Bliss: Entangled Hearts Duet #2

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Bliss: Entangled Hearts Duet #2 Page 12

by Ryan, Kaylee

  More than that, I begin to believe he’s really in this for me. For us.

  Chapter 15


  “School has only been out for two weeks, and already the kids are going stir crazy. I just wish there was funding to take them somewhere, like the zoo or COSI or something. Things are tight at the state level, and honestly, they just worry about keeping the kids fed, clothed, and a roof over their heads. I guess I just feel like I know what they are missing out on, you know?”

  “Is there anything we can do?”

  “Fundraising is difficult, and many forget we even have a children’s home. It makes me realize how fortunate we were growing up. I mean, some of these kids come to the home with their meager belongings in trash bags, some worse off come with nothing. It’s heartbreaking.”

  “Come here.” I pull her closer to me and kiss the top of her head. Since that weekend at her parents’, I’ve been sleeping in her bed every night. We’re still taking it slow, so no sex. But there has been a lot of kissing and touching. My hands have memorized every dip and every curve of her body.

  “I’m sorry. I know you’re probably tired of hearing about all of this.”

  “No. I want to be the person you can turn to. I don’t care what you have to say. I’m going to listen.”

  She rolls over to face me. “I love having you here. Not just here in my bed, but in my apartment and in my life.”

  I don’t hide my grin. She’s still kept her feelings tight to her chest. I’m still waiting for those three little words, but I’m not worried. I know they’ll come. “There is nowhere else I’d rather be.” I kiss the top of her head. “Speaking of, I need to go to Indy next week. I have to meet with my agent to sign a couple of endorsement deals. Do you think you could get off work on Friday? We could spend the weekend at my condo. If not, we can just leave when you get off work.”

  “You don’t have to wait on me, and I don’t have to go with you.”

  “Yes, I do. Yes, you do. I have training camp in a little over a month, and I’m going to be leaving. That means I need all the time with you that I can get.”

  “Are you excited for the season?”

  “Yeah, I think we’re going to go far this year.”

  “Of course you will,” she says, quick to support my team and me.

  “You going to be at some of my games?”

  “I’ll try.”

  I want to tell her to quit the damn job and come with me. She could come to all the games, but I don’t. I have plans in the making, and I need to time it all just right. I haven’t brought up me leaving football again, but I would for her, and I wouldn’t think twice about it. No regrets.

  “Well, I’m just going to throw this out there so that there is no confusion. I want you there. I want you at as many games as possible. I’ll fly you there, and I’ll have a seat for you at every stadium.”

  “Okay.” One word, but I can tell by the tone of her voice that she’s pleased. “I should get some sleep.”

  “I love you.” I kiss the top of her head again. She doesn’t reply, but she snuggles into my chest. I feel her love. She doesn’t have to say it, although I’m dying to hear those three little words from her, I feel them every single day. That’s enough for now. We’ve come a long way in just a couple of months.

  * * *

  “Have a good day, baby.” I press my lips to the corner of her mouth and open the door for her. I need to give her some time to get to work to know the coast is clear, so I grab a quick shower before setting my plans in motion. I can’t call until eight anyway.

  After a quick internet search, I have a name and number to call, so I dial the phone and wait. “Mr. Garcia, this is Cooper Reeves.” After answering questions about the Defenders, and promising an autograph, I get to the reason for my call.

  “Mr. Reeves, that’s very generous of you. If you don’t mind me asking, what prompted all of this?”

  “Reese Latham is my girlfriend. She expressed how the kids don’t get to go out and do much, and I’d like to help.”

  “Certainly,” he agrees, just as he did a few minutes ago when I laid out my plan.

  “I’d like to make this happen as soon as possible.”

  “Well, we have plenty of workers at the home. We should be able to arrange this whenever you want.”

  “Today. I also would like for Reese to be able to attend with us.”

  “That’s not an unfair request. She is their social worker. We’ll have to take two vans,” he comments.

  “No. I’ll take care of that too. If you could let the workers know, and the kids. Just keep my name out of it. I’ll be there at noon to pick them all up. I’ll have transportation.”

  “Sure. Thank you, Mr. Reeves. This is going to mean a lot to those kids. Oh, and your agent sent over all of the background checks. Thank you for that. It’s important we know that the children are safe.”

  “Don’t thank me. Thank Reese. She’s the one who cares enough to talk about those kids at home each night. I never would have thought to do this without her. As far as the background checks, as a team we do a lot of charity work, so all the players have routine background checks. We’ll talk soon,” I say, ending the call. I have transportation to arrange.

  Three hours later, I pull up to the children’s home and see the bus that I ordered waiting. Locking up my truck, I walk to the door to talk to the driver. “Hi, I’m Cooper.” I shake his hand. “Thank you for being here on such short notice,” I tell him.

  “It’s not every day the boss calls you on your day off for a special request from a professional athlete,” he jokes. “Sam Landerson, nice to meet you.” He offers me his hand.

  Sam is an older gentleman, probably in his early sixties, if I had to guess. “I brought my wife.” He points to the first seat on the bus. “I hope that’s okay. We don’t get to see our own grandkids as often as we’d like, and this sounded like a good day to us.”

  “That’s more than okay. I’m glad you’re both here. I’m going to run in and get the kids, and we’ll be ready to go.”

  “We’ll be waiting,” he assures me.

  With a smile and a wave, I exit the bus and make my way to the front door. “Hi, I’m here to see Todd Markum,” I tell the receptionist.

  “Oh.” Her eyes light up. “Yes, he’s expecting you. I’ll buzz you through.” She hits the button and the lock on the door releases. “Right this way.” She motions for me to follow her.

  “Cooper!” Todd Markum stands and greets me. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Likewise,” I say, shaking his hand. “Are we all set?”

  “Yes, but I didn’t tell the kids or the staff. Just told them to prepare for an outing. They’re all waiting in the common room. I thought I’d let you tell them.”

  “Great. Lead the way.” I follow him out of his office and down a long hallway that I know ends in the common room for the kids.

  “Kids,” he says, and all heads turn our way.

  “Coop?” Reese asks in confusion when she spots me.

  “Hey.” I go to her and wrap her in a hug. I want to do more, but I know she’s working.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Well,” I say, looking away from her to the kids. “I thought we could take a trip.”

  “What kind of trip?” Hank, the youngest of the group, asks.

  “We’re going to the zoo.”

  “Really?” the oldest, Jeff asks.


  “When?” Reese asks.

  “Now. Are you guys ready to go?”

  “Cooper?” Reese asks.

  “Ms. Latham. It’s all been arranged. Mr. Reeves has funded the outing, and there’s plenty of staff to go and keep an eye on the kids. You will be going as well.”

  I feel her gaze, so I look down to find her peering up at me with tears in her eyes. “You….” She shakes her head, biting down on her bottom lip.

  I lean in close and whisper,
“I love you,” then stand to my full height. “Now, before we go, I need your word that you’ll be on your best behavior. Can you do that?” I ask the twelve sets of wide, innocent eyes that stare back at me. Head nods, and a chorus of “Yes!” echoes throughout the room. “Great. Now, there’s a bus parked right outside. Everyone go load up. Ms. Reese and I will be there in just a minute.”

  There is a flurry of activity while the workers and the kids head outside to the bus. “Thank you.” I hold my hand out for Todd. “For allowing me to do this for them.”

  “Thank you for wanting to. This is a rare treat for them. We appreciate what you’re doing.”

  “Like I said, thank Reese. Without her, this wouldn’t have happened.” He nods and turns to leave.

  “Cooper,” Reese says once it’s just the two of us. “I can’t believe you did this.”

  “You said the kids didn’t get to go out, and there was no funding, so I made it happen.”

  “I can’t believe this. You are an amazing man, Cooper Reeves.” Her smile lights up her face.

  “Behind every good man is a great woman.” I kiss the corner of her mouth. Sure, it’s cliché as fuck, but it makes her smile grow wider so it’s worth it. Besides, it’s the truth. I wouldn’t be the man I am today without her. She’s helped shape my past, and I can’t wait to see the way our future together unfolds. “Now, let’s get moving. There is fun to be had.” Placing my hand on the small of her back, I lead her outside to the bus.

  “A party bus?” She laughs.

  “Hey, it was short notice, and I promise you the kids will like the lights and the music. I wanted everyone to be able to ride together. This should be a bonding experience for them. They don’t get this often, and I want it to be a happy memory for them. My hope is that this bright day can outshine some of the dark ones.”

  She’s smiling up at me, but her eyes are shimmering with tears. “I know the kids are watching us, eager to see where today is going to take us, but I want to kiss you so bad right now.”

  “Then do it.” My voice is husky, even to my own ears.

  “Later. When we get home.”


  She nods. “I promise.”

  “Get your fine ass on that bus. We’ve got some fun to get to.” She laughs but moves to climb on the bus, and I follow her. “All right, you ready for a fun day?” I ask the kids.

  “Yeah!” they cheer.

  “Remember, you have to listen to what we tell you. No running off. You have to stay with us at all times. Got it.”

  “Got it,” they all eagerly agree.

  “Sam, to the zoo!” I throw my arm in the air, and the kids cheer. I take a seat next to Reese and just sit back and listen to their excited chatter. If feels good to know I could do this for them. Their smiles are contagious, as are those of my girl when she looks over at me. “Thank you,” she mouths.

  “I love you,” I mouth back.

  Her smile grows, as does my heart in my chest.

  * * *

  “Look at them,” Reese says, leaning into me. We’re on our way home from the zoo. We closed it down. Stayed until they kicked us out, and the kids, even though sleeping, are still wearing smiles while clutching onto their prizes. “You spoiled them today, Coop. I don’t know how I will ever thank you for this.”

  “I don’t need your thanks, Reese. I did it because I wanted to. Besides, it was you who told me they didn’t get this kind of thing. I never would have thought of it had it not been for you.”

  “This must have cost you a fortune.”

  “You remember I signed my new contract last week, right?” I ask her.

  “Yeah, but, Cooper, this was a lot of money.”

  “Reese, I can afford it.”

  “I know. At least I think I do, but this was a lot.”

  “Baby, my contract was for fifteen million.”

  “Yes, but that has to last you. And there’s taxes and living expenses and—” I place my hand over her mouth.

  “Fifteen million a year for five years.” Her eyes widen. “How did you not know that?”

  “I don’t know. You never mentioned the amount, just that it was a sweet deal, and I went with it. It wasn’t my place to ask.”

  “If it involves me, it is your place. Make it your business, Reese. Me… make me your business.”

  “That’s… a lot of money.”

  “It is. We’re going to invest and spend wisely, and we should be set for life. Especially when you add in my endorsement deals.”

  “He’s kind of a big deal, Ms. Reese,” a groggy Jeff tells Reese.

  “You.” She chuckles softly. “I thought you were sleeping.”

  “Just resting my eyes.”

  “Come here, you.” She pulls him into a hug, and I can visibly see him relax into her hold.

  These kids are starved for love and affection, and my girl, she’s giving it to them in spades. I’m so damn proud of her, and I cannot only see but empathize with her frustration with the system. There is so much more she could be doing. So many more kids she could be helping.

  When we make it back to the home, Reese and the other staff help guide the kids inside. I stay back with Sam and Dorothy. “I can’t thank you both enough for today. I know it was last minute and it was a long one, but it’s a day those kids will never forget.”

  “Son, we were happy to be a part of it. It’s a good thing you did.” Sam nods.

  “Thank you. This is for you.” I reach into my pocket and pull out the two-hundred-dollar tip I set aside for them.

  “That’s not necessary. We had just as much fun as they did,” Sam tells me.

  “It’s true. That little one, boy, oh boy, he reminds me of our grandson. Today was good for the soul,” Dorothy adds.

  “Please, I insist. I could not have pulled this off without your services. Thank you.”

  Sam shakes his head, so I reach out and slide the bills into his shirt pocket. “Be safe driving home,” I tell them, stepping off the bus. I’m halfway to the door when Reese steps out. Her purse and laptop bag slung over her shoulder.

  “I’ll drive,” I tell her.

  “I have to be back in the morning.”

  “I know. I’ll drive you. Come on.” I hold my hand out for her and she takes it with ease.

  The drive home is quiet. I have so many things on my mind, plans I’m making, wishes I’m wishing, that I’m lost in my head. When we pull into the parking lot of her building, and I turn off the truck, I glance over to see her watching me.

  “What you did today, Coop, I know it was meant to be for the kids, but it meant so much to me. The fact that you listen to me when I talk, that you took action to make a memory for those twelve boys that they will never forget…. It’s a day I will never forget.”

  “I didn’t do it just for them. I did it for you too. I know them being cooped up weighs heavy on your mind. I know you were worried about them not getting to experience life. It was something small I could do for you and for them.”

  “It was perfect,” she says, covering a yawn.

  “Come on. Let’s get you to bed,” I say as she reaches for her handle to climb out of my truck.

  “I need a shower.” She yawns again as we enter her apartment.

  “Me too.” Is it too much to hope she’ll ask me to join her?

  “I’ll make it quick,” she says, moving down the hall.

  I guess I got my answer. Making sure the door is locked, I go to my room, the one I no longer sleep in and strip down to my underwear, grabbing a clean pair to sleep in. Walking across the hall, I plug my phone in to charge and then head back to the living room to grab hers and do the same thing. All while, I’m trying to ignore the fact she’s naked and wet just behind the bathroom door. I stand outside the door, tempted to join her, but think better of it. The water shuts off, and I high tail it back to her room, so I’m not busted creeping outside the bathroom door.

  “All yours,” she announces.
r />   I look up to find her hair up in a towel, and another wrapped around her body. All that separates me from her is one piece of thick cotton. My cock begins to harden just thinking about seeing her like that again.

  “Coop,” she says, waving her hand in my face. I blink and look up at her. She’s now standing in front of me. “You okay?”

  “No,” I manage to croak out. I see the worry on her face, so I grab her hand and place it over my now rock-hard erection. “This is what you do to me.”

  “Oh.” Her eyes widen, but I see heat there.

  “Oh, is right. I’m going to shower. Please be dressed when I get back.”

  “Or what?”

  “Or I might have to sleep in my room in order to keep my hands off you.” She nods, but I can see what my words do to her. Her chest is rising and falling as if it’s hard for her to take a breath, and her tongue peeks out to lick her lips. I stand and step around her. “I love you, baby, but you’re too fucking tempting,” I say as I rush down the hall to take a cold shower.

  Chapter 16


  “Are we there yet?” I tease Cooper.

  “No.” He squeezes my thigh, where his hand has been resting the majority of this trip. “We’re going to meet with my agent at the stadium to sign the contracts, and then we’ll head to my condo.”

  “Are you excited about your deals?”

  “As excited as a man can be to have pictures taken of him in his underwear.” He laughs.

  “Should I be jealous? The women of the world are going to be ogling you.”

  “No. There is nothing for you to be jealous about. Besides, you’re the only one who gets to see what’s underneath.”

  “I don’t know. Have you seen some of those underwear commercials?” I ask him.

  “Yes, and trust me, there is nothing to worry about.”

  “So, what else is on the agenda for this weekend?”


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