DC Power Games Box Set 1

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DC Power Games Box Set 1 Page 54

by Ivy Nelson

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  On Monday, Bradley had to go out of town with the senator and would be gone several days. They had spent the weekend in complete Dominant/submissive roles and Darci’s body ached—in a good way. Now they stood in his living room, and Bradley kissed her tenderly before giving her instructions to listen to her security detail.

  For some reason, Darci thought it was a good idea to salute him when he finished. Before she realized what was happening, his hand was around her waist, and she found herself flipped across his lap in the chair he had sat in. He was apparently still very much in dominant mode.

  “Well pet, I was going to leave you with a kiss, but I guess I’ll have to leave you with a sore bottom instead,” he said as he tugged her pajama bottoms and panties down.

  Sharp smacks rained down on her ass cheeks in quick succession. Darci squirmed, but he trapped her legs with his and continued the spanking. Several minutes later the sharp stinging swats stopped as abruptly as they had begun. He released her legs and shoved them apart with one foot as he gently caressed her stinging bottom.

  His hand drifted between her thighs, and he hummed low in his throat. “Seems a sore bottom isn’t the only thing I’m leaving you with.” He teased her with his fingers for a few minutes before standing her up. “I’ve got to go, pet. No touching that pussy while I’m gone unless you call me and ask me first. Is that understood?”

  When she nodded, a swift slap landed on her ass.

  “Yes, Sir,” she yelped.

  He grinned. “Much better.”

  Standing, he pulled her into his arms. “I’m going to miss you.”

  Resting her head on his shoulder, she drank in the comfort of his arms embracing her. Her ass was smarting from the spanking, but it was the ache between her thighs that was most notable.

  “I’ll miss you too,” she whispered, wanting more than anything for him to take her into the bedroom and make love to her. But he was running late already, so they said their final goodbyes and Bradley was out the door.

  It was still early, so Darci had some time before she had to be ready for work. Making her way back into the bedroom, she rubbed her sore bottom with a grin on her face. Back in bed, she picked up her phone to browse the morning headlines. It was then she noticed a text from Carrie.

  Our plane lands at five. Where should we meet?

  Shit. In all the excitement of the last couple of weeks, Darci had forgotten all about Peter and Carrie’s visit. She flipped over to her contacts screen and clicked Bradley’s name.

  “Calling for permission to touch yourself already pet? I thought you would at least last a day,” he said after one ring.

  She giggled. “No! I’m calling because I forgot to tell you something. Well, actually I just plain forgot something.”

  “What is it, pet?”

  “My friends Peter and Carrie are arriving in town today. Will security be OK with me going out to spend time with them? Peter used to manage the firm they work for.”

  For a moment, the line was silent, and Darci was worried he was going to tell her she couldn’t go out. Finally, he spoke.

  “I’m sure it will be fine, but I’ll talk to your detail and let them know to expect you to have company. I’m not going to tell you that you can’t go anywhere with them but please listen to your security. Your friends are welcome to spend as much time at the apartment with you as you like.”

  Darci let out a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Bradley.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Thank you, Sir,” she corrected with a grin.

  “Good girl. I’ll call you when we get to New Hampshire, baby. I miss you already.”

  After they said goodbye, she returned Carrie’s text and told her she would meet them at the airport with a car. It disappointed her that she couldn’t ride the metro right now. Hopping on the subway with Carrie to watch people together had always been a favorite pastime for her and Carrie. Security would have a cow if she tried to do that now.

  She quickly showered and got ready, suddenly feeling excited about the day despite it being Monday. On the way to the office, she gave the security team Peter and Carrie’s flight info so they would be prepared to pick them up after work.

  It had been just over a year since her friends left D.C. for a job on the west coast, and this would be their first trip back. It was going to be so good to see them again. They would be happy to know she was finding her way slowly back into a lifestyle they had all enjoyed together in the past.

  The couple never judged her for taking a step back after Damion, but they always encouraged her to be true to herself. Thanks to Bradley she finally was. She hoped he would get home in time to meet them. They would only be in town for a week.

  The day seemed to drag on forever. Bradley sent a text to say he made it to New Hampshire but would have to call her later. Finally, it was four-thirty and Darci shut down her computer and headed out to meet her security. By the time they got to the airport, it was five-fifteen. Carrie had already sent a text saying they were in baggage claim waiting for their luggage.

  Darci and one of the goon squad made their way to the terminal. As soon as she spotted Carrie, she ran towards her squealing. Her friend always stood out in a crowd because she liked to dye her hair loud colors. Today, it was a rainbow of pinks and blues. You wouldn’t know from looking at her that Carrie was an investigative journalist. When she reached her, Darci hugged Carrie like her life depended on it. “It’s so good to see you.”

  “You’re gonna break her, Kitten,” a deep voice said from behind her. Darci whipped around, and Peter wrapped her in a bear hug, lifting her off the ground.

  “Oh, my goodness, I’m so glad you guys are here.”

  “Miss Sanders, we should get you back to the car.” Carrie’s eyebrow raised as her bodyguard spoke.

  “What’s with the goon squad babe?” she asked.

  “Long story. You know some of it already, but I’ll fill you in on the details on the way home.”

  The three made their way out of the airport just as the black town car pulled up. Darci let Carrie slide in first then climbed into the middle. Peter slipped in and shut the door. On the way to the hotel Peter indicated, Darci recounted the events that led to her having a security detail.

  “Jesus, Kitten, you sure do know how to get into trouble don’t you?” Peter said. She smiled warmly when he used the nickname he had given her years ago.

  “Why didn’t you tell me it was this serious when you called?” he asked with a stern expression.

  “I’m sorry. I just didn’t want to worry you any more than I had to.”

  “When do we get to meet this fella’ of yours, Darci?” Carrie asked, expertly changing the subject.

  At the mention of Bradley, Darci’s eyes lit up. “

  He’s out of town, but he should be back before you have to leave.”

  When they arrived at Peter and Carrie’s hotel, security insisted on coming in with her. Darci rolled her eyes but didn’t argue. Bradley would just call her and yell at her. Not to mention that Peter would give her a disapproving frown of his own.

  “Are you guys tired? Do you want to eat? What do you want to do while you’re here?”

  Peter’s laugh was deep. “Slow down, woman. We’re not tired, food sounds great, and we just want to hang out with you and see some of our other friends. Maybe we can hit up Exposure before we have to leave.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll have to see how Bradley feels about the club, so maybe that can wait until he gets back into town.”

  They settled on a restaurant and headed in that direction. After dinner, they headed back to Bradley’s and watched a movie. It was after midnight when they finally headed back to their hotel.

  The next day they planned to meet some friends for lunch. Darci suggested seeing if Stephanie and Elise were free for dinner and promised to set it up. Not long after they left, Bradley finally called.

  “Hey, baby. How are your fr

  “Oh, they’re wonderful. I hope you get home in time to meet them.”

  “Me too. I should be back in plenty of time. Sorry I couldn’t call you sooner. We hit the ground running, so I just got to my hotel. I miss you.”

  “I miss you too. This bed is too big without you.”

  “Just imagine I’m there holding you. I’ll be home as soon as I can.”

  “I can’t wait.” They said their goodbyes and Darci got ready for bed.

  The next day, Darci sent out messages to Elise and Stephanie. Stephanie was busy, but Elise called her.

  “So, David is letting me drive his new Porsche Cayenne. Let’s go someplace fancy. I’ll drive us all.”

  “I’m not sure. Elise. I have this stupid security detail. I’ll have to ask them, and they’ll probably want to ask Bradley. I’ll try to clear it though.”

  “I’m glad they’re keeping you safe, Darci. Can’t they just follow us?”

  “I’ll ask. I promise.”

  When she ended the call, she struggled to decide if she should ask Bradley or the security guy. She took her chances with Savko

  Turns out he wasn’t as against the idea as she thought he would be. “We’ll make it work, Miss Sanders. Especially since you have Mr. Mercer with you. Just let us know where you want to go.” Darci nearly kissed him she was so happy.

  After work, Peter and Carrie met her at Bradley’s apartment where Elise was going to pick them all up. They were going to a swanky restaurant in a fancy car, so they got dressed up.

  As they pulled up to the valet station and climbed out of the car, Darci froze when she got a look at the man behind the podium. There’s no way he’s back. The hair color was wrong, but the face seemed eerily familiar. He made eye contact with her and for a moment she thought he looked surprised, as if he recognized her too. She shook her head. She was being paranoid.

  “Darci? You OK, Kitten?” Peter asked.

  “Yeah, sorry, just thought I saw a ghost. The valet just looks like someone I use to know.” Elise was handing him the keys. Peter eyed her carefully, as if he didn’t quite believe she was OK.

  “Sweet ride,” the attendant said gruffly as he took the keys from Elise. Darci blew out a breath and relaxed. The voice was all wrong too. She needed to go see Dr. Martin. She hadn’t been to a therapy appointment since before Marlie died.

  “You know him?” Elise asked as the man drove off to park the car.

  “No. He just looked a little like someone from the past. I’m fine.”

  They headed in to wait for their table. Elise had gotten them reservations or more likely, Elise’s boyfriend had gotten them reservations. He had more money than sense and spoiled Elise with pretty much anything she wanted. The four of them enjoyed a fun evening eating delicious food and drinking expensive wine. When they came out of the restaurant, it was storming. Peter slipped an arm around her. “Need us to go home with you, Kitten?”

  She smiled and leaned into him. “I’m fine, Peter. It’s not storming hard enough to knock out the power.”

  Elise had consumed one too many cocktails, so Peter offered to drive her home and they would catch a cab to their hotel. Darci rode home with the security team. They went through their routine check of the apartment, and Darci went to bed. But she tossed and turned until the storm calmed down.

  • • •

  Bradley hated being away from Darci. It had been less than seventy-two hours since he kissed her, and it felt like he was having withdrawals. Thankfully, he was only a car ride away from seeing her again.

  In the backseat of a black town car, he thought about texting her to let her know he was almost home. Instead, he decided to surprise her. When he checked in with her security, they told him she was at his place with her friends, Peter and Carrie.

  When he arrived at the apartment, he had to resist the urge to jog to the main entrance. He said goodnight to the driver and nodded politely to the doorman. Unlocking his door, he frowned at what he saw. Darci was in the middle of the couch with her head on a man’s shoulder. A pink and blue-haired woman was snuggled up to her on the other side. What the hell? He thought. Darci turned her head in his direction when she heard him come in.

  “Bradley!” she exclaimed excitedly. “I’m so glad you’re home. Come meet my friends.” He did his best to keep the scowl off his face as he set his bag and briefcase down and walked into the living room. Darci paused the movie they had on and stood to give him a hug.

  She smelled delicious, and for a moment his jealousy disappeared. “I missed you, baby,” he whispered into her ear.

  “I missed you too. Meet Peter and Carrie. My dearest friends.” Bradley released her and offered his hand to both of them.

  “Pleasure to meet both of you. I hate to be rude, but I’m going to steal Darci for a few minutes. I need to say a proper hello,” he said with a wink that made Darci blush.

  “Oh, I like him Darci babe,” Carrie said as she curled up next to Peter. Darci just laughed as Bradley grasped her hand and tugged her into the bedroom.

  “I’m fighting the urge to spank you right now, pet,” Bradley said in a low voice as they entered the bedroom. Darci’s eyes grew wide, and Bradley stopped her when she started to speak. “You should know I’m a jealous man and I don’t share well.”

  Realization dawned on her face.

  “I’m sorry Bradley. They’re my best friends, but I swear there’s nothing sexual there. I mean, OK, I have made out with Carrie a couple of times, and I was Peter’s submissive for a short time but that’s it. They’ve been my mentors and best friends for a very long time. Please don’t be mad at me.”

  Bradley raised one eyebrow at the idea of her making out with Carrie and brushed her hair back from her face with a sigh.

  “I’m not mad at you, pet. I just didn’t like walking into my apartment seeing you curled up next to another man. You did nothing wrong.” He cupped her face in his hands and leaned down to kiss her.

  “Hmm. I’ve missed this baby,” he said as he broke the tender kiss. “I can’t wait to bury myself inside of you later.” Darci shivered, and Bradley grinned. He liked knowing he had that kind of effect on her. “Do they know what our dynamic is?” he asked.

  “Yes, Sir.” He smiled at her response.

  “Good, then let’s go watch a movie with your friends.” Darci looked at him puzzled, but Bradley chose not to elaborate. In the living room, Bradley settled into the recliner next to the couch and motioned for Darci to sit on the floor at his feet. She offered him a shy smile but did as he asked. Bradley made small talk with Peter and Carrie while she got settled. The couples spent the rest of the evening watching movies and laughing.

  Bradley liked how easy Peter and Carrie were to talk to. He felt even better about them when the subject of Darci ditching her security detail came up.

  “Kitten,” Peter scolded. “Why would you do that?”

  She blushed. “Can we not have this conversation again please? I already got in enough trouble with Bradley. I don’t need you mad at me too.”

  Peter’s frown deepened. “I’m not mad, sweetheart. But if I hear about another stunt like that I might be.” She nodded and lowered her gaze.

  Bradley could tell she didn’t like disappointing Peter. They seemed to love Darci. And so did he. He hadn’t told her yet, but he planned to—soon. It was something he wanted to do right.

  After midnight, Peter and Carrie took off for their hotel with promises to meet up tomorrow sometime.

  “Let’s go to bed, pet,” he said as he locked the front door.

  She nodded and let out a yawn, and he chuckled. “I hope you don’t think you’re going to sleep yet.” She pushed out her bottom lip in an adorable pout. “What’s wrong, pet? Don’t you want to come for me?” he asked as he took her hand and led her to the bedroom.

  She grinned. “OK... I can stay awake a little longer.”

  “I thought you might say that.”

  Chapter Thir

  The next day, it was rainy and gray. Darci tried to keep it from souring her mood though. The memories of the half a dozen orgasms Bradley had given her last night helped keep the gloom at bay. They road to work together, and on the way, coordinated with Peter and Carrie for lunch. They were going to be unavailable for dinner because they were leaving the city for a few hours to visit Gary and Edith. Her day was mostly uneventful, but as the day dragged on, the storms got worse.

  It was still storming by the time Darci and the security team arrived at Bradley’s apartment that evening. Bradley called to say he had to work late. Being alone on stormy nights wasn’t easy for her, but she wasn’t ready to talk to him about that, so she had told him it was fine and that she had some work of her own to catch up on. She really hoped the storm would let up soon, but all the weather alerts on her phone indicated that it would only get worse.

  Bradley had given her free use of his study, so she settled into his comfy office chair and opened her laptop. She needed to make another blog post and write up a report for work. Between that and some music, she might get her mind off the storm. It would be fine if the power didn’t go out.

  The storm raged on outside while she tried to get lost in her work. It was hard to focus though because every few minutes a loud crack of thunder would jar her, causing her to tense. A glance at her phone told her it was eight-thirty. Hopefully he would be home soon.

  Knots were forming in her neck and shoulders, and she needed to stretch so she stood and headed for the kitchen. A loud boom of thunder shook the windows, and half a second later the apartment went dark.

  Fuck, Darci thought and tried to push back the panic welling up inside of her. Maybe it wouldn’t stay out long. She ran to the bedroom and curled up on the bed trying to stifle the tears welling up in her eyes. It was irrational to still feel so much fear. A moment later her phone rang, causing her heart to leap into her throat. She relaxed a little when she saw Bradley’s name flashing on the screen.

  “Hello,” she answered quietly.

  “Hey, baby. Are you OK over there?”


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