International Banker, Beach Boy

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International Banker, Beach Boy Page 1

by Mia Terry

  International Banker, Beach Boy

  Mia Terry


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18



  International Banker, Beach Boy

  Copyright © Mia Terry, 2019

  Email: [email protected]

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a database and retrieval system or transmitted in any form or any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the owner of copyright and the above publishers.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Cover Art by Reese Dante,

  Edited by Jonathan Penn, Romantic Penn Publication Services,

  Cover content is for illustrative purposes only. Any person depicted on the cover is a model.

  Chapter 1

  Normally, Ollie would have quite enjoyed being wedged between two hot men, but the novelty of that had worn off about six hours—and five hundred kilometers—ago.

  “Remind me again why we didn’t fly?” he asked Luke. The lucky bastard had more room up front, where he was driving. The backseat of the Land Cruiser they were in mightn’t have been small, but Ollie was sure it wasn’t designed for three grown men. Especially not designed for men whose shoulders testified to regular gym visits.

  “Hey, a road trip sounded fun in the planning,” said Jai, from the seat next to him. From the way he had wiggled around to get comfortable, a few minutes earlier, Ollie guessed he was mainly just defending his boyfriend’s idea.

  “And if we have the car, Luke figured it would be easier to escape,” Kris contributed from Ollie’s other side with a wry grin. He never seemed to be able to help his compulsion to mock his best friend’s boyfriend who was more than a little wound up about the holiday.

  Everyone in the car, including Jai and Luke laughed. Luke’s nervousness about the vacation wasn’t a surprise to anyone. It had taken Ollie back when Jai initially rang him with the idea. Straight-laced Luke in a Byron Bay clothing optional gay resort, was definitely not the place Ollie thought was on top of this particular policeman’s list of dream holidays.

  “We live in a country town where we are the only openly gay couple. I love Dungoon, but Luke needs some time where he doesn’t feel like he is in this minority relationship everyone is staring at,” Jai had explained over the phone.

  “I’ve met your boyfriend, and I think given the choice he’d prefer the conservative country town any day, over an orgy.” Ollie had replied only partially tongue in cheek.

  Jai laughed and Ollie had remembered why he had so wanted to be this man’s friend when he met him. “I promise I’m not proposing a trip to swingers central. It’s just a nice gay resort near good beaches. I spoke to the owner. They don’t allow day guests, so it’s not a pickup place, I’m sure the guests swimming naked in the pool is as wild as it gets. I just want him to have a week where he doesn’t have to think twice before holding my hand.”

  Ollie hadn’t been completely convinced of Luke’s comfort with this destination, but he himself had no problem with a luxurious resort where swimming naked was an option. Anyway, these men were his friends and even if he had to be the sad single among them, a week in Byron at a luxurious resort sounded good. So he’d accepted and found himself here, in this car, cramped between the now fidgeting Jai and Kris.

  “I’m still not sure why I’m stuck in the back with the besties?” Ollie bitched. “And in the middle seat no less, you bastards.”

  “Two very good reasons,” Jai said. His stunted travel agent bossy side had been on full display throughout the planning of the entire trip. “You’re stuck in the back with us because my boyfriend of little faith thought the hot couple,” he waved his hand towards Billy and Kris. “Might not be the safest hands for front seat driving because…”

  Jai’s voice trailed off as he tried to think of some way to explain the situation politely, an amount of discretion that was admittedly unusual for him.

  However, Kris kindly finished the trailing sentence for him. “They somehow thought Billy and I may forget about all you gabby lot being in the back and one of us might end up giving road head or something.”

  Even over Billy’s burble of protest from the front of the car, Ollie turned to Jai, and with a shrug said, “Fair enough.”

  Kris had been the first person in this group whom Ollie had made friends with and, in their early morning rowing sessions, he’d heard about Kris and Billy’s slightly exhibitionist streak. It was amazing what a man would confess, in a quiet lull on the dawn water.

  Jai’s wicked smile was almost attractive enough to make up for his next words, “and you’re in the middle because I picked you up last.”

  “You guys were staying at Kris and Billy’s apartment last night,” Ollie protested. “You were always going to pick me up last.”

  “Boo-hoo baby,” Jai replied, his wicked smile still present. “Sometimes even a blonde, rugby playing, Eastern Suburbs boy has to deal with life’s disappointments.”

  Ollie took the ribbing and the resulting laughter with grace. Yeah, he could hardly complain about being in the back of a pretty comfortable car. Especially when he was with his friends on the way to a resort where he would get to relax for a week.

  Though, as he got bumped for about the eightieth time by Kris’s sharp shoulder, he definitely didn’t regret his decision to stay on an extra few days and fly home at the end. At least this way, he didn’t have to go all spoiled rich boy and book the flight home, regardless. Maybe it was his privilege talking, but there was no way he’d have been cool with signing up for the car trip on the return journey.

  Half an hour later, Luke’s voice broke through the general chatter. “We’re almost there.”

  He’d turned off the highway a little early, so they were on the coast road. Looking out at the blue horizon, Ollie was definitely glad he’d signed up for this holiday. The ocean sparkled and the stretches of golden sand looked glorious. Almost as good a sight was the line of cars and fit surfers getting changed in and out of their wetsuits. The Byron area had many things in abundance, but one of its most attractive resources were the fit young men who were here for the beach lifestyle.

  Ollie had first been here for schoolies twelve years ago, and even then, one of his friends had commented that they must do a turnaround on unattractive people before they were let into the town. The older hippies probably didn’t fit that profile, but Ollie had to agree; everywhere you looked there were more beautiful people per head than anywhere else he’d ever seen. Hopefully, that bode well for this holiday. As the only single man on the trip, he was looking for some eye candy at least. Probably that was all he would get because from memory almost all those strong muscular surfers came with equally beautiful and fit girlfriends.

  Luke turned left, and it wasn’t long before he was pulling up outside an impres
sive pair of steel gates at the beginning of a long driveway. He put in the code provided for them, and after a short pause, they heard a voice. “McCain Latimore party?”

  “How come those guys get to be the group name?” Kris complained in Ollie’s ear as Luke confirmed their identity.

  “I found the place,” Jai replied. As usual, with his best friend, he tuned in automatically.

  Ollie ignored the bickering as the car slowly made its way up the winding driveway. On each side of the road, the trees were beautiful. The property had definitely not done away with the sub-tropical surrounds.

  They parked in front of a long main building. Ollie scrabbled out of the car, following Kris; he was ready to stretch out his full six-foot-two height.

  Luke, who was a similar size, looked over at him sympathetically. “Long drive and crappy in the back.” He gave Ollie a rueful look. “I’m not used to looking in the rear-view mirror and seeing you all there. I’m more used to having to check on my prisoners.”

  Ollie laughed. He liked Luke. He was definitely the first police friend Ollie had ever had. Ollie didn’t have anything personal against the police force; it was just he’d had nothing to do with them at all. Luke might be an unusual pairing with sophisticated Jai, but their absolute love and affection for each other were obvious even to the most casual observer and Ollie enjoyed being in their presence.

  It wasn’t long before that affection was in motion with Jai wrapping his arm around his boyfriend, as they moved into the resort’s main reception. Ollie was relieved to see the man at the front desk was fully clothed. Jai had assured them all the clothing-optional part of the resort’s mandate didn’t mean nudist. Ollie had no objection to naked men, in fact, a lot of his dating life was devoted to getting them into that state, but he had to admit an inbuilt social reserve in him wasn’t ready for a resort that was all naked all the time.

  The man in his forties greeted them with a smile. “Welcome to the Acacia Resort. I’m Robert and I’m sure you’ll be seeing my partner Mark around the place.”

  “We’re glad to be here,” Ollie chimed in. He liked the main area with its polished timber floors and comfortable arrangements of chairs all pulled into companionable groups.

  Robert glowed at the compliment and after they’d signed off on the paperwork, he came out from behind the desk and started walking towards the area they’d be staying in. From what Ollie had already seen online, he knew that all the resort’s accommodations were in luxury cabins.

  Robert explained their particular setup as he led them through the beautiful, well-tended gardens. “Because you are a group, your friend suggested you all might enjoy a little privacy, so you’ve got the Banksia collection of cabins. There are just three in total and it has its own small pool in the middle. I’ll point out the way to the main pool though, and we encourage you to come for your evening drinks there.”

  They all promised they’d do so. Ollie knew both Jai and Kris were sober and wouldn’t be having any alcohol, and neither of their boyfriends were big drinkers either. However, as a group, they were all sociable enough to want to take part in the gay community the resort offered. Ollie knew from his research there were about forty other cabins in the entire resort, so about 80 guests around at any one time.

  They must have arrived in the quiet lull of the day, because, as they walked down the tranquil path, they didn’t spot any other guests. Ollie had to admit to a little disappointment, he wasn’t on the hunt, but he wouldn’t mind checking out the talent. However, only a few hundred meters walk brought them to a charming group of three cabins.

  Robert had figured the groups’ readiness to wash away the long drive, so after supplying them with a quick rundown of the amenities, he bid them good-bye with a final reminder he’d be seeing them in a few hours at the evening drinks.

  Ollie checked out his cabin, and for the first time reconsidered his decision to come on this holiday. It wasn’t that the cabin wasn’t beautiful and luxurious, because it was. It was just because being here all alone seemed like a waste.

  Everything in the place was designed to be enjoyed—and clearly, really-really enjoyed—by having sex on it. From the round couch, in the middle of the living room, that would fit either an enthusiastic couple or three or four participants, and the long bench seat in the multi-showerhead shower, they had designed this place for hedonism.

  Probably there would be a good-looking guy among the guests who would be interested in hooking up and making the most of the facilities provided. The only problem was, as of about a year ago, Ollie had become a lot pickier about the casual sex thing. He’d never been indiscriminate about his partners, but he’d also not turned down a good time if the mood, and the standard of the man offering, appealed to him. However, about a year ago, something inside him had shifted, and being with a gorgeous guy for just the night became something he just wasn’t as interested in anymore. Maybe it was because the conquests had come easily for him in the past, maybe it was watching one of his best friends find real love, but his interest in one-night stands had dried up.

  He had a horrible feeling that by the end of the weekend he was going to be really sick of the glowing happiness of his in-love friends. What might normally be a joyful thing to observe and usually even a little bit #lifegoals, possibly by the end of the week would just end up being a reminder of his perpetually single state. And there could be no denying it, both Jai and Luke, and Billy and Kris were absolutely sickeningly in love.

  Well, at least if he was going to be jealous of other people’s happiness, and Ollie well knew of just how petty that thought sounded as it echoed through his brain, he would be jealous in lovely surrounds.

  Ollie showered off the worst of the car ride in his large bathroom. It was all shiny stone surfaces and natural light. The bathroom had doors that opened out onto a little courtyard garden, lusciously planted with palms, and which had another shower—and sex bench. Just this one was alfresco. As he wrapped a soft white towel around himself and looked at the charming outdoor setting, Ollie couldn’t help regretting he hadn’t gone for the outdoor shower option though there would be plenty of time for it this week. He had grown up with some relatively extreme wealth, but even he could appreciate the carefully chosen plush aesthetics of this place.

  About an hour after he had changed in to his swimsuit, and slightly more modest shorts, and settled in the living room with his Kindle, Ollie replied when a short knock sounded on his door.

  “Not locked,” he called.

  “Murderers could be lurking, even in the rainforest,” Kris replied, as he popped into the room with a definite renewed enthusiasm.

  Ollie took one look at Kris’s relaxed smiling face and groaned. “One hour here and you’ve already gotten laid. Did you just come over to rub that one in?”

  Kris’s smile actually got smugger. “Did you not see these rooms? It would be an insult to the designer if he hadn’t fucked me within ten minutes of walking in. Anyway, Billy was sleepy afterward, and I got bored, so you’re going to have to entertain me.”

  Ollie rolled his eyes as his friend settled next to him on the sofa. “Turning twenty-nine was obviously a dodgy move for me. Now I’m relegated to holiday entertainer when your beautiful young boyfriend is asleep.”

  “Yeah, but sadly I didn’t want to sleep with you even when you were a much fresher twenty-seven,” Kris immediately shot back.

  Their shared laughter reminded Ollie of why Kris had immediately made it past his defenses and become such a good friend. It wasn’t that Ollie didn’t have a wide social circle both within and outside of the gay community. However, trust and a genuine understanding had quickly developed between him and his rowing partner. It probably didn’t hurt that, although he could acknowledge the other man’s obvious beauty, he had never felt the slightest need to seduce him. It was only a slight pinch to his pride that Kris had obviously never been at risk of falling for him either. Now Kris was with Billy, Ollie had widened their fr
iendship to Billy as well. Which was why he was here in sex paradise alone.

  Ollie pouted in Kris’s direction. “What the hell am I supposed to do this week if you guys don’t get out of bed?”

  “Not going to lie, that’s a distinct possibility.” Kris didn’t even look apologetic when he shrugged. “Hey, it’s Byron. Some of the world’s best beaches are here on our doorstep. You could snorkel, kayak or surf, or it’s Byron so you could go to the beach and pick up a backpacker.”

  Dismissing the backpacker idea because, hey, he was twenty-nine, not nineteen, Ollie couldn’t argue with the idea of booking some leisure activities.

  It had to be better than spending each day waiting for his friends to appear looking sheepish and well-loved.

  It wasn’t in Ollie’s nature to be sulky, so he smiled over at his friend and said simply, “He makes you happy.”

  Cool, calm, collected Kris, blushed, actually blushed. Then he returned Ollie’s smile with a radiance Ollie hadn’t known he was capable of until a year ago. “Bloody being in love,” Kris swore with a reluctance they both knew was a pretense. “It makes you embarrassingly cheerful.”

  “The horror,” Ollie replied, with only mild sarcasm.

  Kris seemed to have decided he wanted to be spared any future blushes as he turned his focus onto Ollie. “Job been any better in the past few weeks?”

  Ollie shrugged. He might have trusted Kris better than almost anyone else in the world, but he wasn’t ready to talk honestly about the complex choices which were rapidly approaching. Luckily, he could hear some activity that meant the others were gathering on the joined outside decks.

  “You must not have sexed him up that good because he has woken up in time for the welcome drinks,” he said to Kris.


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