On Your Knees

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On Your Knees Page 31

by Liz Bradford

  “I’m not going anywhere. The nurse brought me a pillow and some blankets. I’m sleeping on the couch… that is if I can sleep.” Fear flashed through her eyes. “Adam, I don’t want to close my eyes.”

  Of course. “Stay close. I’ll be here for you.”

  Her lips curled up into a tired smile.

  The nurse came into the room and checked on him. Ella stepped back but stayed close enough to keep her hand in his. Once the nurse finished her check and her instructions for him regarding his IV pain meds, the round older woman looked at Ella. “And how are you doing?”

  “I’m okay.”

  “Hun, I don’t believe you. But in any case, both of you need to get some sleep. Technically, he’s my patient, but let me know if you need anything either, okay?”

  Ella nodded. “Will do. Thank you.”

  Adam kept his eyes on Ella, and the nurse left. Ella turned her face back towards him and blushed when she caught him staring. “Come closer.”

  She leaned in towards him. He stroked her hair out of her face. He wanted to say so much but was unsure what to say at the same time. “I love you.”

  “I know. I love you too.” She came closer and closer, until their lips met. The kiss could only graze the surface of the passion he felt for her. And he could sense the same passion in the way she kissed him. She pulled back and smiled.

  “That should help you sleep,” he said.

  She giggled. “I’m not sure about that. But maybe.”

  Adam clenched his teeth and tried to shift in the hospital bed. Ella stirred next to him, and he tightened his arm around her. It had been a long night for both of them. The pain had woken him on several occasions. He had tried too hard to be a tough guy and limit the pain meds, but Ella had caught on and pushed the morphine drip for him. She had woken up to several nightmares. He wished he hadn’t been stuck in the bed unable to move. But at one point he woke up to her with her head on the side of the bed, and he had insisted she crawl in next to him. She had argued, afraid she would hurt him, but they had both slept better in each other’s arms.

  He looked up at the large clock on the wall. It was already after ten. Guess Ella isn’t going to get any breakfast from the cafeteria. Maybe one of their friends could bring her something once she woke up.

  He stroked her hair away from her face and took in the beauty of the woman whose head lay on his shoulder. Thank you, Jesus, for hearing my prayers and saving our lives.

  The door opened revealing a different nurse from the night before. The tall, dark woman in scrubs greeted him with a smile. “Good morning. I’m Keisha, and I’m your nurse today.” She padded quietly across the room and kept her voice low. “How are you feeling this morning?”

  “Eh. Okay, all things considered.”

  Ella stirred beside him. She smiled and opened her eyes.

  “Sorry, Hun, didn’t mean to wake ya,” Keisha said.

  “No worries.” Ella smiled at him and kissed his cheek before easing herself up and out of the bed.

  He didn’t want her to leave his side, and the cold spot left where her warm body had just been increased his longing for her closeness. But Keisha’s voice brought his focus away from Ella. “Hun, I’m sorry, I can’t recall your name.”


  “That’s right, Ella, will you be the one helping Adam change his dressings? Because I’d like to start teaching ya, so y’all feel real comfortable with it before he’s discharged.”

  “Umm…” Ella looked like a deer in headlights.

  Adam chuckled and answered for her. “I’ll probably change them myself mostly, but it wouldn’t hurt for her to know how. That is if you can handle it, Ella.”

  “I guess…” Her eyes narrowed, and she frowned.

  He tried not to laugh at her disgust. “Really don’t like the medical stuff, huh?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “You’ll be fine. You were always good at helping patch me up when we were kids.”

  “That was different. I didn’t have PTSD.”


  Her disgust gave way to a smile, and she winked at him. She stepped closer to the bed and took his hand. “All right, just show me.”

  Adam looked over at Keisha who was trying to suppress a giggle. “You two are adorable. I’m impressed with your good natures considering the circumstances. So, here’s what you do.” Keisha showed them how to care for his wound, and Ella handled it beautifully. Once that was done, Keisha helped him raise the bed, so he was in more of a sitting position, and she finished checking Adam’s vitals and made sure they didn’t need anything else. “All right, just ring if y’all need anything at all. And when you’re ready there are several people waiting outside to come in and see you. I’m supposed to limit visitors to three at a time, but I know you cops don’t like that rule, so my only stipulation is that you tell everyone to leave if you get tired. And Ella, if you see him getting weary, you kick ‘em out. Y’all hear me?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Adam said.

  Ella nodded. “Will do.”

  “You can send them in.” Adam wanted to be alone with Ella, but he knew that his friends and family would want to see him too.

  As soon as Keisha was out of the room Ella surprised Adam by leaning close and kissing him. Heat rose in his cheeks. She winked at him again; his heart danced.

  The door to his room swung open, and his sister appeared.

  “Heather!” He wanted to jump out of bed and hug her, but he had to wait until she came to him.

  “Adam!” They embraced. She pulled away and slapped him on the arm. “What were you thinking? Getting stabbed and all?”

  “Right, did that on purpose!” They both laughed. “When did you get here?”

  “Ella didn’t tell you?”

  He shook his head.

  “It slipped my mind,” Ella said from where she still stood next to his bed.

  “I got here while you were in surgery last night.”

  “How is that possible?”

  Heather’s face turned down. “Because after we got off the phone yesterday, I knew I had to tell you the truth about Scott, but I wanted to tell you in person. I should have told you, or someone, years ago.” Heather turned and pulled a chair up next to the bed and sat.

  Ella sat on the edge of the bed. Adam put his hand on her thigh, and she took it in her hand. With his other hand he reached out for his sister’s. She took it into both of her hands and leaned forward placing her forehead on their hands. “Oh, Adam, this is all my fault.” She looked up at him with tearful eyes.

  “How is anything about this your fault?”

  “If I had recognized the truth back in high school. If I had come forward, he wouldn’t have been able to hurt you, either of you.”

  “What are you talking about, Heather?”

  Heather bit the side of her lip and rubbed the back of her neck. “When Scott and I were dating twenty-five years ago, he… he pushed me to do more than I wanted to.”

  Adam’s insides lurched. “He raped you?”

  Heather’s eyes dropped back to her hands that held Adam’s. “I didn’t recognize it as that then. I thought because he was my boyfriend that somehow, it was my fault.”

  “Absolutely not.”

  Her eyes softened into a slight smile. “I know that now. It took a long time and a lot of work, but I see what he did was wrong. But what is my fault is that I didn’t come forward. I didn’t tell you right away when you told me Scott was back in town. But Ella, if I had said something back then, maybe… maybe I could have spared you so much hurt.”

  Ella reached across Adam and took Heather’s hand. “No, you can’t think that way, Heather. What happened is done and over. There’s no use dwelling on the what ifs because they aren’t. We are all here, alive, and safe. That’s what matters.” Tears formed in Ella’s eyes. “I’m so sorry you went through that, Heather.”

  “Same, Ella.”

  Adam shifted. He groa
ned and grabbed his wound. “I just wish we had figured out it was him before last night.”

  “You’re telling me!” Ella’s eyes grew wide.

  He laughed which just made his abdomen hurt more.

  “Sorry.” Ella must have noticed the grimace he tried to hide.

  After a moment of quiet passed Heather said, “Mom is with the boys at home and will come by later. She understood that I wanted to talk to you. Also, there are some others waiting in the hallway to see you. Should I let them in now?”


  Heather disappeared. A moment later, Amelia and Becca came rushing into the room followed by Caleb, Jared, and Heather. Becca came over to him and patted his head.

  “That was too close, Mister.”

  “Tell me about it. You’re not the one lying in a hospital bed.”

  “I’m glad you’re okay.” Becca squeezed his shoulder.

  “Me too.” Amelia said coming around next to Ella. She handed Ella a bag. “A few things I thought you’d like to have since I can’t convince you to leave.”

  “Thanks.” Ella hugged her. “I’ll leave for a bit at some point.”

  “Sure, you will,” Amelia teased.

  “If I have any say”—Adam raised his pointer finger—“I’m fine with her staying here as much as she wants.”

  “We all know you think that.” Jared laughed.

  Adam’s eyes met Ella’s. Her cheeks turned pink as she smiled at him.

  He winked at her.

  Ella pulled the car into the parking spot and turned to Adam. “Are you sure you’re up to this tonight? I’m sure everyone will understand if we change plans and do something more low-key.”

  “Thanks, babe, but I’m fine, really.”

  It had only been a week since Adam had been released from the hospital, but it was his birthday, and he insisted that they celebrate with karaoke. She had secretly learned a song for them to sing tonight, and she couldn’t wait to surprise him, but she also didn’t want him to push himself too hard. “If you say so. But we’re leaving if I notice you’re getting too tired.”

  “I love having you take care of me.” He reached across the car and pulled her close and planted a kiss on her lips. “Even if you can be a bit overbearing. As if living with my mom wasn’t bad enough.”

  The twinkle in his eye made her laugh. “You know I can’t help myself. I just love you too much.”

  “I love you too.”

  They got out of the car and slowly walked hand in hand to the restaurant. Inside they were greeted by all their friends. Ginger hugs were given to Adam as happy birthday wishes were shared. Ella sat in a chair between Adam and Jocelyn.

  “How’s he doing, for real?” Jocelyn leaned close to Ella.

  “He’s doing all right. Keeps trying to push himself to do more than he should, but I made sure he took a nap after I got home from school this afternoon.”


  “Where’s Patrick? He still have hard feelings with everyone for suspecting him of being the attacker?”

  “Uh, I… I guess.”

  Gavin pulled out the chair on the other side of Jocelyn and sat. “He’s on duty tonight anyway.”

  Adam slid his arm across the back of her chair pulling her attention away from Jocelyn and Gavin. She leaned into him, and the waitress took everyone’s drink orders. Once everyone had ordered, Ella sat up straight and turned towards Adam. “Time to sing.”


  “Yep.” She stood. “Will you sing with me?”

  “Of course.” He took her hand, and everyone cheered them on as they made their way to the stage. The MC handed them the mics, and Adam sat on a stool. The music began.

  “You know this one, right?” she asked him during the intro.

  “I do. Do you?”

  “I do.”

  They sang the popular love duet together, and Ella’s heart soared. She loved Adam more than she thought possible. They sang the last few notes, and Adam pulled her close and wrapped his arm around her waist. When the music faded, she turned and kissed him without any regard to the eyes of everyone in the restaurant being glued to them. Ella pulled away from the kiss. Everyone was giving them a standing ovation. But she knew it was for Adam more than her. A police officer wounded in the line of duty.

  “They’re clapping for you, ya know.” Adam stood and put his arm around her shoulders and leaned a little heavier on her than normal.

  She put her arm tightly around his waist and supported his weight, and they walked back to the table. “Not hardly, love.”

  They sat and after everyone congratulated. Amelia clanged her knife against her glass. “Well, I have an announcement. Since my partner is on desk duty for the foreseeable future, I decided, well, I was also ordered by my superiors, to officially go on desk duty myself since I have”—she rubbed her tummy—“a little boy to think of.”

  “A boy!?” Ella exclaimed. “I thought you guys weren’t going to find out?”

  “We weren’t, but let’s just say he wasn’t shy during my ultrasound this afternoon.”

  Everyone laughed.

  Adam leaned in close to her ear. “Do you want to find out when we have a baby?”

  She froze for a second before turning to him. “Getting a little ahead of yourself there, aren’t you, Adam?”

  He shrugged his shoulders while sporting a goofy grin. “Eh. Just preparing for the inevitable future.”

  “Oh, so if you can see the future, why don’t you go ahead and tell me if we’ll have a boy or girl, because I want to know as soon as possible.”

  “My foresight isn’t that good. But you know what I do see?”


  “Me kissing you.”

  “That’s no surprise.”

  “True.” He leaned in and kissed her sweetly on the lips.


  Four Months Later

  Ella slipped her hand in Adam’s as they walked down the path towards the lake. It was an unseasonably warm February evening. The last four months had been the happiest in her life. Every day wasn’t roses, but nearly. Adam’s stab wound had healed well without any complication. Her parents had come around and learned to love Adam again and now fully supported their growing relationship.

  Adam had lived with his mom for a month after the attack but had moved back to their little dream house. Ella still had a difficult time going inside. The place they had dreamed of as kids had been stained with the blood of a man who had tried to kill them. The memories of pulling the trigger still haunted her every time she walked to the end of that hallway, but she was making progress with the new counselor she was seeing. And God was healing her.

  Adam’s voice cut into her thoughts as they walked along the path. “The contractor came over today.”

  “Oh yeah?” While the memories couldn’t be changed, the house could be.

  “Yep, he thinks our ideas for renovating the house are totally feasible.”

  Her heart bounced. Was this really happening? He was talking to someone about adding on to the house. “So, second story isn’t out of the question?”

  “Nope. The foundation is in perfect shape for it. Two more bedrooms and a bathroom. Plenty of room for babies.”

  “Slow down, Mister. You have to marry me before we can talk babies.”

  His gentle chuckle drew her eyes to his face. “I know.” He pulled her hand and took her down by the water.

  There on the sand was a blanket laid out with a basket. Adam’s guitar rested up against the basket.


  “Let’s sit.”

  “Okay. I thought we were celebrating Valentine’s Day tomorrow?”

  He sat on the blanket and picked up his guitar. “We are. But this is something different.”

  Ella lowered herself onto the blanket next to Adam.

  He started strumming. “Ella”—he plucked the strings of the guitar—“I wrote a little song for you when we were younger, bu
t I never got to sing it to you. Mostly because I was too embarrassed, but… well, we drifted, and I pushed you away. I found the piece of paper I wrote it on stuffed in my Bible and have been working on making it something worthy of you, and I think it’s ready to share with you now.”

  Tears welled up in Ella’s eyes. A song for her? She pressed her lips together and just waited. Adam’s rich baritone filled the quiet of dusk.

  Down by the lake, we swam and played,

  Down by the lake, we fell in love,

  We were only children, but that didn’t matter

  Down by the lake

  Years have gone by, and I thought I lost you

  Years have gone by, but God found me

  Things change but they stayed the same

  Years have gone by

  I love you, I always loved you

  I love you, more than I knew

  God brought us back to have and to hold

  I love you

  Please marry me, be mine forever

  Please marry me, I’ll be yours too

  Won’t you say yes, would you please say yes.

  Please marry me.

  He put down his guitar and shifted until he was kneeling on one knee. He reached into the basket and pulled out a little jewelry box.

  Ella’s hands covered her mouth and tears streamed out of her eyes.

  “Well, Eleanor Grace Perkins. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever known, inside and out. You bring out the best in me. You’ve taught me how to love and shown me who God is. You are the most forgiving and kind human being. I cannot fathom life without you. I don’t want to. I would be honored if you would be my wife. I promise to take care of you and love you all the days of my life. Will you marry me?”

  She lifted herself to her knees and threw her arms around his neck. “Yes!”

  His arms encompassed her and held her tight. “I love you.”

  “I love you.”

  He pulled back enough to kiss her. He lifted the ring out of the box and slipped it onto her finger.


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