk. “Because that’s what I heard.”

  “You’re a nightmare.”

  “And all yours. Come on, hop on.”

  She climbs onto my bike and I instantly feel at home when she wraps her arms and legs around me.

  The ride to school is short, and the closer we get the tenser Remi gets behind me. We’re late, as predicted, and kids are busy heading toward the buildings to get their day started when the rumble of my bike arriving makes many of them turn to look.

  We don’t lose their attention as I pull the bike to a stop and let Remi climb off. She does so but makes no move to remove the helmet, much to my amusement.

  Killing the engine, I join her. “Come on, Princess. Let me see your beautiful face.”

  “They’re all staring.”

  “What do you expect? They’re all jealous.”

  “I’m aware all the other girls want you, Ace. You don’t need to rub it in my face.”

  “Shut up,” I say, unclipping the helmet and pulling it from her head. “The only girl I see is you.”

  With my fingers grasping her chin, I tilt her head to the perfect angle and press my lips to hers. We’re too far away to hear what anyone is saying, but we’re close enough to hear the chatter cease for a moment or two.

  “Come on,” I whisper against her lips when I pull back a little. “Let’s show them what you’re made of.”

  Every set of eyes follows us as we make our way toward the school building but no one really says anything, they just watch with fascination.

  They could all be thinking one of a million things. Most of them I would agree with. I’m not good enough for Remi. I’m fully aware of that, but it’s not going to stop me trying to prove my worth.

  It seems that while we were both away, Conner and Cole did a stellar job of keeping the pack tamed, because no one says anything untoward. It’s the total opposite; when we do make it to the doors, someone actually holds one open for us and says hello.

  Remi rears back a little at the simple greeting as if she’s expecting a punch to follow, but it never does. Whoever the girl is just smiles sweetly and allows us to continue inside.

  The same thing happens a few more times before Remi turns to me. “What the hell is going on?”

  “I have no idea. Conner’s probably been telling everyone that I’ll shank them in their sleep if they’re not nice to you or something.”

  “There’s something wrong with him. You are aware of that, right?”

  I can’t help but laugh. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure he was dropped on his head as a baby. Dad used to…”

  “We really need to talk to James. Get everything out in the open and get you the answers you need.”

  I swallow down the dread that thoughts of doing so drag up. I really don’t want to sit down and have a heart to heart with the man who helped ruin my life. But if Remi thinks it’ll help, then I’ll do it for her.

  Coming to a stop at her locker, I pin her against it with my hips.

  “Jesus, Ace,” she groans when my length presses against her hip. “You really should have let me—” I cut her words off with my lips, taking the only thing I’ll allow for myself right now.

  “Well, I guess this explains the rejection of our ride to school this morning,” a familiar voice says behind me.

  “Fuck off. We’re busy,” I grunt as I kiss along Remi’s jaw.

  “How the fuck did you make this happen, bro? You got some tricks we don’t know about, because I don’t know about this one here but I sure could use some pus—ow,” Conner complains, I can only assume as Cole hits him.

  “Shut the fuck up. Remi doesn't need to know anything about your

  “Hey, you were the one who brought it up. If she’s thinking about how much bigger it is than Ace’s then it’s your fault, not mine.”

  “Will the two of you shut the fuck up? We talked—”

  “Yeah, right,” Conner snorts, but we all ignore him.

  “We talked and—”

  “He told me the truth,” Remi interjects. “Ace wasn’t the one who played the tape. But don’t worry, I’ll make him pay for ever thinking he could record it in the first place.” Running her hands up my chest she stops when she gets to my nipple and twists it hard.

  “Ow, Princess.”

  “Payback,” she smiles sweetly. “Plenty more where that came from. Now, if you’ll excuse me. I need to get to class.”

  She grabs her books from her locker before turning to look at me once again.

  “I think that’s your cue to walk her to class, bro. See if you can sweet talk her into giving you your balls back on the way, eh?”

  We all ignore Conner and walk away.

  Remi might hold my hand and walk beside me like she belongs there, but I can tell that she’s still got reservations about this, about going public so soon. I guess when you’re used to being at the center of the school gossip, whether you deserve it or not, it can get a little tiring.

  “We’re almost at her classroom door when Michaela flounces into the hallway, wearing her usual cheer uniform. Her steps falter when her eyes land on the two of us together. Her face goes beet red as she takes in our joined hands.

  “Someone looks pleased to see us,” Remi mutters under her breath.

  “She’s going to be even more pleased when she realizes what’s coming her way.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Not decided yet. It’s going to be painful for her, though.”

  “Ace, you can’t hurt—”

  “I don’t mean physically, Princess. What does she care about most?”

  “Her popularity.”

  “Exactly. That’s what we’re going to hit. We just need to find the right ammunition. It shouldn’t be hard, she’s not exactly an angel.”

  “You got that right.”

  “Michaela, how lovely to see you,” I announce, putting a little extra pep into my voice.

  Her top lip curls up as she once again looks between us.

  “You two can’t actually be for real?” she spits.

  “We’re a hell of a lot more real than your eyelashes.”

  Michaela’s mouth opens and closes like a fish.

  “What’s wrong? You didn’t get your way and now you’re going to sulk? Oh, boo hoo, why don’t you run home to my daddy and tell him all about it. I’m sure he can buy you a new custom car to make you feel better.”

  Dismissing Michaela, Remi turns to me and runs her hands up my chest until they link behind my head. “Thanks for walking me to class.”

  “You’re welcome, Princess. I’ll see you later.”

  With Michaela still watching, I sweep my tongue into Remi’s mouth. She eagerly joins in to give our one-woman audience a show.

  After a few seconds, Michaela lets out a huff and disappears into the classroom. Remi chuckles against me. “I think she got the message,” she says when I pull back enough for her to be able to talk.

  “Hmm… me too. Do you have any idea how badly I need you right now?” I whisper in her ear. She shudders against me. I’m so close to throwing caution to the wind and dragging her back to my bike to spend the day in bed with her.

  “It’s your own doing, Ace. You could have been perfectly satisfied this morning.”

  “It doesn't matter. I’d still want you all over again.”

  “Mr. Jagger,” a deep voice booms down the hallway. “Please put Miss Tanner down and get to class. You’d like to graduate this year, right?”

  Rolling my eyes at Remi, I take a step back, although not before I rearrange myself in the hope of not giving whichever teacher is walking toward us the pleasure of knowing just how much I don’t need to be sitting in a classroom right now.

  “I’ll see you later, Princess.”

  She nods, an innocent smile playing at her lips as she watches me walk away.

  “Come on, Remi. Your education awaits.”

  She enters the classroom while the teacher waits for her to do so, but his eyes don’t leave me. He’s probably wondering what the hell Remi is thinking, just like everyone else in this school.

  I give her teacher a salute and walk off down the hallway to my own class, which, naturally, I’m now late for.

  The day drags, and it doesn’t get any better when I find Remi waiting at my bike after our last class to tell me she’s been summoned home by her mother. She didn’t say it, but I got the feeling that maybe word had already got back to Sarah about the two of us. No doubt courtesy of Michaela.

  “I can come with you. Try and charm her.”

  “As much as I appreciate the offer, I’m not sure your smooth talk is going to get us very far.”

  “I don’t know,” I say with a shrug. “It worked pretty well with her daughter.”

  Her eyes widen in mock horror. “So you’re telling me all those confessions last night were just lines to get in my panties?”

  “Confessions? What’s my big brother been confessing? I’m not sure any priest in the world has enough time to hear his sins.”

  “Fuck off, Conner.”

  “Bro, you’re leaning against my car. What the fuck do you want me to do? Stick my fingers in my ears as I wait for you to fuck off?”

  I push from his car to end his argument.

  “You know that every word I said last night was the truth, right?” I whisper to Remi so my douche of a brother can’t hear.

  “I do. Just let me handle my mom. Go home and plot your revenge on the cheer bitch.”

  “Can I see you after?”

  “I’m not sure if that’s such a good idea. If Mom’s pissed, the last thing she’s going to want is you sneaking in the house.”

  “You could sneak out,” I suggest. “Then we can be as loud as we want in the pool house.”

  “Let’s see how it goes with Mom first.”

  I expect her to follow me onto my bike when I climb on, but instead she stands at the side, looking conflicted.

  “Come on, Princess. What are you waiting for?”

  “I think it’s probably best if I…” She gestures to Conner’s car, and my heart sinks.


  “Just until I’ve talked to Mom.”

  “Fine,” I grumble. “Call me when you’re done.”

  I wait for her to get into the car before gunning my engine and leaving that fucking school behind.

  With Conner giving Remi a ride home and Cole at practice, I walk into what I think is an empty kitchen until Ellen pokes her head out of the pantry.

  “Have you had a good day?” she asks.

  “Great,” I say sarcastically. The fact that I’m sitting here alone with the housekeeper just about sums it up. I should be with my girl.

  “Why the long face? You having a hard time after what happened?”

  I smirk, amused that she thinks anyone would dare give me a hard time. “Nah, it’s not like that. I spent last night with Remi. Things are good.”

  “Oh?” Her lips curve knowingly.

  “Things aren’t always as they seem.”

  “I know that. It’s just that things seemed pretty bad.”

  I can’t really argue with that.

  “I didn’t play that tape, Ellen.”

  “I believe you, and so does Remi, it seems. So what’s the issue?”

  “I need to make it up to her. I ruined her eighteenth birthday. She deserves better than that.” I let out a deep sigh. “I’m pretty sure I’ve lost my job.” If nothing else, my little rendezvous with Bruce was warning enough, even if I am yet to hear it from the horse's mouth. But I keep putting off that little visit. I’m amazed he’s not forced the issue and had one of
his goons drag me in, if I’m honest. Something is going on there, and it sure doesn't help me sleep at night. “I’ve got no money to do anything and ugh… I don’t know. Sorry, this isn’t your issue.”

  “No, but I may have a solution.”

  “Oh?” I sit forward, intrigued as to what she’s got to say.

  “My brother owns an auto shop on the outskirts of town. He’s looking for some help. Just labor here and there. It’s hard, dirty work. But it’s work, and he pays well. Do you want his number?”

  “How about the address? I’ll go there now,” I say, pushing from the chair. There’s no time like the present to try to get my life in order and prove to both Remi and Sarah that I’m serious.

  “Sure.” Ellen shuffles off and grabs a piece of paper before scribbling the address down. “And about your other issue with regards to her birthday. I’ve got an idea. Leave it with me though.” She winks and heads back toward the pantry.

  “T-Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, Ace. Everyone needs a little help now and then.”

  After a quick stop in the pool house to change, I jump back on my bike and head in the direction of the garage in the hope of a fresh start with a job that’s less likely to end with me in prison. Or dead.

  Chapter Eleven


  “Crap,” I mumble as Conner pulls up alongside my house.

  “Problem?” he asks.

  “Yeah, my dad is here.” I’ve managed to mostly avoid him up until now, but I know he’s still out for Ace’s blood after what happened.

  “You need me to come run interference with them?”

  “No,” I sigh. “I need to handle this on my own.” I go to climb out, but Conner’s voice gives me pause.

  “Listen, what I said before, about you and my brother... I was wrong.” Shame washes over him. “I guess part of me was jealous.”

  “Jealous?” My brows knit.

  “Yeah. It’s Ace. He’s the worst of us... shit, I don’t mean it like that. I just mean... there was a girl, back in the Heights. A girl I…” He trails off. “It’s a long story, but I guess I didn’t expect to move here and watch my brother fall in love.”


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