Spencer: Bad Boy MMA Cage Fighter : Bad Boy Fights The Fight Of His Life For His Girl! (An MMA Fighter Romance Book 1)

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Spencer: Bad Boy MMA Cage Fighter : Bad Boy Fights The Fight Of His Life For His Girl! (An MMA Fighter Romance Book 1) Page 4

by P. T. Macias

  “Yes,” I say, nodding teary-eyed, biting my lower lip.

  “Okay,” Spencer says, leaning down to kiss my temple. He takes my hand, walking away from Roger, down the hallway, and into the dance floor. He pulls me through the dance floor, weaving around the people.

  I follow Spencer, walking behind him, across the dance floor, weaving around the people. I wave at Candace and Jillian, motioning them to follow.

  In no time at all, we exit the Excalibur’s doors. Spencer walks fast, pulling me behind him. We reach the black SUV in a couple of minutes.

  Spencer opens the door for me, Candace, and Jillian stop, waiting for me to get into the SUV.

  “Oh my god! I was so scared,” I say, sobbing, burying my face in my hands.

  “Shit, you need to be careful because that jackass will hurt you,” Candace says, looking out the window wide-eyed at the turn the night had abruptly taken.

  “That’s so scary, Dior; good thing that you have Spencer,” Jillian says, nodding.

  Spencer looks through the rearview mirror at me, meeting my gaze.

  “Yes, Spencer is amazing! I feel safe with him,” I say, looking at Spencer in the mirror.

  Spencer drives quickly down the streets, weaving around the cars, and onto the freeway.

  The entire week, Spencer is extra careful when we go out. Yeah, I’m not going to the club until Roger disappears.

  But I’m not complaining because I get to spend more alone time with Spencer. Yeah, I tease him, but he remains professional. But his eyes tell me that he wants me too.



  A week later, Spencer looks at the text message on his cell.

  He walks over to me, standing unobtrusively next to me, waiting for me to stop reading the romance book.

  Oh my god, he’s here, near me, and I’m dying. I want Spencer to take me in his arms, kiss me, and make me his.

  Next to me, I place the book, looking up at him, pushing the sunglasses up to rest on my head. I blink, shielding the sun with my hand gazing into his eyes.

  “Spencer, what’s up?” I ask, pushing up into a sitting position on the lounger.

  “Dior, today is my last day babysitting you. I just wanted to say I wish you the best,” Spencer says, stone-faced. The tick at his jaw is evidence of the pressure that he’s applying to his molars.

  My eyes widen, sliding my legs off the lounger, standing. I place my hand on Spencer’s arm, tilting my head to gaze up into his beautiful light gray eyes.

  “What do you mean? I don’t want you to leave; I mean, I need you as my guard, what if Roger comes back?” I say in a low voice, almost a whisper. My throat is closing up, making it impossible to breathe, let alone speak.

  Spencer gazes into my eyes, connecting with my soul. He hisses, moving my hand from his arm, stepping back.

  “Dior, I can’t. You will meet your new guard tomorrow morning. I suggest that you don’t give your new guard any trouble. Take care,” Spencer says, nodding. He turns, walking away, clenching his hands.

  Oh no!

  Spencer can’t go without getting him to call me.

  “Spencer, wait,” I yell, running after him.

  Spencer stops, tenses up, turns around to look at me.

  I run into him, wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him down.

  “Don’t leave like this, please, give me just one kiss before you go,” I whisper, softly running my lips over his full soft lips.

  Spencer hisses, shaking his head, holding onto my hips. He pulls me closer for a minute and then takes a step back to put distance between us.

  “Dior, don’t make this any harder than it has to be. We’re from different worlds,” Spencer says, holding onto my hips.

  “We’re the same, and you’re not my guard anymore. So, there’s no reason to push me away,” I say, pulling him closer to me.

  Spencer’s willpower slips, he takes my lips in a deep hungry kiss pulling me closer. His hands move up my bare back, caressing my soft skin as he spreads his callous palms. Then he pulls away, gazing into my heated eyes.

  “Dior, this is not right,” Spencer says, releasing me.

  “Yes, it is, Spencer, don’t push me away,” I whisper, holding onto his muscular arms.

  Spencer groans, pulling me into his arms, kissing me deeply, pushing his eager tongue inside my mouth. He kisses me, stroking and exploring every millimeter.

  “Dior, where are you?” William yells, walking out of the house.

  Spencer pulls away, releasing me. He gazes into my heated eyes and then looks at my passion swollen lips.

  “I have to go,” Spencer says, clenching his hands.

  “Please don’t go,” I whisper in a low voice.

  “Dior, I can’t stay; the job has ended for me. Take care,” Spencer says, turning away.

  I take a step, grabbing his arm.

  “Please, call me sometime. I want to see you again,” I say, gazing up at Spencer, teary-eyed.

  “Dior,” William says, looking for me, walking around the pool.

  Spencer pulls me back into his arms, kisses me deeply, then pulls back. He tenderly wipes my tears from my cheeks with his beautiful adoring eyes.

  I know that he wants me as much as I want him. I can feel him, his soul.

  “Dior, I’ll call you, I promise,” Spencer says, kissing my forehead, taking a step back.

  “Dior, I heard what happened with Roger; that bastard is going to die,” William says, walking into the patio. He stops resting his hands on his waist, furrowing his forehead and stares at Spencer. I chew my lower lip because I don’t know how he’s going to react. My brother is intense and dangerous. That’s how Father forged William.

  “William, have you met my bodyguard?” I say, turning to look at him.

  “No, are you the one that saved Dior from that bastard,” William asks, taking a step closer, extending his hand.

  “Yes, it was. It’s nice meeting you, William,” Spencer says, nodding clasps his hand.

  “William, I don’t know what I would have done if Spencer hadn’t saved me,” I say, nodding, crossing my arms under my breasts.

  “Awesome, I’m happy to know that you’re on it,” William says, deadpan checking Spencer out.

  “Not a problem, but today is my last day. In fact, I’m leaving,” Spencer says, looking over at me.

  “Yes, he’s not my bodyguard anymore,” I say, biting my lower lip.

  “Uh, yeah. I was just filling in for my buddy while his mother was sick. It’s his job,” Spencer says, nodding and standing tall.

  “Okay, well, thank you for taking care of my sister. I know that she can be a handful,” William says, snickering.

  “Yes, she’s special,” Spencer says, looking at me, raising his eyebrow. His clear eyes gaze into mine, searching for any evidence of my feelings.

  “William, get Father to hire him because I want him as my guard,” I say, pouting at my brother.

  William looks at me, squinting his eyes, shrugging.

  “I can ask, but you know that he’ll do what he wants,” William says, leaning casually against the post.

  I walk over to Spencer, sliding my arm through his.

  “I’m going to be waiting for your call,” I say, looking up at Spencer.

  Spencer gazes into my warm eyes, as the rest of the world falls away and completely ignores William, nods.

  “I’ll call you Dior. You have my number if you need anything,” Spencer says. He leans down to kiss my lips softly and then nods at William.

  Spencer walks away, leaving me with a sweet promise of seeing me again.

  “Dior, I can see that you want to sink your claim into him but is he right for you,” William asks, watching Spencer open the SUV.

  “Yeah, absolutely. He’s everything I ever wanted, plus more,” I whisper, trying to keep from crying.

  I’m so emotionally attached to Spencer, and I don’t know what I’ll do if he doesn’t call me. He thinks that we�
��re from two different worlds.


  I want him, and I’m not going just to let him go.

  Fuck no.

  I’ll figure out a way to see him again.



  I enter the SUV looking at Dior staring at me. I grind my molars to keep from jumping out to get her and take her with me, but she’s a fucking prince, a Diorzella.

  I clench my hands around the steering wheel, inhaling deeply. I turn on the SUV so that I can take it back to Ryan. My job is done, that’s it was, only a job.

  Dior needs someone that can give her everything she deserves.

  Yeah, that’s how it is.

  I turn on the SUV, put it in reverse, and then drive down the circular driveway.


  That motherfucker Roger better stay away from her. I need to tell Ethan to take extra measures on Dior’s safety.


  What if Ethan wants her?

  I’ll kill him!

  This is fucked up! She’s mine; I can feel it in my soul. I know that she’s connected and feels it too. I need to win this fight so I can move up and earn more money.

  Hell, winning will give me the means to take care of Princess. Yeah, Diorzella is my Princess.

  I inhale, exhale, releasing the stress clearing my mind. I drive to hand over the SUV to Ethan at the gym.

  Fuck, the fight is only a month away. I need to get some intense training. It was hard training after Dior went to sleep in the gym that Ford has in his house.

  I pull into Apollo’s parking lot, turning off the SUV. I walk into the gym looking for Ethan.

  “Hey Ethan,” I yell, walking over to where he’s punching the bag.

  “Hey, thanks for filling in,” Ethan says, focusing on his punch. He stops placing his hands on his waist.

  “No worries, anytime. I have the keys for the SUV. How’s your Mom,” I say, holding the keys.

  “She’s doing good,” Ethan says, taking the keys. He places them next to his water bottle.

  “I need to spar. Do you have time,” I ask, taking off the suit jacket?

  “Yeah, I have time,” Ethan says, nodding.

  “Great, give me a few to change,” I say, running down the room.

  I run into the locker room and my locker. I take off the clothes and pull on my training gear. I’m ready to do some training.

  I’m so fucking stoked; it’s about fucking time that I get into my game. I need to win.

  A few minutes later, we jump into the cage to train. I love training with Ethan because he’s a mean, experienced motherfucker.

  I lift my chin in greeting to my buddy Ash.

  “Hey, good to see you,” Ash says, nodding.

  “Dude, I need to get ready for the fight,” I snarl, extending my hands to Ash to have him wrap my hands and help with the gloves.

  “Oh yeah, the fight is only in a few weeks,” Ethan says.

  “Fucker, you’re going to need to train the next few weeks,” Ash huffs.

  “Yeah, that’s the plan,” I say, shoving the mouthpiece in my mouth.

  Ethan gives me all he has, and that’s all good. I need this.

  A few hours later, we exit out of the cage. I’m fucking exhausted, but I love it.

  “Dude, you did good,” Ash says, helping me take off the gloves.

  “Yeah, you did,” Ethan says, nodding, waiting for Ash to help take off his gloves.

  “Hey, take care of the job. There’s an asshole that wants to hurt her, and I understand that he’s dangerous,” I say, looking at Ethan.

  “Yeah, I will. Is there anything you want to tell me,” Ethan asks, rubbing his shoulder?

  “Yeah, she’s Diorzella, and she’s mine,” I say, curling my fingers tight.

  “Right, Diorzella? I thought her name is Dior,” Ethan says, smirking.

  “Fucker, her name is Dior, but she’s a handful, but I need you to take extra care of her,” I growl, nodding.

  “What the fuck, Dude. Did you fall for the job,” Ash says, furrowing his eyebrows?

  “Yeah,” I growl, pressing my lips into a thin line.

  “Fuck, no worries,” Ethan says, nodding.

  “Dude, one more thing,” I say, stone-faced.

  “Yeah,” Ethan says, lifting his chin.

  “Don’t forget that she’s mine,” I growl, furrowing my eyebrows into a straight line.

  “Right, I hear you,” Ethan says, chuckling.

  “Motherfucker! You got it bad,” Ash groans, shaking his head.

  “Yeah,” I say, grabbing the towel, wiping my face.

  I work out another hour, and then I hit the locker room. I take a hot shower, pull on my sweats, the suit, and dirty workout clothes.

  I need to wash because I need to put all of the next few weeks into training.

  I got this.

  I’m winning the championship.

  I pull out my cell, and I see that I have a text message.


  It’s Diorzella.

  My heart pounds, and I slide my finger over the cell to read the message.

  Dior – Hey, I miss you.

  Spencer – I do too, Princess.

  What the fuck!

  It’s the first time that I call her Princess.

  It doesn’t matter anymore because I’m not an employee.

  Yeah, I never called her Diorzella, only in my mind.

  Dior will always be Diorzella because of her attitude.

  But I don’t give a fuck!

  I love her strong will.

  I get her.


  I’ll be damn if I don’t claim her; she’s mine. I feel it in my soul.

  I walk down to my apartment, with the dirty clothes in hand. I walk into my apartment, grabbing the laundry basket. I walk out of my apartment to the laundry room in the apartment complex. I put the two machines to watch.

  Yeah, I have all of my shit dirty. I was too busy to wash.

  Thank fuck I’m back to my routine.

  My cell beeps in my hoodie pocket. I pull it out, swiping my finger over the screen. Yeah, it’s Princess.

  Dior – Will I see you soon?

  Spencer – Yeah.

  Dior – When?

  Spencer – I can see you at night because I’m training all day.

  Dior – Training?

  Spencer – Yeah, I’m training for my championship fight.

  Dior – What?

  Spencer – Princess, MMA fight.

  Dior – Wow. I want to learn more. You can tell me all about it when I see you.

  Spencer – Yeah, where can we meet?

  Dior – Here at home.

  Spencer – Right.

  Dior- I can’t wait.

  Spencer – Me too. I’ll be there at nine.

  Dior – Awesome, night. xoxoxo

  Spencer – Yeah, night. xoxox


  It’s killing me. I need to keep this slow and steady. I can’t fuck up. I don’t want to be hunted by her Father.



  “I’m so excited.”

  He’s going to be here in a couple of hours, and I can’t wait.

  I look around my closet at my clothes. I need to look cute for Spencer, but it doesn’t really matter. He’s seen me in all my different facets of my crazy. He knows me and knows that he gets me.

  I’m not sure when I fell in love with Spencer, but I know that I did.

  I bite my lower lip, closing my eyes, falling onto my knees in the closet. I pull them up to my chest, seeing Spencer in my mind.

  I see his heated eyes.

  I see his amused eyes and the smile that he hides.

  I see his worried eyes when he’s protecting me from the danger that I can’t see.

  I feel him deep in my soul.

  My heart skipped a beat when he called me Princess.

  I did research everything that I could on the internet on this MMA sport. I’m
so fucking impressed, but I’m scared. I don’t know how I will stand watching him get hurt.

  I chew my lower lip, looking at my shoes.

  I push up, grabbing my cute outfit because I want to look sexy for Spencer.

  I told Mama about Spencer and that he’s coming over. She knows him, and she’s good. I know that she told Father and I haven’t heard from him, so I think he’s okay.

  Oh my gosh, thank God.

  Roger has stopped calling, and that’s a fucking relief.

  Good riddance.

  I get dressed, apply my makeup, and do my hair. Yeah, I spray the perfume that Spencer loves.

  I know because he always inhales and smiles when I put it on.

  Spencer didn’t say much most of the time, so I learned to read him. But when he did say something, boy did he.

  I think that’s what I love that he’s not a pussy. He’s strong but tender. Yeah, it sounds weird, but he is.

  The knock on the door startles me, and I watch Parris walk into my room, grinning.

  “Mama told me that your hunky guard is coming to visit. Does that mean it’s something special here? Please tell,” Parris asks, falling onto my bed, crossing her legs. She bounces her leg, smiling.

  “Well, I’m surprised you're home,” I huff, pulling my hair up into a messy bun.

  “No, Dior, you need to leave it down,” Parris says, nodding.

  “Yeah, you’re right,” I say, pulling the band from my hair.

  “Well,” Parris says, raising her eyebrow.

  “Yeah, he’s everything I ever dreamed of,” I say, smiling.

  Parris smiles, tilts her head to the side, staring at me.

  “Does that mean that you fell in love with him? Do you know if you can live without these luxuries,” Parris asks, raising both eyebrows at me?

  “Yeah, I can, but I know that he will be able to take care of me, and besides, I plan on working. Yeah, I want to work as a nurse,” I say, nodding.

  “Oh yeah, huh. Okay, it sounds like you got a plan,” Parris says, nodding.

  “Yeah, so what’s up with you and Xavier? You’re hardly ever home,” I say, sitting on my chair.

  “Well, you know that I’m in love, and he’s perfect,” Parris says, nodding.


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