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Hunted Page 3

by Matt Mememaro

  “If you had done that, he’d be still hunting you to this day, Abner,” Gunthos said. His voice echoed off the sewer walls breaking the silence.

  “Graytooth would have died either way, Ab and you know it,” Lois said. “Either by the hand of one of the Hunters or from me. I had as much reason to want him dead as you.”

  “All I’m saying is that maybe his heir could have been found before he died,” Abner said. “Alilletia is slowing wasting away. What remains of their government is still in tatters without a Graytooth leading it.”

  “No Graytooth heir would allow someone that killed their own to live,” Gareth said. “The Alilletians are a vengeful people by nature, as I’m sure you are aware the Renori are also.”

  Abner nodded. Gareth spoke the truth. Hunters had become a rare breed inside Renor and it was there the Vampires had flourished with next to nobody to oppose them. The Hunters that remained in Renor had taken it upon themselves to change their appearance and weapons in order to survive. It was where Hunters now travelled to prove their mettle, however reports came back each week claiming another had fallen.

  Gareth was one such example, however while he remained inside the Huntrey he was safe from the dangers of the outside world.

  “You definitely didn’t make life easy for us,” Gareth said.

  Lois darted ahead and raised her fist up in the air, making the group come to a stop. “I hear something up ahead.”

  “What?” Abner asked

  “Voices, moaning,” Lois said. She swung her crossbow off her shoulder and held it out in front of her chest.

  The first thing Abner heard was the moaning as they rounded another bend in the sewer. There before them, a man and woman stood pressed against the wall, the woman raised in the air, her legs wrapped around his waist. He was thrusting gently into her, throwing her breasts spilling out of her top, her hair a black, tangled mess.

  They stopped when they heard the Gunthos run his sword along a rusted steel pipe that ran overhead. The man was the first to howl. His skin began to decay into that of a Vampire. Dropping the woman, who also began to change, the Vampire howled again called to his brethren that were no doubt hidden further along in the sewer.

  Abner didn’t hesitate and without breaking a stride, drew his crossbow in one motion, shooting three bolts into the skull of the fiend. Each bolt landed within an inch of each other. The Vampire had disintegrated before what remained of its ashes had come into contact with the cold floor. Lois dropped to one knee and fired two bolts at the female. One buried itself with her throat, igniting the Fyndfire, while the other found the soft spot between its eyes.

  “One to dust, one corpse,” Lois said. She ripped the parchment out of her pocket and scribbled on it.

  “We’ll have to add more to that once we get out of here.” Gunthos smiled, ready to go to work.

  Gareth watched the three Hunters in awe as they strode into the Vampire sanctum. His job was to assist, picking off any Vampires that tried to escape or blindsided the Hunters. With his wolf by his side, Gareth knew he would be protected.



  The sewer opened out onto a drainage area that the Vampires had cleared for their own purposes. They had been busy digging out other avenues for the waste to run down. What they had turned into a home was well lit, a large round table, stained with blood stood in the center. Gareth peered out of the sewer to find a horde of hungry Vampires staring up at him.

  He took notice of the other pipes leading out of this area into other parts of the city. There would be no way they could stop every Vampire from leaving. There was too many.

  “Hunters!” The Vampires gathered below looked up at Gareth, their angry red eyes tracking his movements. “We know you are here. Our brother called to us before you killed him. Come out into the light so that we may see you.”

  “You ready?” Abner asked. He checked his crossbow.

  Gareth double checked his weapon and nodded.

  “If any escape it’s your job to chase them down, Lois. Leave some alive!” Abner said. “Go!”

  Abner was the first Hunter to step into the trap; two Vampires attacked him from either side, trying to pin him down. He shot one through the skull while he held the other back. A bolt from Gunthos dropped the fiend. Abner tossed his hat, landing on one of the unlit braziers. More Vampires kept coming as he stepped down to meet them, dagger in hand as many came close.

  Gunthos took the high path, running adjacent to the other large pipe leading out of the area as he rained fire down upon the Vampires at the back of the horde. Lois smashed into them, great sword spinning in a flurry, causing many of their foes to scatter. Gareth remained just inside the sewer pipe lip shooting at whatever he could see moving.

  The Vampires quickly realized they were outmatched. Abner and his Hunters had cut down or shot dozens of their kind within seconds, and the Hunters weren’t stopping. Vampires leapt to the ceiling forcing Gareth to train his crossbow on them. One by one the Vampires fell, crushing their kin underneath their heavy bodies.

  “Lois!” Abner said. “They’re escaping into the tunnel. Get after them!”

  Lois darted around another Vampire, slicing it’s back open and looked up to where Abner was pointing. She slid the broadsword back onto her back and drew her crossbow again, disappearing down the tunnel seconds later.

  “Gunthos, Gareth, we need to finish this now!”

  Abner dove into the Vampires again, while Gunthos and Gareth continued shooting every Vampire in their sights, stopping only to reload. Mandel surged forward assisting Abner in the melee. The sewer was full of death, burning bodies and ashes of dead Vampires. There was nothing fancy about the slaughter. Staying alive was the only thing that the Hunters needed. At last there were three Vampires left, too cowardly to face the Hunters. They fell to their knees, begging for surrender.

  “Why did you do this? You’ve clearly sacrificed humans here. Why?” Abner asked.

  “It is more than you could know, Toldar. Yes, we know you. The only half-Vampire in existence, you need to control yourself more if you don’t wish to give away your identity so easily. We saw the glint in your eyes,” the nearest Vampire said.

  Abner turned angrily to him. “Tell me what you have done this for and I may ease your suffering.”

  “You Hunters are all liars when it comes to us. But I will tell you, Toldar. We bought humans here to sacrifice for Tal’davin,” another said. “He requires sacrifice to return to power. Tal’davin requires the purest blood that humans can offer.”

  “Have you all gone mad? Tal’davin was slain by Lars Hunter during the first war,” Gunthos said. “Anything you do for him is a lost cause. He has not returned. Abner holds the last two amulets right here on his chest.”

  The Vampires chuckled in unison, a dark and rich tone. “Tal’davin returns to us. He has been biding his time. The last few years have seen events thrown into place that are preparing this world for his glorious revival.”

  “Who is he?” Abner asked. The closest Vampire was struck with a fist.

  “The same as he was before, in a different vassal. You will know it when you find him. He is willing to reveal himself to you, Toldar. You are not ready yet.”

  “Abner!” Lois stuck her head out from the sewer. “This leads up to the Citadel! A few Vampires made it out. We need to get after them now!”

  Abner roared savagely, taking the head of the Vampire directly in front of them. Two bolts each from Gareth and Gunthos saw the others dead. “Lois! Follow the trail. We’ll be right behind you,” he said.

  The inside of the Citadel was as miserable a place as it’s underground. It was crafted purely of steel that had been painted black, commissioned by the first Graytooth. Ever since then the Citadel was constantly expanded until it took up a large portion of Etia. Over the years, the Citadel had never fallen to any attack and that was not likely to change.

  The Hunters followed Lois, sniffing the air constant
ly for the Vampires she was tracking. With the Citadel having numerous scents throughout it, the Vampires were hard to find. Sniffing and tasting the air for them helped when her eyes were unable to follow their path.

  “They’re close,” she said.

  Two men burst out of nowhere, dropping down from the ceiling. The Vampires had numerous places to hide inside the Citadel. One attacked Abner, kicking him down to the ground, quickly turning his attention to Lois. Her favorite jeweled dagger appeared in her hand as she cut its throat. Mandel had latched onto the other, ripping it to pieces.

  “Five more!”

  “Where?” Abner asked.

  “The entrance!” she said. “No, the main hold, there’s two more!”

  “I’ll go to the hold, Abner. I’ve been here before,” Gareth said.

  “Go. I want you back at the inn by nightfall otherwise I will assume you are dead,” Abner said. “Kill them and any others you find along your way, and then get out of here.”

  “Understood, Toldar,” Gareth said. “Come, Mandel.”

  Gunthos frowned as Gareth sprinted off in the direction of the hold. “Are you sure that’s wise, Abner?”

  “He has to learn and prove himself, Gunthos. Just as much as any of us did. Now let’s get out of this place. If he makes it back alive he’ll be better from the experience. Now let’s move,” Abner said.

  Gareth slowed as he approached the main hold of the Citadel. He lied to Abner when he had said he’d been here before. Never before had he ventured this far into the Citadel. Mandel was slowly becoming more and more on edge. He could smell the Vampires nearby.

  “Where are they boy?” he asked scratching the dire wolf’s ears. Mandel raised his snout into the air, trying to sniff out the Vampires. “That’s it, keep it up. They’re close, tell me where they are.”

  Mandel looked across the hallway into a room barred by a heavy wooden door. These appeared to be one of the rare things inside the Citadel not made from the black steel. The Hunter and his wolf banged on the door twice.

  “What’s in there, boy?” Gareth asked.

  Mandel growled, swiping with his enormous paws at the base of the door. Only the Vampires could be inside. Gareth turned the handle not knowing what to expect, going before Mandel. He swiveled his crossbow to either side of what appeared to be a large cabinet, filled with cleaning supplies and other assorted goods.

  The bodies of the two dead Vampires greeted him, even uglier than they were in the life they had one lived, if that was even possible. Gareth took note of what they looked like and how they had been killed. The only problem was there were no clear Fyndfire markings upon them.

  “Hunter!” a harsh voice lashed across the air from behind Gareth. He turned to find a small, old, gray Alilletian standing behind him, a large dagger in hand. “Oh bless the Larchi, it is truly you!”

  “Who are you, what is the Larchi?” Gareth pointed his crossbow at the old man.

  “The Larchi is our word for Sun God, Gareth, or have you forgotten that?” the Alilletian asked.

  “How do you know my name?” Gareth asked.

  “All in time my dear boy. I am Unul. Behind you are Welles and Cordus.” Gareth turned to see who the Alilletian was talking about. The two Vampires were rising again.

  “Do not harm them unless you wish to see the daylight once more. Tell your wolf to calm himself. There is somebody who wishes to speak with you,” Unul said.

  “Who?” Gareth asked.

  “We do not speak his name. Only allow me and the Vampires to escort you to him. I promise you he is very civilized,” Unul said. The man was in no rush.

  “Tell me who, dammit”! Gareth was angry at the complacent old man in front of him.

  “You are in no position to bargain, Gareth. The Vampires will kill both you and your wolf right here. They are both Shades. You have no chance,” Unul said.

  “Mandel, stand down,” Gareth said.

  “Good choice, Hunter. Now if you would please come with us,” Unul said. He gestured with an open palm.

  Gareth looked back at the Shades wondering if he could take them down. They stood ready for any sign of offensive movement from the Hunter. Mandel would only be able to take one down and Gareth had struggled more than enough with the Desire back in the tavern. “Lead on,” he said.

  The mismatched party of Vampires, humans and the dire wolf moved quickly through the Citadel towards its upper levels where only the most prominent people of Alilletia held position unopposed. Clearly Unul held a high position within the Alilletian society. Gareth stole a glance out of the huge glass window that ran adjacent with the stairwell. From here he could see every snow-covered roof in Alilletia. They spread out for miles below him and he wondered where amongst them the tavern sat.

  Unul walked them to the end of a hallway, high above the city and waited patiently at the bend where it turned into another. Their steps echoed around them, bouncing off the walls. The highest floor in the Citadel had no expense spared to make it seem larger than life. Footsteps echoed from the other end of the corridor and Gareth turned seeing an Alilletian approach.

  “Unul, he thanks you for your efforts,” the big blond man said.

  “I live to serve him and his cause,” Unul said.

  “Of course you do.” The stranger took a coin purse from the insides of his animal skin coated and handed it to Unul. “Share it amongst yourselves. He does not care how much you receive. Your job is done here. He will call on you when he requires your services again. Follow me, Gareth.”

  “There’s a lot of gold in there,” one of the Shades said.

  The other Shade shrugged. “More for us if there are only two shares out of the three.”

  “No, don’t do this!” Unul said. “Councilor Graytooth appointed me to be the boy’s Caretaker! You cannot kill me!”

  “You’re the Caretaker?” the strange Alilletian asked.

  “Of course, who else do you see around here cleaning up after your mess?” Unul said.

  “Leave him,” the Alilletian said. “He needs to remain alive at all costs.”

  “Yes, Cordus.” The Shades backed away from Unul and awaited their next instruction.

  “Gareth, Unul if you could follow me. You are both expected,” Cordus said.

  They walked in silence to the end of the hallway, turning right into an open room that was completely blacked out. Several small fires sat in each corner of the room, contained by a brazier. They provided the room that smelt like death with the only light. In the center of the large room stood what could only be described as a throne, lion-like paws were carved out of the stone or wood as hand rests. From this distance it was hard to tell.

  “Come no further,” a voice said from within the room. Gareth hadn’t even seen someone in the room with them. “Do not fear, Gareth. I am a friend. I am Tal’davin.”


  Sins of the Father

  “Tal’davin died thousands of years ago, imposter!” Gareth shouted at whoever was in the room with them, drawing his crossbow.

  “Yes, I have been dead, but now as you can see I have a new body. I stored my conscious inside my amulets until I found one suitable enough to hold me. This body provided for my needs more than adequately,” Tal’davin said.

  “Why, what made it so worthy?” Gareth asked.

  “It was a Hunter,” Tal’davin said. “The more amulets he began to possess, the more I entered the world once more. I am still missing two parts however. They are within the city. I can feel them and I am drawn to their presence.”

  “Who holds them?”

  “You have met. He can have them for now, I have other plans that are being set into motion. As long as I have this body, my thousand years of waiting has already been successful. Abner Toldar will have what is coming to him,” Tal’davin said.

  “Abner might, but what about me? It’s clear you wanted to see me for something, yet I hardly know who you are and what you want with me,” Gareth said.
/>   “You were raised in the Renori Huntrey, were you not? Never knew anything about your parents or heritage except for the fact you are more than likely Alilletian,” Tal’davin said.

  “That’s correct. But how would you know that?”

  “Caretaker!” Tal’davin called.

  The doors burst open again and Unul reappeared looking surer of himself. He strode into the room with a confidence that had been lacking only moments ago. Gone was the withered old man, in his place was a seasoned veteran of the political game.

  “You called, sir?”

  “Gareth needs an education on his family history. Until he knows what his purpose is he is of no use to me. Turn him into what he needs to be,” Tal’davin said.

  “I am a Hunter,” Gareth said. “I already am what I need to be and I need to put a crossbow bolt through your throat.”

  A bright golden light shot out from behind a large bookshelf engulfing Gareth. It swirled around him twice, caressing his skin like a lover before vanishing. Gareth reached into his belt for a vial of Vampire blood, something that would allow him to see in the darkness and find whoever was calling themselves Tal’davin.

  “Gareth, come with me now,” Unul said.

  “You’ve given me no reason, I’m going to kill Tal’davin and if you get in my way you’re next,” he said.

  “Considering the last man to kill me couldn’t finish the job properly, I doubt a fresh-faced Hunter like you would be able to do so,” Tal’davin said. “Now, go with Unul, he will teach you what I want for you to know.”

  Gareth frowned, considering the order for a second. Yes, the Caretaker was Alilletian, but the Hunter felt the man held no threat. Tal’davin’s presence pressed heavily on his mind, giving him and overwhelming surge to want to find out more. “Lead on,” he said.

  Cordus who had remained in the room finally spoke from the dark corner. “Is this wise? Unul is only human, the Hunter may yet kill him.”


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