Emma Cocker (Cocker Brothers Book 11)

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Emma Cocker (Cocker Brothers Book 11) Page 4

by Faleena Hopkins

  “I wrote it down. You ready?”

  “Yes, Dan,” I sigh. “I’m ready.”

  “‘Stay the hell away from my daughter or I will fight you again and this time nobody will be there to stop me from finishing the job’ Is this guy Sunaya’s dad or what? He sounded too young for that because I know she’s fifty-something.”

  I blink at the stone pathway. “No. Her last name was Lin.”

  “You think he’ll call back?”

  Annoyed I mutter, “If he does, tell him I said, anytime, anywhere.”

  “Right. Don’t forget your haircut.” Dan hangs up.

  I grumble, “What the hell was that about,” sliding my phone away to meet my lovely realtor’s curious look. Dan’s interruption threw off my seduction. Fucking irritating.

  “Anywhere…anytime?” She smiles. “Someone challenge you to a fight?”

  I open my mouth to reply, but something familiar about her catches my attention for the first time. The hair and eye color. The olive skin tanned by DNA not Mother Nature. All of it reminiscent of Jake Cocker. Emma was about to defend Likuss upstairs, too, wasn’t she? And the sweet shape of her face, the feminine slope of her wrists, her hands, now that I’ve had a reason to connect the association…they’re like Drew’s.

  “What is your name?”

  She frowns, “You’ve been calling me by it this whole time. It’s Emma.”

  “Emma what?”

  Her pretty chin juts. “Emma Cocker.”

  “Oh fuck.” Turning on my heel I walk back inside the house I was never interested in, in the first place.



  O ne second we’re heavily coming onto each other, like he might tear my dress off right under these Hydrangea bushes, and the next...

  My phone vibrates. Thought I turned that off. Digging it out I’m totally distracted as I stop walking and answer, “Dad? Everything okay?”

  Mom is normally who calls me.

  I jump as he barks, “Where are you!”

  I slowly reply, “I’m showing a house.”

  “To who?”

  Suddenly I realize what’s happened. It was my dad who challenged him to a fight and Tanner just realized who I am, and their history stopped our flirtation. Staring at the ground I shrug, “Just a client.”

  “Baby Love, are you with Tanner Hamilton? No – a better question – are you alone with that arrogant piece of shit bastard?”

  Oh damn. He is really upset.

  Not technically lying since Tanner is inside, I tell my overly protective father, “No, I’m alone. Why? What’s going on?”

  Tell me why you punched each other.

  And also tell me why, between you and my brothers, I’m surprised I’ve ever dated anyone.

  I truly believe if I were here with Saint Michael himself, you would say he wasn’t good enough for me.

  “You’re alone?!”


  He pauses, grumbles, “What the hell? Rachel called and told me you were with that asshole.”

  I cut a quick glance to the house. My heart jerks in surprise. Tanner is watching me from the doorframe as he rubs his smoothly shaved chin. The glint in his eyes says he knows who’s on the phone, and he’s very interested in what happens next.

  Our eyes are locked.

  “I was showing him a property but now I’m heading back to the office.”

  Dad demands, “Did he try anything?”

  My heart might break my ribs as I struggle with these lies. “It was purely a buyer-seller meeting. All business, Dad…why?”

  He clears his throat and mutters, “I have another call coming through.” No, he doesn’t. I’m not the only one lying here, am I? “Tell Cora I said she has to handle that prick from now on. You stay away from him, you hear me?”

  “I hear you.”


  “But what happened…?”

  The phone goes dead.

  Tanner pushes off the jamb, cheek ticking with frustration as he vanishes.

  I must know why they fought.

  Quick footsteps carry me inside the mansion to search for him and some answers. But it feels empty so I call out, “Mr. Hamilton?”

  That’s all we’ve called each other—Emma, and Mr. Hamilton. Perhaps if he’d ever asked my whole name we wouldn’t be where we are now. But he keeps a distance, this man, probably from everyone and everything.

  In regards to him, up until today so did I. But that’s a distance I no longer want.

  I wait for a response that never comes.

  He left?

  As fast as I possibly can, trying to hold onto my dignity, I walk. Were he to see me running through this place he might misperceive it as desperation, not curiosity. But if I was forced to admit the truth it’s that I don’t want these days we’ve spent together to end like this.

  I throw the front door open and find him strolling toward his silver Maserati.

  “Unbelievable!” I grumble, and break into a run despite myself. My hair flies back as my heels click across the stones. He disappears inside the sleek vehicle.

  “Mr. Hamilton!”

  But I’m not a good shouter.

  Most of my family would claim I’m too quiet. So maybe my voice didn’t reach him.

  As he pulls away from the curb, I pick up speed and my sunglasses threaten to bob off my head. My quarterback brother isn’t the only one who can throw. I grab them and fling them at the car. They hit the trunk, and the tires skid to a stop. The Maserati just sits there, engine running as I catch up, out of breath and red-faced for too many reasons.

  Tanner explodes out and towers over me. “Are you going to pay for those scratches?”

  Defiant, I hold his glare. “Are you going to run away like a coward?”

  Oh boy.

  The ferociousness that crackles off him is so alarming I take an involuntary step back. “Little Emma Cocker,” he snarls like he can’t believe I’m Jake’s daughter.

  “Don’t call me little! I want answers! What happened with you and my father?”

  His head cocks. “You want more than that.”

  “I don’t anymore!”

  He takes a step closer. “You want me to fuck you, that’s what you want.”

  I slap him. His eyes close briefly before turning into slits. “You might be able to fool Jake. I’m sure he has good reason to believe anything you say—his perfect little daughter. But don’t lie to me. If I had slid off this pretty dress, you would’ve helped me do it. And that hasn’t changed.”

  I stare at him, speechless.

  His sharp cheekbones tick twice. “I’m not leaving to save me. I’m leaving to save you.”

  He heads for his car.

  My voice cracks, “I don’t want saving!!!”

  His knuckles go white on the door. I stand here, frozen between desire and fury. The distance between us vanishes. I gasp as his hand cups the back of my head, our lips colliding in a kiss so passionate it shocks every cell. My hands float up and just as I’m about to embrace him, he pulls back and gazes into my eyes, hand keeping me right here.

  I’m breathless.

  Inches from his moistened lips.

  That kiss danced fire into my veins.

  “Feel that?”

  I can only nod.

  “You wouldn’t survive if I made you my lover. You’ve never been with a man like me. I would crush you, and you’re like a rose in rain, too precious to be crushed.”

  Tanner lets me go, strolls to his car and swoops inside.

  I watch until his taillights disappear.



  Swearing under my breath I bruise my palm on the steering wheel, cock and chest pounding. I’ve been with some beauties in my day but after these chaste days of watching her shine, rattling off details so bizarre and complete about properties she’d studied like her own name, it was attractive beyond measure. Even the house she had no knowledge of, she showed
a glimmer of uncertainty and then took the reins like a champ.

  The flirtation was hot.

  Got me thinking.

  Normal for a man like me.

  But that kiss felt spectacular, and the sweet shock and openness that gazed up into my eyes afterward, really did me in. I didn’t want to walk away from any of it.

  Why’d I have to stop the car in the first place? I have better self-control than that, dammit! It’s why I’m so successful! Everything I set my mind to, I achieve. Came from nothing and look at me. What the fuck was I thinking getting out of this car and tempting myself. I don’t give a damn about those scratches. Not only is this an over-insured rental, I could buy ten of these models without flinching.

  I knew I needed to walk away when she was lying through her pretty teeth to Jake, that arrogant motherfucker. The compelling pull to engage in battle with him again was intense. I showed her mercy by leaving, out of respect to her, not him. But then she went and called me a coward. She has no idea who she’s dealing with. To have Jake in the mix just makes this temptation sweeter.

  But she’d get hurt.

  That’s what’s stopping me.

  I date older women only, those equal to the challenge and who won’t be changed by the experience. After all, I might be a devil but I’m not a monster.

  Eager for a distraction I dig the vibrating phone from my pocket and drive toward the barbershop. Glancing to the screen before I answer, my eyebrows cock up.

  “Cora, this is a surprise. Or should I say it isn’t.”

  Her voice is friendly and professional, betraying nothing. “Tanner! I’m so sorry I wasn’t able to be there. Needed a massage. Every one of the days you’ve needed me. Couldn’t reschedule.”

  I give a heavily sarcastic chuckle. “At least you’re not going to say you’re sick, like your apprentice did.”

  “Oh, did Ms. Cocker say I was ill? She lied.”

  My teeth grit together a beat. “What’s your angle with this? You still pissed about Venice? You knew we had an expiration date. And you acted fine with it back then!”

  “I just want to help you buy your dream home! But I don’t want to see your face, so I sent someone not nearly as qualified in my stead. You understand.”

  I whip the steering wheel and skid around a sharp corner. “Here I was giving you business and you still can’t forgive me?”

  She laughs, “What’s to forgive?”

  “Fine, I’ll find someone else who wants a fat commission since you won’t accept my apology.”

  The fake smile in her voice is annoying as fuck. “Oh, is that what this was, Tanner? You thought you'd make amends by throwing work my way?” The friendly tone disappears. “Don’t insult me, you bastard. I don’t need your stupid commission. I’m the most successful realtor in Atlanta. The Mayor bought his house from me! Take your smug smirk and shove it up your perfect ass!” She hangs up.

  Throwing my phone on the passenger seat I swerve into the parking lot and shake my head, muttering, “Women always wonder why I won’t get married.”

  When I return to my hotel several annoyed hours later, well fed and hair freshly trimmed yet still maintaining the mid-length waves I’m known for, the front desk staff greets me, “Good evening, Mr. Hamilton.”

  I nod to them on my way to the elevator, dialing Dan and telling him before he has the chance to say hello, “Find me another realtor. We aren’t dealing with Cora again.”

  Which means no Emma.


  I don’t want to see her again.

  Dan’s silent for a second, then dryly asks, “Should I send Ms. Williamson flowers, too?”

  “You’re hilarious.”

  He chuckles at his own joke and tells me in a more serious tone, “I may have a solution for you. I received a call from one right after six o’clock your time. Not only did she sound capable, intelligent and professional, she claims to know everyone in Atlanta and assured me she’d find the house you were looking for.”

  I stroll into my suite and notice the maid left it in immaculate condition, as usual.

  “Perfect. Set it up.”

  “Well, there’s one thing you might want to consider.”

  Tossing my rental’s key fob onto the marble coffee table I collapse on the sofa and throw my feet up, rubbing my face. “What is it?”

  “She said her name is Emma Cocker.”

  I freeze then plant my feet on the floor, leaning an elbow on my knee as I frown. “What the hell?”

  “I have an old Joe Cocker album in my rock playlist. He was big way back when. But other than that, not a common name. I’m guessing she’s the daughter you were warned to stay away from? Figured it couldn’t be a coincidence.”

  “You figured correctly. It isn’t.” Tapping my tongue on the roof of my mouth I concentrate on this dilemma. It’s not about the properties. I could get another realtor, maybe not as capable but with less fucking drama, if I just told Dan to go ahead and find someone else.

  That’s what I’m going to do.

  Can’t get that kiss out of my mind.

  I’m not interested in finding out why. “Set it up.”

  “You sure you want to…”

  Jumping up I bark, “You want me to say it again, Dan? Hire Emma Cocker!”

  “Consider it done.”

  Throwing the phone I pace. Good thing I don’t have booze here. This is one of those times I’d make an ass of myself, because I’m not a heavy drinker. Inspired to start now.

  Emma, you little whiskey-eyed minx.

  Might just have to drink you.

  Only that addiction might be worse.

  “Tanner, you’re being crazy. It’s just a crush,” I mutter to myself, pacing. “You want to nail her, that’s all it is, lust and nothing more.”

  Atlanta’s skyline grows darker as I stand here staring at the twinkling lights as they multiply. Best view, this side of the hotel and this high up. It’s not my hometown, but it’s a pretty sight just the same. Last night I enjoyed it. Tonight I know that sweet, fresh-faced daughter of Jake Cocker is walking around with her hips swaying, her kissable lips curved in a smile directed at someone else.

  Why aren’t I on my phone checking stocks? Answering the emails past Dan’s pay-grade? Searching for another company to acquire, break down and sell off?

  How long have I been standing here?

  Running a hand over my face I tear myself from the glittering skyscrapers and pace some more.

  Jake Cocker’s daughter.

  If you weren’t—like what, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen years younger? and a good person, to boot, one I can’t hurt on purpose like that—I’d use you to show him he can’t threaten me and get away with it.

  Fucking dick. Telling her to stay away from me. I wasn’t listening but from her face I knew his warnings. Just like her aunt’s. Now it makes so much sense. As if they know who I am! They don’t know me. I could hunt Jake down and fight him tonight for that alone.

  A growl of frustration tears from my lungs as I pull at my tie and begin to undress. Any other day I’d fold these clothes for the dry cleaning service pickup. Tonight I’m hurling them at a wall until I’m naked and panting.

  Only a cold shower can calm me down tonight. Booze would only make it worse.

  As soon as I’m out, water dripping down my body because I forgot about a towel, I search for my phone and dial my assistant. “Dan, when is the next showing?”

  “Day after tomorrow, noon exactly. She sounds nice, Tanner.”

  “She is. That’s the problem.” I hang up and see a pool of shower-water on the carpet. “What the fuck is wrong with me?” Quick strides to a towel are laden with a string of cuss words. When I finally climb into bed, hair wet, I stare at the ceiling for three fucking hours straight.



  Sitting on Hannah’s kitchen counter in my casual after-work clothes I changed into before coming over, I glance around, bare feet swinging. “
It’s still so strange to me that we don’t live together. I mean, you have a whole house now…with someone else.”

  “You mean the love of my life?” she smiles while slicing a green apple for us, blonde hair in a braid. “I feel the same, though. It’s not weird having you here, but so weird that you won’t stay and just go into your bedroom, here again in the morning making a bowl of cereal like all those years.”

  I take the offered apple slice from her. “Thank you. Where is Tobias?”

  She tosses the core-fragments and unwanted seeds in the trash below her sink. “Training. He’s got a fight coming up. Won’t show his face in here for hours.” Crunching away, she says with her mouth half-full, “I realized earlier today that you never told me, how’d that showing go?” Chewing quickly and swallowing, she adds, “I know it takes a while to complete a sale, but did this Tanner guy seem interested? Have you heard from him since that first day?”

  I peel the skin off my apple slice. “Meh.”

  Pale green eyes inspect me. “Emma, you’re the worst liar I’ve ever met, except for Zoe.”

  Hating that everyone thinks I’m so damn nice, I challenge her, “Oh really? I successfully lied to my dad and he didn’t know it.”

  “Was this on the phone?” she shoots back.

  Frowning, I straighten up. “Yeah, why?”

  “Because it’s your eyes not your voice that gives it away. If we can see your face, any of us can tell you’re lying.” She points at me. “Windows to the soul, and yours aren’t capable of dishonesty.”

  “Thank God,” I mutter before taking a bite.

  I’m not going to tell her about how one showing turned into twenty-two, why I lied, that amazing kiss I can’t stop thinking about, or how I finagled another meeting with Tanner after Cora told me their ties had been cut. I’m going to keep it all to myself until more is revealed and I know what’s going on.

  Hannah opens the fridge and pours us some water, slicing fresh cucumbers into it while describing a new restaurant that’s opened up. How she and Tobias made out in the locked bathroom stall. “We were going to do more but someone knocked and shouted at us. Still, it was so fun, Emm. I hope we always sneak sexy moments in public places,” she wistfully smiles, so in love.


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