Flesh and Blood (A Tanner Novel Book 35)

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Flesh and Blood (A Tanner Novel Book 35) Page 3

by Remington Kane

  “Nothing of note… officer.”

  Monte grinned. “That’s what I thought you’d say.”

  Mendez had taken in the exchange. He was astute enough to know it hadn’t been the harmless joking around that some might have mistaken it for.

  “What’s going on with you two?”

  “Nothing, boss,” Monte said. “I just find Parker interesting. People tell me that he spent decades in the witness protection program. The thing is, no one seems to know what he did all that time. Whatever it was, it paid well enough for him to have this ranch.”

  Cody had taken off the rubber gloves he’d been using and returned to the table. He sat across from Monte and stared at him.

  “Why did you leave the DEA to take a job here as a cop?”

  Monte shrugged. “I wanted a simpler life.” He gestured at Mendez. “Steve did the same thing.”

  “Yeah, but Steve grew up here and has a wife, and young kids to raise. You’re all alone and have no ties to Stark.”

  “I liked the town, so I moved here.”

  “Uh-huh,” Cody said.

  Monte stood. “I’m going inside to see if Caroline needs a hand with anything.”

  When his deputy was gone, Mendez grabbed Cody’s arm. “What was that all about? Do you know something about Chris that I don’t?”

  Cody went on to tell him about Monte taking Henry’s picture and asking the boy questions about him.

  “I did notice Henry giving him an odd look earlier,” Mendez said.

  “There’s something off about Chris Monte, Steve. He might be a good cop, but I’d watch myself around him if I were you, you know?”

  Mendez belonged to a group of law enforcement personnel who acted as vigilantes. The statue of Lady Justice that could be found outside many courthouses displayed her as carrying scales in her left hand, in which she weighed evidence. In her right hand was a sword, the symbol of punishment. Sword Bearers believed it was their duty to dish out that punishment, which usually resulted in the death of the guilty.

  “I haven’t tried to recruit him to the Sword Bearers, although I considered it after he killed Vaughn Townes and saved that kidnap victim. I thought he might have killed Townes on purpose.”

  “Have you noticed anything odd about him?”

  “No, but he would be on his best behavior around me. He does seem interested in you, but then, you are interesting. Hell, Cody, you returned from the dead.”

  “That doesn’t explain his interest in Henry.”

  “No, it doesn’t. All right, I’ll keep an eye on him.”

  Monte returned to the patio with Caroline and Jarod at his side. He announced that they were leaving.

  Caroline smiled at Cody. “Thank you for inviting us; I’ll have to have you and Sara over to my house soon.”

  Caroline had been living with her elderly mother-in-law, Barbara Lang, but Barbara had recently entered a nursing home.

  “Give Sara a call anytime and we’ll make plans,” Cody told her, then Caroline surprised him by giving him a peck on the cheek. The show of affection caused Monte to frown.

  The couple left, leaving Cody and Sara alone with Steve, Ginny, and Laura. They spent the rest of the evening discussing their children, their respective ranches, and Sara’s upcoming pregnancy. Deputy Chris Monte stayed on Cody’s mind. More than ever, he believed that there was something not quite right about the man.


  Crush Crushed

  The following day, Cody and Sara returned from her doctor’s appointment to be greeted along the driveway by Rick Winhoffer. The ranch foreman was headed out in a pickup truck to go into town for supplies.

  “You’ve got a visitor, Cody. The young man said his name was Jax Dexter.”

  “Jax?” Sara said. “Isn’t that the boy from Caleb’s farm?”

  “That’s him,” Cody said.

  “He said he’s looking for work. I spoke to him for a few minutes and learned that he’d spent time on a ranch before. He doesn’t have much experience, but if you want to give him a try, I’m willing to take a chance on him. I’m still looking to replace one of the two hands we lost last month.”

  “Maybe we’ll hire Jax. And you’ve already hired someone else?”

  “Yeah, a friend of Bobby Lincoln’s. He’s in the office filling out paperwork. His name is Elijah Turner. He’s worked on ranches before.”

  “Where is Jax?”

  “I told him to wait by the stables. He showed up riding a red motorcycle.”

  “Okay. Thanks, Rick.”

  Cody and Sara saw the motorcycle as they pulled up near the stables. The bike looked like one Cody had owned many years earlier when he’d been living in Las Vegas. It was a Harley-Davidson Electra Glide. Cody’s motorcycle had been black instead of red.

  Jax was straddling the bike. His blond hair was hanging loose and was past his shoulders, and he was dressed in jeans and a sleeveless T-shirt that showed off his well-developed arms.

  “This is a surprise,” Cody told Jax as he spoke to him through his open window.

  The teen waved to them. “Yo, Cody man, I remembered that you said you had a ranch in Texas, so I came to get a look at it.”

  “Does Caleb know you’re here?”

  “He don’t have to know. I’m eighteen now; I can go where I want.”

  “Follow us to the house and we’ll talk,” Cody said.

  On their way there another visitor arrived. Cody recognized the car as belonging to Caroline Lang; however, the driver was her younger sister, Olivia. Cody parked first, followed by Jax, then Olivia.

  Sara smiled at Olivia as they exited their vehicles. “Hi, are you meeting Henry here?”

  “Hi, Mrs. Parker. No, I stopped by because Caroline said she left her ring here last night.”

  “Right, she called earlier and said it was on the sink in the powder room. Come inside with me and I’ll give it to you.”

  “Thank you.”

  Jax walked up to Olivia. “I’m Jax, what’s your name, beautiful?”

  Olivia smiled at Jax and told him her name.

  “Cody and I are old friends,” Jax said. “We go way back.”

  “Way back?” Olivia said. “I don’t think so, you’re only about my age.”

  “I know, and I wonder what else we have in common. Why don’t we hang together and find out?”

  “My boyfriend wouldn’t like that.”

  “He don’t have to know either,” Jax said.

  Olivia laughed, then spoke to Sara. “Um, I’ll get that ring now.”

  “Follow me,” Sara said.

  “I’ll see you around, Olivia,” Jax said.

  Olivia followed Sara inside the home where the housekeeper was watching Lucas.

  Jax turned back to Cody. “That girl is hot.”

  “And she has a boyfriend named Henry. He and I do go way back.”

  Jax frowned. “Yeah, she says she has a boyfriend, but you’d be surprised how often they forget that fact, if you know what I mean.”

  “Why are you here, Jax?”

  “I’m looking for work.”

  “This is a long way to travel for a job.”

  “I was headed to New York City, then I remembered that you had a ranch.” He smiled. “I also ran out of money.”

  “Rick Winhoffer said he talked to you. He’s willing to give you a shot. I hope you’re ready to work.”

  “What’s the job pay?”

  Cody named a figure and Jax nodded. “That ain’t bad money.”

  “You’ll earn it. It also includes a bed in the bunkhouse.”

  “I’m hired?”

  “Rick has the final say, since you’ll be working for him, but yeah, it looks like you’re hired. Rick went into town. When he comes back, he’ll get you settled in.”

  Jax pointed at the house. “I have to take a leak. Can I go inside?”

  “Follow me,” Cody said, as he started up the steps.

  “I’m hungry too.”

nbsp; “We’ll feed you, and I’ll call Caleb to let him know where you’ve landed.”

  “You think he cares?”

  “Yes, and so will Sadie. Remember, if not for them, you would have wound up behind bars.”

  Jax grinned. “You shoulda seen that Lambo I stole, man. The car was worth doing time for.”

  Cody stopped walking and stared at the teen. “You screw up here and you’re on your own. Do you get me?”

  The smile left Jax’s face. “Yeah, Cody. I won’t fuck up again. I was just kidding about the car.”

  Olivia was leaving the house as they entered.

  “Good news, Olivia. I’ve been hired. Now you can show me around town, hmm?”

  Olivia shook her head. “Maybe Mr. Parker will show you around.”

  “What, you can’t have guy friends?” Jax said.

  Olivia said, “Congratulations on the new job,” then kept going down the stairs.

  “Ouch,” Jax said. “She just shot me down hard. She must have it bad for that boyfriend of hers.”

  “Why? Because you’re irresistible?”

  “Not to brag, but I do great with the ladies.”

  “All I care about is how hard you work,” Cody said.

  There was leftover fried chicken. Jax ate three pieces along with a large helping of pasta salad as he sat at the kitchen table with Cody, who only had coffee. As he ate, Jax told Cody about his trip from California. He had been on the road for eight days before coming to the ranch.

  As he had when he’d met him at Caleb’s farm in California, Cody thought once again that Jax reminded him of Romeo at the same age. Romeo had also been cocky and carefree. Jax even favored his friend somewhat. If he’d had Romeo’s surfer dude accent the similarity would have been enhanced.

  When he was done eating, Cody escorted Jax to the ranch’s office. It was located at the rear of the small home that housed Winhoffer and his daughter.

  There was an unfamiliar pickup truck parked near the ATV Heidi often used. The truck was a decade old but was in excellent condition. It gleamed in the sunlight and even the tires looked as if they’d been polished.

  Heidi was in the office with a tall young man; the two of them were engaged in conversation while smiling. The man was the other new hire, Elijah Turner. Elijah was a light-skinned black man with green eyes. Cody could tell by the way Heidi was looking at him that the teen was taken with Elijah, who was about three years older than she was.

  The two of them were so engrossed in each other that they hadn’t registered the door opening. Heidi didn’t react until Cody and Jax stepped into the room.

  “Oh, hi Cody. I didn’t hear you come in.”

  Heidi introduced Elijah to Cody. Elijah offered his hand and said that Bobby spoke highly of him.

  “He loves working here and said I would too.” Elijah glanced at Heidi. “I think I will.”

  Jax was introduced and given paperwork to fill out. He was attracted to Heidi, but she barely noticed him and kept her eyes on Elijah. Cody noticed that she paid him little attention as well. It looked like Heidi’s crush on him was forgotten.

  “Will you be staying in the bunkhouse, Elijah?” Cody asked as he walked him outside.

  “No sir, I live with my parents over in Culver.”

  “Okay, and I guess I’ll see you around the ranch.”

  “I start tomorrow; I look forward to it.”

  “That’s your truck?”

  “Yeah, I’ve had it since I was seventeen.”

  “You keep it in good shape.”

  “Thanks, I plan to have it for a while. My dad says car payments are a waste of money.”

  “How do you know Bobby?”

  “I went to high school with his brother. I’ve known Bobby since we were kids.”

  “If you work out half as well as he has, you’ll do fine here.”

  Elijah climbed into his truck. Heidi came outside and waved to him.

  “Goodbye, Elijah.”

  Elijah grinned at her. “So long, Heidi. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Heidi watched the truck drive away. Cody had to call her name twice before she responded.

  “Oh, yes?”

  “You can send Jax back to the house when you’re done with him. I’ll show him to the bunkhouse and get him settled in.”

  “Okay, thank you,” Heidi said, before staring off in the direction Elijah had taken.

  Cody smiled. Yeah, Heidi’s crush on him was over.


  Unexpected Visitors

  Chris Monte was seated in his cruiser waiting for the next speeder to go by on Main Street. Being a small-town cop was boring as hell.

  It had been nearly four weeks since Kagan Andreas had called and said that he’d be coming to town and that it would be soon. His idea of soon was not the same as Monte’s.

  Every day since he’d last spoken to Kagan, Monte had debated making an anonymous call to the FBI or the U.S. Marshals. They would be interested in knowing where Kagan would be. There were two problems with that idea. For one thing, the FBI might respond by showing up in town with too many agents, thus tipping Kagan off that they were there. The Marshals might do a better job, since they had more experience at catching fugitives, but Monte didn’t want Kagan captured, he needed him dead, so he couldn’t talk about him.

  The second problem was that he might be the only one who knew Kagan was planning to come to Stark. If Kagan found out the authorities were in town waiting for him, he’d know for certain that it was Monte who gave him up.

  That was why Monte had put off calling anyone. He had also decided to kill Kagan himself. He’d taken to carrying an extra gun with him. He could kill Kagan with the weapon and claim it belonged to the drug cartel member.

  Being a former DEA agent, it wouldn’t be odd for Monte to recognize Kagan on sight. Although of Greek heritage and not Mexican, Kagan was a higher up in the cartel hierarchy and was well-known to drug enforcement officers. Kagan’s distribution system was used by more than one cartel and he was a wealth of information about the inner workings of the Mexican drug trade. The Feds would want to take him alive if they had a chance.

  They won’t get that chance, Monte thought. He would kill Kagan and anyone with him. It was the only way to be free of the man.

  A car went by doing a measly three miles over the speed limit. Monte hit the lights and went after the offender, who was an elderly woman in an old SUV. He was in a bad mood and looking to take it out on someone. The old lady would do. He hated the town of Stark. Once he killed Kagan, he’d put the place behind him for good.

  Jax turned out to be a capable worker, although Rick Winhoffer commented that he never stopped talking. Elijah was doing well too. Heidi and Elijah went on a date his first week on the job and were obviously a couple from that time forward. As for Jax, he seemed to have taken a liking to Olivia, despite knowing that she was Henry’s girlfriend.

  Olivia worked part-time as a server at the ice cream parlor in town and Jax made a point of stopping in every day she was at the store. Henry noticed and the two boys had argued.

  Jax was two years older than Henry, taller, and fifteen pounds heavier. None of that intimidated Henry and the two nearly came to blows outside the ice cream parlor. The fight ended before it could begin when Steve Mendez hit the siren on his vehicle. The chief had been parked nearby in his pickup truck and saw what was happening. The short blast from his siren made the boys lower their fists and look his way.

  Mendez left his truck and walked toward them. “What’s going on here, Henry?”

  Henry pointed at Jax. “I was about to teach this jerk some manners. He keeps hitting on Olivia and she’s not interested.”

  Mendez studied Jax. “I don’t recognize you. Where are you from?”

  Jax smiled and sent Mendez a mock salute. “I work at the Parker ranch, Sheriff.”

  “I’m not a sheriff, and don’t salute me. What’s your name?”

  “Jax Dexter.”

p; “Ah, Cody’s mentioned you. I see you live up to your billing.”

  “What’s that mean?” Jax said.

  “It means you’re a jerk,” Henry said.

  “If I catch you boys fighting, I’ll lock you both up. You hear me?”

  “I hear you, Chief,” Henry said. His bicycle was outside the store. He unchained it and got on.

  Jax laughed at him. “Does Olivia sit on the handlebars when you go on dates?”

  “It’s none of your business what she does,” Henry told him.

  Mendez nodded toward the motorcycle. “Is that yours, Jax?”

  “Hell yeah. She’s sweet, ain’t she?”

  “You’re parked at a meter and the time has run out.”

  “Aw man, are you gonna give me a ticket?”

  “Not if you leave right now.”

  “Thanks, Sheriff.”

  “I told you, I’m not a sheriff; I’m the chief of police.”

  “What’s the difference?”

  Mendez sighed. “Just take off, Jax, before I change my mind about giving you that ticket.”

  Jax straddled the motorcycle and started the engine. Before strapping on a helmet, he blew his horn and sent a wave to Olivia. Olivia looked at him through the store’s front window but didn’t wave back. Jax took off from the curb in a rush then weaved his bike around the slower vehicles. Since he wasn’t speeding, Mendez let him go.

  Several days later, Olivia celebrated her seventeenth birthday. Since the day fell on a Saturday and the weather was warm, Caroline told her she could have a pool party but to keep the crowd manageable. Olivia invited her closest friends, one of whom showed up at the party with Jax Dexter. Jax was dressed in swim trunks like everyone else. Although only eighteen, he was taller and more muscular than the other boys, including Henry. Jax worked out with weights and it showed. With his long hair, he looked like a blond Adonis.

  Henry had spotted Jax first and asked Olivia what he was doing there.

  “Don’t blame me. He and Angelina started dating. I couldn’t tell her not to bring him.”

  “Is he still hitting on you?”


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