Shifted (The Undari Trilogy Book 1)

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Shifted (The Undari Trilogy Book 1) Page 11

by Sarah Reeves

  The late afternoon sunlight slanted across the yard, and the ducks that were in the pond had left. There was no indication that anything else had happened, save for a scattering of leaves and twigs from the willow, where Alex had gotten herself tangled. Adrien walked to just before that spot, and turned to face Alex.

  “Okay,” she said. “Shift.”

  Alex closed her eyes, and felt the Shift take over. All of this was becoming easier and easier, and she had made the Shift completely within a minute’s time. She had gotten bigger, too. When she’d finished changing, Alex lowered her head until it was level with Jennifer and Adrien. Jennifer had a look of blank shock on her face, and Alex remembered that she had never seen her daughter go full dragon before. She slowly raised her arm, laying her hand against her daughter’s snout. Alex closed her eyes, leaning into the touch. A thought came to her mind, and she raised her head enough to look at Adrien. Mentally, she reached out.

  Can I communicate with humans like this? Alex asked. I don’t want to, like, make her head explode or send her spiraling into insanity. This made Adrien laugh out loud, startling the other woman.

  “You won’t explode her brain, I promise. It’s okay to talk to her.”

  “Who are you talking about? Did Alex say something?” Jennifer looked from Alex to Adrien and back, freezing in place when Alex swung her enormous head around to meet her gaze. “What are you doing?”

  Alex stretched her mind toward her mother. Relax, Mom. I’m not going to eat you. At this, Jennifer took a step back, and looked at Adrien again.

  “She just- you can use telepathy?”

  Yes. Adrien’s voice crept into Alex’s mind, and from Jennifer’s reaction, Alex could tell she’d heard, too.

  Oh, cool. We’re on a telepathic conference call. That is also a phrase I never thought I would say. Alex rolled her eyes. So now that we’re all here, I want to know why the Unseen said what he did to you. This thought was directed at Adrien, who let out an exasperated breath. Before she could respond, Alex continued. We’ve already established that other than my power and eyes, and general appearance, she flared her wings, demonstrating where the scales there were now two-toned, I’m fine. So now it’s your turn for a little show and tell. What did he mean by you both know what I am?

  Adrien closed her eyes. He meant that you’re different.

  That much is obvious, thought Alex dryly.

  “I think what Alex means,” Interjected Jennifer, looking between the dragon and her trainer, “Is that you should probably be a little more specific. The Unseen knows what she is, he may try to use her.”

  He already said that he has plans for me. Alex thought. If he has plans for me, then he knows what I am. Am I even Undari? Am I going to become like the Unseen?

  No, Alex, you’re not. I already told you that the Unseen got his power from killing other Undari. You are Undari, just like me.

  Apparently not, retorted Alex. Because I don’t see this other power coming out of you. You weren’t able to throw off the Unseen’s possession. I was, so clearly there is something different about me. What is it?

  “Please, just tell her, Adrien.” Alex’s mother took a step toward Adrien, an imploring look on her face. “She’s just going to keep asking and looking for the answers until she gets them.”

  Fine. Adrien rubbed both hands over her face. Fine. I’ll tell you. You… you’re not going to like this. But I’ll tell you the truth.

  That man that spoke to you, the one outside the mall a month ago. He didn’t know your father. I know that’s what you thought, that he worked with your father. But he had no idea who he was, or me. He knew you, though. He was a Seer. One of the more revered members of the Undari society. They are rare, more so now, but they exist. This particular one saw what you would become. It wasn’t random that you stumbled upon him.

  When you were born, Alex, it caused all the Seers in each realm to See at once. They saw that while you’re Undari, you are fundamentally different from all the others in our race. You are the only one with the ability to have more than one power, more than one Form. You remember when you were sick, don’t you? When Alex nodded, unable to say anything, Adrien continued. I told you your body was trying to Shift, but it didn’t know how. That wasn’t completely true. Your body was trying to Shift, but the reason you couldn’t do it completely is because your body didn’t know which Form to Shift into. That caused your body to nearly rip itself apart in it’s confusion.

  Unable to take it anymore, Alex Shifted again, until she was human again. “You mean to tell me that I have more than one Form? That’s insane. Also, how the hell did you make me better that night?”

  “I was able to stabilize you temporarily, by using your father’s amulet and my power combined. Since we are your parents,” she held up a hand when Alex opened her mouth. “Biologically, anyway, using both kinds of power helped you. The rest came when you Shifted for the first time.”

  “Why did touching the amulet hurt her, then?” Jennifer asked the question for her daughter. “And what is the amulet for?”

  “The amulet is for Undari, as a way to store power, should they need it in a time of emergency. The reason it hurt Alex is because it wasn’t her power to use. The amulet isn’t sentient, but it is specific to the Undari that makes it. When she touched the gem, some of it’s power shot out, as a way of deterring a potential thief. Only thing is, she’d never encountered any kind of Undari artifact before, or her own power in years. Those factors combined and made her react in a way that kick started her latent abilities, all at once.”

  “Okay, so maybe what you’re saying is true.” Alex shook her head. “Still trying to figure this whole thing out, so tell me. How do I Shift into another Form? Do I have a limit on how many I can Shift into? Do I have access to more than one power?”

  “Those are the questions we have to answer on our own. You’re a singularity, Alex. There has never been anyone like you, and it’s unlikely that there will be another.” Adrien gestured at Alex. “We need to experiment, figure out the limits of your power. As that happens, you’ll get more and more powerful, and you will be able to stop the Unseen for good.”

  “Okay, sure, but why am I the only one? I’m sure there’s variables that made me the way I am, but there’s no way those variables couldn’t have come together somewhere else to create another one, right?”

  “Your siblings may have gotten the same abilities, but they didn’t survive.” Adrien took a small breath. “You did, though. And that makes you the only one.”

  Alex thought for a moment. “Okay, then. Is that the reason the Unseen couldn’t keep me under his control? Because I have the potential to do those things?”

  “Yes. Because you’re so different, your mind, your biology is altered just enough to make it impossible to hold you for long.”

  “That doesn’t mean you’re going to beat him just like that, either,” said Jennifer. “It doesn’t make you invincible. So if you’re going to do this, you need to do it right. You need to train hard.”

  “Why aren’t you trying to make me stay in hiding? Why are you letting me go after him?”

  “I can’t stop you. One thing I’ve learned, raising you, is that once you put your mind to something, you don’t let anything stop you from doing it. Remember when you got in trouble with the school for forging my name on your class trip form, after I told you you couldn’t go?”

  Alex started to laugh. “Yeah, I do remember that. You were so angry with me, and you scared me into telling the teacher by saying that I would go to jail if I didn’t.”

  Adrien laughed, too. “It’s definitely obvious gauging from the last couple of days that you inherited your father’s stubbornness. He never let anything go once he made his mind up about it.” Alex gave her a considering look. The other woman spoke about Alex’s father like Jennifer did. Wistful, loving. A little more grief, perhaps. Alex knew that it was because she hadn’t known that Travis was gone. She felt a wave of emp
athy for her. From what Alex knew, this woman had been through unimaginable torture. It was a wonder she wasn’t insane. Alex looked over at Jennifer, only to see that her mother was already watching her with the same look as Alex had given Adrien. She smiled when her daughter met her gaze.

  “I think it’s time we had something for dinner, don’t you?” Jennifer put her hand on Alex’s arm. “I think we’ve all had enough excitement for the day, and you need to rest if you’re going to continue to train in the morning.”

  Dinner went quietly, to begin with. Alex sat at the table with her family and chowed down on the sesame chicken Jennifer had ordered. She hadn’t realized just how hungry she was. Alex supposed that being attacked by a powerful entity could really ramp up an appetite. She was so focused on her food that she didn’t realize that she had an audience until she looked up long enough to see Adrien and Jennifer watching her with amusement. Teagan was focused on trying to separate the peas from her fried rice. Alex swallowed her mouthful of chicken.

  “Something wrong?” she asked. “Do I have some on my face?”

  “No,” answered her mentor. “You must have been starving, though.”

  Feeling suddenly self conscious, Alex set down her fork. “Uh, yeah. I was.” She took a sip of her soda. Something occurred to her, so she asked, “My dad had an amulet. Where’s yours? And how do I get one?”

  “Mine is gone,” said Adrien. “I lost it in the years I was possessed, though I have no idea when. Making one for you is easy, though. We need to get you a piece of jewelry, one that you’ll keep on you at all times. It doesn’t have to be a necklace. It would also help if the jewelry meant something to you. Do you have anything like that?”

  “No.” Alex shrugged. “I don’t have any jewelry, actually. I can’t just go and buy something?”

  “It wouldn’t be as potent, but I suppose you could,” replied her mentor. “We can plan a trip to the city, so that you can get one. We’ll need to be careful, though. You never know where the Unseen is going to be.”

  Jennifer put down her chopsticks and spoke. “Is there no way to convert Travis’s amulet to one that will support her power?”

  “No.” Adrien shook her head. “There is already a power signature there, and it leaves a mark. Any attempt to remove that power could prove… problematic.”

  “Problematic how?” Alex sat forward, watching her mentor.

  “Problematic like it’ll explode. And nobody wants that.”

  “No,” answered Alex. “No, we don’t. Okay then, we’ll plan a shopping trip. There are other things we need, so we can get all of it in one fell swoop.”

  “About that,” said Adrien. She looked over at Alex’s mother with an unsure expression. “We can’t stay here. The Unseen knows where Alex is, and I can’t train her properly here. I need to get her to a place where she can be safe and learn the Undari way uninhibited. That’s the only way she’s going to be able to access all of her powers.”

  “What are you suggesting?” Jennifer’s face had gone still. “Where would you go that you won’t be found?”

  “I would take her home. To the fire realm. It’s the safest place for her right now, and it will be easier for her to control her abilities. It’ll also be less dangerous for everyone else here, if she’s not in this realm.”

  “I don’t think that is a good idea. Teagan and I are already in danger, and we will be when she’s gone. What’s to stop the Unseen from killing either of us while you two are gone? How do you know she won’t die there? The Unseen can get there, too, can’t he?”

  “Hold on.” Alex held her hands up. “Don’t I get a say in this at all? You know, since it’s me we’re talking about?” Both of the other women looked down the table at the younger girl.

  “What would you rather do then, honey?” Jennifer asked.

  “I think it would be best to go to the fire realm.” Jennifer sat back, but Alex continued. “You and Teagan can leave here, and find a remote place to lay low. I can train, really train, and learn all I can about the Unseen and how to defeat him. You and I both know I can’t do that here, Mom. I’d be too busy trying to protect you guys to do anything against him, and that could get all of us killed. If I’m really as powerful as Adrien says, then I need to go somewhere where I can focus on getting stronger.” When her mother didn’t say anything, Alex reached for her hand. “Please, Mom. You know I have to do this. You know we can’t stay here forever. Eventually the Unseen will try again.”

  After a long moment, Jennifer nodded. “Okay.” she said, rubbing a hand over her face. “Okay. I’ll take Teagan somewhere safe, then, and you and Adrien can go to the fire realm. But if anything happens to her,” she added to Adrien. “I don’t care how I have to do it, I don’t care what it’ll cost. I will kill you.” Alex stared at her mother. Teagan, who had been watching this whole exchange with wide eyes, gave a small gasp at Jennifer’s words. Jennifer herself had never looked so serious, or determined.

  “You know as well as anyone here, Jennifer, that if anything happens to Alex, and I could have stopped it, you won’t have to kill me.” Adrien held Jennifer’s gaze for a few seconds, until the other woman nodded, standing up from the table.

  “Just so we’re clear,” she said, beginning to gather the dishes. “I don’t want it to come as a shock to you if it happens.”

  “Mom.” Alex stood and followed her mother into the kitchen, leaving Teagan and Adrien in the dining room. “Are you okay?” Jennifer’s shoulders were stiff, and when she turned to face Alex, her eyes were shining.

  “No, I’m not okay. I know it’s your decision, and I know it’s for the best, but I hate it. I hate it so much and I want to keep you here, no matter what you say. But you’re right. We’re all in danger, and keeping you here will get you or Teagan killed.”

  “Or you,” Alex added.

  “I don’t matter, sweetie. All I care about is that you and your little sister stay safe. Whatever happens to me, as long as you two are okay, it doesn’t matter.” Jennifer turned back around and started to wash the dishes. Alex joined her at the sink, picking up a towel along the way. “That’s why I hate that you have to leave so much. I won’t know what you’re doing, or if you’re okay.”

  “I’ll check in with you, Mom. I don’t know if these other realms have wifi, or cell service,” Jennifer chuckled at her daughter’s words. “But if not, then I’ll find another way. Any other way.”

  “I know. It doesn’t stop me from worrying, though. You know that.”

  “Yeah, I do. And I would tell you that everything is going to be fine, but I know that won’t do a thing to convince you.”

  Jennifer made to reply, but before she could start to speak, the doorbell rang. Alex immediately left the kitchen, motioning for her mother to stay behind.

  Adrien was already by the door when Alex got there. Alex met her mentor’s eyes, and they nodded, simultaneously conjuring their power. Adrien put her hand on the doorknob, and looked back at Alex.

  Three, she mouthed. Two. One. Adrien threw open the door, reaching through the opening and seizing whatever was on the other side. Chaos ensued as Alex helped her mentor drag the intruder into the hall, and they both held down the person, who had gone very still. Alex blinked, and blinked again, seeing past the adrenaline rushing through her system long enough to recognize the man on her floor. She let go and stood suddenly, grabbing Adrien and making her stand too.


  Chapter Seven

  The Unseen was furious. The sniveling little thing had pushed him out of her mind. He was so close to killing her family, so close to victory he could still taste it. The Unseen was so angry that his presence suffocated several small animals in the woods near that creature’s home, and turned the bright green foliage black. He needed a new plan, a better one, to take down that infernal speck, and her family.

  For a few hours, the Unseen stayed in that rage, contemplating every way he could exact his revenge. Before, it wasn’
t personal. Not with the little scum. But now, it was. And he would destroy her.

  Then, an opportunity. One practically handed to him, walking directly into the house of the girl. The friends that he had seen before. The Unseen watched as they went through the front door, and a new plan began to form in his mind.

  “Oliver, what the hell are you doing here?” Alex extinguished her flame and then whirled as another voice answered her for Oliver.

  “We needed to see you.” Hannah came forward and hugged Alex, hard. Adrien looked out into the yard before shutting the door firmly behind her. “Oliver and I hadn’t heard anything in weeks, so I used the GPS in your phone to track you here. Too easy!”

  “Hold on, you were the two people with Alex at the mall, weren’t you?” Adrien looked between the trio of teenagers.

  “Yeah, we were.” Oliver straightened his shirt, eyeing the older woman carefully. “But what I want to know, before we even start introductions here, is what kind of Harry Potter bullshit is going on here. Was that fire in your hands just now, Alex?”

  Alex took a deep breath. She was going to tell them eventually, anyway. Why not just show them, right? “Yeah, it was. Remember when we all knew I was human? That’s not exactly true.”

  “What do you mean, Alex?” Hannah’s voice was quiet. Her hand went to her right wrist. “You look just as human as any of us. And your mom is human, right?”

  “About that,” replied Alex. “She’s, ah, she’s not my mom.” She saw questions about to flood from both of them, so she continued. “Maybe you guys should sit down.” She led them into the living room, and sat opposite the couch. Hannah and Oliver lowered themselves into a seat, and Alex started talking again. She told them everything, starting from the moment she touched the amulet to what had happened earlier that day. Hannah’s eyes grew wet when Alex talked about the torture she’d gone through before her first Shift, and Oliver sat back as he listened to his best friend tell them that she wasn’t a normal Undari. When she finished, Alex folded her hands in her lap, and didn’t say anything else.


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