Shifted (The Undari Trilogy Book 1)

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Shifted (The Undari Trilogy Book 1) Page 27

by Sarah Reeves

“Alex?” The voice was no more than a whisper but it made Alex stop crying at once. That voice froze her in that crouched position as though her blood had solidified. She knew that voice. Slowly, she raised her head, trying to see past the blur of tears. The familiar and now terrifying silhouette loomed in front of her. Lanky hair hung down past hunched shoulders to her waist. Alex blinked a couple times, still unable to move from her place on the ground. The rest of the girl in front of her came into focus, but before Alex could react, she was gone. The only thing left was the imprint of decayed flesh and black eyes in Alex’s mind. But despite the grisly features and warped figure, it was still very obvious to Alex who that person used to be. Alex leaned forward on her hands and retched onto the grass.

  She finally knew what the Unseen had needed Hannah’s ashes for.

  Alex wasn’t able to move for a good few minutes. Her body wouldn’t stop shaking, and she didn’t trust her stomach to let her body stand without vomiting again. Hannah. She’d seen Hannah, but it wasn’t her, not anymore. The shock of seeing what she’d become reverberated through her mind. She was more like the dream Alex had experienced before coming to the realm. Distorted, deformed. Alex suppressed another heave as she remembered.

  She needed to talk to Oliver, and to her family. She hated that she didn’t know a way to do that. Kieran might know. She longed to talk to him now, too.

  We haven’t been apart for more than a few hours, and you’re already missing me, huh? Kieran’s smug voice drifted through Alex’s mind, and she jumped, nearly ready to run before remembering that she was alone. Telepathy really did work between Companions, then. Alex found that she wasn’t as enthusiastic about it as she thought she would have been, given the situation. She did feel some measure of relief, though.

  Kieran, she answered. Can you come find me?

  What’s wrong? Kieran’s voice was concerned. Are you hurt?

  No. I just… I need you to come here, please. I’m at the castle, where the explosion happened.

  There was a pause. Alex could clearly sense his worry. Okay. I’m on my way. Alex kept her gaze focused on the ground, terrified to look around her until Kieran showed up in fear of seeing Hannah again. Within minutes, she felt the warmth of flame, and her Companion landed next to her.

  “Alex, you okay?” Hands grasped her shoulders, then were placed on either side of her face to lift it up. Alex met Kieran’s gaze as he took in her swollen eyes and tear stained face. Her nose was still running, and she knew she was not a pretty crier, but his face changed and he pulled her forward into a hug. Her eyes closed again and she rested her head against his chest, both of them kneeling on the grass next to the explosion site. “What happened?” Alex felt him ask. She didn’t trust herself to speak, so she just reached out with her mind and took him through her memories with her. The death of Hannah, the dream she’d had afterward, and finally the investigation that led her to where she was now. By the end, she wasn’t the only one shaking. She felt bad about upsetting him, but a small weight had been lifted off her chest.

  Alex lifted her head, and met Kieran’s wide eyed look. “I saw her,” she said, her voice breaking. “She’s not her anymore though. It may not even be her, it could just be her body. But the Unseen took her, and made her that… thing. And he’s messing with my head. He didn’t attack me, he just said my name and then disappeared.”

  “That’s… that’s horrible, Alex.” Kieran shook his head. “How are you even able to cope with all of this?”

  “I don’t know.” Alex gave a humorless laugh. “I just haven’t let myself think about it, I guess. The worst part is the not knowing. I don’t know how Hannah ended up like that, I don’t know where my family is, or if they’re okay ...” She put her head down again, fighting off another wave of nausea. “I have no way to contact them.”

  “What if you could go back?” Kieran’s question had Alex jerking her head up to stare at him. “What if you could go back, just for a day, to see them again?”

  Alex’s mind blanked for a moment. “Th-that would just put them in danger, right?”

  “Not with the right protection, no. You could cast a spell, one that would keep you guys secret for a little while. I can show you how. It’s not hard, and with your extra power, you could add more layers to it.”

  “But isn’t making a portal illegal?”

  “There’s already one made, Alex. Remember? The one you and Adrien came through in the first place?”

  “Oh yeah, that one.” Despite the situation, Alex’s face burned.

  “Come on, let’s get you up. You and I are going on a trip.” Kieran’s face broke out in a smile as he took in Alex’s still bewildered face. “I’ve never been to the human realm before, this should be fun. You can check on your family, get some peace of mind, and I can see how you lived. It’s a win-win!”

  Alex managed to laugh, imagining Kieran in a hawaiian shirt and khakis, sporting a camera and a straw hat. “Okay. Let’s go.” The excitement of seeing her family again began to permeate the sadness and shock of seeing Hannah’s monster as together they took off in the direction of the portal.

  What about Soren? Won’t he be pissed that we’re gone? Alex asked as they flew.

  Nah, came the reply. This happens sometimes. It’s why I’m just a little bit behind other people my age. He doesn’t mind, as long as there’s a good reason. Alex nodded, but he didn’t see, as he was flying ahead of her. They landed a few minutes later.

  “You guys are leaving?” The question came from Ronan, who was standing next to the Portal.

  “Yeah,” answered Kieran, clapping him on the shoulder. “We’re headed to the human realm. Think you can get us there?”

  “What do you mean? Doesn’t this one go to the human realm already? That’s where Adrien and I came from.”

  “Portals like this one are omnidirectional, in a sense.” Ronan walked up to the gleaming Portal and lifted his hands, palm out. “They can go to any Realm, there just has to be someone there to direct it to where the traveller wants to go. It’s not hard, but you do have to be trained in doing it.” Alex thought Ronan sounded a bit haughty when he said the last statement. “Either way, the Portal is ready now. Do you know where you’re going once you get to the human realm?”

  Alex shook her head. “I have no clue. I don’t know how to find them, either. Maybe I can find a pay phone or something, and try to call mom. I don’t know if she would pick up, or even-” she broke off, shaking her head again. “Anyway. Let’s go, okay?” She grabbed Kieran’s hand, and they went through the Portal together.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Alex and Kieran came out on the other side, and Alex was immediately assaulted by the scent of snakes. She found it a comfort. Kieran had walked away to study the other Portal openings, taking in the markings of different creatures. “This is really cool,” he said, turning back to grin at his Companion. “Where are we?”

  “The mystical and magical land of the Grand Canyon.” Kieran’s face lit up for a split second before he took in Alex’s derisive tone.

  “Ha ha,” he said. “What is the Grand Canyon?”

  “It’s considered one of the seven wonders of the world, I think.” Alex led him down the tunnel in front of them, praying that she remembered the way back. They both conjured fire in the palms of their hands as they walked. “Thousands of years of erosion created it. There are some people who think that gods or otherworldly creatures live here, in the tunnels. ‘Course, that could just be humans seeing us every now and again. This is a huge tourist area.”


  “Yeah. Humans live all over the planet, obviously, so when they want to, they go to a different part of the world for the express purpose of seeing something crazy. Like really old castles, or the world’s largest rubber band ball, or something like that.” She paused at a junction for a moment, then took a left. It was a good guess, because the path opened, and they were going through the mouth of the tunnel and into the b
almy Arizona afternoon. The sun was close to setting overhead, so Alex figured it was probably about six o’clock. She glanced over at Kieran, who was taking everything in with the same wide-eyed expression that Alex had when she first got to the Fire Realm.

  “Why would you go see one of those when you have this here?” Kieran ran a hand along the rocky surface of the canyon as Alex led him up the path that would take them out of the valley. “This is amazing. Do you live here?”

  “No. I live on the other side of this continent, in a state called North Carolina. There are mountains there, but they’re not like these. They’re covered in trees, and they’re nicknamed the Blue Ridge Mountains. It’s beautiful there.” Alex started panting a bit as they trekked up the steep path. They came to a small plateau, and Alex stopped. “We can fly from here, if you want. It’ll take us roughly three hours to get to where I came from that way.” When Kieran murmured his assent, still staring around him, Alex was struck with inspiration. “Follow me,” she said, taking his hand. Together, they Shifted and took off.

  When they landed, they were at the top of the canyon. It sprawled in front of them, a colossal map of valleys and outcroppings, and in the center, the Colorado River snaked it’s way through, slowly but tirelessly carving layers into the red rock that told stories of a more ancient history. At this point, the sun was just starting to kiss the horizon, painting the sky around it in brilliant shades of gold and red and orange. Shadows were deep within the canyon, turning the red-brown stone a deep purple. The look on Kieran’s face as he Shifted to human was one Alex had never seen before, and it made her glad he came with her. Something about seeing an outsider take in something humans mostly took for granted made her see her world in a new light. It made her look at him a little differently, too. Then again, she was constantly seeing sides of him she hadn’t expected to see. The princely side, the tender side, the smug and confident side, and the passionate side. Now she was seeing the side of him that reminded her of herself and her classmates in kindergarten, on their first trip to the nature center. It fascinated her, and she found herself watching him instead of the sinking sun.

  As if he could feel Alex watching him, Kieran turned his head and met her gaze. In the light of the sun, his eyes were lit to pale silver. “How is it,” he began, “that every day I’ve known you, I experience something new?” He turned the rest of his body until he was facing her completely. “I never knew anything like you, or like this, existed. The idea would have been something fantastical to me a few months ago. But then here you come, looking like you’d never seen a book before-” He broke off in a laugh when Alex pushed his shoulder. “Except I didn’t know that you would be the one to show me things I’d only read about in those books.” He tucked a piece of stray hair behind Alex’s ear. “I thought you were beautiful when I saw you in the library for the first time. You definitely didn’t like me, but that was okay to me. I just wanted to talk to you.”

  “You had a bit of soot on your cheek,” said Alex softly. “I thought it was endearing, even though I wanted to punt you across the library.” They laughed for a moment, stirring the air in the space between them. “I thought you were handsome. I just haven’t allowed myself to think that way about you, or at least I’ve been telling myself that I wouldn’t allow it. I haven’t been very successful, though.” Kieran’s eyes searched her face. There was a feeling, a powerful one, building. Alex wasn’t sure if she wanted to find out if it was going to push her over the edge just yet. It was like she was standing on the edge of a cliff, and all rational thought was telling her not to jump. But there was a part of her that wanted to. “Kieran, I don’t know what’s going to happen. Hell, I don’t know if I’ll find my family, I don’t know if I’ll even survive this. I haven’t had a clear idea of what’s going on in my life in a really long time. The only thing I’ve been sure of lately is that I trust you. I have a connection to you, and predestined or not, I can hold on to it.” Kieran’s eyes were intense on hers. “I think that without you, by now… well. I don’t think I would be in any better shape than Adrien probably is right now.”

  “I don’t think that’s true, Companion.” Kieran lifted his hands to either side of Alex’s face. “You’re a strong person. I saw only a fraction of what you’ve been through, I can’t imagine how I would cope if it were me in your position. And you’re smart; you’ve learned a lot since coming to the Realm. I know that this may not help, but I’m proud of you. I know Adrien would be too, if she were here. Your mom and your sister and your friend will be too, when we find them.” He dropped his hands to hers. “And we’re going to find them. Okay?” He squeezed her fingers. “Let’s go.”

  Alex watched him turn away for a second before she followed, manifesting her wings. “Let’s go,” she agreed. “We’re going to have to fly pretty high up in the air; humans aren’t really accustomed to seeing dragons and phoenixes.” Kieran followed her as they took off, heading away from the setting sun. Higher and higher they climbed, until they were among the clouds. The reddish brown canyon shrank until it was hard to believe that it was still the colossal monument that it was.

  They were in the air for a full hour before Alex realized she had no idea how to get home. And that was a problem.

  Hey, uh, Kieran?

  Yeah, what’s up?

  We’re going to have to land soon, and figure out where we are, because I don’t know.

  Huh. Kieran’s mental voice was abruptly amused. Is there not a way for us to figure that out from up here?

  Don’t think so. Alex dipped down below the clouds to survey the ground before. All I remember was that Adrien and I flew for like three hours before we landed. The land below them was a mass of patchwork greens and browns, sprinkled here and there with lakes and bisected by random little rivers. What I’m seeing makes me think we’re probably halfway across the continent though. Like, Oklahoma, or something. I don’t know the state, I just know it’s somewhere in the midwest. Maybe.

  Kieran’s laugh drifted through their mental link. If you say so. I have no clue about any of this, so I’ll just trust you. He paused. I can trust you right?

  Shut up. He laughed again at her words and they flew in a comfortable silence for another hour. Alex dove down a couple more times during that period to track their progress. They flew over mountains, flat areas, rivers and lakes. The day got brighter with the change in time zones (which Alex nearly forgot existed), so when Alex finally suggested they land, it was probably three in the afternoon. She had spotted the familiar driveway, and the lake through the canopy of trees. They touched down lightly in the front yard, and Alex’s eyes misted as she took in the plantation style house.

  “This is where you’re from?” Kieran’s voice was soft as he came up next to her shoulder. “It’s beautiful.” Alex could only nod, and she leaned into his side when his arm came around her. “Is this where we’re going to find them?”

  “I don’t think so. But it’s a good place for us to start looking. This is the last place where I know they were at.” Together they walked up the path to the front door. Kieran’s gaze wandered around, taking in the pond, the tire swing.

  “You grew up here?”

  “No. Well, kinda. My mom would bring us here from time to time, as a sort of vacation. Grandma is gone a lot; she’s retired and likes to travel, so it’s pretty convenient. I loved that tire swing when I was little. We swam a lot, too.”


  “Yeah. Teagan and I, and occasionally Oliver and Hannah. We would camp out in the backyard. Sometimes, we wouldn’t come inside for close to a week.” Alex took hold of the handle on the front door. Before opening it, she looked back at Kieran. “You don’t think it’s booby trapped, do you?”

  “I mean, it could be. I don’t sense anything, though. It’s probably safe.” Kieran shrugged.

  Alex opened the door.

  They braced themselves, but nothing happened. Cautiously, Alex peered into the hallway. No weird creatures (or
rabbits) leaped from the shadows, so she stepped forward. It was dark, save for the slowly weakening sunlight that filtered through the curtains in the living room. It was almost tangible, the silence that pressed in on the duo as they went through to the kitchen. Alex’s Companion kept pausing here and there to look at different knick knacks, and pictures of Alex and her family over the years. There were small markers scattered around that gave more indications that people had lived there; single socks lay on the back of the couches, there was a lamp that was still on, the ice maker in the fridge went off (which nearly sent Alex flying into Kieran, as tense as they were). The kitchen sink still had a couple of dishes in it. Alex looked everywhere, picking up stacks of papers in the study, opening cabinets and drawers, glancing inside empty jars. There wasn’t a note to be found on the first floor, no way for Alex to know where her family was. She wished she still had her phone. Unless…

  “There might still be a house phone in Grandma’s bedroom,” she said. “Let’s go.” She climbed the stairs to the next floor, turning right and following the hallway all the way down until she reached the last door. It groaned from lack of use as she pushed it open. “I knew it!” Alex grinned, relief flooding her at the sight of the phone on her grandmother’s bedside table. “She always had one, even though we told her she wouldn’t need it anymore.” She picked up the receiver, and punched in the phone number she knew by heart. It rang, and rang again, and Alex closed her eyes, praying.

  “Hello?” The voice on the other end made Alex’s knees go weak, and she sat on the bed.

  “Mom.” Her voice broke on the word.

  “Alex!” Jennifer’s shout made Alex laugh, pressing the phone to her ear. “Alex, baby are you okay? Why are you back? What happened?”

  “Mom, calm down. I’m okay,” Alex answered, but she couldn’t help the tear that slipped down her cheek. Kieran came to sit beside her, but he didn’t touch her. “I promise. I’m at Grandma’s house, I needed to see you guys. Where are you?”


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